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I loved you, Father O' Mine.

I loved you, Father O' Mine.

I loved you, Father O' Mine. by underknowndarkling
I loved you, Father O' Mine. by underknowndarkling


Well. There's not much to say about this one. Zillah and Nothing, father and son. Strangely, also lover and lover. Circumstance : Incredible. ^,-,^ Sorry, I'm a little out of it. The DarkVampyress suggested doing a pic of them, so I chose the scene where Zillah's dead, kinda after Nothing's recovered from blood poisoning and before they start to hollow Zillah and Christian out for crisping. LOL Crisping, I love it. But anyway, lovely, lovely story. <br />
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Nothing takes Zillah's jacket at the end of it and wears it, blood stains and all. LOL Sort of a family heirloom I suppose. I want to do something about that background. It's bothering me, but I suppose I'll not do anything more to it anyway...{shrug} I'm tired and I want to sleep. It's the middle of the day and I want to sleep so bad. Hmm. Sickness will do that to you. I feel worse today than I did yesterday...curious. <br />
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{sigh} So, I hope D-Vamp gets her Lost Souls pics up soon. ^,-,^ MmmmmmMMMmmm.<br />
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And HEEEEEEEEYA Moonie! <br />
<br />
{face crashes into desk....ZZZZZZZZZ}<br />
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thanks for looking...

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Category Books
Date Submitted
Views 2304
Favorites... 7
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Comments 7
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Comments (7)

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ultimatekai on October 28, 2005, 12:32:01 PM

ultimatekai on

KuramaAndHiei4ever on April 17, 2005, 1:08:12 AM

KuramaAndHiei4ever on
KuramaAndHiei4everTha's really awesome. Wish I knew what it was from. But your shading's real nice.

Papercut_Dragon on October 19, 2004, 8:16:28 AM

Papercut_Dragon on
Papercut_DragonLove whatever you used to shade this (grey markers?), it looks so... cool. ^_^ Lol.

rikuschick on October 16, 2004, 12:40:21 PM

rikuschick on
rikuschickI luv the detail in the floor and clothing! Great job!! *favs*

Nikoru on October 16, 2004, 10:42:29 AM

Nikoru on
NikoruLove the dark depressing feeling of it all, you did a very awesome job with the shading. ^_^

moonstruck_fiend on October 16, 2004, 9:20:50 AM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiend*waves* AHAHA! HEY, UNDERKNOWN! *falls off nearest available cliff because she's dead tired and can't tell which way is up anymore* =____= argharghargh... so tired... i can relate to the guy on the floor... oh, wait. he's dead. nevermind ^_^ this one is brilliant! *pets nothing's hair* hey, nothing kinda rhymes with muffin! OMG. XD hmmm... i think i need more pastries in my diet. i can already see the malnutrition getting to me...last night at a fancy-@$$ seafood place, i drew harry potter on the tablecloth. why? i don't know. why and i telling you? i don't know. why did i even ask for crayons? BECAUSE IT'S FUN! ^____^ wheee! crisping? don't think i've heard of that one before =P lurve it anyway, just 'cause i'm like that ^_^ and look! SHINEH PANTS! *pokepoke* i can see why he'd take the jacket... spiffy. and i'm kinda liking the backround, what with the futon and brickwork near the window, it looks sooo... minimalistic *artistic pose* X3 ok,ok, i'm done, no more ranting. go get some sleep! crappy-ness dissapears if you're not awake to realize how much it sucks! ^___^ bye!

Eggplant on October 16, 2004, 7:26:10 AM

Eggplant on
Eggplantoh, for some strange reason I really like this ((I read the story, and concluded yr dark-- ^__o)) and I love the one laying on the floor the most, when it's about drawing