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A werewolf and her puppet.

A werewolf and her puppet.

A werewolf and her puppet. by underknowndarkling
A werewolf and her puppet. by underknowndarkling


Okay. I am loseur. I couldn't bear to part with Marcus, so after the second story of him, I actually conjured a third story and started typing it and everything. He hasn't played a very vital or large part in it thus far, but I'll get there...I hope. I really do want to finish this story. I feel the same way I did about another story that I have written and finished. MmmmMMMMMmm. ^,-,^ A finished story tastes good. <br />
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Speaking of stories, I was sifting through some old ones saved on the ol' hard drive and I stumbled upon a finished fanfic. Chyeah, I know, it shocked the hell outta me too, really rattled my world. I was thinking of posting it here. {shrug} Wouldn't hurt, I guess. I really do love to watch a cold-blooded killer reform. Oh, in case you wanna know which anime it is, it's set in a Rurouni Kenshin universe and yet not. I think I was writing off some...thing. I'm pretty damn sure that my mind had been in turmoil and I filtered it through that carrothead on my whim. LOL Chyeah. Crazy. <br />
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Hmm, anyway, the whole story behind this is that NiCastro (left) is pretty much the badass of my world and since no one really knows what she looks like or that she's even a woman (or werewolf for that matter) at all, a lot of other characters of mine get mistaken for her, whether by their reputation or just by their appearance (because everyone knows that she has white hair, pale skin and lighter eyes). She's the White Conductor, guys. Remember those pics way back when? LOL Marcus, my cuddly little vampire on the right, is constantly being mistaken for her and he's grown to cope with people calling him Nicastro and trying to shoot to kill him. LOL Behind the title, he has no idea who NiCastro is exactly, he's only heard rumors like everyone else and he doesn't go out to find her, because he thinks he deserves to be chased down like a fox. However, NiCastro knows about him and has even seen him and even orders lackeys around to help him out once in a while so that he can continue to run and hide (and now, she has no affection for him, it's just self preservation, folks), throwing groups of people off of her tail. It', to say the least. Like Cat and Mouse. LOL {shrug} The third story which includes him is not focused on him, however. He is a secondary character, but I'm glad he's in it. ^,-,^<br />
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If you have seen this picture before, tell me and I'll take it down, because I haven't posted here in such a long time and I did check to make sure that I hadn't...but I don't know. Maybe I missed it while I was looking. It happens. {shrug}<br />
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Hmm, and you know, if they ever met, I really have no idea who would kick whose @$$. Something to ponder, I suppose. LOL Aye, something to definitely wonder about. <br />

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Chibis » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1490
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Comments 5
Media Unspecified
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Comments (5)

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moonstruck_fiend on June 3, 2005, 10:57:05 AM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendwe should BOTH be slapped across the cheek and called "MAMA"!XD but no chillins. god knows what would happen. >__>;; i haven't been on in so loooong... so much work lately- now, though, as i'm ending school in a few days, my attitude has shifted from "ok, fine, but i won't like it...=___=" to "haha, no and you'll LIKE it, biatch! >D" long comments make my organs melt in joy! ^_^ but not my face this time, seeing as i'm novacained halfway to the moon (stupid cavities. i have to do it again next week.) and i feel like i've had some sort of paralyzing stroke to the left side of my head @___@ wooo, graduation! HOT DAMN, BABY! XD you find that job! you find it, and you WORK THE HELL OUT OF IT! =P ah, i'm feeling very strange indeed today. thank god i didn't get laughing gas instead because i don't even want to think about what obscenities i'd be weaving into a joyful song of my own creation at this very moment. fear me too, ok? XD still feeling a little bit loopy, but now i'm hungry. i'm gonna go check to see if i can manage to eat soup without A) biting my tongue off or B) dripping soup out of the stupid-ized side of my mouth. later, underknown! OMG, WE LIVE. XD

Yamikei on June 2, 2005, 5:27:41 PM

Yamikei on
YamikeiSweet! you have alot of great pics! keep it up!FAV artist

babywolfkitten on March 19, 2005, 2:49:40 PM

babywolfkitten on
babywolfkittenvery cool as usual. and thank you again for my emily pic ^_^ you think i could make another request sometime?

moonstruck_fiend on March 11, 2005, 3:54:23 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendahaha, i don't know which @$$ would emerge triumphant, should they ever meet, but dammit, marcus's is still my favorite X3 i have a haunting suspicious that marcus has a martyr complex @_@ masochistic marcus... mmm, alliteration. ^^ nicastro. NICASTRO. that name feels good in my mouth XD nicastronicastronicastro. word therapy! maybe that's just me as well o____o;; just woke up from a bizarrely long sprawling-on-the-couch nap and now i'm tired again. fancy that, eh? >__> recently i've been thinking there needs to be more straight-out female villans- none of this nice business either >) but i love nicastro now ^___^ DON'T TRY TO CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE, DAMMIT! XD you know what i also like? the color contrast between the two of them ^o^ for some reason, it makes me smile. do you think it's possible for that to be ironic? marcus is the one most likely to blend into a concrete wall, but he's still the one they find first X3 aah, enough rambling. i took a reeeeeally long sprawling-on-the-couch nap and now i feel like sleeping again somewhere equally uncomfortable (maybe the bathtub =P). what was the norwegien for farewell again? i forgot XD

imprisoned-dreamer on March 10, 2005, 1:32:44 PM

imprisoned-dreamer on
imprisoned-dreamercool characters! ^_^ *favs* they are so cute too!!!!