Mermagon *redesign*
Mermagon *redesign*
Mermagon *redesign* by rolla_roach


Since we've been granted some extra days, I thought I'd take advantage of that and toss in another submission for Tuxedo_Mini_Mask's Original Pokemon contest. This is a revamp of one of my old originals, Mermagon the Sea Dragon Pokemon. *BEWARE! LONG DESCRIPTION!*
Name: Mermagon
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Take Down, Slash, Fury Swipes, Dragon Rage, Dead Fish (it hides in a rock crevice and twitches its tail, which resembles an injured fish, to attract Gyarados and other prey items.) The reason I didn’t add point damage is because this Pokemon uses its attacks solely to hunt and kill. The damage is virtually always fatal. It must eat constantly to maintain its energy, which is burned up very quickly.
Evolution Level: N/A
Evolution Forms: Unknown, but theoretically, none.
Location: It used to occupy the deepest parts of the ocean, every night coming up on land to sleep on the hot sand (it is a reptile, and, hypothetically, it would not be able to survive a night in the chilly water.)
Type: Dragon/Water
Description: This prehistoric beast was designed to be a superb hunter. When it wasn’t hunting its usual prey, Gyarados, it would hunt and eat every prey item that it could grab; Lapras being its second favorite meal. A relentless hunter, it would never give up a chase, even it were only a tiny Remoraid or Goldeen swimming by. Not only was this sea monster a fantastic swimmer, reaching underwater speeds of 65 miles per hour, it also, when this top speed was reached, launched itself out of the water to snag an unsuspecting Aerodactyl. Its fin wings would carry it a good 100 feet in the air and 80 feet across; the monster itself being a remarkable 67 feet in length and weighing an outstanding 6 tons. It even had arms, which it kept in a large, watersealed pouch in its chest cavity. When it wanted to come on land, it would force the scaly, clawed limbs out from slits in its side. It had a pretty amazing on-land speed of 35 miles an hour. Such a tremendous and successful hunter, it was the king of its’ time. It has been thought to be extinct for millions of years.
But, a few years ago, scientists were shocked when a fully preserved dead one washed up on the shores of the Indigo Plateau. It was inconspicuously collected and brought to a lab. A necropsy was performed, and the scientists became even more baffled when they discovered that this specimen, a female, was in perfect health when she died. Her massive chest cavity, holding a colossal heart weighing 150 pounds and encased in solid bone, was perfectly unharmed. Her lung, also encased in bone, was in great shape as well. Her tiny medieval brain was no larger then a tennis ball, but it, too, was in good condition. Skin samples were sent to Pokemon Centers all across the globe. It was then discovered that the beast died of hypothermia; a very possible reaction during the Ice Age. Due to Global Warming, her ice coffin must have melted and that is why she appeared one day in perfect condition.
What the scientists DON’T know is that she had a mate with her who was also freed from his icy prison…and he came out alive. Now, in a world totally unprepared for such a monster, the Mermagon must try to adapt and cope with the fact that there are now ships on his water, planes in his airspace and strange, two-legged beings on his beaches. How does a monster from the prehistoric age deal with a problem like humans? In the only fashion he knows how; fierce and unrelenting aggression. Currently, he’s been hanging around the warm waters of the Bermuda Triangle, taking out Cruise Ships, aircrafts and privet yachts. His remarkable digestive system allows him to consume everything; metal, wood and all, just to get to the juicy tidbits inside. Humans are just now becoming aware of his presence in the ocean, and are completely clueless as to how to deal with this giant, unintelligent, unremorseful King of the Sea.
Built to withstand intense water pressure, bullets can’t pierce his thick skin. His major organs are all protected by their own exoskeletons so they won’t be crushed under the pressures of deep water. He can digest anything; even poison. The only way to take this monster out is to cause some form of damage to its tiny brain. But, many Pokemon activists rebel against the idea of destroying the animal. They argue that it is a living Pokemon too, and deserves just treatment. Others, however, want nothing more then to have the dinosaur killed, as it was Nature who selected it to die out, and this one just happened to ‘dodge the bullet’, so to speak. Currently, mankind is at a loss of what to do with this Neanderthal of Pokemon, who continues to swim the seas, consuming everything in his path and making the oceans once again, his own.
I doubt anyone read all of that, but if you did, Gold stars for you!
Done with sharpies.
Mermagon (C) MW Roach A.K.A. rollaroach
Pokemon (C) Nintendo
Name: Mermagon
Attacks: Hydro Pump, Take Down, Slash, Fury Swipes, Dragon Rage, Dead Fish (it hides in a rock crevice and twitches its tail, which resembles an injured fish, to attract Gyarados and other prey items.) The reason I didn’t add point damage is because this Pokemon uses its attacks solely to hunt and kill. The damage is virtually always fatal. It must eat constantly to maintain its energy, which is burned up very quickly.
