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fun fun fun in the snow @_@

fun fun fun in the snow @_@

fun fun fun in the snow @_@ by tenshi
fun fun fun in the snow @_@ by tenshi


Merry Christmas from me to you! (you: as in anyone looking at this pic right now)

okay... nan demo nai... *grabs snowballs and throws them at kurama-sama* "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!"

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Category Anime/Manga » Yu Yu Hakusho » Groups
Date Submitted
Views 7174
Favorites... 146
Vote Score 7
Comments 72
Media Unspecified
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Comments (72)

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luckylace222 on August 7, 2009, 12:57:26 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace2228D HIEI Looks like a kid more than anyone! It looks like he enjoys it! XD EHEHEHE

TsukikoMoonrai on December 17, 2008, 10:13:22 AM

TsukikoMoonrai on
TsukikoMoonraiAwwwwww! Hiei looks so cute in this pic! Kurama looks like Why am I doing this again??? and Yusuke looks like Time to make the head! Muahahahaha!

Merry Christmas!

animelover003 on March 30, 2008, 1:24:01 AM

animelover003 on
animelover003I like Hiei the best and who is Yusuke going to throw the snowball at? Hmmm I wonder...

MayorYesterday on January 21, 2008, 10:42:56 AM

MayorYesterday on
MayorYesterdayI love this pic, it's just so cute. Hiei looks a little lost. Yusuke looks as if he's about to throw the snow ball at Hiei. Kuwabara just looks stupid as he always does. Kurama just like 'i can't believe he's doing this'

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on December 28, 2007, 12:48:45 AM

Ryo-Miyazaki-chan on
Ryo-Miyazaki-chanWhat everyone's thinking...
Yuske: I bet Kuwabara can't try to beat me up if he a snow mountain up his @$$.

Kuwabara: Yukina....I am with you at last....X.X

Kurama: Oh well. Might as well not let this moment go to waste.

Hiei: ....Is this like that yellow stuff that human made me eat?

BlackRose16 on December 3, 2007, 11:15:06 PM

BlackRose16 on
BlackRose16thats really cute.
i like it alot

NaughtyOrNice99 on November 30, 2007, 2:16:39 AM

NaughtyOrNice99 on


NinjaX234 on July 30, 2007, 10:37:44 AM

NinjaX234 on

Slizz on December 23, 2006, 3:45:10 PM

Slizz on
SlizzWow this is really good! Very well done~ Love the style! It kicks @$$! ^___^

K_moon on December 17, 2006, 8:47:24 AM

K_moon on
K_moonHAHAHA, That's cute. :-)
I bet hiei's melting all the snow in his mind. :-P
funny. ^^

Koji45 on December 7, 2006, 4:31:17 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45lol, poor Kuwabara. XD I love this picture, Great job. *faves* :)

mrsaturn123 on December 2, 2006, 11:39:32 AM

mrsaturn123 on
mrsaturn123Poor Kuwabara...he's gonna be veeeeeeeery cold when he gets out of that snowman. Yusuke looks all...uh...mischeivous and stuff...yeah. Great job! *faves*

Lex on October 28, 2006, 3:05:28 AM

Lex on
Lexaw hiei looks so cute!!! poor kuwabara.

bluemarshmallows on September 9, 2006, 11:38:40 PM

bluemarshmallows on
bluemarshmallowsAww..Hiei looks so cute and curious...(stares at Kuwabara evilly) may you freeze to death...

NaomiSohma on September 9, 2006, 8:43:21 AM

NaomiSohma on
NaomiSohmaOmg! It's hilarious! and they're so kawaii! Especially hiei! XD *favs*

InnocentFlame on August 9, 2006, 10:22:44 PM

InnocentFlame on
InnocentFlameWow! That's awesome! Kuwabara looks hilarious! ^0^

yuyu101 on July 31, 2006, 2:08:26 AM

yuyu101 on
yuyu101They all look so cute!
me: Huggles everyone
Hiei: GET OFF ME!!
Me: No.
Hiei: Baka
Me: *throws snowball at Hiei* Take that!
Yusuke: *laughs*
Kuwabara: I'm getting frozen here!

