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Bedtime RyuxAnu

Bedtime RyuxAnu

Bedtime RyuxAnu by ryuran123352
Bedtime RyuxAnu by ryuran123352


Ryu nods. "At least I can sense when it's close..." she says quietly, hugging her knees to her chest. She has and idea, and heads off to her room. She comes back with her completed doujinshi diary. "This'll explain everything that's going on...." she said handing it to Bertrund. "It'll explain it better then words really could..."
"Alright...I'll read it..." Bertrund said. "Is there anywhere I can go where I can read it alone?"
Ryu nods, and leads Bertrund to her art gallery. "Here. It's nice and quiet," she turns and heads to her room. She needs some time to think...
Yaldabaoth yawned. "So what do we do now?"
Anubis contemplated. "Our best move is to wait...Ryu, does my human form compromise my power in any way?"
Ryu smiles. "Nope... I'm pretty sure your power stays the same... It might take a second more to use your wings, but other then that your power should be normal."
"Good." He smiled. "Then all we must do is relax, I guess."
Yaldabaoth huffed. "Sure. I'll do that." He got up. "I'm gonna make a sammich..."
Ryu closed her door, locking it. She went to her bag, and grabbed her bottle of pills. She was feeling pretty crappy about everything... She was try to deal with it without hurting herself... She wouldn't do that again...
Yaldabaoth was mixing random ingrediants without so much a second though. "Well, after this Anubis I'm going to be. You do whatever."
Anubis thought about it. "I think Ryu will need someone to comfort her right now...I better go..." He walked to her room door and knocked. "Ryu...can I come in?"
"Yeah..." Ryu hid the bottle and opened the door. "You can come it..." The low self worth was hitting amazingly hard now... The self hatred, the anger... She had been so stupid. She could be forgiving with anyone... Anyone but herself...
Anubis came in, closing the door. He kissed her neck lightly. "I figured you'd want me here." He wrapped his arms around her.
"You don't know how right you are...." she shook her head. "You really could never know..." she snuggled against him, just telling herself she wasn't alone anymore. She needed to calm down. It was her fault but she could fix it. She had to stop all these harsh feelings.
Anubis rubbed her back. "You can cry, if you want. Anything. Let it all out."
"It's just... I was so stupid... All the feelings... Of self hatred... they're coming back... I thought they might stay away... But...." She buries her head in Anubis's shoulder. "I just can't help it..."
"It's okay..." He whispered lovingly into her ear. "Even God should be allowed to make a mistake every now and aren't one is..."
"But my one stupid mistake..." tears trickled slowly down her face. "I've put everyone in danger... And managed to hurt my first friend... Trust me... I know I'm not perfect... That's why my parents hated me... And the reason... That I've hated myself... for so long..."
"You shouldn't hate're the most amazing person I've ever known, Ryu..." Anubis told her, ~I wish you could see that...~
"But I've done so many stupid things... You wouldn't beleive it..." She took a breath. "What I've done... But I've been trying so hard to do better now... I really have...."
Anubis kissed her. "Don't be so hard on yourself...the more you try to strive to do nothing but good, the more it'll hurt when you must simply live..."
"You're right...." She sighed snuggling against Anubis. "But the reason I want to do good... Is to make up for all the harm I've done... To myself.... And to others..."
"We just want you to be happy...past sins are irrelevant to us." He said smiling, his arms tightly around her.
"But I can't forget them... I see it every day... The results of what I've done..." She shook her head. "You're right... I have to stop... I have you and the others... I know that.... It's just all so hard..."
"We'll get through it together. That's what I'm here for." Anubis smiled, kissing her forehead. "Feel any better?"
"Yeah... Thank you... I've needed this... Even after all this time I'm so used to being alone... I jsut needed someone to talk to.... Thanks for listening...." She kissed his cheek. "I needed that.... more then you could ever know..."
"I'm glad I was the one who could give it to you." Anubis ruffled her hair. "Feel tired?"
"A little... That was all so hard to say... Even to you... It's so hard for me to express any feelings... To trust anyone..." she yawned a little. "Thank you..."
"Let's just sleep. You'll feel better." Anubis smiled and laid down. "Care to join me?"
Ryu nodded, laying down on her stomach, snuggling against Anubis. "Alright.... See you in the morning then..." She made sure her sleeves were pulled down, the one thing she was really uncomfortable about... No matter what she did, for some reason those scars wouldn't fade...
Anubis put his arm around her...and drifted to sleep...
"Shuichi...have you found anything yet?" Harlan said after a long amount of silence. He was resting on his shoulder, eyes closed and silent, for a while now, hoping to let him concentrate.
Shuichi nodded. "Finally found it... I really need to organize these things..."
