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Displaying 3651-3675 of 7805 results.
"Hey Karnashi!" a voice shouted. Karnashi turned around. Naruto was standing behind her. "Not a chance!!!" Karnashi shouted. Naruto sighed and walked away. "I guess I was a bit too mean to my own team mate." she said. She heard foot steps again. "Naruto!! I told you not to bother me." she said turning around again. It was Sasuke. "Seems you handled Naruto." he said.
Just something I did with a friend of mine. It's very deep of course ^_^
a friend is dieing but is not telling jack or wuya. through her last days of life jack wants to be more then just friends.
lol this is me and my friend neera in a chat....this is also what happens when sasuke gets drunk.....
MHUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHUAHA! Awesome story about me, some friends, and some random Pokemon people being gym leaders in the mysterious new Dana region....

I CAN ONLY HAVE A LIMIT OF 5 PEOPLE!!!! I HAVE wolf-girl-ghost, mandy94t, NICKELODEON GIRL, gemdrop123neo, AND ericka, no more people are allowed!
I based this off a fantastic finish yesterday at the cross country meet...I didn't place very high (hey, I never do), but it was probably the best finish I ever have had. Period.

You know the drill: Read and critique.
Okays, I know I spelled Yue wrong.XDD

And Im not sure if Ti and La are (c) of ME,or of Nickelodeon.I know!

FISH Ti/La (c) Nickelodeon

PEOPLES Ti/La (c) Zippeh. There.:3

Anyways,The four are wandering through a dense jungle.They happen upon two girls. But,one is a Water Bender,and the Other is a Fire Bender.And they get along! But what about them makes Aang start to think that not all is as they seem...?
This is a story about life
and it`s meaning.
Kinda like Eragon only its really really not. This is my story of Hadrian, an outcast in a world that utterly SUCKS! Two Gods duked it out 700 years ago and now the world is godless and in turmoil. While the Demon Lord of the Earth stomps around in his new home, the people of the land are suffering. The sky is always black and the stars have disappeared. PG Minor MINOR swearing and i'm not sure about sexual stuff yet. maybe later :P Please read and review! Rating may be upped
Shanghai spells trouble! After trashing the house (pratically!) she is sent to live with her aunt and uncle, who in turn lets her go with her best friend Ben, the annoying cousin Gwen and Max for the summer holidays.Soon changes occur in both Ben and Shanghai. What is up with that?!
Show rewrite (ish)
Fandom: Utena
Pairing: Juri x Shiori
Song: The Rasmus - Guilty
Rating: 13+ (Femmeslash)

I love this song, because it describes the relation of Juri x Shiori best.
When writing a poem, ALWAYS avoid the one word in the english language that does'nt rhyme with ANYTHING.
uhhh story about zombies,kasey and jack spicer.And if u wanna b in it pleese leave a cccccoooommmmeeeennnntttt!!!!!
just a few chapters then you know how to draw a person.
I've decided to write a story based off of the dreams I've had. It started out as an assignment for school...the teacher lady was like "write a 2 page essay on anything as long as it's school appropriate." Crazy assignment for Biology class, but ok! This is what came of it. And the little `s infront of paragraphs are for just that, indenting paragraphs..because the tab or spacing doesn't work. So enjoy the strangeness :3
Drabble. Set after the episode Common Ground. John feels guilty about one simple thing...
AU slightly with Episode III. Darth Vader attends Padme's funeral and finds out some interesting news.
Drabble. Based on the Episode Power Play in season 5. Illyria asks Spike a question. SpikeIllyria.
Joker's hidden memories haunt him with the image of someone he once loved. OneShot.
Sequel to TV Talk. Our dear villains gather around and discuss yet another show. Honestly, don't they have anything better to do?
A drabble. Dracula writes a letter of apology to Alucard for the hardships in his life.
there is a whole philosophy behind this poem but i will not tell you. mostly because i believe you should find your own meaning in it, and partly 'cause i'm too lazy
Know your stars Naruto style!
Random vignette. Vala brings Daniel a cookie, and Daniel realizes what it means to have her as a friend.
No spoilers but set in season 10.
A collection of little ficlets dedicated to the lesser known pairings of Xiaolin Showdown. I will take couple requests!