Second Chance
Second Chance
Second Chance by ryuran123352


Yes... I drew shoujo-ai.... Based off a scene in the RP, but I didn't draw it exactly how the moment happened. Tenchi, the formerly sadistic has changed for the better. So, after Hikiro is beaten, she leaves to help earth pick up the pieces.
While she's doing that, she meets Artemis, also known as Diana, the Greek goddess, or as they are in our RP, a lesser god, and a Seraphim (a type of angel) Tenchi is immensely confused, by her actions around this woman. She's only supposed to be able to love once, yet she's getting a second chance. At, first, she tries to close off her heart, and her emotions, not wanting to trust anyone, after what Gabriel did to her. But now, she has these feelings, for not just a woman, but an angel, the enemy of her species.... She's in love with Artemis, and Strangely, Artemis loves her back.
"You served the Metatron?" Artemis asked.
"Yeah.... I did.... Not by choice.... But I did...."
"Hm." Artemis had heard some thing's concerning Metatron, but decided not to inquire further since Tenchi seemed so uncomfortable. "I see. So, eh..." Artemis tried to think of something else to talk about...
"It's alright.... I'm sorry, I'm not an easy one to talk to.... Rei was always better at talking to people..." she shrugged. "But what is one to do?"
"Rei? Who is that?" Artemis asked.
"My younger brother... We don't get along that well... But that's my fault.... I wasn't the greatest caretaker ever..."
" you're a sister. I grew up away from all my siblings. All of us seraphim could be considered brothers and sisters. I kept myself distant..."
"When our parents died, they left it in their will for me to take care of Rei... I was only 13... So it didn't go that well.... I tried... at first... But we didn't get along that well... I couldn't have been distant if I wanted too..."
"I be burdened with something like that at such a young must have been hard."
"Yeah.... But that's ended up making me much stronger now.... I need to find some way to make amends with my little brother, but once that's taken care of... my slate will be clean..."
"I wish you luck," Artemis said. "It seems your soul has been through much wear and tear..."
"Well... Most people’s souls have really... There's a kid, in the group that helped beat Hikiro, who's probably worse off then I am... I'm much better then I was even a couple months ago... Soon enough I'll have everything fixed,...." ~I hope...~
"I can't say much for my life, except for being alone for most of it." Artemis told her.
"Some people just do better on their own... I don't really know yet.... I don't know whether I want to be alone or not...." ~I will end up alone anyway... Curse of my damn species...~ she thought, though her outer expression didn't change.
"I didn't like it, really...And truth be told, although Thoth is a dearest friend, somehow I feel I cannot connect with he wouldn't understand."
"Most people don't... It's hard to understand something, if you haven't been through it yourself. You can try... but it doesn't work that well..." ~It's like, no one could ever understand... what I am because of what happened....~
"And when it comes right down to it, for some reason I've just never been able to connect with men..."
"Now that, I understand completely... Trust me..." ~I really can.... I mean... I like Shuichi... But... I didn't get him... Or anyone... And it only got worse after Gabriel....~
"Well, I'm glad we're on the same page about something." Artemis chuckled. "I never understood why I couldn' just feels rather unnatural to me."
"I used to be somewhat able to and not much even then.... but I really can't anymore... It's why I split from the group after we won... There were too many of them..."
"I see..." ~She seems to fear men entirely...why?~ "And you've been helping with the rebuilding of this city ever since?"
"Yeah.... I've been doing what I can, since they can't do anything without their machines... So I use my strength, and my magic.... And in exchange for helping them, they let me live here, and leave me alone, for the most part..."
"A fair trade..." ~Something about her...~ "So I guess you'll welcome my help then, hm?" Artemis said, smirking.
"Of course... Might make the work a little less dull, having someone to talk to...." ~What did I just say?~ She wondered to herself. That was so unlike her.... "And, until you have your own place, you can stay here..."
"Thank you." Artemis replied. "It's most appreciated, really. And...I think I'll enjoy having your company as well."
"It's fine... There's really no need. I mean... I don't really mind..." ~What am I saying? Am I going insane...~ "Could be a learning expirience..."
"For both of us, yes." Artemis smiled. "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed, if that's fine with you."
"That's fine..." she shrugged. "I'll see you in the morning then..." she waved, and started to walk to the roof of the building, pulling out her small flute.
Artemis turned around and watched Tenchi leave, and smiled. ~This'll be an interesting experience.~ She walked into her room, and went to bed.
She sat on the edge of the roof, playing quietly. She could almost never sleep, so this is how she spent her nights, once it was too dark to work. Her songs were always made up, always telling bits and pieces of her life, if you listened. She expressed herself through her flute, more then she could by speaking.
Artemis couldn't sleep, so she listened to the music of the flute. ~It's beautiful...but forlorn...~ She thought to herself, the music filling her ears.
She just sat there, playing, watching as the stars started coming out. She had a feeling, something was amiss. She had no idea what... but something was. But it was far away. She closed her eyes. All day, her actions had been confusing her.
Morning soon came, and Artemis had awoken to the sounds of the flute still coming. ~She's still playing...~ She thought as she rubbed her eyes.
She never really could sleep... one or two nights a week maybe. She did this a lot.... Sitting on the roof, playing to herself... Just to make the stress fade for a little while, knowing soon enough it would be time to get back to work.
Artemis got on the roof, quietly. She didn't want Tenchi to notice her. She sat down, and just listened to her play.
