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Naraku's Love::request/evilanime::

Naraku's Love::request/evilanime::

Naraku's Love::request/evilanime:: by underknowndarkling
Naraku's Love::request/evilanime:: by underknowndarkling


{rubs eyes} Holy Hell, about the only thing that looks good on this pic is her face and hair. I had to compress it a lot to get it on FAC, so that didn't help either and my scanner eats up colour like it's a I think I know why I never do coloured pics. Well, I do, but very rarely. <br />
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I'd like to add that this was one helluva learning experience. I've decided that requests of characters that already exist are a pain in the @$$ and I've been reminded why I don't do fanart very often either. This request had all the elements that I'm afraid of. {YAWN} Colour,an original character that isn't going through a constant-change stage and...and, I'm pretty sure one other thing that I can't remember. LOL Guess I've been facing a lot lately. Mmm. He's also very pale and I left him like that on purpose, because in the manga, he IS very pale. SO...LOL {clears throat} If you look really closely {squints} you can see a little peach under his eye, that would be blush. LOL A blush. So sue me. And the legs are still messed up. Mmph. <br />
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I swear it looks better in real life, evilanime! {SOBS} I SWEAR it! My scanner's a dog. {kicks a hunk of metal that might be a scanner} {covers eyes with hands} Come back to me in twenty years and ask for another pic. It'll probably be better then. LOL I think the fact that it was a really simple picture kinda threw me off too. {shakes it off} But you know, it was some kinda experience. Secret: I even dreamed about finishing this picture. LOL Talk about haunting. But haunting in a good way. I have no complaints about dreaming of drawing. Hell, who knows how often I've fallen to sleep with a pencil or pen as a veritable Teddy Bear, stuck in my right hand. <br />
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{salute to this first true request} <br />
{skips into the sunset} I'M FREE, I'M FREE! You guys don't mind if I flap my arms around like wings do ya?<br />
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WAYSIDENOTE to requesteer: Again, me apologize for whatever problems there are with the picture. {clears throat} And thanks for being particular about it. I like it when people are specific. Hell knows I've got communication problems. LOL Not really, but I do get confused easily. Hmm. Yeah. I guess that's it. Why do I feel like there's more to say. {thoughtful frown} I'm scared...

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Naraku
Date Submitted
Views 2031
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 0
Comments 4
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (4)

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Rurouni_Gemini83 on July 7, 2006, 3:19:41 AM

Rurouni_Gemini83 on
Rurouni_Gemini83Hey, at least your scanner didn't distort the colors! My scanner, for some odd and unexplained reason, hated the color blue, and auto-cropped everything!

*growls* Glad the stupid thing (the scanner, by the way) died before I got kicked out......

fuzzyfuzz on July 24, 2005, 12:21:52 PM

fuzzyfuzz on
fuzzyfuzzehhh......this reminds me, i have a reqest to do, and I haven't started (sorry Kupo, it shall be done! -__-') this is great fur yur fist reqest!

babywolfkitten on January 22, 2005, 2:14:28 AM

babywolfkitten on
babywolfkittencan i make a request hm?? i have this story where a girl (aianee) is kept in this beautiful house adn shes not aloud to leave. a woman comes to the house everyday to take care of her (rather harshly) becasue aianee's parents are no where to be found. but one day aianee is in her garden at night time and is chased into the woods by some wolves she trips during the chase and passes out.....well to make the story short she is actually a werewolf princess and was kept at the house to stay in her human form and a guy she meets in the woods is actually her lover from another life! and he remembers her but she only thinks he is a dream...can you draw aianee in her half werewolf form?(shes got black hair and green eyes shes kinda short, she looks like she'd be 12 or 13 but shes actually 20, she wears an old fashioned white dress, kinda like a reainisance sorta thing)please please please!!!

moonstruck_fiend on October 12, 2004, 2:27:11 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendoh no, no, flap away ^_^ in fact, i'll join you! weee! *shot by men in white suits hiding outside window* x_x gotta keep this note quick, i spent ages on the other one on the previous picture and came back to do this one after realizing that you posted again and i didn't notice >< heehee, naraku is blushing! and what is she doing? o_O *thinks* 0_0 i'm stopping now. righto! everything is so good! *looks at glorified stick figures she's been drawing* ;_; curse your talent! XD ok, must go! father dearest is threatening disembowelment from behind door. glad i locked it >P see you!