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Chibi Sora

Chibi Sora

Chibi Sora by viicious
Chibi Sora by viicious


A chibi Sora for my friend, namely, Sora. Done in Micron and OC.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Characters (KH1) » Sora
Date Submitted
Views 6355
Favorites... 47
Vote Score 1
Comments 24
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (24)

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luckylace222 on July 29, 2009, 3:59:24 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD "I am sora! I'm so adorable and I'm gonna save da world!" <3 SO CUTE!

nupinoop296 on May 18, 2008, 11:05:29 AM

nupinoop296 on
nupinoop2968D He wants a hug! *huggles him*

kittysan5 on April 9, 2006, 9:29:13 AM

kittysan5 on
kittysan5KAWAII NE! =3 *FAVS*

Saru_no_Cheesecake on March 21, 2006, 1:57:56 PM

Saru_no_Cheesecake on
Saru_no_CheesecakeKAWAII! *faves*

Xiu_Lan on December 17, 2005, 11:03:01 AM

Xiu_Lan on
Xiu_LanThis looks EXACTLY like I'd imagine a toy in some KH character's room to look.

Kairi_KH on December 4, 2005, 5:12:32 AM

Kairi_KH on

Kiki_san on July 23, 2005, 3:59:27 AM

Kiki_san on
Kiki_sanSORA!!!IT'SO CUTE!*Adds it to favs*

TidusLuver on June 29, 2005, 3:02:40 AM

TidusLuver on
TidusLuver2 words ... BWEEEEEEEEEE SORA!!!!!!!

dead_artist on April 26, 2005, 4:37:40 PM

dead_artist on
dead_artistawwwww! i love it!!! sooooo cute!

sorafan_cupcake on April 3, 2005, 12:35:33 PM

sorafan_cupcake on

Yoko on July 6, 2004, 1:28:09 AM

Yoko on
YokoI LOVE IT!!!! Its so cute and adorable! Thta is really good.

Riku_gurl on June 30, 2004, 3:41:50 AM

Riku_gurl on
Riku_gurlOO OMG THATS SO ****** KAWAII!!!!!!

cool_chicky on June 7, 2004, 4:00:43 AM

cool_chicky on
cool_chickyCuuuute! <^-^> It's soo adorable!<br />

hapkidofox on May 24, 2004, 5:46:38 PM

hapkidofox on
hapkidofoxcool i luv kingdom hearts fanart!!! <br />
<br />
but not obsesivly<br />
<br />
shoulder angel : right........

kristefur on April 24, 2004, 7:07:21 AM

kristefur on
kristefuryyyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyyy! could you draw like loads more >< your so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WaterNeko_Goddess on December 15, 2003, 1:11:25 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_GoddessKWAII KWAII KWAII KWAII KWAII!!!!!!! CUUUUTTEEEE!!!! ::takes chibi sora away:: my sora!!!lol! ::clicks pic to favs::

LoverOfSilverHairedBishies on October 25, 2003, 3:39:24 AM

LoverOfSilverHairedBishies on
LoverOfSilverHairedBishiesAWWW HE'S SO CCUUTTEE!!! KAWAII!! *hugs chibi sora*

KH_fan on October 25, 2003, 1:12:28 AM

KH_fan on
KH_fanTHAT IS SO CUTE!!!<br />
*savs to favs*

Rinii on October 24, 2003, 6:57:10 PM

Rinii on
Riniisqueeee!!! its so kawaii!!! it just makes you want to squish him so that he makes a skish noise *skish,skish*

DaniSm on August 28, 2003, 1:54:50 AM

DaniSm on
DaniSmEeeeeeeee! This is the cutest thing in the world!! I love it! Sora's soooooooo cute! *Steals chibi Sora*

Kh-gurl on August 15, 2003, 6:25:59 PM

Kh-gurl on
Kh-gurlWWWWWWEEEEE! OMG SO CUTE ME LIKE IT! *saves picture*

Okayu on August 4, 2003, 5:20:33 AM

Okayu on
Okayuto KAWAI!!!! so cute!!

Sorakoibito on August 3, 2003, 8:15:13 PM

Sorakoibito on
SorakoibitoMeeeep! This is cuteeee (again)! *glomps chibi Sora* ^_^

DarkVallkyrieWong on August 1, 2003, 6:41:37 AM

DarkVallkyrieWong on
DarkVallkyrieWongKAWAIIIIIIIIIII! that is ssooo cute!! good job ^_^