Her eyes opened, as she watched the sunrise, while she played. Tenchi was a strange woman, complex as any, but she had little things she did, to express herself, and to make herself feel better. ~After another few minutes, I'll go and make something to eat.... Just want to finish this...~ she told herself.
Artemis still looked on. ~Such beautiful music...but it's so sad...what happened to you?~
Tenchi finished, putting her small flute away. She wiped her eyes, being unable to stop a few tears. She couldn't help it... But it always made her feel better. She was trying to get over it all... But it was hard... The three years of hell she'd been through under Metatron and Gabriel wouldn't go away.
Artemis couldn't sit quiet anymore. " alright, Tenchi?" She said, standing up.
"I'm fine.... Just some stuff... That I've been through.... I use my flute... to help myself express it... Did my playing keep you up? I apologize..."
" It's was beautiful..." Artemis said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "You're...very talented."
“....A lot of practice.... I can almost never sleep.... So I usually just sit up here and play for hours on end...." She shrugs somewhat embarassed that Artemis had heard, she had tried to play quietly...
"I see." Artemis said. "Well, it shows...I enjoyed listening."
"..." ~But no one could ever understand... That's why I use my flute...~ "Thanks..." she said getting up. "I'm not used to people listening...."
"I'm sorry if it's made you uncomfortable...I couldn't help it." Artemis said.
"It's alright.... I guess I wasn't playing quiet enough...." She stood up heading towards the door. "Want some breakfast?" she asked, opening the door.
Artemis followed. "Yes, that would be lovely. Anything will do..." She entered the dining area and sat.
"Alright...." she walked to the kitchen, and cooked up some pancakes, adding different things to them, strawberries to some, chocolates chips to others... stuff like that.
Thoth awoke and entered the room. "Ah...morning." He said.
"Morning." smiled Artemis.
Artemis began eating. Although she found it unusual, she enjoyed Tenchi's company greatly. Almost too much, maybe. In anycase, her favorite moments were often her meal time chats with Tenchi.
Tenchi smiled, ramen was her favorite food ever. Had been ever since she was little. But she still found her own actions strange. Most times, she wouldn't care if someone needed help she'd leave them, yet she'd opened her home... And even spoke with Artemis. That woman was one of very few she was comfortable speaking with. "Gotta love this stuff^^"
"Yes, it's delicious..." ~Anything she makes is delightful..~ Artemis smiled.
"Should we save some for Thoth in case he'd like something?" Tenchi asked, remembering Artemis's companion. Him she was not as comfortable with, but she was willing to accept the fact he needed a place too.
"I doubt it...he's off on the other side of the city, so he'd probably find something to eat...but maybe we should...just in case."
"We should leave him a little... In case he doesn't find anything...." She stands up stretching a little. "Almost time to get back to work..."
"All this work is so strenuous..." Artemis rose as well. "I wouldn't mind some time off myself..."
"I just don't know what to do besides work..." Tenchi shrugged. "There's really nothing to do around here at all..."
"Well, there must be something..." Artemis wondered out loud. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know."
"...There's just not much left around here.... Kinda my fault in the first place..." Tenchi chuckled, a little sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.
"We can always tell old war stories...or...perhaps...just anything." Artemis said. Artemis was feeling strange. It had only been a day, but she felt she wanted to get to know Tenchi more than she already knew.
"Could try..." ~It's just... most of my stories... are too sad... too pain ridden, to want to tell... Even... if I trust you, for some strange reason... more then I've really trusted anyone...~
Artemis sat back down. "There's really not much to me...I've mostly hunted animals on planets that are far away from here. Not really too interesting..."
"I bet the animals out in space are more interesting then the ones here...." Tenchi shrugged. "Maybe smarter so it's harder to actually get them..."
"They're mostly similar...although werewolves seem to be more common." Artemis chuckled.
"I've never even seen one... Seen wolf demons, which are similar... but never a full blown werewolf..."
"They can be fiesty...but a good silver arrow to the neck'll take them down fast." Artemis boasted, having killed many.
"I thought it had to be a bullet... Humans must've messed around with the legend a bit... Like how they messed around with Dracula calling him a vampire, when he's really a Blood demon..."
"It can be a silver anything, really." Artemis corrected. "Each mineral has its own spiritual wavelength, and the wavelength of silver just happens to affect werewolves very negatively."
"That's interesting to know.... I wonder if other minerals affect other sort of creatures... I mean, it can't be just those two... maybe every type of being has a fatal mineral...."
"I wouldn't be surprised..." Artemis thought it over. "Can you think of any particular stone that you've never liked?"
"Yeah... Never gotten along with diamond anything...." (Yes, blood demons can be hurt by diamonds.... sad huh?) "Those things aren't fun..."
"Well, perhaps blood demons are harmed by the wavelength of diamond."
"It'd make sense.... According to a lot of the old books, during the wars, angels used diamond tipped arrows... Maybe that's why they're such a rare stone now..." (just physical contact burns skin, but if it gets in your blood stream... it kills you...)
"We did use those, yes..." Artemis was getting sort of tired of this idle chit chat. She knew Tenchi was hiding something, and she wanted to know, but couldn't figure out a polite way to ask.
Tenchi was at all costs avoiding talking about her past. Because, that might bring up her working under Metatron... Which could bring up Gabriel... She had a hard enough time talking one on one with someone... but if that was brought up... She wanted to forget that part of her life... And she just couldn't.
