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noooo!!! by tenshi
noooo!!! by tenshi


i got inspired to draw this when my friend returned our N64 after a couple of months of borrowing. my sister and i thought of playing smash64 for old time's sake. i used my old signature character, link... it's become my habit to make my character do the pose at the last second... and i did... and our game ended with link doing... THE POSE. i thought it looked funny... then i gave birth to a picture!!! (ack it hurt!!) hehe... well whatever... (singing: ) a-postin' we will go, a-postin' we will go, blah blah blah-blah blah-blah, a-postin' we will go!!!

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Super Smash Bros.
Date Submitted
Views 11347
Favorites... 158
Vote Score 7
Comments 117
Media Unspecified
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Comments (117)

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Ponella on September 7, 2008, 11:25:10 PM

Ponella on
Ponella*sigh* I have an old N64 - actually I think I've got 2 of them! - but sadly one of my brother's friends 'borrowed' the memory cartrtidge for ours, and we haven't got it back since! That probably taught him never to lend his friends inportant stuff ever again.... Well, atleast we still have a working Xbox and a Gamecube! ...I miss playing super smas bros.... I'll just rent it out again! When I don't owe my mum any money.. Ah well :D

pichu610 on September 6, 2008, 3:32:05 PM

pichu610 on

MayorYesterday on January 21, 2008, 10:49:16 AM

MayorYesterday on
MayorYesterdaypoor link, zelda caught him lol.

lilshadowlover642 on November 21, 2007, 4:33:17 AM

lilshadowlover642 on
lilshadowlover642Ha ha ha... *dies laughing* That pose is returning in super smash bros brawl. Keep it up. I love you drawings.

Diomondcookie9 on November 12, 2007, 4:21:55 AM

Diomondcookie9 on
you r really good at drawing pics *FAVS*
if u want we can b really good friends!

ultramario8 on August 9, 2007, 10:55:12 PM

ultramario8 on
ultramario8Heh, heh...

ShadowGuarderForever on June 23, 2007, 1:15:10 PM

ShadowGuarderForever on
ShadowGuarderForeverLOL funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^

Hyperstar90 on April 9, 2007, 9:40:01 PM

Hyperstar90 on
Hyperstar90LOL too funny

Lanayru on April 5, 2007, 11:23:45 PM

Lanayru on
LanayruPoor Link!

Mojofooka on March 28, 2007, 1:03:22 PM

Mojofooka on
MojofookaLOL! Poor Link and Zelda... what an embarasssing moment XD I kinda feel sorry for them XD

amelia on March 15, 2007, 1:07:50 AM

amelia on
ameliaUriko: He's cute that way. =D

ranphasetokelly on March 2, 2007, 9:15:26 PM

ranphasetokelly on
ranphasetokellynice! XD

luffylover222 on February 26, 2007, 9:54:08 PM

luffylover222 on

amelia on February 11, 2007, 7:20:58 AM

amelia on
ameliaKuzai: OMG!! NO WAAAAAY! *Faints* CUTE LINK! CUTE! XD

ChibiLee on February 2, 2007, 3:55:28 AM

ChibiLee on
ChibiLee-falls off chair-
Haahahahaha! Truly funny. ^___^

mewmintominto on February 1, 2007, 7:19:37 AM

mewmintominto on
mewmintomintoThats what i always do,too!!!!

KisaShika on January 10, 2007, 2:06:16 PM

KisaShika on
KisaShikaOlder sisters tend to do that.

