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Sarcasm by sapphirestar7789
Sarcasm by sapphirestar7789


tis alex, my adventure quest character! Yes, she is very sarcastic. note the expression (you:O_o)

Age: 16 (wooh! I get my driver's license!)
Pets: Cinder, the Cinder wolf (actually own), Ted the black tipped vampire bat(made up and he looks cute than the ugly ones on the game) Spectrum the Rainbow Phoenix (made up)
Ampithere, young darkness dragon (pronunced Am-PI-theer, planning to get one, have one in story)
Wardrobe: Necromancer cloak, usually wears the hood down, necromancer cloak is kinda like a dress instead of the ugly pants, yet there is still pants worn underneath, brown boots, belt
Weapon:fear meh sword wand! (creativity is the key!)
personality: smart, sarcastic, impatient (when fighting monsters that just won't freakin' die!) friendly, hardworking, creative! (unlike some person I know...)
Class: NECROMANCER!!!!!! yet i am the only magic person..*sniffle*...

COMMENT OR DIE! *everyone runs away*

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Genre » - Online Games » Adventure quest/Battleon
Date Submitted
Views 1403
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Comments 23
Media Other digital art
Time Taken


Comments (23)

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duckdude on January 1, 2008, 11:33:45 AM

duckdude on

thecompleteanimorph on November 15, 2007, 9:30:11 AM

thecompleteanimorph on
thecompleteanimorphMy AdventureQuest person likes hacking things to pieces with her sword. Her class is Ninja.

gemdrop123neo on November 24, 2006, 6:43:16 AM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoIt amuses me to see all these people say how they love your pic but yet they have no idea what the story is and what Alex actually does.
.....Just a thought, DON'T HURT ME....
P.S. Fried Frogzards rule! *smacks lips*

gemdrop123neo on November 24, 2006, 6:45:09 AM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoAnd possibly they have no idea what Adventure Quest is either....heheh.
*everyone glares at me*
Me: HELLO?! I'M BLUNT, HERE! I TYPE BEFORE I THINK! (quite true, actually)

shiny_angel on October 8, 2006, 4:24:55 AM

shiny_angel on
shiny_angelOOOH!!!beautiful!! You are soo talented!
Nice colors and everything! ^-^

Keep it up

mandy94t on October 7, 2006, 3:48:31 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94toooh!!sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!this rocks!!I'm not very creative at all and I hate it....*holds out measuring cup*Can I borrow some creativity,please?

OtakuNOVAkun on October 6, 2006, 12:24:45 PM

OtakuNOVAkun on
OtakuNOVAkunNIICE. i like a lot. she's cute.
love her eyes and hair.

drakestshadow_x on October 5, 2006, 7:34:05 AM

drakestshadow_x on
drakestshadow_xAWESOME L.A. Boredness pic will be up soon!

sapphirestar7789 on October 5, 2006, 12:18:17 PM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789thank you Heather, you make me feel better *sniff*

gemdrop123neo on October 4, 2006, 12:47:12 PM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoOh yes, and some other objectionable content...
#1: You are not friendly. At least, not to everyone.
#2: Are you talking 'bout me when you said a certain someone isn't creative? 'Cause you're not, either! Plus, I'm actually the smartest person in meh new school! And I EXCEL in the arts! (Except music, my music sounds like...well, let's just say it's not that great)
#3: You forgot to add that you're a bit TOO competitive. You hate it when ANYONE beats you at ANYTHING!
#4: You're not smart.
You: *hits me HARD on the head*
Me: I was just kidding...*faints*

sapphirestar7789 on October 5, 2006, 12:17:33 PM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789Everyone in TEXAS is a year behind in education so that means you are not the smartest one in school..only be default.

If I'm not that smart, how come I'm in all gifted classes plus Spanish, play 3 instruments, and be a brown belt in Karate? Maybe I'm just lucky...*look I won the lottery!*

Yes, I'm not creative yet I've made three generations of my own POkemon not to mention Star and Heart types, plus gym leaders, I've made up my own Dana region..let's see I can't think of anything else at the moment...

I'm nice to people! Except preppy snobs! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!*runs into wall and faints*

why can't anyone be on my side? I'm standing alone. Will some take Crystal's point of view? I never win against any fights! Is my opinion just not important? Am I just a usless object? Waahhhh.....*craws into corner and starts crying* *someone who DOESN"T notic me throws a old magazine at me* .............*cry*

drakestshadow_x on October 7, 2006, 5:07:08 AM

drakestshadow_x on
drakestshadow_xi take your left and right side crystal o and the back and front o man all sides oooo
i got you!!!!

sapphirestar7789 on October 7, 2006, 11:24:18 AM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789yay ^_^

gemdrop123neo on October 8, 2006, 7:03:33 AM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoFine. I get it. You all hate me...*Snivels*
P.S. *more sniveling*

sapphirestar7789 on October 8, 2006, 8:32:28 AM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789I don't hate you, I just hate what you've done to my character!

*hitchikes all the way to Texas and goes to your house*
Me: Hiya Janet!
you: *takes frying pan and whacks me on the head*
me: @_@ I guess you're happy to see me...*faints*

drakestshadow_x on October 9, 2006, 9:29:58 PM

drakestshadow_x on
drakestshadow_x*GRABS BUCKET of ice. spills then bags fly* UGH get it right ice in BAG!!!

sapphirestar7789 on October 10, 2006, 8:39:06 AM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789CONDENSATION! O_o

gemdrop123neo on October 4, 2006, 12:12:19 PM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoI don't think ya can get a young darkness dragon in AQ...

sapphirestar7789 on October 5, 2006, 12:05:50 PM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789this is noy funny I'm serious....why is it that everytime i say something you're always teling me its wrong? I can find out on my own thank you very much!!

drakestshadow_x on October 9, 2006, 9:30:39 PM

drakestshadow_x on
drakestshadow_xoooooooooooooooo burn!!!!!!!!

gemdrop123neo on October 4, 2006, 12:13:52 PM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoYOU ARE NOT THE LEADER! NO ONE IS THE LEADER! (Though let's all group together and make fun of Artix)

sapphirestar7789 on October 5, 2006, 12:04:33 PM

sapphirestar7789 on
sapphirestar7789why do people not get my SARCASM????!!!

that the whole point of the picture!!!!!

gemdrop123neo on October 11, 2006, 10:40:00 AM

gemdrop123neo on
gemdrop123neoWhat is this sarcasm you speak of? What is this point you speak of? What is this picture you...