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All Growed-Up Schroe

All Growed-Up Schroe

All Growed-Up Schroe by underknowndarkling
All Growed-Up Schroe by underknowndarkling


...uh...Fanart? Whhhhhaaaaa...?<br />
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Leave it ALONE! It was for a contest dammit! A contest that I don't even want to enter anymore...{thoughtful frown} I'm shy...<br />
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Anyway. What else? I was bored as hell too. LOL And I couldn't think of anything that I could draw on my own. So...yeah. I decided why not? I saw a journal of someone's on DevArt describing a contest for Halloween with Hellsing as the...thing, theme? Something like that. To tell the honest truth, it hadn't even started out as him, it just sort of progressed that way. So...LOL <br />
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There is one thing that I want to say about the artist of Hellsing (sadly I don't know the name), the clothes and costumes the characters wear are frickin' awesome. They just KICK @$$. Kudos to the artist of whose manga I have nay had the pleasure to read. Gotta give the artist MAJOR Stylin' props! AHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA! <br />
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(Let's just pretend Schroe's style changes slightly when he's all grown up, shall we? I did this from what I could remember...Forgive me, PLEASE!)<br />
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General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Hellsing
Date Submitted
Views 2949
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 1
Comments 9
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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RammsteinSkollexxx on September 13, 2009, 3:21:12 PM

RammsteinSkollexxx on
RammsteinSkollexxxhaha htats awesome :D

LunaTheLunatic on December 23, 2005, 10:44:03 AM

LunaTheLunatic on
LunaTheLunaticHe's a boy........i know for a i like it don't be so twichy...better then what i can do che

* weeps in the corner of self hateing*

darkwolvesoverlord on August 28, 2005, 11:15:28 AM

darkwolvesoverlord on
darkwolvesoverlordis schrodinger a girl? if she is, i believe i saw her in volume five.... not so sure though... good picture! i like your pic.... moonstruck_Fiend... calm down!!!! lolz

Cyborg_004_Heinrich on May 29, 2005, 11:28:13 AM

Cyborg_004_Heinrich on
Cyborg_004_Heinrichaww i love the expression. very good job. you do better than me when dealing with the young werewolf. i just love it.

Papercut_Dragon on April 28, 2005, 9:13:25 PM

Papercut_Dragon on
Papercut_DragonI love the drippy moon, and the stippling in the clouds, the create a nice effect. ^_^ And his face is cool, too.

A_dork_you_dont_know on January 27, 2005, 7:16:31 AM

A_dork_you_dont_know on
A_dork_you_dont_knowthat's really coll and a great effet. wonderful..
*looks around at picture*and ... er ... I don't even know who these buddies are so that's like extra bonus for catching my short attention span. very nice.

Sliver on October 9, 2004, 10:25:20 AM

Sliver on
SliverYAY! I thought no one would EVER draw him! I absolutly love that little werewolf! ....I just wish he wasent a nazi.. T_T <br />
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I lvoe the way you shaded this... for soem reason its very unique. Bravo

moonstruck_fiend on October 6, 2004, 1:08:34 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendWEEE! hellsing-y goodness ^__^ gawd, how i love that manga... myep... LOLLIPOP! ahahaha! you know what? this is neato! you know what else? I BELIEVE I'VE SAID THAT ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE OF YOURS I'VE COMMENTED ON! XD but it's only because it's all so goddamned awesome! *blinded by awesome-ness* you can ink like no other, mah friend ^_^ i am also blinded by your mad inking skills! *bliiiind* HOLY HELL, THAT PUMKIN IS TALKING TO ME! it says... *long stare* 'u'. PROFOUND. XD and enter the contest! this is way too cool to just sit here with us FAC underlings and rot in combined fangirl-y decay! GO FORTH AND SUBMIT, BRAVE TRAVELLER! GO FORTH! *points to mecca* oh dear. the crazy is back... @_@ I MUST GO SUFFOCATE IT WITH SUGAR! IT'S THE ONLY WAY! weeeee... see you later ^_^

Arisu on October 2, 2004, 11:24:17 PM

Arisu on
ArisuI love the shading! It's very good.