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You have doomed us all

You have doomed us all

You have doomed us all by ryuran123352
You have doomed us all by ryuran123352


Crowley was sitting in his chamber, flipping through the Necronomicon. ~Now is the time to take advantage of their lose...and prepare for a counter attack...~
"You know how boring this is? Why aren't you causing chaos yet? Who ever you are, you're sure boring the hell outta me... Get off your @$$ and cause some trouble or I'll find someone else..." A voice came from the book, an annoyed voice.
~What the...?~ Crowley looked down at the book. " can talk? You've never spoken before."
"Well, didn't wanna risk getting sealed by the little girl, I start acting up and she could shut me tight... But she can't cause she's dead... So I can do what I want now... You'll be a great addition to the many others I've absorbed... More evil power..."
"Absorbed...?" Crowley said.
"You didn't think you were in control, did you Aleister?" Satanail walked into the room, smiling.
"She warned you, by opening me up, you've given me access to my full power. I've absorbed Faust, and many other humans and demons who thought they could use me for themselves. Once I'm done with you, I move on to another host... Since no one can seal me any more...."
"You..." Crowley began to stumble back, getting up. He looked at Satanail. "Did you...know this?"
"The entire time. You're disposable. I was planning for you to be absorbed this whole time." Satanail smiled.
"No..." Crowley looked back at the book.:
"Yes Crowley, and when you're absorbed, every spell you've ever known will be added to my pages^^ I'm so grateful for you letting me out. Now that the last in the White Bloodline is gone, no one can seal me anymore... I'll be able to cause chaos until the universe itself is destroyed. I haven't decided how long you get Crowley, but, rest assured, it probably won't be too long... You're boring..."
"Perhaps you should just get rid of him now..." Satanail smirked. "I assure you, I'm far more fun..."
"Be quiet you traitorous bastard!" Crowley shouted.
"You were always a lover of Chess, can't you see that you're just a pawn..." Satanail began walking towards him. "You fooled all the faithful with magic, and you waited on Satan's door." He slowly wrapped his hand around Crowley's neck. "Oh, Mr. Charming...did you think you were pure?"
"That might be a good idea. You'd probably cause a little chaos eh Satanail? Make it a little more fun for me..." ~Little do you know, you're all my pawns....~
"No...don't..." Crowley said. "I was a freedom fighter...I just wanted..."
"We both want the same thing, Crowley." Satanail grinned. "But every real cause must have a martyr." He picked Crowley up by the neck and walked over the book. "He's all yours."
"Thank you very much..." A cloud of dark energy came from the book, forming a hand, and grabbing Crowley around the waist, slowly dragging him into the book. "This will be quite delicious... Good bye Crowley, or perhaps rather, Welcome..."
"No...NO!" Crowley attempted to fight it, but to no avail. The last thing he saw was Satanail's smug grin.
Crowley was now in what seemed to be a chamber, filled with all of the others whom the Necronomicon had used. The most prominent among them, Faust himself. "Another addition to our number... I thought the blasted book had been sealed...." Faust said angrily.
Crowley looked at the man. "Who...You're Faust, aren't you?" Through his studies, Crowley had learned of many different people.
"Of course... The one and Only..." Faust nodded. "Do not tell me you were foolish enough to unseal that monstrocity... Well soon enough the heir to the White's will seal it again hopefully..."
"She's...dead." Crowley told him.
"...The planet is then most certainly doomed..." Faust said darkly. "She was the only one with the ability to do so. No one else could... So, there's no chance of resealing it... And no chance of getting out of here anymore..."
"A book like that...A mere book destroying the entire planet?" Crowley had heard it, and read it, many times, but it just didn't process. "Just how did this book come into existence in the first place?" He knew that humans and blood demons created it, but he never knew exactly why.
"Those with evil intentions, humans and demons alike came together. The book is bound in human akin, and most of it written in blood... They gave it a life of its own, thinking it would listen to them, because they had created it. But they were quite wrong..."
~And I thought I too could control it...~ Crowley sighed. "Is there anything besides the White bloodline that can defeat it?"
"No... Not a soul..." Faust shook his head. "No one besides them can... So, if there are none left, then you have doomed the planet... Seeing as, with there being no heaven or hell, they can't revive the White girl either..."
Crowley sat down. "Then what are we to do? Are we to be cursed here forever?"
"Yes... We are forced to watch as the planet falls into ruin... Damnit... If only she weren't dead... That girl had the power to let us all out of here..." Faust sighed bitterly.
"And now she's...dead." ~I had no idea that girl was so valuable other than through Metatron's machinations..~
"Correct. So, we're to be trapped here for eternity... Poor dear, she was only a fledgling too..." Faust had watched her through the book, while she was living in his home. Faust wasn't, evil, not like many of the others in there.... he had just been blinded by power and greed.
Crowley made a simple irritated grunt. "Well, not like it matters now. At least we won't be destroyed like the rest of the planet."
"But we will be trapped in here for eternity, watching everything we cared about be destroyed... You cannot imagine how lonely it is in here..."
"Hm." Crowley shrugged the idea off. There wasn't much on the planet that he cared about. So really, it didn't affect him all the much.
