Chapter 1 - Coinciding Daydreams
Submitted March 24, 2005 Updated May 3, 2005 Status Incomplete | I don't see many fanfics with this pairing and decided to make my own fanfic. Rikku/Paine pairing.
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy X-2 |
Chapter 1 - Coinciding Daydreams
Chapter 1 - Coinciding Daydreams
Painebrushed a strand of wet hair from her view as she stared at the ceiling.However pointless this may seem she had learned that the ceiling could givegood advice if one was willing to listen. She had just gotten out of a bath inwhich she had been thinking right after she had done endurance training whilethinking. Her mentor the ceiling didn’t even have advice. She sat up and leanedagainst the wall, her powdery gray towel slipping just a little on her dryingskin. If the ceiling wouldn’t help her then maybe the wall would… or the door.
Whileshe was still feeling the breeze of the passing thought, the door knocked ather. It took her a moment to swim back to the surface of her thoughts so shecould speak without the density of them hindering her speech.
“Whatis it?” she called out maybe just a little bit too loud or annoyed. The quietreply came a bit later; the door must have been reconsidering knocking at her.
“Um,I brought you food since you didn’t come to dinner and all…” The door soundedlike Rikku.
WhenPaine did not answer the door creaked forward and revealed its voice box. Rikkuwas dressed in tan cargo pants hanging with her usual style of tassels, strapsand chains galore. She also wore a light blue and black vest zipped most of theway up, it was made of a stretchy fabric almost like that used in diving suits.She blushed a bit as she noticed what Paine was wearing but shut the door andcame over with the food anyway.
Itwas about then that Paine noticed was Paine was wearing and pulled the towelcloser before retreating to the closet to get more suitably dressed. She cameout wearing black pants that flared a little and dragged the floor hiding herbare feet. She also wore a slightly loose black tank top. Comfortable clothes.It would be a dog to sleep in any of the outfits she wore while fighting…
Rikkuhad set the food on Paine’s small table and was now doing her best to becheerful as Paine shot her a glance that said what-the hell-are-you-doing-here.She even attempted to start a conversation about nothing consequential. Evenso, a happy spirit may be dampened if one doesn’t respond to the topic ofnothing it has so valiantly supported.
Rikkusat in silence before asking the one thing that got through Paine’s thoughts.As Paine took the last bite of her dinner Rikku asked in a dampened tone,“Pain, is something wrong? Did I do something? I’m sorry.” She looked trulycrestfallen and even a heart as stoic as Paine’s must move to stretch its limbsevery once in a while. Her heart fidgeted.
“No,Rikku. You did nothing” She replied, speaking for the first time that evening.Rikku brightened a bit and smiled faintly but, being as she is, persisted, “Sowhat is wrong Paine? Please tell me! I will help!” She smiled brightly, herlips parted to reveal perfect teeth. Paine could smell the cherry of her lipcream from where she sat; it was translucent and glimmered making Rikku evenmore attractive. She wondered what it tasted like…
ImmediatelyPaine banished the thought and its prerequisites, almost forgetting she hadever had the idea in the first place. Almost.
“Uh…”She said, having forgotten the question for a moment. “No, it’s nothingreally.” She said and stood up using the excuse that it was late and she stillhad to put the tray up. Rikku gave her a very cute tilt-headed glance beforetaking the tray herself and bade Paine a good-night and good dreams beforeheading out the door.
Assoon as the door had shut and no longer whispered Rikku’s footsteps to her Painrealized what she had thought and where it was leading her mind. She blushed alittle. She dismissed it and turned the lights off before crawling into bed ina tight ball. The nights were chilly on the Airship despite its heating system.After spending an hour or so staring at the dark the lids of her red eyesdrooped shut. The last thought before falling asleep which she could neitherstop nor be able to remember in the morning was that it would be much easier tofall asleep with a warm body next to her own.
Rikkutrudged down to the kitchen, tray empty in her hands. She didn’t like trudgingbut she also didn’t like seeing Paine upset. Well, more upset than usualanyway…
Herthoughts switched from the movement of her feet to the way Paine’s beautifulred eyes glittered like rubies when they set their gaze upon her own. Shestopped the thought right there as it was turning her cheeks redder than therubies she had visualized. Her heart beat faster but that was probably justbecause she had picked up her pace. She had soon discarded the tray in thekitchen and was getting ready for bed in her own room.