"What exactly did you find?" Harlan asked.
"The spell I need to get to Dracula's place..." he said.
Harlan kissed his cheek. "Okay...I'm going to go to sleep, okay? I'm tired..."
"Sure.... I'll probably be gone by morning... Alright?" Kisuhara kisses Harlan, softly. He grabbed a sheet of paper out of a box. "Oh... I forgot... You can contact me by writing on this, It's a spell, I have the other sheet in the set, so if you need me just write and I'll be back okay?"
Harlan kissed back, grabbing the sheet. "Okay...good night. Love you." He walked out of the room, heading to their bedroom.
"Good night Harlan... Love you..." He muttered a spell, placing a barrier around the house. He gathered a few of his things and left. "The sooner I get this over with... The sooner Hikiro is gone for good," he told himself, and disappeared.
The morning had come as quickly as night had, and Harlan found himself waking up, for the first time in months, with no one beside him. He let out a sigh, and got out of bed, putting on a plain outfit and walking to the kitchen.
Michael and Rei had gone home and were walking back. Rei turned. "Someone's following us..." Rei said his nose twitching a little.
Michael nodded. "We should run... In case it's that empowered demon.... No offense..."
Rei smiled kissing Michael's cheek. "None taken." The two started to run towards the apartment where everyone else was. In the distance, chuckling was heard.
Yaldabaoth, hearing their thoughts, had already unlocked the door for them, and he was outside of the door itself, attempting to pick up any wandering thoughts from Hikiro. "Come on!" He said to the two.
They nodded. "Thaks a ton..." Michael said panting.
As he walked in he saw a dark figure disappear in a cloud of smoke. ~I'll get you.... Now that dear little brother is gone... You're mine...~ The chuckling continued. "The angels and blood demon will die... I'll kill them all."
Yaldabaoth spoke outloud. "Not just yet, dick lick." he said, closing the apartment door and once again reaffirming the barrier completely.
Rei snarled deeply. "Since Kisuhara is gone for now, I'll do maintinence on the barrier... So it doesn't weaken," Rei says. "I won't let that thing hurt us... Even if it's a pure blood..."
"Pure blood, shmure blood." Yaldabaoth said. "I got a little demon in me now too, lest we forget...I'm sure we can take him..."
Harlan walked into the room. "Good...morning."
Morning Harlan..." Michael said looking over. "You alright?"
Rei nodded. "That's true... You're one of us now huh... A quarter demon if I sense right..." Rei chuckled.
"I'm fine...just...have a lot on my mind." Harlan said, smiling.
Yaldabaoth smirked. "One quarter of a demon that's gonna kick some @$$."
"Is anyone else awake?" Harlan asked.
Michael shrugs. "Doesn't look like it..."
Ryu yawns a little, opening her eyes slightly. ~Morning already?~ she wonders. She still felt so tired.
"Ryu...?" Anubis mumbled. "What time is it...?"
Ryu looks around for the clock. "Like 8:30... Not sure..." she grabs her glasses putting them on. "Sounds like everyone else is awake..." she yawns. "But I'm still so tired..."
Anubis sat up and kissed her. "You can sleep some more if you want. You don't have to wake up now."
"I can never get back to sleep... I'm good... Don't worry... Ne, it's probably because I dreamed a lot..." she said. And it was true, she had many dreams, ranging from happy, to absolutely terrifying.
"Okay...then let's go and see everyone." Anubis smiled, standing up.
"Yeah..." Ryu gets up, stretching. She might be tired, but she felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "We should^^"
Anubis opened the door and they walked out to see everyone.
"Mornin'." Said Harlan. He scratched his eyes. "How you two doing?"
"We're fine." Anubis said, smiling.
"Yeah..." Ryu smiled, yawning again. "I'm gonna make something for us all to eat... What does everyone want?" she asked, brushing her bangs from her eyes. "Anything^^" Rei smiled. "It doesn't matter.
"Doesn't matter to me..." Harlan said, looking over as he heard a door creek.
"...Good morning." Said Bertrund, looking at Harlan.
"Alright..." Ryu got the stuff to make pancakes. ~I hope sensei's doing alright....~
Kisuhara had finally made it to Dracula's castle. "Now, to just get the book."
" your diary." Bertrund said, looking at Ryu.
"Do you believe me?" she asked looking at him.
~I'm not really sure what I believe...~ "I'm just...confused right now." Bertrund said, sitting down.
"It's alright... You're not used to the stuff we are... It'll take a while for you to understand, let alone believe what happened," she smiled. "It's alright."
Harlan looked at Bertrund. "I'm know that, right?"
"...Yes...and I forgive you." Bertrund replied. ~He's the one who helped me develop my spiritual powers in the first place...~ "I think we just need to take down this crazy demon guy."
"Agreed. We need to form a plan." Anubis said.

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 1059
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 1
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


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nina94 on May 9, 2008, 8:43:35 AM

nina94 on
nina94SWEEEEEEET!!!!! *faves* -^_^-