Faust sighed, turning away, and going to sit down. He had been trapped in here so long. And his only chance of escape, he had just found out, was dead. So, he was stuck, in this miserable eternal existence...
Crowley sighed, looking amongst those who had been sealed. "All of these people lusted for power?" It seemed apparent that greed was very much a organism trait, rather than a soley human one, seeing all the demons around him.
"Correct. The want of money, or power... Or even love, all three have caused people to use this monsterous book..." Faust nodded, pulling at the scarf around his neck.
"To save the life of a loved one, through revival... To force someone to love you... All such things are within these pages..." Because in other varieties of magic such things are forbidden interfering with one's free will, or reviving the dead... Both considered wrong in most magical teachings...."
"And such a book was created for the sole purpose of being used to such extents..." Crowley mused out loud...
"They wanted something to contain all the magic deemed wrong by society. All the most powerful curses and such... I was stupid, using it to gain power... And... To try to win the heart of a woman... Alas... It didn't work, even with magic..." Faust sighed.
"The heart of a woman? Care to explain further?" Crowley asked.
"There was just a woman... I cared very much about... But she thought nothing of me... I was a simple doctor, she was a high born young lady and she was also engaged..." he sighed again. "I found this book in an ancient library, and using my knowledge of magic and Alchemy, unsealed it, to see if the spells within could help me win her over..."
"And it manipulated you...just like it did me...all of us..." Crowley said.
"Correct, even the smartest are displayed like fools by this accursed book. I've been trapped in here for several thousand years.... I suppose a fitting punishment for my foolishness... Even Satan will join us in here eventually I am sure..."
"Funny you mention that...since it was Satan who had originally gave me the knowledge of how to find and unseal the book."
"Yes, but he believes himself to be immortal, unable to be captured. The book will trap him, just as it has trapped all of us... He doesn't know that, or he wouldn't have voluteered as a host..." Faust looked to the ground, stuffing his hands in his pockets. How he hated it in here.
"This book has played us all for could I have been so foolish to believe that I was superior to the rest of you and could control it...?"
"All are fools in the face of power. You are just one among many..." he points to the hundreds, maybe thousands around. "Though, not many around here speak to me... Due to my "Sappy" reasons for wanting it... Most of them started on evil intention.... They consider me an outcast among them... Though we're all truly outcasts..."
"A stranger in a strange land..." Crowley said. "My motives are somewhat...difficult to explain."
"Something about reforming the world if I remember correctly, or was that just the Metatron's plan?" Faust asked looking at Crowley.
"We all...had the same plan but different reasons. We wanted to restart the universe....Satanail wanted to make angels the dominant race of the universe rather than subservant, Metatron wanted to create a perfect world for the family he was taken from, Yaldabaoth wanted to destroy his mother...and I..." Crowley stopped, as if his voice wouldn't let him continue.
"If you do not wish to speak of it you do not have to..." Faust assured Crowley. "If you do not wish to speak it now, you can at some other point..."
"'s not painful it's just...foolish and unrealistic now that I think about it." Crowley sighed. "My whole life, I was known as 'The Beast' and the Wickedest Man on Earth...the ideas of the unique are always frowned down upon...I wanted to re-trigger the big bang in order to try and create a world that isn't as quick to label things as...evil."
"Because the current was is..." he pulled his necklace from beneath his scarf. "As you know, this symbol, was originally used by those of the pagan sects. But the ones who thought differently, the Christians, turned such a simple symbol of good, into a sign of Satan.... They label anything they cannot comprehend as wicked, and allow nothing to change that way of thought..."
"Twas not only the Christians..." Crowley said. "It was the nature of both men and gods. All who do not understand the world around them fear it, regardless."
"I was merely giving an example. That's all..." Faust shrugged, once again hiding the necklace under his scarf. It was nearing the books equivilent of evening. "Vir must sum shlaphen Gehen... Er.. Pardon, It's almost time for bed... Even after all these years, I still slip out German occasionally..."
"It's alright..." Crowley said. "So, are you going to bed now?"
"Yes... If you do not mind... Bis Morgan," he walks off to a solitary corner, as beds start to appear for everyone. He stretched, pulling off his shirt scarf and necklace, pulling from within the folds of the scarf a small beaten looking rabbit plushie. His only real friend in this place.
~A rabbit...? A stuffed rabbit?~ Crowley wondered, and walked to one of the beds. ~What kind of man keeps a stuffed rabbit?~
Faust sighs. "You're my only friend in this place aren't you?" he asks the rabbit. He hugs it close to him, the only company he's had in a long while that would listen to him. Sad... But he'd been in there thousands of years by now... It was lonely...
Crowley's bed was right next to Faust's. "If I may ask..." He said looking over. "What's with the rabbit?"
"Eh... I've had him for a long while... He's the only one who'll listen to me.... I've had him since I was five or six... It's rather pathetic, but he's my only friend..." Faust sighs a little. "Enshuldigung (I'm sorry), does it bother you?"
~Bother me...?~ "Erm, no." Crowley said. "It doesn't...bother me. I'm just...surprised."