NekoNinja on January 6, 2007, 6:10:03 AM

NekoNinja on
NekoNinjamy friend and i made our characters do that too!

mrsaturn123 on December 2, 2006, 11:46:43 AM

mrsaturn123 on
mrsaturn123Poor Link...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sometimes it's fun to be mean to characters you like. I've done that before. *faves*

MegaSabitaCross4424 on November 16, 2006, 9:09:35 PM

MegaSabitaCross4424 on
MegaSabitaCross4424bwhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahha ZOMFG! Link is my hero :D

Project_X on November 14, 2006, 8:53:38 AM

Project_X on
Project_Xaww poor link! *favs*

fallblade on November 3, 2006, 11:57:48 PM

fallblade on
fallbladelol very funny guess links humilliated

poor link

PurpleKittyCat126 on October 21, 2006, 3:09:47 AM

PurpleKittyCat126 on
PurpleKittyCat126HA! That's funny! Good job!

greenthumb on August 27, 2006, 7:39:25 AM

greenthumb on
greenthumbthat is great and so funny

shiniqua on August 25, 2006, 6:59:46 AM

shiniqua on
shiniquacool pic!

Taria on August 11, 2006, 2:39:58 PM

Taria on
Tarialol that i so cool!

Shadowkitsunedragon on August 3, 2006, 4:37:29 AM

Shadowkitsunedragon on
ShadowkitsunedragonFunny ^_^ *faves*.

Rinkuchan on August 2, 2006, 7:53:50 AM

Rinkuchan on
Rinkuchanlol this is cute. yes the Link stance from N64 was a bit odd. great job! I hope he has a sexier pose in the new Super Smash Brawl game. ^_^

sonicflames on July 24, 2006, 6:01:38 PM

sonicflames on
sonicflamesnice song (sings along)
a-postin' we will go, a-postin' we will go, blah blah blah-blah blah-blah, a-postin' we will go!!!

MarhiaPotterakMewNakama on July 21, 2006, 8:18:25 AM

MarhiaPotterakMewNakama on
MarhiaPotterakMewNakamaSo cool.

Atashi on July 21, 2006, 4:14:19 AM

Atashi on
Atashilol! that's hilarious ! i love both of their expressions >

DivinePathos on July 14, 2006, 4:15:56 PM

DivinePathos on
DivinePathosLOL!! Thats funny!!! You did an awesome job on this!!!

ClerksX on July 13, 2006, 9:43:19 AM

ClerksX on
ClerksXlmao omg i LOVE this!! u nailed the anatomy and the facial expression!! deff one of my favs..btw great coloring job ^_^b thumbs up

Fatal_dreamer on July 13, 2006, 2:23:52 AM

Fatal_dreamer on
Fatal_dreamerhahahahahha love the expressions on both of them!!!!!!!!!

BadArtist on June 28, 2006, 2:31:29 PM

BadArtist on
BadArtist(comment below) lol, yea i saw that video...hehe, i forgot alll about Wario, and his super this is a good pic, Link looks a tad bit weird..even for anime! but i love Zelda's face!

littlestchristuian13 on June 28, 2006, 3:07:35 AM

littlestchristuian13 on
littlestchristuian13I can't wait for SSMB comes out for Wii! (Super Smash Bros. Brawl!) It has Pit, Medaknight, and Wario in it! ^-^ they have a website in Japanese for it. (and English! YAY!) Wario is SO gross! you'll know what I mean at the end of the video... ^-^;; 4 anymore questions, comment on my profile :)

gamefox120 on June 27, 2006, 7:16:47 AM

gamefox120 on
gamefox120Yeah! finaly some one else notices that the pose is quite akward! It looks like Link saw a mouse or somthing and is afraid of steping on it! lol good pic!

night_elf_girl on June 20, 2006, 11:34:37 AM

night_elf_girl on
night_elf_girlawsome the expressions are priceless *faves* lock them away before they get ruined by the light (lol) great work

ShadowLink_350 on June 20, 2006, 5:46:48 AM

ShadowLink_350 on
ShadowLink_350I love this pic! It's so freakin' funny! I also like the expressions! I'm a big fan of the Smash bros. games and you just brighten my day! I don't know why but when I play a smash bros. game I just have to do the pose to finish the game too. Anyways... Nice job! I'm faving this!