ScarrFace on July 30, 2006, 1:22:43 PM

ScarrFace on
ScarrFaceHahahahahah!Poor Kuwaabara!I LOVE how Hiei looks!

SoloAzume on July 28, 2006, 2:21:40 AM

SoloAzume on
SoloAzumeCUTE!!! *faves* Its not even christmas, but who cares XD

mikita_inugirl on July 27, 2006, 3:56:45 PM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlDidn't I comment this? If not, then THIS IS SO CUTE! XD

orangemusicnote101614 on July 17, 2006, 1:50:22 AM

orangemusicnote101614 on
orangemusicnote101614So it really is Christmas in July! *Cough* Great pic! I love how Kuwabara (? is that his name?) is the snowman's head. Lol. Great job.

Evilevergreen on July 8, 2006, 4:11:23 PM

Evilevergreen on
EvilevergreenThat's just too cute.
You did a great job!

ScarHeartedBeauty on July 7, 2006, 11:00:02 AM

ScarHeartedBeauty on
ScarHeartedBeautyYusuke: More snowballs..more snowalls....more snowballs.... Hiei: It's so god damn cold.....
Kurama: Um...*sweatdrop*...Kuwabara-san?...
Kuwabara: I am Kuwabara...I am dead......

Oh lord....*sweatdrop, glomp, and faves*

yaoimistress_darkangel on July 4, 2006, 2:05:37 AM

yaoimistress_darkangel on
yaoimistress_darkangel*JUMP UP AND DOWN WITH JOY* i love this pic *favs*

silverstream on June 22, 2006, 5:35:57 AM

silverstream on
silverstreamAlthough I don't really know this manga/show, I still think it's really cute! *faves*

AlchemysBloodandDarkEco on June 20, 2006, 7:30:33 AM

AlchemysBloodandDarkEco on
AlchemysBloodandDarkEcoThis is great art work! (tackles Hiei into a snow bank)

wingedhemi on June 16, 2006, 5:10:57 AM

wingedhemi on
wingedhemi-lmao- I can see this. Kurama's comforting Kuwabara and Yusuke's laying out his plan to Hiei.
"He won't know what hit him!"
-lol- Poor Kurama. ^^

VioletAngel on June 4, 2006, 9:21:46 AM

VioletAngel on
VioletAngelThat's soo kute! XD *fav*

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on March 14, 2006, 1:57:07 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animehahahahaha... so awesome! i love how Kuwabara is the snowman. XD those four are so cute. *snickers and throws snowballs at Hiei and Yusuke while hiding behind Kuwabara Snowman* =^_^= *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

MikaRabidKitsune on February 18, 2006, 3:32:39 AM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsunePoor Kuwabara. He's probably freezing his nuts off. Yusuke is having waaaaay to much fun with those snow balls and Hiei and Kurama just seem to be bystanders.... Hehehehe... I love this picture.

Shadow_Warrioress on February 10, 2006, 3:14:04 AM

Shadow_Warrioress on
Shadow_WarrioressI had to print this, but it came out b&w and all liney! WAH! *kicks printer* Stupid's still cute...I will still hang it on my wall...until I get some color ink...Bye now! *Faves and throws a snow ball at Yusuke* *Runs away laughing evilly as he and Hiei chase her.*

AddictedFreak on November 27, 2005, 6:59:27 AM

AddictedFreak on

AWESOME!!!!!!! *favs*

sadangel on November 6, 2005, 10:39:36 AM

sadangel on

baonhu on October 19, 2005, 7:36:36 AM

baonhu on
baonhuha ha thats so kawii!