Onceshe had put on clothing more suited for sleeping and was curled around a pillowshe decided that there was no use hiding from her thoughts, it is pretty hardto hide from them, after all, when there are so many and you haven’t much tohide behind. She thought of the way being around Paine made her feel, made herblood quicken, thought of the way her touch made her skin tingle happily. Shealso thought of the reaction would get should anyone find out of her“affection” for their friend. She knew that many of the crew would beuncomfortable with the situation and some might not accept it at all.
Therewas also the consideration that Yunie would not understand. How could she dosomething to jeopardize her close friendship with her dearest cousin Yuna? Andwhat of Paine herself?
Rikkusighed deeply and her brow furrowed. She had discovered her attraction forPaine some time back, she herself did not even accept it for a while and wouldsuppress all thought of her to the point of taking sleeping draughts so shewould not stay up fighting the conflicting emotions. She blamed her insomnia onover-excitement which nobody found hard to believe. Finally, for her ownhealth, she had accepted her feelings towards another woman and had since beentrying to figure out what to do about it.
Shefrowned into the pillow. Her stomach was swirling with butterflies as sheconsidered the possibility of being with Paine. She crumbled that thought upand tossed it out the window like a discarded tissue. No use in fantasizingabout something that will never be, it makes the reality more painful.
Sherolled over and pressed her forehead against the cool wall to distract her fromthe warmth of her own body. She didn’t mind so much really, she was quite usedto unrequited love and could live with it. She also knew, somewhere in the backof her head, that she was lying.
Paineawoke as the early morning beams of light tried furiously to struggle their waythrough her blinds. All that they accomplished, however, was a weak glow andwaking a disgruntled Paine. She thought she may have had a good dream since shewoke smiling but she could not remember it.
Shebreathed deeply, drawing in the cherry smell of the sheets… But the sheets werenot cleaned with cherry scented soap. She breathed again, now wider awake, butonly succeeded in attaining the faint scent of lavender. A trick of her mindwas all it was.
Shestretched and ran her fingers through her hair letting it lie where it fell.She had planned on training some more today but it now seemed a better idea tosit and think. She had a lot on her mind.
Shedidn’t bother getting out of bed this morning but instead lay back down andpulled the sheets close to her chin. She could barely see the ceiling but haddecided he was a bad conversationalist, she instead thought to herself.
Whenshe had first met Rikku Paine had disliked the girl. She was far too hyper forher own good and most likely had an intelligence to match her small attentionspan. Rikku had proved Paine very wrong in the next few months. Thoughgradually, Rikku had worked her way into Paine’s list of friends and hadclimbed up to the very top.
Painetook a deep breath to clear her mind before continuing her train of thought. Ithad not taken long for Pain to notice that she liked Rikku as more than afriend but had hoped that the feeling would pass. It would be a bad situationif Yuna or Rikku found out, she didn’t care what the rest of the crew thought.Yuna was almost as close to her as Rikku was but did not have the same affectthat Rikku did on her heart rate. Paine feared that Yuna would distance herselffrom her if she ever found out, not wishing to be involved with someone likeher. Pain could not risk loosing a friend she loved so dearly.
AndRikku, dear Rikku. If she ever found out life would end for Paine. She was notsure if she would ever get over Rikku (she doubted it) but it would only makeit worse if Rikku could not stand to be around her. The thought brought a deepfrown to her lips.
Sheabandoned her thoughts for the moment and dropped back into sleep, for thefirst time not blocking out the thoughts of Rikku as she closed her eyes.
Paineslept soundly, smiling gently until just before noon. The door knocked at heragain. She mumbled her ascent for the door to release the intruder into herroom which came out more of a barely audible groan. She recognized the whisperof belts as the door was opened and shut again and turned to see her Rikku. No,what was she thinking, not her Rikku…
Rikkuwalked over with a concerned look on her face, Paine never slept in. Paine satup and made her sleep infested eyes grow accustomed to being open again. She lookedquestioningly at Rikku.
