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Pack of our own coloured

Pack of our own coloured

Pack of our own coloured by sword_dragon
Pack of our own coloured by sword_dragon


kk dis it coloured

haha it kinda funny cos at first they were all walkin n den da top row appeard now it looks lik der all stood 4 a family photo but der not da pack is movin on ~_~

top row from left 2 right.
Taoro (c) Living dead girl
Rosco (c)Goldenwolfgirl
Nashoba (c) Firefly Dragon
Snow , Aswad (c) Setofan93
Lowe (c) Heylorlass
Shadow (c) me
Naomi (c) GamerGirlGG

Bottom row left to right
Seishin (c) me
Cooper (c)CrystalVixon
Rogue (c) Me
Tobius (c) Alue
Cailean (c) Me
Phantom (c) Fluffyfan4774

All(c) to there rightful owners ^_^

technically 12 of these 14 are mine neway but day have been adopted so no longer properly belong 2 me ^_^ haha!!! lol ^_^

ne1 can join dis pack if they so wish and ne1 who dosent want 2 be in it can leave 2!!!!
more the merrier its 1 big @$$ pack at min as it is!!!!
but we need an alpha wolf da leader!!! so whoeva wants 2 vote 4 a leader!!!! and den whoeva gets it and wants 2 be it can be!!!! ^_^

(oh ye sorry 2 those who's wolves may have come da wrong colour, my colourin is disgracful den ma scanner kills it n den da editin system F's it up more so da orinigal looks lik a frigin god pic compared wid dis!!!!!)

coloured with my Karisma artist colours n my million and 1 crayola colours!!! also the ova last minute details were down to my fountain ink pen!!!!

General Info

General Info

Category Movies » Balto » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 2648
Favorites... 16
Vote Score 2
Comments 17
Media Other drawing
Time Taken
Reference evry1s wolves


Comments (17)

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Rurouni_Gemini83 on May 8, 2009, 10:32:43 AM

Rurouni_Gemini83 on
Rurouni_Gemini83I know the feeling, when it comes to uncooperative scanners (and most modern technology, in general > <;;;;; )

But this turned out extremely well! (Most of my own group pics don't look this good! Either the characters all come out looking the same, or, after the first character is drawn, I might as well forget getting the others in there at all! ^ _ ^;;;;; )

Boltbendergirl on August 29, 2007, 2:46:53 AM

Boltbendergirl on
Boltbendergirli like shadow...all the way in the back!!! great picture!

luckylace222 on June 22, 2007, 1:23:43 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222:D Oh wow! You're good at drawing wolves as well!

phjasmine on March 19, 2007, 6:06:11 PM

phjasmine on
phjasminecan i plz have Cailean or is she allready taken

sword_dragon on March 19, 2007, 9:12:29 PM

sword_dragon on
sword_dragonmeh ... no these are ll my friends wolves XD and Caliean ist mine

phjasmine on March 20, 2007, 7:45:08 AM

phjasmine on

bridget_jones on July 3, 2006, 10:03:56 PM

bridget_jones on
bridget_jonesAwww, this picture is so cute i love it =3 *faves*!!!

Teemu on June 25, 2006, 2:49:08 AM

Teemu on
Teemucute ^-^

manga_rules on June 19, 2006, 7:10:02 PM

manga_rules on
manga_rulesawwww it's even better coloured XD great job *faves* keep up with the great work

GamerGirlGG on June 18, 2006, 9:21:09 AM

GamerGirlGG on
GamerGirlGGNaomi looks sooo pretty...

GoldenWolfGurl on June 17, 2006, 7:06:33 AM

GoldenWolfGurl on
GoldenWolfGurlCool!! There all good lookn'!!

Fluffy_fan4774 on June 17, 2006, 6:47:18 AM

Fluffy_fan4774 on
Fluffy_fan4774this is really awesome ^_____^ YAY!!! lots a wolves and Phantom is in front go him ^______^ luff the pic

Living_Dead_Girl on June 17, 2006, 5:55:05 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlYAY! Wolfies!! I'm glad you colored it! They're so pretty and cute ^^ *huggles all of them* I'm gonna have to make up my own pack of several soon. Maybe I should make an adoption thing like you or maybe just ask ppl if I can use their wolf for the pack.....

sam01 on June 17, 2006, 2:04:37 AM

sam01 on
sam01i like this pic it is so cute and cool .

Alue on June 17, 2006, 1:25:39 AM

Alue on

heylorlass on June 17, 2006, 12:40:38 AM

heylorlass on
heylorlassHey! I just came online and I saw it on the front page! It looks brilliant coloured! Thanks so much for having Lowe in it. ^-^
Your request is slowly getting there... the hair is creeping along his back and over his shoulder and down his legs. Drawing each single one takes a long time!!! But! I should be getting it finished shortly!