Shizu on October 9, 2005, 7:51:37 AM

Shizu on
ShizuxD That is great. Poor Kuwa-chan. Chuck a snowball at Hiei, Yusuke! XD Hehe. Nice job, though. ^^ -hearts piccie-

DemonTheifQueen on August 13, 2005, 12:12:53 PM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueen*shoves 20 snow balls in Kuwabara's face*



Amaku on July 27, 2005, 12:52:55 AM

Amaku on
AmakuAWWW! they all look SO CUTE! 'Specially Hiei =^-^= +Fav all the way!

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on July 5, 2005, 3:28:34 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animesoooooo cuuuuute! i love how u put Kuwabara in the snow man. this is so funny. *adds to favs* *joins in snowball fight*

Faeberries on June 30, 2005, 8:25:32 AM

Faeberries on
Faeberriesawwwww!!!!! this is SO CUTE!!!!!! * HUGS HIEI!!* I love michievous little yusuke!!! mwwweee!!!

punkrocker on June 28, 2005, 5:32:28 AM

punkrocker on
punkrocker*Laughing really hard*They buried Kuwabara in the snow*favs*

jesslovesbilly82 on June 27, 2005, 10:39:32 AM

jesslovesbilly82 on
jesslovesbilly82you do't have to.i'm just acking

jesslovesbilly82 on May 26, 2005, 2:38:53 PM

jesslovesbilly82 on
jesslovesbilly82i meant to say one of my favirote.

jesslovesbilly82 on May 26, 2005, 2:37:29 PM

jesslovesbilly82 on
jesslovesbilly82hi i looooooooooooove your drawings and this is one of my. can you draw them going swiming and one of them just in a swimsutie? just like this one

ArtemisSolace on March 18, 2005, 12:26:48 PM

ArtemisSolace on

JinLover on March 9, 2005, 9:42:02 AM

JinLover on
JinLoverCOOOL!!!!!!!! Very awesome Christmas pic. *faves* ^-^

DreamOfFire on February 24, 2005, 1:30:42 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFireEGAD! sooooooooo cute!!!!!!
wowzie!how did you color this!?
would you mind if I print it?!^^
*DIES from the cuteness!X_X*

DreamOfFire on February 24, 2005, 1:26:16 PM

DreamOfFire on
I LOVE their cloths!and the poses!and the coloring!!!!!!!!!!
GO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yaoifangirl1324 on February 23, 2005, 6:05:38 AM

Yaoifangirl1324 on
Yaoifangirl1324very very kewl

seven_add1 on February 14, 2005, 6:48:42 AM

seven_add1 on
seven_add1Would say "poor Kuwabara" but he probably deserved what he got. Cool and cute pic you've got.

rini on January 22, 2005, 4:40:45 PM

rini on
rinieh kasi...i mean... i don't join you guys for lunch 'coz the pay is so expensive... i got used to eat at lunch at simple "Karenderya"... and i'm saving for OUR you-know-what... WHENEVER we'll give it to THEM... -_-... have you been saving money?

tenshi on January 9, 2005, 12:16:48 AM

tenshi on
tenshiwhy aren't you supposed to comment on any of my pics? O_O did you guys suddenly agree on ignoring me?... *sob* this is what i get for not joining you guys for lunch?!! *cries* ... --HEY! you don't join for lunch either, rini-chan! O_O

rini on January 8, 2005, 5:47:36 PM

rini on
rinihi tenshi... just what hiechansama said... if ever i have the chance to come to your house... let me see the original!!! ^_^ it's been a long time that i haven't seen your original pix... *sob*

well anyways... as always... a job well done! ^_^

>hey, i'm not supposed to comment on any of your pics.. oh well<

as what everybody said... the pic is sooooooooooo c---- ... CHORING!!! ^__,^

keautye on January 6, 2005, 11:12:03 AM

keautye on
keautyeOMG! I just so love the piccy! Kuwa is funny but.... how did he get in there?
Hiei: i wonder... *smirk*
Me: You put him in there?
Hiei: Who tell's you i did?
Me: yusuke 'cause he's about to throw him snowballs.
Hiei: He's gonna die.
Kurama: what? *get snow ball right in the face.*

Me: great pic! *throw snowball at you, Yusuke and Hiei* *add to favs*

JaganshiHiei on December 31, 2004, 10:16:41 AM

JaganshiHiei on
JaganshiHieiKey: Wai~! Hiei!
*she glomps him*
*She shoves a snow ball in his face*
Key: I win!!