Hinataluver1993 on June 16, 2006, 4:25:43 AM

Hinataluver1993 on
Hinataluver1993haha love it, the game, and ur art!

Neon_Lemmy_Koopa on June 15, 2006, 12:02:49 PM

Neon_Lemmy_Koopa on
Neon_Lemmy_KoopaI agree w/ Shedra

Shedra on June 12, 2006, 4:37:16 AM

Shedra on
Shedrathe expression on links face is priceless! lol faves

Links_REAL_girlfriend on June 8, 2006, 4:16:28 PM

Links_REAL_girlfriend on
Links_REAL_girlfriendlol, 'the pose'

DarkDeity on June 7, 2006, 2:24:17 PM

DarkDeity on
DarkDeityI luv the expressions on both of their faces!!!

The emotion!!! :D

hipeople on June 5, 2006, 10:25:06 PM

hipeople on
hipeopleLove the expressions!I've only rented SSB,but I use Zelda all the time for SSBM...anyways...*favs*

The-Luigi-Kid on June 4, 2006, 10:36:40 PM

The-Luigi-Kid on
The-Luigi-Kidha i played that game my cuz loved to play as link and each time he won (rarely) he would do that pose

komodozack on June 2, 2006, 4:35:50 AM

komodozack on
komodozackLinks face is priceless! @faves@

waluigiboy on June 1, 2006, 7:28:21 PM

waluigiboy on
waluigiboylol @faves@

Gamer_girl on May 31, 2006, 2:22:25 PM

Gamer_girl on
Gamer_girl2 cute!!! ^-^ FAVZ

manga_rules on May 29, 2006, 6:43:07 PM

manga_rules on
manga_rulesXD i just love these expressions this looks awsome i love it *favs* and *favorite artists*

animegurl77 on May 27, 2006, 2:32:40 PM

animegurl77 on
animegurl77ha-ha thats a funny pose cause on ssbm i made like do that and i zoomed in at hiz face and it looked so funny!

Mentally_Unstable on May 27, 2006, 12:56:37 PM

Mentally_Unstable on
Mentally_UnstableOMG I always pose/taunt at the end too XD nice job

silverstream on April 25, 2006, 8:42:17 AM

silverstream on

DesertQueen on April 4, 2006, 2:01:20 AM

DesertQueen on
DesertQueenFlowe and DQ : *both laughing their head off* DQ: Look at that I like posing at the last sec too lol
Flowe: Did U see the look on his face?!!!!!!!!*bursts out in laughter with DQ again*
DQ: and! and! U ever noticed the pose in SSBM? lol he puts back a lok of his hair lol manly SURE!!!!!!!!!!
Flowe: *is reading other comments while snickering and suddenly bursts out laughing like mad*
DQ: what? what is it?
Flowe: *points at one of tenshis comments*
DQ: *reading* dream.... malon.... marrying.... link.... kids..... house..... chibis.... nightmare.......................
3headed thingymewut.... *bursts out of laughter*
Flowe: *favs U and pic* *puts on shades and cackles like an obsessed maniac/rabbidfangirl* AND OFF WE GO!!!!
Flowe & DQ: *walk off still laughing their head off*

Winter_wolf on February 26, 2006, 7:07:24 PM

Winter_wolf on
Winter_wolfHAHAHAAHA that face sure is priceless hahaha xD I love your work :P it makes me wanna draw :D *favs both artist and pic*

Chibi_Sorceress on February 26, 2006, 6:39:01 AM

Chibi_Sorceress on
Chibi_SorceressHeheheh...darn I remember Link going ker-splat on the wall!xD*faves*

Tornado_Kid on January 13, 2006, 11:06:47 AM

Tornado_Kid on
This is really well draw...and really funny of course.