Evolution Level: N/A
Evolution Forms: Unknown, but theoretically, none.
Location: It used to occupy the deepest parts of the ocean, every night coming up on land to sleep on the hot sand (it is a reptile, and, hypothetically, it would not be able to survive a night in the chilly water.)
Type: Dragon/Water
Description: This prehistoric beast was designed to be a superb hunter. When it wasn’t hunting its usual prey, Gyarados, it would hunt and eat every prey item that it could grab; Lapras being its second favorite meal. A relentless hunter, it would never give up a chase, even it were only a tiny Remoraid or Goldeen swimming by. Not only was this sea monster a fantastic swimmer, reaching underwater speeds of 65 miles per hour, it also, when this top speed was reached, launched itself out of the water to snag an unsuspecting Aerodactyl. Its fin wings would carry it a good 100 feet in the air and 80 feet across; the monster itself being a remarkable 67 feet in length and weighing an outstanding 6 tons. It even had arms, which it kept in a large, watersealed pouch in its chest cavity. When it wanted to come on land, it would force the scaly, clawed limbs out from slits in its side. It had a pretty amazing on-land speed of 35 miles an hour. Such a tremendous and successful hunter, it was the king of its’ time. It has been thought to be extinct for millions of years.
But, a few years ago, scientists were shocked when a fully preserved dead one washed up on the shores of the Indigo Plateau. It was inconspicuously collected and brought to a lab. A necropsy was performed, and the scientists became even more baffled when they discovered that this specimen, a female, was in perfect health when she died. Her massive chest cavity, holding a colossal heart weighing 150 pounds and encased in solid bone, was perfectly unharmed. Her lung, also encased in bone, was in great shape as well. Her tiny medieval brain was no larger then a tennis ball, but it, too, was in good condition. Skin samples were sent to Pokemon Centers all across the globe. It was then discovered that the beast died of hypothermia; a very possible reaction during the Ice Age. Due to Global Warming, her ice coffin must have melted and that is why she appeared one day in perfect condition.
What the scientists DON’T know is that she had a mate with her who was also freed from his icy prison…and he came out alive. Now, in a world totally unprepared for such a monster, the Mermagon must try to adapt and cope with the fact that there are now ships on his water, planes in his airspace and strange, two-legged beings on his beaches. How does a monster from the prehistoric age deal with a problem like humans? In the only fashion he knows how; fierce and unrelenting aggression. Currently, he’s been hanging around the warm waters of the Bermuda Triangle, taking out Cruise Ships, aircrafts and privet yachts. His remarkable digestive system allows him to consume everything; metal, wood and all, just to get to the juicy tidbits inside. Humans are just now becoming aware of his presence in the ocean, and are completely clueless as to how to deal with this giant, unintelligent, unremorseful King of the Sea.
Built to withstand intense water pressure, bullets can’t pierce his thick skin. His major organs are all protected by their own exoskeletons so they won’t be crushed under the pressures of deep water. He can digest anything; even poison. The only way to take this monster out is to cause some form of damage to its tiny brain. But, many Pokemon activists rebel against the idea of destroying the animal. They argue that it is a living Pokemon too, and deserves just treatment. Others, however, want nothing more then to have the dinosaur killed, as it was Nature who selected it to die out, and this one just happened to ‘dodge the bullet’, so to speak. Currently, mankind is at a loss of what to do with this Neanderthal of Pokemon, who continues to swim the seas, consuming everything in his path and making the oceans once again, his own.
I doubt anyone read all of that, but if you did, Gold stars for you!
Done with sharpies.
Mermagon (C) MW Roach A.K.A. rollaroach
Pokemon (C) Nintendo
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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » - Original (fan-made) Pokémon
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Views 1447
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Vote Score 2
Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » - Original (fan-made) Pokémon
Date Submitted
Views 1447
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Vote Score 2
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orcameister on February 16, 2009, 3:57:38 AM
orcameister on

OliverandJames4ever on October 5, 2008, 6:09:27 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on September 28, 2008, 5:21:10 AM

Name: mermagon
Quality:10 *normally I would take off points, but it looks like it will still fit with the style of the game, So no harm nor foul ^_^)
Attacks Given to Pokemon:10
Over all Originality:10
awesome job ^_^