~What happened to her...?~ Artemis wondered. She seemed to tense, almost always. And her music, while radiant, was so forlorn. But she decided that it was best she try not to bring it up. She sighed silently inside her thoughts. "Maybe...we should get back to work."
"Yeah..." Tenchi sighed, to herself. ~Sorry... But I don't want anyone to know about that... So... my past... can't be brought up..." Tenchi sighed, tying her hair back. ~Even if I do trust you...~
Artemis stood up. "What area of the city needs the most attention?" She asked, looking out the window.
"That depends.... The western side is housing, which does need work, but the southern side's hospitals also need repaired... and both are fairly important..."
"We should work on the hospitals first, then." Artemis said, hopping out the window and onto the streets.
"Yeah..." ~The longer the housing stays broken... The longer you stay here... Wait... Why am I thinking this? What's wrong with me... What's going on?~ Tenchi asked herself. She had to have a screw loose or something.
Artemis started hovering towards their destination. "The hospital repair may take some time...they look rather damaged..."
"This was done by minor demons, searching for food. They enjoy destroying stuff... So they tore them apart as much as they could..."
"Well, let's fix it up then...Then once that's finished we can do housing..." ~And then I don't know what I'll do...~
After a while of working Tenchi grinned. "You know, we make a pretty good team..." Tenchi said floating back a little, admiring how much they'd gotten done in a short amount of time.
Artemis floated back as well. "We do seem to go well together..."
~There's just something about her... a calming affect.... Makes me feel safe.... I don't know why.... But already I trust her a lot... There's got to be something wrong with me...~ "Though it is a little dull, once we've finished, there'll be things to do... If there's one thing humans are good at coming up with it's was to entertain themselves..."
Artemis chuckled. "Yes, that's true..." ~Something about you...~ "Perhaps another break is in order?"
"I think so... We've gotten a good amount done^^" ~It's so strange... I don't get it... If...this is...what I think it might be... how? It's... supposed to be one person only.... If it is that... How? And why her? It''s not right... is it?~
Artemis landed on the ground and sat, leaning against a building. "Ah...this feels wonderful."
"It is nice to take a break... This work is tiring after a while..." She sat leaning forward, her elbows resting on her knees, thinking because right now, her heart, and her actions, were confusing her. She had no idea what to think at all. ~Emotions... damn confusing...~
"You know..." Artemis began, "You can...sit closer to me if you we don't have to talk so loud to each other..."
“All...Alright...." Tenchi nodded, scootching a little closer, nervously. She was barely able to keep her face from flushing with embarassment. ~How...can....I feel like...this... with someone.... I've only just met?... It sense....Especially...another girl... Why?~
Artemis looked at Tenchi, looking concerned. "Are you....alright?"
"I'm fine... Just... Never been good with people... That's all... I'm not used to having someone around...."
"Oh..." Artemis said. ~Is it because of me? Why do I care so much about what she thinks...? Angels aren't allowed...~
"Don't worry.... It's nothing...." her heart pounded against her ribcage. ~I just want to.... ~ It could never happen, a high level angel, like Artemis, could never care about a hanyou... right? Even thinking about it.... And... It was only supposed to happen once... Why was it happening again?
"No...tell me." Artemis could tell that something was up. But was it the same thing that was up with her?
"Really it's nothing...." ~Gotta... stop thinking... Even if I... Like her.... She'll think I'm a freak.... And... what if I just get hurt again... Tenchi, you can't trust anyone, remember?~
Artemis grabbed Tenchi's hand. "Tell me. It'll be okay. Is it about what happened to you that long time ago...?"
"No... It's something else.... I don't get it... Just... emotions.... I'm no good with them.... Never have been...." ~Why do I have these feelings for you... It makes no sense?~
"I you maybe?"
~You're the problem...~.... Tenchi couldn't stop herself anymore... She kissed Artemis's cheek, and then, embarassed as hell, ran.
"T-Tenchi." Artemis said, surprised as she ran. "Tenchi...wait!" She got up, but Tenchi was already gone. "...Tenchi..." She began hovering, looking for her.
~Why...did I do that... Why the hell did I do that?~ Tenchi asked herself. She couldn't stop herself from it. She couldn't control herself. This all was so confusing for her. This wasn't right... She was only supposed to love once... but Artemis... Had for some reason... changed that. For some reason made her feel comfortable, for the first time, in years. ~Now.... she'll think I'm a freak...~
"Tenchi!" Artemis spotted her and landed down beside her, grabbing her arm to stop her from running. "Tenchi...!"
"I'm so sorry..." ~I couldn't help it...~ "It's just..." ~How could I explain...?~
"No...Tenchi..." Artemis smiled. "It's okay."
"...No..." ~I shouldn't have done that.... It was wrong of me...~ "It's just... for some reason... You....~ ~You make me feel safe... and happy... and... I'm so confused....~
Although Tenchi didn't say it, Artemis could tell what she was thinking. "I feel the same way."
"I don't understand... It's just... unlike many people... You... make me feel safe... Like I can trust you..." ~But since back then... I haven't wanted to trust my heart... I've tried to cover it up...~ Tenchi was so embarassed. What had she done?... A demon and an angel... Even though, she'd seen it with the others, she wasn't sure whether it was right or not....
Artemis kissed Tenchi's cheek lightly. "It's fine...all that right back to you," She said, insinuating that she was also telling Tenchi everything Tenchi just told her.
"Thank you..." ~I'm sorry.... Please, be telling the truth... I'm so...confused... I don't get it... Why you... We're supposed to be enemies... and... why do I feel like this... even after him.... I had closed myself off from feeling anything... yet you broke through... Why?
