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Bunny Ears + Marcus::sketch::

Bunny Ears + Marcus::sketch::

Bunny Ears + Marcus::sketch:: by underknowndarkling
Bunny Ears + Marcus::sketch:: by underknowndarkling


LOL You're going to see a few more sketches for a little bit. This one is pretty much dedicated to Moonie. Why? Because she likes this particular character and well...she's been a right down friendly and loyal person. Oh, did I mention funny as hell too? LOL! Good times. {thumbs up} I'll probably do a grown-up version of this one day, inqued and everythin'. {thoughtful frown} Just because it's so damn {coughsadorhackablecoughcough}...splendid that way. There's actually a story about bunny PJs and Marcus and thinking about it one night, I had this massive urge to draw him with a little bunny-ear-headband and a puffy tail. LOL Oh yeah, I wanna be a bunny for Halloween, too. LOL Actually, no, that was sarcasm. {GRIN} But chyeah, so here it is. I'll probably inque it, as soon as I get over my FEAR of inquing. I have no idea what the hell's the matter with me. UGGGGGH.

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female » Chibi (Superdeformed)
Date Submitted
Views 1394
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Comments (1)

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moonstruck_fiend on November 2, 2004, 7:15:15 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendahaha! marcus! how i lurve him ^_^ and you said-...that word! lemme try! ador-*mouth starts bleeding* @_@ gaaackphhht! XD no, no, i all ok =P i mean, besides the fact i'm as sick as a dog right now =___= my whole family and a good majority of my friends are... i blame society! XP i knew a couple of people whole were bunnies for halloween... i was the mad hatter, but that was just so i could wear the cool hat =3 yes, yes... ink! please! it's weeping tears of graphite, silently pleading to feel the cool black clarity of ink on its lonely pencil ;_; ...oh dear, i'm way too melodramatic when i'm sick... i think it might also be the elections @_@ god, i'm freaking out right now... *shameless kerry supporter* and i'm still furious about the nine states that banned gay marriage (which state banned civil unions as well? i forgot, but i need to remember so i can go slap the legislature later) >( grrr. i'm too much of a californian to let this go gracefully. oh well ^_^ even if the politics go to hell (well, maybe just further XD) i will still have bunny!marcus to keep me company by my soapbox as a rant tirelessly as the jaded passers-by =P methinks it's too late for overextended ranting... time to hit the hay. see you! oh, and- *steals marcus* he's too cute for just stealing pants this time ^^