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stargazer by zefi
stargazer by zefi


hehe this took bout an hr or 2 it doesnt look that great but hey,I tried!!! (ps shes a charater in one of my currently working manga) ;;pigment pen

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female
Date Submitted
Views 2079
Favorites... 8
Vote Score 0
Comments 28
Media Unspecified
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Comments (28)

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clamara on June 22, 2005, 5:01:27 AM

clamara on
clamaraVERY nice I like it COOLIE^^

mylilwashu on April 16, 2005, 2:31:35 AM

mylilwashu on
mylilwashuthis is very good... i like the eyes and the ears; how there lowered... keep up the good work

Bleak on April 12, 2005, 9:15:20 AM

Bleak on
BleakHey thank you for your komments. You have a very pretty kool gallery =)

DeathPixie on April 8, 2005, 1:10:15 PM

DeathPixie on
DeathPixieWOW!Thats super pretty!I really like it!Her hair is perfect,Her eyes are pricless,her cute....shes just adorable!YOU ROCK!

Fairygurl27 on March 29, 2005, 12:06:30 PM

Fairygurl27 on
Fairygurl27oooooo WOW ! that is really good! especially for pen, i don't like pen i always mess up >.< but this is really good i love the eyes !! eee wonderful job! *favs* ^-^

Burnt_Up_Old_Sausage on March 27, 2005, 3:30:01 PM

Burnt_Up_Old_Sausage on
Burnt_Up_Old_SausageI love the hair! Coolness! And you're only 12... and draw better than me...! And I'm 14!! Jealousy... -______- Seriously, though, t'is coolness! I love the costume! More! MORE!!! FWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! ^^; -Crispy

zefi on March 27, 2005, 11:10:23 AM

zefi on
zefiYAY 100 VIEWS!!!!!

wolfy on March 20, 2005, 7:26:51 AM

wolfy on
wolfyWOW THATS GOOD!! *faves*

Jinx_Binx on March 20, 2005, 4:53:45 AM

Jinx_Binx on
Jinx_BinxHoly! Wow! For 12 that's amazing. lol Even I wasn't that good when I was 12. >.0 And even not I can't achive that with pens!

Black-Bird on February 27, 2005, 12:15:30 PM

Black-Bird on
Black-Birdand I'm only thirteen. No... I'm not kidding. Anyhow. I commented on your picture. where's my bannana?

Tifa_Fan2004 on February 23, 2005, 12:31:36 PM

Tifa_Fan2004 on
Tifa_Fan2004I love the eyes!

zefi on February 23, 2005, 12:17:10 PM

zefi on
zefichibi POWER!!!!! @_@ too much...lint... *dies* dead. X.X

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on February 22, 2005, 10:31:22 AM

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on
Barney--TheAnti-Christawwww she's so chibi^^ love it!

lint is fun to poke

zefi on February 22, 2005, 9:09:18 AM

zefi on

Cara on February 22, 2005, 7:56:05 AM

Cara on
CaraKawaii. Awesome job +fHere have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*avs.

zefi on February 20, 2005, 3:35:50 PM

zefi on
zefi*bows* thank you,thank you!!!! i kinda messed up on the eyes though

I_luv_jesus on February 20, 2005, 2:15:33 PM

I_luv_jesus on
I_luv_jesusAwesome!!!! I love the detail!!!!

zefi on February 5, 2005, 10:09:54 AM

zefi on
zefiyay COOKIE!! *takes and runs*

terra13 on February 2, 2005, 6:36:29 AM

terra13 on
terra13WHEEE you finnaly put a piccy up!!! I love how u did everything when i look back at my pictures when i was twelve....... scary...... all is well here have a cookie!! ^^

chaos_isnt_here on February 1, 2005, 10:25:30 AM

chaos_isnt_here on
chaos_isnt_hereawwwww thats cute

Kakumei_Tifa on February 1, 2005, 8:54:06 AM

Kakumei_Tifa on
Kakumei_TifaIt's very pretty!!! Nice work!!!

zefi on February 1, 2005, 8:36:59 AM

zefi on
zefiyay!!! a muffin!

PeachsNCreamSoda on January 30, 2005, 3:12:06 PM

PeachsNCreamSoda on
PeachsNCreamSodawow, looks great ^_^ ....... thats really good, i love how you drew the eyes

kitsunelover25 on January 28, 2005, 1:56:31 PM

kitsunelover25 on
kitsunelover25Wow, this is really, really good. You are 12? That's amazing. (Geez, you should have seen my drawings when I was 12....Scary! o_o')

Have a muffin! *Hands you a muffin*

zefi on January 28, 2005, 8:56:58 AM

zefi on
zefiwhy thanxs!! *blushes*

_holy_cheese_ on January 28, 2005, 5:12:49 AM

_holy_cheese_ on
_holy_cheese_Wow, you are only 12? This drawing is excellent for a 12 year old. o_o;;

I love the eyes, shading with the pen, etc. I think the only problem is, is that it's done on lined paper^^;;

Other than that, I think it's great!^^ Thanks for commenting on my pic btw. **favs**

zefi on January 27, 2005, 9:08:15 AM

zefi on
zefia,domo!!! hehehe
first comment and otherz should comment too!!!!oh and that piccie of the grey erika wuz sooo pretty *o*

Slippingthroughreality on January 17, 2005, 12:04:55 AM

Slippingthroughreality on
Slippingthroughrealityhey there, firstly thansk for the comment on my picture of grey erika and secondly I love this picture, especially the eyes. Good job