Fan-artluver on December 27, 2005, 11:45:29 PM

Fan-artluver on
Fan-artluverLOL he totally deserved it! *Faves*

Sonichao on November 26, 2005, 8:48:50 AM

Sonichao on
SonichaoHa ha ha!Poor Link.

allmccro on November 4, 2005, 3:28:04 PM

allmccro on

Renzophil on October 15, 2005, 3:55:16 AM

Renzophil on
RenzophilTheir expressions are awesome.

And I love dat song at the end!

DarkPeach on September 30, 2005, 5:20:58 PM

DarkPeach on
DarkPeach More beautiful artwork done by you... full of design, and originality! VERY MUCH ORIGINALITY! I love Link's expression on his face! XD!!

Nintendo_Nut on August 26, 2005, 3:42:51 AM

Nintendo_Nut on
Nintendo_NutLink's face is priceless! Yeah, that taunt DID look a little stupid... then again, so does his new one. He acts like such a GIRL!
Link: *unsheathes sword rabidly*

Song_of_a_Phoenix on August 22, 2005, 10:23:27 AM

Song_of_a_Phoenix on
Song_of_a_PhoenixThats so funny! I love it!

crazzy4cradily on August 18, 2005, 10:37:25 AM

crazzy4cradily on
crazzy4cradilysince when does Link take over Marths body *coughs and runs before sister goes turnip on her*

Link_Fangirl on August 18, 2005, 4:41:38 AM

Link_Fangirl on
Link_FangirlLOL!!!!!*FAVES* That's funny!Zelda looks cute in that picture!And,Link.I need to invent a new word for how cute he looks.Um,Cosh!!LOL!

Anime_Yokai_Mckai on July 30, 2005, 12:59:45 AM

Anime_Yokai_Mckai on
Anime_Yokai_MckaiAAAwww!!! link looks so kawaii!!! I love to make him do that pose too but some time my sister hits me while I do that!!! *Favs*

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on July 27, 2005, 4:02:46 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animehahahahahaha... great pic. *favs* poor Link. *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

ericajo on July 21, 2005, 10:17:24 AM

ericajo on
ericajook im new to this site but for a while i was always just looking around for cool artists and when i saw this pic i went to see the rest of your drawings..... u rck!!

BlackBean on July 13, 2005, 1:55:33 PM

BlackBean on
BlackBeanWow this picture rocks my socks
good job!!

Liedetector16 on July 9, 2005, 8:34:43 AM

Liedetector16 on
Liedetector16HAHAHAHAHA!!!! THAT'S GREAT!!! *favs*

tenshi on May 15, 2005, 8:26:30 AM

tenshi on
tenshi you know... i once had a dream about link marrying malon. you remember the chicken room? well, in my dream, instead of those chicken... there were lots of chibi malons and links! their children!!! then link suddenly woke up! it was just a bad dream... he was sleeping under a tree in lonlon ranch. he sighed in relief. then malon suddenly walked up to him all mad and everything... she said, "THERE YOU ARE!!! I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!!! COME INSIDE AND HELP ME FEED THE KIDS!!!"... for a moment, link didn't get what she said, then he looked over her shoulder and saw a complete monsterosity!!!! THERE WAS A BIG KID WITH THREE HEADS!! TWO LINK HEADS AND A MALON HEAD IN BETWEEN!!! it said in a very DEEP voice, "DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!". then link screamed his usual scream. then i woke up.

ACK!!! what a weird dream!!

Sexy_Bishi_Queen on May 7, 2005, 7:11:43 PM

Sexy_Bishi_Queen on

Samanoske_Akechi on March 23, 2005, 8:38:05 AM

Samanoske_Akechi on
Samanoske_AkechiMan i miss the good ol' N64 days.. i still play my SSB on my
old raggedy N64.

oh yea i love this picture

HyruleMaster on March 23, 2005, 12:58:42 AM

HyruleMaster on
HyruleMaster*Burst out laughing* Thasso funny!

Hey, I like posing at the last second too!

It kinda looks like Link is dancing... *laa daa di daaa...*

Have you played the second Smash Bros.? ISSO AWESOME!!