Artemis embraced Tenchi. "It's alright...I'm completely honest." Artemis smiled. ~This may be hard...but we both seem to want this...~
Tenchi just hugged her back. "I'm glad..." ~I don't understand.... how you... an angel, and another woman.... managed to affect me like this... I'm almost glad though.... I feel better.. .just in your arms... Is it wrong of me?~
Artemis smiled with a relieved sigh. "Maybe now you'll be less tense, huh?" she said playfully.
"Maybe... A little... I'm kinda always tense...though... Have my reasons..." ~Maybe... At some point I'll tell you... But.... Not yet...~
"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to." Artemis kissed Tenchi's cheek lightly.
"I won't tell you... At least not now... Thank you... Though..." ~I'm sorry I'm so messed up.... I'm glad... I was scared for nothing... Even if it isn't right... I don't care anymore....~
"Maybe we should head back home...For some privacy?" Artemis looked around as a few onlookers had seemed to look upon the two.
"Yeah... We've done a lot already today.... So, going home might not be a bad idea... " ~Why should they care as long as we're helping them?~ Tenchi wondered.
Artemis let out her six wings and began to fly herself and Tenchi back to their home. "Quite nosey, those humans..." she chuckled.
"Yep.... Always have been..." ~Six wings.... beautiful....~ "Ashamed to be part human really.... Most of them can't even take care of themselves... it's sad to watch...."
"So what are all your parts...? You're a bit demon...a bit that all?" Artemis asked.
"Not sure if I still am, but, at one point, I was part angel too..." ~Not my choice... but I was... and... it saved my life several times....~
"Interesting...I'm just an angel." Artemis said, landing on the roof of their home.
"It's not that great being a mixed breed, trust me... Most people aren't very nice to halflings, or anyone less then that..." Tenchi shrugged. "The only reason people respect me, is because I've proved myself stronger then them..."
"That's so seems Thoth is coming back..." Artemis said, seeing Thoth in the distance.
"Seems so..." ~But then, especially mixing demon and angel, you're put on the spot in battle, because you're forced to choose, which side do you help? It can be so confusing...~ Tenchi let's her hair down, now that it won't get in the way. "That's better..."
Thoth landed on the building. "Well, the west side of the city seems to be doing alright...and how was your side?"
"It's good, we got one hospital fully repaired, and a couple of others are mostly finished...."
"Excellent!" Thoth smiled. "Then it looks like this town will be stable before we know it...will we be having dinner now?"
"If you're hungry, sure..." Tenchi nods. "Anything specific you want, or should I wing it?"
"Just wing it..." Thoth said cheerfully. "Anything shall be fine."
Artemis began walking with Tenchi inside. "So, should we tell him? I don't think it would bother him..."
"It doesn't really matter to me... Telling him is fine^^... You probably should though... I'm not great with words...."
"Alright..." Artemis said. She went to sit down at the table. "Ah, Thoth...there's something we would like to tell you."
Thoth sat down. "Oh, and what is that?"
"Tenchi and I...well...we've decided to be...together."
"Well obviously since you're both standing in the same ro-OH!" Thoth said. He smiled, if a bird could. "Well that's alright with me."
Tenchi smiled, and started to make dinner. She added a little of this, but didn't change the recipe too much. A little pepper here, a little salt, and other spices. She threw together a nice fresh salad as well, pulling out several types of dressing, not knowing what they liked.
Artemis smiled. "Well, I'm glad you approve, since you've been my only real friend for who knows how long."
"Oh it's no trouble at all. My disagreement with how things were ran back in the day is well known. I honestly don't see a problem." Thoth replied.
~I guess, if he approves... I can't be so bad...~ Tenchi smiled again. ~But then, if Shu and Harlan, why not Artemis and I....~ Once it was all finished, she brought it to the table, considerably more cheery then the previous day.
Thoth smiled as he ate. "Delightful, as always..."
Artemis agreed. "I do think you'll have to teach me to cook sometime." she said, renewing her request.
"If you want, you can help me tomorrow... the easiest way to learn is by doing..." She gave a fanged grin. "It's be fun too...."
"I cannot wait..." Artemis said.
"You have a way with food, Tenchi." Thoth said, finishing up his meal. Although angels didn't need to eat, Thoth loved to, and often finished his food before he could properly enjoy it. But that method of eating didn't seem to bother him.
"Had lots and lots of practice. Been cooking since I was eight or nine..." Tenchi shrugged. "Sides, when you live on your own, it's a good thing to know how.”
"If we had to eat, I would have been dead a long time ago..." Artemis chuckled, finishing up her food as well.
"....Is that due to lack of expierience, or are you just really really bad?" Tenchi raised an eyebrow jokingly.
"Probably a little of both." Artemis said, her chuckle now a full laugh. "Give me an arrow, I'm fine. A cooking pot...and I'm stumped."
"I'll have to fix that..." Tenchi chuckled. "It's not that hard really. "And once you start baking sweets, you'll start getting a lot of practice... Which reminds me..." She goes to the oven, pulling out a tray of cookies, she had mixed up while making dinner.
"Cookies!" Thoth said. Thoth had a sweet beak, and cookies were his favorite.
On the rooftops, Yaldabaoth landed from being teleported. He checked a watch on his wrist. "Almost sundown..." He said, deciding to wait until the sun set before attacking.