Rikkusat cross-legged on the end of Paine’s bed and smiled brightly at her. Shesmelled of cherries…
“Goodmorning” The worried look did not leave her eyes. “Are you feeling ok?”
Painenodded and peered down at her fingers clasped in her lap. She was startled outof her stupor as she heard a stern and unexpected reprimand.
“No,Paine, what is wrong? You have been acting odd for a while now! What isbothering you?” Although her voice was demanding, her eyes gave away herconcern. Paine quieted the butterflies that burst in her stomach.
“I…have a lot on my mind.” She said truthfully, her voice straining a bit. Shecould not be sarcastic or cynical in this situation, nor did she want to be.
Rikkumade a sound of sympathy and crawled up to lean her head on Paine’s shoulder. Shecursed herself as she did it thinking Iam totally giving myself away! What am I doing?...[/i]
Painerepressed a gasp as Rikku wrapped her arms around her muscular waist and laidher cheek on her collarbone, it felt like silk on the skin above her shirt. Herheart began to beat faster but she controlled the blush and tried to actnormal. Rikku is just being a friend…Don’t[/i] scare her away…[/i]
But,to her extreme surprise, she could feel Rikku’s blush as it warmed her handsand face. She looked down a little to see Rikku turning a bit pink as she sat againsther with her eyes closed. Paine got the silliest idea in her head and did nothave the heart to discard it. Hope; such a new thing, but she would just revelin Rikku’s touch for now.
Rikkucould feel her self blushing as she listened to Paine’s heart beat faster.Rikku knew then that she could not live the rest of her life in uncertainty; ifnothing more she just wanted closure. She sat with her head against Paine’scollar bone for another moment before she felt the other girls head turnslightly down to look at her.
Rikkuturned her face and softly nuzzled Paine’s neck. She heard and felt Paineintake her breath a little but she did not resist. Rikku gently kissed Paine’sneck, pressing her lips against the smooth skin. She felt utter happiness asPaine began to breath deeper but still did not resist. Rikku turned a bit more,kissing Paine a little higher up as she moved so she faced her. Paine archedher neck in pleasure as Rikku laid gentle warm kisses all the way up her neck.
Therewas nothing more blissful than the feeling Paine got as Rikku began to turn herface to her neck. Tingles ran all the way up her body as the girl nuzzled thetender skin just above her collar. The feeling that followed next was purepleasure when Rikku’s soft lips pressed onto her neck. She could feel the kisswarm her whole body and she began to breathe deeply, overtaken with thesensation of the girl’s lips.
Thesensation only got better as Rikku continued to kiss her neck. When Rikku hadfinally reached her jaw line, she thought she could faint from her relief andjoy. Rikku faltered, breathing gently on Paine’s neck. Pain could not take it,her feelings had been too long suppressed. She turned her head and looked rightinto Rikku’s eyes. In them she could see her own happiness reflected with thesame hint of uncertainty.
Paineleaned her head forward, her eyes closed slightly as she hesitated. She foughther uncertainty into submission and closed the few remaining inches between herface and Rikku’s.
Rikku’sheart shot forward as she felt Paine’s head turn and she opened her eyes topeer directly into the rubies across from her. They glistened with happinessand slight uncertainty. Paine leaned forward, closing her eyes a bit as sheneared Rikku’s face. She closed her eyes and leaned in as well.
Rikkufelt Paine’s lips close around hers and she slowly began to work her lipsagainst Paine’s. Their kiss grew deeper as it lasted longer. Paine’s lipsseparated as she ran her tongue along Rikku’s lips, tasting the cherry flavoredlip cream she was wearing. Rikku giggled and Paine broke the kiss. She turnedbright red as she realized that her hand had been tracing along Rikku’s backunder the vest. She removed it quickly and grasped her hands in her lap.
“I’mso sorry Rikku, I didn’t mean to…” She managed out.
Rikkulooked slightly hurt. “You didn’t like it then?”
Painlooked back at Rikku, “No, I did but… I didn’t mean to…” She stopped andblushed even redder.
Rikkugiggled again “Do you like the cherry? I think it’s not a very strong flavor,maybe you should try it again before you decide.”
