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Frodo Baggins in Rivendell

Frodo Baggins in Rivendell

Frodo Baggins in Rivendell by scififan25
Frodo Baggins in Rivendell by scififan25


This is my second try at drawing a Lord of the Rings character... what do you think?

Second essai a dessiner un personnage du seigneur des anneaux...Commentaires?

General Info

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Category Movies » Lord of the Rings » The Fellowship of the Ring
Date Submitted
Views 2041
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Vote Score 0
Comments 10
Media Unspecified
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Comments (10)

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lotje on March 7, 2006, 11:39:19 PM

lotje on
lotjegreat job!!! realism is really hard to draw....respect!!!! ^^

Autumn-Sacura on February 7, 2005, 1:13:16 AM

Autumn-Sacura on
Autumn-SacuraThis pic has soul ^__^

charles on August 30, 2004, 9:55:29 AM

charles on
charlesse dessin et tres beua au crayon gris comme sa moi jadore le jeu des hombres

feari on May 18, 2004, 9:22:31 AM

feari on
feariThe one piccie you were talking about. It's not up. You were talking about it when you commented on one of my pics. ...I think... ^__^;; I wanna see it! ^__^ Thanks for commenting. ^__^ Nice pic of Frodo. ^_^

scififan25 on March 11, 2004, 2:05:16 PM

scififan25 on
scififan25you did not annoy me... I am a fan of Tolkien as well...And I missed one... the man in the moon stayed up too late...Can't wait for you song send it to my new drawing... Think wit all this you could dram me merry since you like him so much? or Legolas?

DreamOfFire on March 10, 2004, 2:52:07 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFirehehe,good job Scififan25!<br />
lol, and sorry about my randomness!sometimes I just gotta break into song!and I couldn't decide which one to sing!and your pic made me really feel like singing!<br />
lol,you should hear the song now!I added a bunch to it!^^<br />
I loves the shading!and his clothes are really cool too!<br />
<br />
yep,there cool too!I've just always had a thing for Merry(Legolas and Faramir too^^)! <br />
<br />
again sorry,if I annoyed you^^

nienke on March 10, 2004, 1:00:00 AM

nienke on
nienkeHI <br />
thank you for your comment, I can give you some advice!! keep patient, you must practice very much and try to make it better every time, like I do!! you can watch pictures of eyes and studie them!! Then make a drawing of those eyes, and try to draw much details!! then you will be the best! I have another tip, but how to say in english..... I live in the netherlands so I don't speak english. uhm, lets try it. I took a photo, I make lines from up to down, and lines from left to right! the you got something like this:<br />
_ _ _ _ _<br />
|_|_|_|_|_|<br />
|_|_|_|_|_|<br />
|_|_|_|_|_|<br />
|_|_|_|_|_|<br />
<br />
do you understand, And the you do the same on your paper. the you can draw exectly what's on the picture!! if ypu have more questions please mail me!!<br />
<br />
greetz Nienke

scififan25 on March 7, 2004, 7:50:18 AM

scififan25 on
scififan25ok to respond about dream of fire:<br />
he first talks about going to hunt orcs(invitation) then he changes his mind...Then he quotes TOm Bombadil and the pippin's bath song...then he does the lay of gilgalad then Bilbo's song of passing seasons... then gollum's fish song... then Sam's oliphaunt song... <br />
<br />
yeah thanks for all your critics dream of fire... I like Merry too.. but Frodo and sam are my offense<br />
<br />

DreamOfFire on March 6, 2004, 4:49:10 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFirehehe!take Sting Frodo!Take it and go hunt some orcs!!!<br />
NO Frodo!I was just kidding!come back!!!!!or Shelob will get you!Hey! Come merry dol! derry dol! My darling!Light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling!SING HEY!FOR THE BATH AT CLOSE OF DAY!Now squeaking high, now purring low,now sawing in the middle.!His sword was long, his lance was keen,his shining helm afar was seen;the countless stars of heaven's field were mirrored in his silver shield!It walked the forests long ago!What a joy to meet!We only wishto catch a fish,so juicy-sweet!!But old Oliphaunt am I,And I never lie.HEHEHE I COULD GO ON FOREVER!!!and for no reason too!anyway,me LiKes Da PiCCccY!nice shading on Sting!<br />
<br />
MERRY IS DA BEST!!*runs off chanting praise to Merry!*<br />
<br />

PinkDuckies23 on March 6, 2004, 9:45:50 AM

PinkDuckies23 on
PinkDuckies23It's good! Much much better than what I can do!