"Thought you'd like..." She puts the cookies on a plate bringing it out.
While she's doing that, she meets Artemis, also known as Diana, the Greek goddess, or as they are in our RP, a lesser god, and a Seraphim (a type of angel) Tenchi is immensely confused, by her actions around this woman. She's only supposed to be able to love once, yet she's getting a second chance. At, first, she tries to close off her heart, and her emotions, not wanting to trust anyone, after what Gabriel did to her. But now, she has these feelings, for not just a woman, but an angel, the enemy of her species.... She's in love with Artemis, and Strangely, Artemis loves her back.
"You served the Metatron?" Artemis asked.
"Yeah.... I did.... Not by choice.... But I did...."
"Hm." Artemis had heard some thing's concerning Metatron, but decided not to inquire further since Tenchi seemed so uncomfortable. "I see. So, eh..." Artemis tried to think of something else to talk about...
"It's alright.... I'm sorry, I'm not an easy one to talk to.... Rei was always better at talking to people..." she shrugged. "But what is one to do?"
"Rei? Who is that?" Artemis asked.
"My younger brother... We don't get along that well... But that's my fault.... I wasn't the greatest caretaker ever..."
" you're a sister. I grew up away from all my siblings. All of us seraphim could be considered brothers and sisters. I kept myself distant..."
"When our parents died, they left it in their will for me to take care of Rei... I was only 13... So it didn't go that well.... I tried... at first... But we didn't get along that well... I couldn't have been distant if I wanted too..."
"I be burdened with something like that at such a young must have been hard."
"Yeah.... But that's ended up making me much stronger now.... I need to find some way to make amends with my little brother, but once that's taken care of... my slate will be clean..."
"I wish you luck," Artemis said. "It seems your soul has been through much wear and tear..."
"Well... Most people’s souls have really... There's a kid, in the group that helped beat Hikiro, who's probably worse off then I am... I'm much better then I was even a couple months ago... Soon enough I'll have everything fixed,...." ~I hope...~
"I can't say much for my life, except for being alone for most of it." Artemis told her.
"Some people just do better on their own... I don't really know yet.... I don't know whether I want to be alone or not...." ~I will end up alone anyway... Curse of my damn species...~ she thought, though her outer expression didn't change.
"I didn't like it, really...And truth be told, although Thoth is a dearest friend, somehow I feel I cannot connect with he wouldn't understand."
"Most people don't... It's hard to understand something, if you haven't been through it yourself. You can try... but it doesn't work that well..." ~It's like, no one could ever understand... what I am because of what happened....~
"And when it comes right down to it, for some reason I've just never been able to connect with men..."
"Now that, I understand completely... Trust me..." ~I really can.... I mean... I like Shuichi... But... I didn't get him... Or anyone... And it only got worse after Gabriel....~
"Well, I'm glad we're on the same page about something." Artemis chuckled. "I never understood why I couldn' just feels rather unnatural to me."
"I used to be somewhat able to and not much even then.... but I really can't anymore... It's why I split from the group after we won... There were too many of them..."
"I see..." ~She seems to fear men entirely...why?~ "And you've been helping with the rebuilding of this city ever since?"
"Yeah.... I've been doing what I can, since they can't do anything without their machines... So I use my strength, and my magic.... And in exchange for helping them, they let me live here, and leave me alone, for the most part..."
"A fair trade..." ~Something about her...~ "So I guess you'll welcome my help then, hm?" Artemis said, smirking.
"Of course... Might make the work a little less dull, having someone to talk to...." ~What did I just say?~ She wondered to herself. That was so unlike her.... "And, until you have your own place, you can stay here..."
"Thank you." Artemis replied. "It's most appreciated, really. And...I think I'll enjoy having your company as well."
"It's fine... There's really no need. I mean... I don't really mind..." ~What am I saying? Am I going insane...~ "Could be a learning expirience..."
"For both of us, yes." Artemis smiled. "Well, I think I'm going to go to bed, if that's fine with you."
"That's fine..." she shrugged. "I'll see you in the morning then..." she waved, and started to walk to the roof of the building, pulling out her small flute.
Artemis turned around and watched Tenchi leave, and smiled. ~This'll be an interesting experience.~ She walked into her room, and went to bed.
She sat on the edge of the roof, playing quietly. She could almost never sleep, so this is how she spent her nights, once it was too dark to work. Her songs were always made up, always telling bits and pieces of her life, if you listened. She expressed herself through her flute, more then she could by speaking.
Artemis couldn't sleep, so she listened to the music of the flute. ~It's beautiful...but forlorn...~ She thought to herself, the music filling her ears.
She just sat there, playing, watching as the stars started coming out. She had a feeling, something was amiss. She had no idea what... but something was. But it was far away. She closed her eyes. All day, her actions had been confusing her.
Morning soon came, and Artemis had awoken to the sounds of the flute still coming. ~She's still playing...~ She thought as she rubbed her eyes.
She never really could sleep... one or two nights a week maybe. She did this a lot.... Sitting on the roof, playing to herself... Just to make the stress fade for a little while, knowing soon enough it would be time to get back to work.
Artemis got on the roof, quietly. She didn't want Tenchi to notice her. She sat down, and just listened to her play.
Her eyes opened, as she watched the sunrise, while she played. Tenchi was a strange woman, complex as any, but she had little things she did, to express herself, and to make herself feel better. ~After another few minutes, I'll go and make something to eat.... Just want to finish this...~ she told herself.