Anyway, great pic!

obsidian_sorceress on March 6, 2005, 7:57:08 PM

obsidian_sorceress on
obsidian_sorceressHaha! Poor little Link! He'd better watch out or the next picture Zelda will get is one of him fixing his hair!

crazy_inuyasha_fan4468 on December 19, 2004, 12:09:45 PM

crazy_inuyasha_fan4468 on
crazy_inuyasha_fan4468*falls out of chair laughing* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA lol...this is sooooo feel sorry for link at this awesome pic

tenshi on November 19, 2004, 1:32:35 PM

tenshi on
tenshithere are lots of funny parts in wind waker... like when link got splatted on a wall... ^__^

Inugirl10 on November 19, 2004, 12:50:45 AM

Inugirl10 on
Inugirl10It's too bad that there aren't many funny parts in the Zelda series. I think the only one is in Orcania of time when Link beats those two witch sisters. I laughed so hard at that part that my mom wondered if I was okay. LOL I can't get enough of your pic!!!^___^

Katrina_Madd on November 7, 2004, 3:26:11 AM

Katrina_Madd on
Katrina_Maddlol I love the expressions! *favs*

Inugirl10 on November 3, 2004, 7:44:11 AM

Inugirl10 on
Inugirl10*Dies from laughing* ::favs::

sonika on October 23, 2004, 5:51:31 AM

sonika on
sonikahehe heh...luv it...the expressoins are awsome as well!!

tenshi on September 7, 2004, 10:44:55 PM

tenshi on
tenshiyeah!! that game kicks major buttox!!!!!!!!! ^_____^!!!

Ceil on September 7, 2004, 10:09:13 AM

Ceil on
CeilBwahahaha!!!! Poor Link. Zelda is acting mischievious a lot lately. Heehee. That game kicks butt! -favies-

ZELDA on August 2, 2004, 7:34:23 PM

ZELDAheheh sry link *rubs back of neck*

darkdesire on August 1, 2004, 11:43:20 PM

darkdesire on
darkdesireI happen to do the exact same thing when I play that game,and ended up wit"the pose" more than once!!!Awasome pic by the way,funny!!!!

tenshi on August 1, 2004, 8:58:02 AM

tenshi on
tenshi^_^ ... he's more like "NOOOOOOOO!!!"(incredibly-devastated+shocked)... than mad. ^_^

DarkHieiGurl on July 29, 2004, 6:00:44 PM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlHaHaHa! *favs*

tenshi on July 17, 2004, 10:35:40 PM

tenshi on
tenshiLINK: ZELDA!!! STOP IT!!!<br />
<br />
ZELDA: Why should I?!!!!<br />
<br />
LINK: *pulls off his hat in frustration* I give up!!!<br />
<br />

Mewlon on July 16, 2004, 3:19:25 PM

Mewlon on
MewlonOh, my! Tenshi, you're so good with pics! This one is..... ha ha ha ha ha! I love this picture! Definatly going on my fave! I always noticed taht Link's poses are somewhat.... not too manly to say in the least. <br />
Evil had the right idea!<br />
Link...poor Link-kun! You're so girly!

tenshi on July 14, 2004, 9:42:36 PM

tenshi on
tenshi^.^ ahohohohohoho!

animechibi on July 11, 2004, 6:19:09 PM

animechibi on
animechibiHey Zelda, what are you laughing at? It better not be Link! *tackles Zelda then gets up* I can believe she was laughing at Link!*pics up picture* *starts snickering, face turns red, then burst out laughing* HAHAHAHA, LINK, YOU LOOK SO GIRLY! *start rolling on floor*<br />
Link: *sigh* What did I do to deserve this.

tenshi on July 7, 2004, 7:23:48 AM

tenshi on
tenshiyessss! buy a GCN! ... all hail the great Shigeru Miyamoto!