Rikkugrasped each of Paine’s and hands placed them on her sides, sliding her fingersever so slightly under the edge of her vest. Paine looked at Rikku for a fewmoments before breaking out in a smile. She leaned forward and kissed Rikkuagain, relishing every moment. This time she noticed as her hands slid underRikku’s vest.
Bythe first two people to read this (two good friends) it was suggested that Icontinue it with another chapter. Tell me what you think about adding to thestory!
Also,please comment! I am going to minor in creative writing in college…
Whileshe was still feeling the breeze of the passing thought, the door knocked ather. It took her a moment to swim back to the surface of her thoughts so shecould speak without the density of them hindering her speech.
“Whatis it?” she called out maybe just a little bit too loud or annoyed. The quietreply came a bit later; the door must have been reconsidering knocking at her.
“Um,I brought you food since you didn’t come to dinner and all…” The door soundedlike Rikku.
WhenPaine did not answer the door creaked forward and revealed its voice box. Rikkuwas dressed in tan cargo pants hanging with her usual style of tassels, strapsand chains galore. She also wore a light blue and black vest zipped most of theway up, it was made of a stretchy fabric almost like that used in diving suits.She blushed a bit as she noticed what Paine was wearing but shut the door andcame over with the food anyway.
Itwas about then that Paine noticed was Paine was wearing and pulled the towelcloser before retreating to the closet to get more suitably dressed. She cameout wearing black pants that flared a little and dragged the floor hiding herbare feet. She also wore a slightly loose black tank top. Comfortable clothes.It would be a dog to sleep in any of the outfits she wore while fighting…
Rikkuhad set the food on Paine’s small table and was now doing her best to becheerful as Paine shot her a glance that said what-the hell-are-you-doing-here.She even attempted to start a conversation about nothing consequential. Evenso, a happy spirit may be dampened if one doesn’t respond to the topic ofnothing it has so valiantly supported.
Rikkusat in silence before asking the one thing that got through Paine’s thoughts.As Paine took the last bite of her dinner Rikku asked in a dampened tone,“Pain, is something wrong? Did I do something? I’m sorry.” She looked trulycrestfallen and even a heart as stoic as Paine’s must move to stretch its limbsevery once in a while. Her heart fidgeted.
“No,Rikku. You did nothing” She replied, speaking for the first time that evening.Rikku brightened a bit and smiled faintly but, being as she is, persisted, “Sowhat is wrong Paine? Please tell me! I will help!” She smiled brightly, herlips parted to reveal perfect teeth. Paine could smell the cherry of her lipcream from where she sat; it was translucent and glimmered making Rikku evenmore attractive. She wondered what it tasted like…
ImmediatelyPaine banished the thought and its prerequisites, almost forgetting she hadever had the idea in the first place. Almost.
“Uh…”She said, having forgotten the question for a moment. “No, it’s nothingreally.” She said and stood up using the excuse that it was late and she stillhad to put the tray up. Rikku gave her a very cute tilt-headed glance beforetaking the tray herself and bade Paine a good-night and good dreams beforeheading out the door.
Assoon as the door had shut and no longer whispered Rikku’s footsteps to her Painrealized what she had thought and where it was leading her mind. She blushed alittle. She dismissed it and turned the lights off before crawling into bed ina tight ball. The nights were chilly on the Airship despite its heating system.After spending an hour or so staring at the dark the lids of her red eyesdrooped shut. The last thought before falling asleep which she could neitherstop nor be able to remember in the morning was that it would be much easier tofall asleep with a warm body next to her own.
Rikkutrudged down to the kitchen, tray empty in her hands. She didn’t like trudgingbut she also didn’t like seeing Paine upset. Well, more upset than usualanyway…
Herthoughts switched from the movement of her feet to the way Paine’s beautifulred eyes glittered like rubies when they set their gaze upon her own. Shestopped the thought right there as it was turning her cheeks redder than therubies she had visualized. Her heart beat faster but that was probably justbecause she had picked up her pace. She had soon discarded the tray in thekitchen and was getting ready for bed in her own room.
Onceshe had put on clothing more suited for sleeping and was curled around a pillowshe decided that there was no use hiding from her thoughts, it is pretty hardto hide from them, after all, when there are so many and you haven’t much tohide behind. She thought of the way being around Paine made her feel, made herblood quicken, thought of the way her touch made her skin tingle happily. Shealso thought of the reaction would get should anyone find out of her“affection” for their friend. She knew that many of the crew would beuncomfortable with the situation and some might not accept it at all.