Artemis still looked on. ~Such beautiful music...but it's so sad...what happened to you?~
Tenchi finished, putting her small flute away. She wiped her eyes, being unable to stop a few tears. She couldn't help it... But it always made her feel better. She was trying to get over it all... But it was hard... The three years of hell she'd been through under Metatron and Gabriel wouldn't go away.
Artemis couldn't sit quiet anymore. " alright, Tenchi?" She said, standing up.
"I'm fine.... Just some stuff... That I've been through.... I use my flute... to help myself express it... Did my playing keep you up? I apologize..."
" It's was beautiful..." Artemis said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "You're...very talented."
“....A lot of practice.... I can almost never sleep.... So I usually just sit up here and play for hours on end...." She shrugs somewhat embarassed that Artemis had heard, she had tried to play quietly...
"I see." Artemis said. "Well, it shows...I enjoyed listening."
"..." ~But no one could ever understand... That's why I use my flute...~ "Thanks..." she said getting up. "I'm not used to people listening...."
"I'm sorry if it's made you uncomfortable...I couldn't help it." Artemis said.
"It's alright.... I guess I wasn't playing quiet enough...." She stood up heading towards the door. "Want some breakfast?" she asked, opening the door.
Artemis followed. "Yes, that would be lovely. Anything will do..." She entered the dining area and sat.
"Alright...." she walked to the kitchen, and cooked up some pancakes, adding different things to them, strawberries to some, chocolates chips to others... stuff like that.
Thoth awoke and entered the room. "Ah...morning." He said.
"Morning." smiled Artemis.
Artemis began eating. Although she found it unusual, she enjoyed Tenchi's company greatly. Almost too much, maybe. In anycase, her favorite moments were often her meal time chats with Tenchi.
Tenchi smiled, ramen was her favorite food ever. Had been ever since she was little. But she still found her own actions strange. Most times, she wouldn't care if someone needed help she'd leave them, yet she'd opened her home... And even spoke with Artemis. That woman was one of very few she was comfortable speaking with. "Gotta love this stuff^^"
"Yes, it's delicious..." ~Anything she makes is delightful..~ Artemis smiled.
"Should we save some for Thoth in case he'd like something?" Tenchi asked, remembering Artemis's companion. Him she was not as comfortable with, but she was willing to accept the fact he needed a place too.
"I doubt it...he's off on the other side of the city, so he'd probably find something to eat...but maybe we should...just in case."
"We should leave him a little... In case he doesn't find anything...." She stands up stretching a little. "Almost time to get back to work..."
"All this work is so strenuous..." Artemis rose as well. "I wouldn't mind some time off myself..."
"I just don't know what to do besides work..." Tenchi shrugged. "There's really nothing to do around here at all..."
"Well, there must be something..." Artemis wondered out loud. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know."
"...There's just not much left around here.... Kinda my fault in the first place..." Tenchi chuckled, a little sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.
"We can always tell old war stories...or...perhaps...just anything." Artemis said. Artemis was feeling strange. It had only been a day, but she felt she wanted to get to know Tenchi more than she already knew.
"Could try..." ~It's just... most of my stories... are too sad... too pain ridden, to want to tell... Even... if I trust you, for some strange reason... more then I've really trusted anyone...~
Artemis sat back down. "There's really not much to me...I've mostly hunted animals on planets that are far away from here. Not really too interesting..."
"I bet the animals out in space are more interesting then the ones here...." Tenchi shrugged. "Maybe smarter so it's harder to actually get them..."
"They're mostly similar...although werewolves seem to be more common." Artemis chuckled.
"I've never even seen one... Seen wolf demons, which are similar... but never a full blown werewolf..."
"They can be fiesty...but a good silver arrow to the neck'll take them down fast." Artemis boasted, having killed many.
"I thought it had to be a bullet... Humans must've messed around with the legend a bit... Like how they messed around with Dracula calling him a vampire, when he's really a Blood demon..."
"It can be a silver anything, really." Artemis corrected. "Each mineral has its own spiritual wavelength, and the wavelength of silver just happens to affect werewolves very negatively."
"That's interesting to know.... I wonder if other minerals affect other sort of creatures... I mean, it can't be just those two... maybe every type of being has a fatal mineral...."
"I wouldn't be surprised..." Artemis thought it over. "Can you think of any particular stone that you've never liked?"
"Yeah... Never gotten along with diamond anything...." (Yes, blood demons can be hurt by diamonds.... sad huh?) "Those things aren't fun..."
"Well, perhaps blood demons are harmed by the wavelength of diamond."
"It'd make sense.... According to a lot of the old books, during the wars, angels used diamond tipped arrows... Maybe that's why they're such a rare stone now..." (just physical contact burns skin, but if it gets in your blood stream... it kills you...)
"We did use those, yes..." Artemis was getting sort of tired of this idle chit chat. She knew Tenchi was hiding something, and she wanted to know, but couldn't figure out a polite way to ask.
Tenchi was at all costs avoiding talking about her past. Because, that might bring up her working under Metatron... Which could bring up Gabriel... She had a hard enough time talking one on one with someone... but if that was brought up... She wanted to forget that part of her life... And she just couldn't.
~What happened to her...?~ Artemis wondered. She seemed to tense, almost always. And her music, while radiant, was so forlorn. But she decided that it was best she try not to bring it up. She sighed silently inside her thoughts. "Maybe...we should get back to work."