CatWhoHas14Tails on July 6, 2004, 12:34:41 PM

CatWhoHas14Tails on

kool_kirby on July 2, 2004, 10:03:29 AM

kool_kirby on
kool_kirbyI like link's expression! ^^

misscheex on June 22, 2004, 12:19:23 AM

misscheex on
misscheexLMAO! Link's all like "Oh...My...GOD!" I think the pose is cute! Don't you press L to do it?

tenshi on June 12, 2004, 10:43:13 PM

tenshi on
tenshialmost two days have passed...<br />
<br />
still no sign of the scanner... <br />
<br />
it's been more than a month... <br />
<br />
can't -- take -- this ...

tenshi on June 10, 2004, 10:34:39 PM

tenshi on
tenshihieichansama is lucky... she gets to hear the story telling in person. ^_^ perhaps i'll have more weird dreams in store for you next summer, hieichansama! ^_^ ooh... i forgot to tell you about that one i had about zelda: windwaker... oh well

HiEiChAnSaMa on June 10, 2004, 1:07:18 AM

HiEiChAnSaMa on
HiEiChAnSaMashe always tells me about that crazy dream.. it still makes me laugh! anyway.. you gotta love Link's expression! hehe!!

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on June 1, 2004, 5:47:47 AM

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on
Demon_Angel_of_Hellbwahahaha! thats totally awesome! ROFLMFAO!!

tenshi on May 13, 2004, 9:03:54 AM

tenshi on
tenshiZELDA: What the heck is this?!!<br />
<br />
LINK: Zelda! NO! THAT'S---<br />
<br />
ZELDA: AAAH!! Your pose in Smash64!!<br />
<br />
LINK: ...!!!<br />
<br />

Juli on May 12, 2004, 1:22:18 PM

Juli on
JuliWOW This pic made me laugh out loud!!! I love LInk's expression, its so O.O!LOL! I must save to faves!

Nevermore_Raven on April 27, 2004, 10:06:44 AM

Nevermore_Raven on
Nevermore_RavenHaha! Funny and really well drawn!

Veporion_gurl on April 24, 2004, 4:40:17 AM

Veporion_gurl on
Veporion_gurl*Runs around laughing* I AM GOING TO DIE!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!!!

Links_GiRl15 on April 16, 2004, 12:54:01 PM

Links_GiRl15 on
Links_GiRl15NO!WHY?! WHY LINK?! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG...hehehe...<br />
*laughs hysterically*<br />
awesomeawesomeawesome!!!!!<br />
<br />
*laughing so hard*<br />
I--C-CAN'T--BREATHE ^-^<br />

izzy on April 12, 2004, 4:58:23 AM

izzy on
izzylol!!!!!! *adds to favs* thats gewd!!!

Mouse-chan on March 30, 2004, 1:47:24 PM

Mouse-chan on
Mouse-chan::dies laughing:: AHHH! This is Hilarious! It's so funny! ROTFLOL I love this! ::saves to favs:: good job! I think the taunt is stupid too. it's not much better on meelee, cause he looks girly.

tenshi on March 28, 2004, 9:56:42 AM

tenshi on
tenshihaha... ^_^

dark_pikachu on March 18, 2004, 2:44:24 PM

dark_pikachu on
dark_pikachuLOL!LOL!*Falls off computer chiar*

DreamOfFire on March 15, 2004, 12:37:22 PM

DreamOfFire on

smashsweetie on March 14, 2004, 7:24:13 AM

smashsweetie on
smashsweetieLOL this is so funny! *adds to fav*

leblackdragon on March 13, 2004, 4:58:47 AM

leblackdragon on
leblackdragonExcellent in all respects!!!

rayeminamino on March 12, 2004, 6:30:50 PM

rayeminamino on
rayeminaminoThat's too cute! *FAVS*

layzcarter on March 12, 2004, 5:26:19 PM

layzcarter on
layzcarteri luv his expression. This is 2 funny :)