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IceCream Illussioonn

IceCream Illussioonn

IceCream Illussioonn by sasuke4kun
IceCream Illussioonn by sasuke4kun


Well this im not really sure...My friend and I were supposed to have ice cream make us friends in a Pirate vs. Ninja war and i drew this out...but we used coca cola instead so i was like well cant throw it away add things to it!!! yaay and i know this is like a long sentence w/ not punctuation or grammar!!! yay!

Love the comments!!

General Info

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Category Miscellaneous
Date Submitted
Views 1426
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 2
Comments 16
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken on and off
Reference my amazing multiartist brain!


Comments (16)

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Sepia on January 3, 2010, 6:55:09 AM

Sepia on
SepiaOh my gosh, i love the color and the patterns! The bit in the upper left corner is uber-cool.

sasuke4kun on January 3, 2010, 11:32:21 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunWEEEEEEE thank yah!!! ^^ I dont know what was up w/ me and that uh...shape thingy...but i drew it everywhere when i learned it!

Sepia on January 4, 2010, 12:13:08 PM

Sepia on
SepiaFor some weird reason, it reminds me of garlic... lol!

I like cooking though, so I guess that makes sense. Maybe.

What kind of markers did you use?

sasuke4kun on February 15, 2010, 2:06:38 PM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunMUAHAHA GARLIC shall rule our world!!!

Nope it makes perfect sense!!! does kinda look like a giant clove of garlic!!1 YUS!!!

MUAhah...i used prisma color markers!! they are hard to not certain of the proper way to color w/ this is very un-detailed...and i love detail...but i had to leave this w/o!

Sepia on February 15, 2010, 9:06:06 PM

Sepia on
Sepiahehe. Yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with prismacolor markers. :)
Love because they're so different and I know what awesome things they can do.
Hate because I can't get them to cooperate and do those awesome things!

sasuke4kun on February 16, 2010, 10:58:23 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunMy point exactly!!! ITs just grrr!!

AngelKite on March 20, 2009, 9:13:14 PM

AngelKite on
AngelKiteI like the background. A lot. Great job. :D

sasuke4kun on March 21, 2009, 8:47:39 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunThank you! this is what happens when i get bored!! LOL all kinds of things are possible!

Goldenlight on February 12, 2009, 10:52:05 AM

Goldenlight on
Goldenlight*drooling* Wait what?

IT IS AWESOME! *ish still drooling*

Good job no I want ice cream!

I wonder how ice cream on pizza would taste...

Wah no I want to try XD

sasuke4kun on February 12, 2009, 11:05:54 AM

sasuke4kun on

Thank YOU!!!

MM i know me wants the ice cream too!!

HMM good question!!! Must draw a peice of pizza on it!!!


Goldenlight on February 12, 2009, 11:09:44 AM

Goldenlight on
Goldenlightlolz randomness is the best *ish now wearing drool bucket* Now where to get pizza *shifty eyes*

sasuke4kun on February 12, 2009, 11:18:00 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunYou gots that right!!!
Me: Hmm idk gotta go all the way to italy for a great pepparoni pizzA!!! Grrr why must it be so far away!!!???

Sasuke: there is a Pizza Hut right down the street from where you live...

Me: OMG!! I did not know this!!!

Sasuke: *slaps forehead*

Goldenlight on February 12, 2009, 11:22:02 AM

Goldenlight on
GoldenlightHey Sasuke's back! How've ya been? Been into any Wal-Marts lately? Wait Pizza Hut? Is there a convientaly placed ice-cream place nearby?

sasuke4kun on February 12, 2009, 11:28:43 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunJUP The Man is back!!! YAY As a matter of fact i have!! Wal-Mart shall rule the WORLD!!!! MUHAHAHAH

Sasuke: Ive been good...away from you two! Yes a Pizza Hut and there is an ice cream shop there as well though i cant remember the name of it wait ooo ya its KolidoScoops! 'to himself: What a werid name...'

StrawChan on February 12, 2009, 10:18:31 AM

StrawChan on
StrawChanOMIGOSH, you made this for our project?!

I am SOOOO sorry! I didn't know!

And I'm sorry about the ice cream thing! The truth is that I'm a cheap-o and didn't want to buy ice cream. D=

But the coke thing worked, didn't it?

Thank you SOOO much for all of the hard work you've been putting into this. I really want to help, but it's hard for two people to work on the same computer...

Awesome job!

sasuke4kun on February 12, 2009, 10:42:24 AM

sasuke4kun on
sasuke4kunJUP!!! ^^

Straw Dont be you have no reason to be sorry!!! I was bored during Government and i think study hall and i decided to draw it!

NAw its fine im like that too sometimes!! LOL ITs COOL!!

Ya i loved the coke thing!! It worked just great!! I mean look at all those happy Polar Bears and Penguins!!

Its all good!! It kinda works out though cuz you read Naruto manga that i MUST READ now since your in the Sasuke Arch!!! YAY GO SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!