"Yeah..." Tenchi sighed, to herself. ~Sorry... But I don't want anyone to know about that... So... my past... can't be brought up..." Tenchi sighed, tying her hair back. ~Even if I do trust you...~
Artemis stood up. "What area of the city needs the most attention?" She asked, looking out the window.
"That depends.... The western side is housing, which does need work, but the southern side's hospitals also need repaired... and both are fairly important..."
"We should work on the hospitals first, then." Artemis said, hopping out the window and onto the streets.
"Yeah..." ~The longer the housing stays broken... The longer you stay here... Wait... Why am I thinking this? What's wrong with me... What's going on?~ Tenchi asked herself. She had to have a screw loose or something.
Artemis started hovering towards their destination. "The hospital repair may take some time...they look rather damaged..."
"This was done by minor demons, searching for food. They enjoy destroying stuff... So they tore them apart as much as they could..."
"Well, let's fix it up then...Then once that's finished we can do housing..." ~And then I don't know what I'll do...~
After a while of working Tenchi grinned. "You know, we make a pretty good team..." Tenchi said floating back a little, admiring how much they'd gotten done in a short amount of time.
Artemis floated back as well. "We do seem to go well together..."
~There's just something about her... a calming affect.... Makes me feel safe.... I don't know why.... But already I trust her a lot... There's got to be something wrong with me...~ "Though it is a little dull, once we've finished, there'll be things to do... If there's one thing humans are good at coming up with it's was to entertain themselves..."
Artemis chuckled. "Yes, that's true..." ~Something about you...~ "Perhaps another break is in order?"
"I think so... We've gotten a good amount done^^" ~It's so strange... I don't get it... If...this is...what I think it might be... how? It's... supposed to be one person only.... If it is that... How? And why her? It''s not right... is it?~
Artemis landed on the ground and sat, leaning against a building. "Ah...this feels wonderful."
"It is nice to take a break... This work is tiring after a while..." She sat leaning forward, her elbows resting on her knees, thinking because right now, her heart, and her actions, were confusing her. She had no idea what to think at all. ~Emotions... damn confusing...~
"You know..." Artemis began, "You can...sit closer to me if you we don't have to talk so loud to each other..."
“All...Alright...." Tenchi nodded, scootching a little closer, nervously. She was barely able to keep her face from flushing with embarassment. ~How...can....I feel like...this... with someone.... I've only just met?... It sense....Especially...another girl... Why?~
Artemis looked at Tenchi, looking concerned. "Are you....alright?"
"I'm fine... Just... Never been good with people... That's all... I'm not used to having someone around...."
"Oh..." Artemis said. ~Is it because of me? Why do I care so much about what she thinks...? Angels aren't allowed...~
"Don't worry.... It's nothing...." her heart pounded against her ribcage. ~I just want to.... ~ It could never happen, a high level angel, like Artemis, could never care about a hanyou... right? Even thinking about it.... And... It was only supposed to happen once... Why was it happening again?
"No...tell me." Artemis could tell that something was up. But was it the same thing that was up with her?
"Really it's nothing...." ~Gotta... stop thinking... Even if I... Like her.... She'll think I'm a freak.... And... what if I just get hurt again... Tenchi, you can't trust anyone, remember?~
Artemis grabbed Tenchi's hand. "Tell me. It'll be okay. Is it about what happened to you that long time ago...?"
"No... It's something else.... I don't get it... Just... emotions.... I'm no good with them.... Never have been...." ~Why do I have these feelings for you... It makes no sense?~
"I you maybe?"
~You're the problem...~.... Tenchi couldn't stop herself anymore... She kissed Artemis's cheek, and then, embarassed as hell, ran.
"T-Tenchi." Artemis said, surprised as she ran. "Tenchi...wait!" She got up, but Tenchi was already gone. "...Tenchi..." She began hovering, looking for her.
~Why...did I do that... Why the hell did I do that?~ Tenchi asked herself. She couldn't stop herself from it. She couldn't control herself. This all was so confusing for her. This wasn't right... She was only supposed to love once... but Artemis... Had for some reason... changed that. For some reason made her feel comfortable, for the first time, in years. ~Now.... she'll think I'm a freak...~
"Tenchi!" Artemis spotted her and landed down beside her, grabbing her arm to stop her from running. "Tenchi...!"
"I'm so sorry..." ~I couldn't help it...~ "It's just..." ~How could I explain...?~
"No...Tenchi..." Artemis smiled. "It's okay."
"...No..." ~I shouldn't have done that.... It was wrong of me...~ "It's just... for some reason... You....~ ~You make me feel safe... and happy... and... I'm so confused....~
Although Tenchi didn't say it, Artemis could tell what she was thinking. "I feel the same way."
"I don't understand... It's just... unlike many people... You... make me feel safe... Like I can trust you..." ~But since back then... I haven't wanted to trust my heart... I've tried to cover it up...~ Tenchi was so embarassed. What had she done?... A demon and an angel... Even though, she'd seen it with the others, she wasn't sure whether it was right or not....
Artemis kissed Tenchi's cheek lightly. "It's fine...all that right back to you," She said, insinuating that she was also telling Tenchi everything Tenchi just told her.
"Thank you..." ~I'm sorry.... Please, be telling the truth... I'm so...confused... I don't get it... Why you... We're supposed to be enemies... and... why do I feel like this... even after him.... I had closed myself off from feeling anything... yet you broke through... Why?