"Yes, it must seem quite childish I'm sure.... But since, my intentions weren't as evil as the others, they ignore me completely. So my rabbit is the only one I have to talk to... When you're been trapped in a book thousands of years... you tend to be a little stranger then most..."
Crowley looked at Faust. "Well, I won't give you any trouble for it. In a place like this, I sort of understand why you'd need it..."
"You're actually the first to speak with me more then just to call me sappy or stupid..." Faust admitted. "Time passes much differently in here then in the outside world... I've been "dead" a little more then 500 years in your world, yet in here, its been several thousand years..."
" looks like I'll be here for a long time..." Crowley said, sighing and laying down.
"Yes... Unless something miraculous happens, we'll be trapped in here for all of eternity..." Faust folds his arms across his pillow laying his head down. "It's sad though, the girl had such promise..." he shrugs.
~The girl...~ Crowley gripped his bed sheets. It was pretty much all his fault that he was trapped in this hellhole for the rest of eternity.
~He seems troubled... perhaps he had a hand in her death?~ Faust wondered. "There might be one way out of here, though, it would assurdly not be easy..." Faust muttered to himself. He had a long while to think about it. The book had been attacked from the out side... And from the inside, but never both. Perhaps, that might work?
"What? How?" Crowley asked, looking over to Faust once again.
"If we attacked from the inside, all of us, while the book was being attacked from the out side. Surely, that great and amount of magic and demonic energy would be able to open the book up. And, everyone who escapes, their power would be taken from the book..."
"But could we possibly rally together all of these criminals and powermongers to do so?"
"You think they're thrilled about being trapped in here? I think if we got word from the outside, that enough of them would work together...."
"So the only trouble is getting word from the outside...”
"I'm sure, those who were working against you, will eventually come after the book. Seeing as it's terrorizing the planet... If they defeat Satan, it will choose one of them as a host, and absorb them, and from there we use a pincer manuver, attacking from the inside and out..."
"If they can defeat Satanail..." Crowley mused. "His power is mighty...he is different from both a god and an angel. He's a devil...and a devil can be unpredictable."
"Perhaps, but what I've seen from within here shows that that group is quite formidable... Especially the demons.... And I'm sure the Seraphim aren't to be underestimated either..." Faust had seen about the entire group, because he knew a spell to be able to see through the book into the outside world...
"They are quite powerful...I can only hope that they can free us somehow...although it's somewhat of a blow to my ego to have to depend on my former enemies.":
"Don't let it be... You cannot help that since you were fighting them the situation has changed. Though once we are out, we much avoid the archangel at all cost, or else he'll just bring us to the afterlife.. and I'd rather not go..."
"I could handle that archangel no problem..." Crowley smiled.
"You do not understand, if you kill Michael, the afterlife will cease to exist... If there is no death, there is no life..."
"How did you learn that?" Crowley asked. He never remembered coming across such information.
"When I was doing the study, that lead to my discovery of necromancy, I found it in an ancient text... Though, that text has long since been destroyed."
"Like many texts...I myself had a library full of books in languages that aren't even recorded or known to exist."
"Yes... So do I... They're hidden in a different section of the maze that the Necronomicon was hidden in. Some knowledge you must keep secret, for there are those who would destroy it if they knew..."
"We'll have to show each other our collections one day." Crowley smiled.
"Yes we will won't we... I'm sure we'd both learn much..." Faust also smiles, nodding. "Once we get out of here..."
"We shall. Although it's a small chance, there is a chance that even in their weakened state that group may be able to defeat Satanail."
"I believe they can do it... Satan, while powerful, fights the exact same way he always has. He's fairly predictable really... I'm willing to believe they'll get us out of here... What other hope do we have?"
"None." Crowley sighed. "None at all..."

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Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 1225
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Media Graphite pencil
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Reference Other sketches of mine


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