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Displaying 7226-7250 of 7870 results.
A poem I wrote about... well crying. ^^; The words may seem weird at first, but they make sense if you think about it. (I don't like the last line...)
this is a poem about Squirm my character he has many things wrong with him and among them is his constant blaading from the mouth and eyes because of this he never goes out in public he is very very thin and has misery reflecting in his emty grey eye
The okamikinjuclan is a pack of wolves on earth trying to hide their existence from humans that want to kill them the pack is led by the hisakata family kairay raykai and katsumi as well as kairays partner Hiaro Makurazaki. They are always in a const
This really wont have any significance to anyone.. but im putting it on here to do so.. Its basically how i met Madra and how i got to know her...
This is my poetry collection. I hope you like it^_^.
a poem i wrote a while back about my character Zouw change in the way he sees the world with the help of Tayiko
gollum travels to find a bunny
Usagi and Mamoru are happly married and they are awaiting the future. They thought that their fighting days would now end, but they were wrong. Two new senshi appear along with a new enemy.
This is the story of the adventure that life has taken me on since I was very young.
A poem about life's contrasts, or enjoying life despite all its evils and whatnot. Something like that. ^^;
A poem about wanting to escape the pain of living...
This is my first story being wrote in a long time...I finished it 5:12pm...July 01, 04. It's for Fruits Basket. It's told through someone's point of veiw. I have a unique way of writing. >_>;; So you can kind of pick. It's told through either Yuki or
This story sucks now with only the plot vaugely outlined in the first chapter, but as I add on chapters the plot will build into something like a short novel and become very entertaining. =Þ
I have decided to discontinue work on this project. I apologize to all of those who left such kind and encouraging comments. Thank you all for your support.
I went to the pychiatrist! ....
This isn't a story as much as it is a cross between a story and its a spoem...or a pory...your pic!!!
About living
Amy tries to get Sonic to love her by zapping him with a love ray gun that Tails invented.
this is 4 mah friend Kay whos b-day is july, 3rd HAPPY B-DAY KAY!!!!!
We demons aint what u expect, take a look isidem ull c ^-~
like a chain...the most common first...u'll c just a stupid idea i got
its about 9/11 obviously still, its saaad
feh... its ok i like my 2nd lol
Well. Deticated to Melissa Martin. Another suicidal moment lol.
Ehh..he's out there.....somewhere.. "who?" you ask? the guy i wrote this for... im not tell ya his name he knows who he is and so does catdemon....she wont tell lol