Artemis embraced Tenchi. "It's alright...I'm completely honest." Artemis smiled. ~This may be hard...but we both seem to want this...~
Tenchi just hugged her back. "I'm glad..." ~I don't understand.... how you... an angel, and another woman.... managed to affect me like this... I'm almost glad though.... I feel better.. .just in your arms... Is it wrong of me?~
Artemis smiled with a relieved sigh. "Maybe now you'll be less tense, huh?" she said playfully.
"Maybe... A little... I'm kinda always tense...though... Have my reasons..." ~Maybe... At some point I'll tell you... But.... Not yet...~
"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to." Artemis kissed Tenchi's cheek lightly.
"I won't tell you... At least not now... Thank you... Though..." ~I'm sorry I'm so messed up.... I'm glad... I was scared for nothing... Even if it isn't right... I don't care anymore....~
"Maybe we should head back home...For some privacy?" Artemis looked around as a few onlookers had seemed to look upon the two.
"Yeah... We've done a lot already today.... So, going home might not be a bad idea... " ~Why should they care as long as we're helping them?~ Tenchi wondered.
Artemis let out her six wings and began to fly herself and Tenchi back to their home. "Quite nosey, those humans..." she chuckled.
"Yep.... Always have been..." ~Six wings.... beautiful....~ "Ashamed to be part human really.... Most of them can't even take care of themselves... it's sad to watch...."
"So what are all your parts...? You're a bit demon...a bit that all?" Artemis asked.
"Not sure if I still am, but, at one point, I was part angel too..." ~Not my choice... but I was... and... it saved my life several times....~
"Interesting...I'm just an angel." Artemis said, landing on the roof of their home.
"It's not that great being a mixed breed, trust me... Most people aren't very nice to halflings, or anyone less then that..." Tenchi shrugged. "The only reason people respect me, is because I've proved myself stronger then them..."
"That's so seems Thoth is coming back..." Artemis said, seeing Thoth in the distance.
"Seems so..." ~But then, especially mixing demon and angel, you're put on the spot in battle, because you're forced to choose, which side do you help? It can be so confusing...~ Tenchi let's her hair down, now that it won't get in the way. "That's better..."
Thoth landed on the building. "Well, the west side of the city seems to be doing alright...and how was your side?"
"It's good, we got one hospital fully repaired, and a couple of others are mostly finished...."
"Excellent!" Thoth smiled. "Then it looks like this town will be stable before we know it...will we be having dinner now?"
"If you're hungry, sure..." Tenchi nods. "Anything specific you want, or should I wing it?"
"Just wing it..." Thoth said cheerfully. "Anything shall be fine."
Artemis began walking with Tenchi inside. "So, should we tell him? I don't think it would bother him..."
"It doesn't really matter to me... Telling him is fine^^... You probably should though... I'm not great with words...."
"Alright..." Artemis said. She went to sit down at the table. "Ah, Thoth...there's something we would like to tell you."
Thoth sat down. "Oh, and what is that?"
"Tenchi and I...well...we've decided to be...together."
"Well obviously since you're both standing in the same ro-OH!" Thoth said. He smiled, if a bird could. "Well that's alright with me."
Tenchi smiled, and started to make dinner. She added a little of this, but didn't change the recipe too much. A little pepper here, a little salt, and other spices. She threw together a nice fresh salad as well, pulling out several types of dressing, not knowing what they liked.
Artemis smiled. "Well, I'm glad you approve, since you've been my only real friend for who knows how long."
"Oh it's no trouble at all. My disagreement with how things were ran back in the day is well known. I honestly don't see a problem." Thoth replied.
~I guess, if he approves... I can't be so bad...~ Tenchi smiled again. ~But then, if Shu and Harlan, why not Artemis and I....~ Once it was all finished, she brought it to the table, considerably more cheery then the previous day.
Thoth smiled as he ate. "Delightful, as always..."
Artemis agreed. "I do think you'll have to teach me to cook sometime." she said, renewing her request.
"If you want, you can help me tomorrow... the easiest way to learn is by doing..." She gave a fanged grin. "It's be fun too...."
"I cannot wait..." Artemis said.
"You have a way with food, Tenchi." Thoth said, finishing up his meal. Although angels didn't need to eat, Thoth loved to, and often finished his food before he could properly enjoy it. But that method of eating didn't seem to bother him.
"Had lots and lots of practice. Been cooking since I was eight or nine..." Tenchi shrugged. "Sides, when you live on your own, it's a good thing to know how.”
"If we had to eat, I would have been dead a long time ago..." Artemis chuckled, finishing up her food as well.
"....Is that due to lack of expierience, or are you just really really bad?" Tenchi raised an eyebrow jokingly.
"Probably a little of both." Artemis said, her chuckle now a full laugh. "Give me an arrow, I'm fine. A cooking pot...and I'm stumped."
"I'll have to fix that..." Tenchi chuckled. "It's not that hard really. "And once you start baking sweets, you'll start getting a lot of practice... Which reminds me..." She goes to the oven, pulling out a tray of cookies, she had mixed up while making dinner.
"Cookies!" Thoth said. Thoth had a sweet beak, and cookies were his favorite.
On the rooftops, Yaldabaoth landed from being teleported. He checked a watch on his wrist. "Almost sundown..." He said, deciding to wait until the sun set before attacking.
"Thought you'd like..." She puts the cookies on a plate bringing it out.
General Info
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Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings » Yuri
Date Submitted
Views 1449
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings » Yuri
Date Submitted
Views 1449
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken
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nina94 on May 30, 2008, 5:49:49 AM
nina94 on