Akiko_the_fox_demon on December 28, 2004, 9:43:00 AM

Akiko_the_fox_demon on
Akiko_the_fox_demonCUTE!!! ^__^ *adds to favs*

Kaya_Kioko on December 24, 2004, 2:02:27 PM

Kaya_Kioko on
Kaya_KiokoYou.. are freakin' genius. XD

DarkHieiGurl on December 21, 2004, 5:14:05 PM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlAnother thing, Tenshi what did u use to colour this thing, um if u don't mind me asking??

tenshi on December 21, 2004, 7:15:24 AM

tenshi on
tenshi-_- ... i dunno with you... it's your story... i'm satisfied with my yami's story... it's just one sentence long. x_X

HiEiChAnSaMa on December 20, 2004, 3:09:50 PM

HiEiChAnSaMa on
HiEiChAnSaMaHey.. d'you think I should make Yami-chan's history into a fanfic? *_*

tenshi on December 20, 2004, 8:26:10 AM

tenshi on
tenshiokay.. O_O no need to get hostile... O_O

HiEiChAnSaMa on December 19, 2004, 3:18:45 PM

HiEiChAnSaMa on
HiEiChAnSaMa@_@ When I come over for summer.. SHOW ME THE ORIGINAL LINE ART OF THIS ONE!! *growls* XD

Lovely_and_Setsuna_Lei on December 11, 2004, 6:06:07 AM

Lovely_and_Setsuna_Lei on
Lovely_and_Setsuna_LeiThat's cute! REALLY CUTE! I love Hiei's outfit.

nat on December 9, 2004, 10:28:20 PM

nat on
natthats so cute!!

DarkHieiGurl on December 8, 2004, 1:48:18 PM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlLike all of ur other pics i luvs this one too. I don't recall u drawing hiei in normal form besides chibi. Draw more piccies of him normal they're awesome!!! Way better than any of mine^^.

KrazyKrispi on December 6, 2004, 4:26:22 PM

KrazyKrispi on
KrazyKrispigreatness! *favs* its sooooooooo cool! i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT! ^_^

blood_and_death on December 6, 2004, 7:37:51 AM

blood_and_death on
blood_and_deathOH GOD THE CUTENESS IS BLINDING!!! i love this hiei looks cute too (adda piccy/artist to favs)

Tsuki_Tenshi on December 4, 2004, 12:52:52 PM

Tsuki_Tenshi on
Tsuki_TenshiLOL! Sooo coool!! Your so good!!Great job! This is going to my favs as well!! Keep it up! ^_^

tenshi on December 4, 2004, 9:33:14 AM

tenshi on

Ceil on December 4, 2004, 8:00:58 AM

Ceil on
CeilDang, how come I can't do that? I'm so jealous of you, Tenshi. This is such a funny/kawaii pic and I don't think I'd be able to describe how awesomely great this is! This is going into my favs, DAMMIT! Keep it up, I really enjoy your pics.

firewingneko on December 3, 2004, 12:59:09 PM

firewingneko on
firewingnekoOMG! i love them! They are sooooooooo nice! Kurama's face is priceless and Yusuke's too funny. I love Hiei on it 'cause you let him keep his personnality: Dont do anything if it dosent give something good, otherwise, just look. lol oh and Kuwa's face is very funny too! XD
This is definately going to my favs! .:add to favs:.