Therewas also the consideration that Yunie would not understand. How could she dosomething to jeopardize her close friendship with her dearest cousin Yuna? Andwhat of Paine herself?
Rikkusighed deeply and her brow furrowed. She had discovered her attraction forPaine some time back, she herself did not even accept it for a while and wouldsuppress all thought of her to the point of taking sleeping draughts so shewould not stay up fighting the conflicting emotions. She blamed her insomnia onover-excitement which nobody found hard to believe. Finally, for her ownhealth, she had accepted her feelings towards another woman and had since beentrying to figure out what to do about it.
Shefrowned into the pillow. Her stomach was swirling with butterflies as sheconsidered the possibility of being with Paine. She crumbled that thought upand tossed it out the window like a discarded tissue. No use in fantasizingabout something that will never be, it makes the reality more painful.
Sherolled over and pressed her forehead against the cool wall to distract her fromthe warmth of her own body. She didn’t mind so much really, she was quite usedto unrequited love and could live with it. She also knew, somewhere in the backof her head, that she was lying.
Paineawoke as the early morning beams of light tried furiously to struggle their waythrough her blinds. All that they accomplished, however, was a weak glow andwaking a disgruntled Paine. She thought she may have had a good dream since shewoke smiling but she could not remember it.
Shebreathed deeply, drawing in the cherry smell of the sheets… But the sheets werenot cleaned with cherry scented soap. She breathed again, now wider awake, butonly succeeded in attaining the faint scent of lavender. A trick of her mindwas all it was.
Shestretched and ran her fingers through her hair letting it lie where it fell.She had planned on training some more today but it now seemed a better idea tosit and think. She had a lot on her mind.
Shedidn’t bother getting out of bed this morning but instead lay back down andpulled the sheets close to her chin. She could barely see the ceiling but haddecided he was a bad conversationalist, she instead thought to herself.
Whenshe had first met Rikku Paine had disliked the girl. She was far too hyper forher own good and most likely had an intelligence to match her small attentionspan. Rikku had proved Paine very wrong in the next few months. Thoughgradually, Rikku had worked her way into Paine’s list of friends and hadclimbed up to the very top.
Painetook a deep breath to clear her mind before continuing her train of thought. Ithad not taken long for Pain to notice that she liked Rikku as more than afriend but had hoped that the feeling would pass. It would be a bad situationif Yuna or Rikku found out, she didn’t care what the rest of the crew thought.Yuna was almost as close to her as Rikku was but did not have the same affectthat Rikku did on her heart rate. Paine feared that Yuna would distance herselffrom her if she ever found out, not wishing to be involved with someone likeher. Pain could not risk loosing a friend she loved so dearly.
AndRikku, dear Rikku. If she ever found out life would end for Paine. She was notsure if she would ever get over Rikku (she doubted it) but it would only makeit worse if Rikku could not stand to be around her. The thought brought a deepfrown to her lips.
Sheabandoned her thoughts for the moment and dropped back into sleep, for thefirst time not blocking out the thoughts of Rikku as she closed her eyes.
Paineslept soundly, smiling gently until just before noon. The door knocked at heragain. She mumbled her ascent for the door to release the intruder into herroom which came out more of a barely audible groan. She recognized the whisperof belts as the door was opened and shut again and turned to see her Rikku. No,what was she thinking, not her Rikku…
Rikkuwalked over with a concerned look on her face, Paine never slept in. Paine satup and made her sleep infested eyes grow accustomed to being open again. She lookedquestioningly at Rikku.
Rikkusat cross-legged on the end of Paine’s bed and smiled brightly at her. Shesmelled of cherries…
“Goodmorning” The worried look did not leave her eyes. “Are you feeling ok?”
Painenodded and peered down at her fingers clasped in her lap. She was startled outof her stupor as she heard a stern and unexpected reprimand.
“No,Paine, what is wrong? You have been acting odd for a while now! What isbothering you?” Although her voice was demanding, her eyes gave away herconcern. Paine quieted the butterflies that burst in her stomach.
