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Bunny Ears + Marcus::gift::

Bunny Ears + Marcus::gift::

Bunny Ears + Marcus::gift:: by underknowndarkling
Bunny Ears + Marcus::gift:: by underknowndarkling


AHHA! I just had to gift-wrap this one for her. Inque and it came out not half-bad. So, Moonie and YES, I mean moonstruck_fiend-Moonie, here you are! Surprise, surprise! AHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHA! I probably wouldn't post nearly as much as I do if it weren't for you and your comments (which kick @$$). Make me giggle for like thirty straight minutes EV'RY time! LOL See what comments can do, people? <br />
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Comments go a lot further than you'd probably imagined. Mmm. Yes. {nod} Yes, they do. So get out there and encourage someone TODAY. {bright, creepy commercial smile} LOL Or hug someone...{shrug} Ya know, whichever one's possible, both if you can. LOL Mmm, yeah...LOL <br />
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THANKS FOR LOOKING! I-forgot-to-write-this-in-the-last-picture...dammit. <br />
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General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female » Chibi (Superdeformed)
Date Submitted
Views 1978
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 0
Comments 4
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (4)

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Tedman on April 8, 2005, 7:07:05 AM

Tedman on
TedmanHOLY shoot!!! i swear, as soon as I saw this pic I went down and added you and this pic to faves. Holy crap, that si soo good amasing outlining job!!

ellanor_angel_of_anime on November 20, 2004, 6:02:58 AM

ellanor_angel_of_anime on
ellanor_angel_of_animeme favs you like hell whOot!!!
*favs you like hell*

moonstruck_fiend on November 5, 2004, 8:28:37 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiend...and now i'm wondering what the holy hell happened to the rest of my comment o_O i typed out a paragraph or something and it apparently hara-kiri'd itself when i wasn't looking. *shakes fist at computer* damn you! >( now i can't remember what i said.. ;_; oh well... just know that you are FABULOUS! and i'm gunna steal this bunny!marcus because stealing just his pants would be a crime XD gaaah, he's so... squishable =P aaah, sorry, it's late and i'm completely lost for words. THANK YOU SO MUCH! XD seriously, you keep me on here too =P if you didn't kick my @$$ in every time i decided to go into super-stealth-undercover mode and not post anything for a millenia, i'd probably be hibernating right now ^___^ commenting is so fabulous... it's the warm and fuzzy feeling, but without eating a rabbit! XD yesh, i'm outta here.. see you later! *parting stab to obnoxious computer that ate her comment*

moonstruck_fiend on November 2, 2004, 7:24:28 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendOMG 0_0 thankyouthankyouthankyou! ;_; i feel so luuuurved XD now i feel all guilty for not doing anything for you