“I…have a lot on my mind.” She said truthfully, her voice straining a bit. Shecould not be sarcastic or cynical in this situation, nor did she want to be.
Rikkumade a sound of sympathy and crawled up to lean her head on Paine’s shoulder. Shecursed herself as she did it thinking Iam totally giving myself away! What am I doing?...[/i]
Painerepressed a gasp as Rikku wrapped her arms around her muscular waist and laidher cheek on her collarbone, it felt like silk on the skin above her shirt. Herheart began to beat faster but she controlled the blush and tried to actnormal. Rikku is just being a friend…Don’t[/i] scare her away…[/i]
But,to her extreme surprise, she could feel Rikku’s blush as it warmed her handsand face. She looked down a little to see Rikku turning a bit pink as she sat againsther with her eyes closed. Paine got the silliest idea in her head and did nothave the heart to discard it. Hope; such a new thing, but she would just revelin Rikku’s touch for now.
Rikkucould feel her self blushing as she listened to Paine’s heart beat faster.Rikku knew then that she could not live the rest of her life in uncertainty; ifnothing more she just wanted closure. She sat with her head against Paine’scollar bone for another moment before she felt the other girls head turnslightly down to look at her.
Rikkuturned her face and softly nuzzled Paine’s neck. She heard and felt Paineintake her breath a little but she did not resist. Rikku gently kissed Paine’sneck, pressing her lips against the smooth skin. She felt utter happiness asPaine began to breath deeper but still did not resist. Rikku turned a bit more,kissing Paine a little higher up as she moved so she faced her. Paine archedher neck in pleasure as Rikku laid gentle warm kisses all the way up her neck.
Therewas nothing more blissful than the feeling Paine got as Rikku began to turn herface to her neck. Tingles ran all the way up her body as the girl nuzzled thetender skin just above her collar. The feeling that followed next was purepleasure when Rikku’s soft lips pressed onto her neck. She could feel the kisswarm her whole body and she began to breathe deeply, overtaken with thesensation of the girl’s lips.
Thesensation only got better as Rikku continued to kiss her neck. When Rikku hadfinally reached her jaw line, she thought she could faint from her relief andjoy. Rikku faltered, breathing gently on Paine’s neck. Pain could not take it,her feelings had been too long suppressed. She turned her head and looked rightinto Rikku’s eyes. In them she could see her own happiness reflected with thesame hint of uncertainty.
Paineleaned her head forward, her eyes closed slightly as she hesitated. She foughther uncertainty into submission and closed the few remaining inches between herface and Rikku’s.
Rikku’sheart shot forward as she felt Paine’s head turn and she opened her eyes topeer directly into the rubies across from her. They glistened with happinessand slight uncertainty. Paine leaned forward, closing her eyes a bit as sheneared Rikku’s face. She closed her eyes and leaned in as well.
Rikkufelt Paine’s lips close around hers and she slowly began to work her lipsagainst Paine’s. Their kiss grew deeper as it lasted longer. Paine’s lipsseparated as she ran her tongue along Rikku’s lips, tasting the cherry flavoredlip cream she was wearing. Rikku giggled and Paine broke the kiss. She turnedbright red as she realized that her hand had been tracing along Rikku’s backunder the vest. She removed it quickly and grasped her hands in her lap.
“I’mso sorry Rikku, I didn’t mean to…” She managed out.
Rikkulooked slightly hurt. “You didn’t like it then?”
Painlooked back at Rikku, “No, I did but… I didn’t mean to…” She stopped andblushed even redder.
Rikkugiggled again “Do you like the cherry? I think it’s not a very strong flavor,maybe you should try it again before you decide.”
Rikkugrasped each of Paine’s and hands placed them on her sides, sliding her fingersever so slightly under the edge of her vest. Paine looked at Rikku for a fewmoments before breaking out in a smile. She leaned forward and kissed Rikkuagain, relishing every moment. This time she noticed as her hands slid underRikku’s vest.
Bythe first two people to read this (two good friends) it was suggested that Icontinue it with another chapter. Tell me what you think about adding to thestory!
Also,please comment! I am going to minor in creative writing in college…
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karatekid22 on September 12, 2006, 7:24:46 AM
karatekid22 on