Chapter 3 - Under his Hypnotic Gaze
Submitted September 29, 2006 Updated October 11, 2006 Status Incomplete | [SasuSaku] [NaruHina] True friendship is such a rare item that it must be treasured or else it will wither away. When childhood friends have a reunion, will they be able to get along like they used to? Or will their differences tear them apart? Our favorite cherry blossom moves to boarding school along with her best friend Ino-chan. When they meet up with a unique character will they be able to deal with him,his rabid fan girls and gay fan boys? Come and find out! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!
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Chapter 3 - Under his Hypnotic Gaze
Chapter 3 - Under his Hypnotic Gaze
Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto -frowns-&or the evil clown from McDonalds. YAY who would want to own him anyways...he's creepy! xD
Authoress Note: PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Im starting not to like this story too much -_-
Warning: Major Randomness
Recap of Chap two
The person he disliked the most greeted him. Good Afternoon Sasuke-chan He said mockingly. Sasuke glared daggers at the young man while Kin smirked at him in a flirty sort of way but of course Sasuke didnt see it.
Under His Hypnotic Gaze
The man resembled Sasuke in some ways that interested the teenage girl. The same onyx eyes, raven hair, attitude. The only difference was that the handsome man had longer hair and looked a bit older than Sasuke. This man was no other than Sasukes brother, Uchiha Itachi.
It seems my fan club just got bigger, stated Itachi arrogantly. Whatever Sasuke said totally brushing off his brother and made an attempt to walk around him. Itachi then extended his hand, bringing two fingers against Sasukes forehead. Before he could even react Mikoto hurried out of kitchen to stop Itachi from starting anything else.
Itachi! How many times have I told you not to bother your younger brother? Youre the eldest son, you should set a good example for Sasuke. Mikoto lectured while Itachi stubbornly looked away.
Like I would ever want to be like him, Sasuke muttered to himself.
You know better than to misbehave when we have guests over, now go to your room Itachi and Sasuke exchanged glares and Itachi slowly made his towards to staircase.
Youre lucky your mommy came to your rescue Itachi hissed as he passed Sasuke. Mikoto crossed her arms and looked at her youngest son.
And Sasuke where are you going?
Im just going to drive Kin back home and then take Sakura to the mall he replied tonelessly. Apparently she hasnt went shopping for school Sasuke sighed.
Haruno? Oh its great to hear that the two of you are going to catch up. Sasuke you should really consider inviting her over for dinner, I want to see her again shes such a sweet girl. Just the other day I spoke with her mother, she says shes sending Sakura to your school when school starts again, isnt that great? Mikoto beamed.
&That little demon&in my school, how the hell is that a good thing? Itachi sneered and soon after shuddered at the thought off seeing the Haruno girl again.
Itachi! Dont talk that way about Sakura Mikoto scolded, getting fid up with her sons rude behavior. Sasuke turned to Itachi.
Im actually surprised you remembered Sakura Sasuke said, staring at him in great awe while Kin dazed out, the whole Sakura topic was making her feel both disgusted and anxious now she really wanted to meet her.
&How could I ever forget& such a beast&Itachi said while hugging himself. &The children attacking me in my vulnerable spots&the evil laughter &.I remember it as if it was just yesterday&
March 28th,
Seven years ago
Itachi is ten about to turn eleven on June
Sasuke is nine about to turn ten on July 23rd
In the Haruno residence a birthday party was being held for a certain cherry blossom. Both family and friends gathered at this celebration, the youthful girl had just turned ten years old. The little kids laughed as they played with balloons or other various party games such as pin the tail on the donkey. Somewhere in the background was a troublemaking boy with his unique looking friend.
So you know the plan, ne? Itachi asked his friend who sat beside him. Remind me why are we doing this again Kisame whined.
I hate birthday parties! Itachi clenched his fists. Theyve also hired someone I hate most! Hint hes pale, has red hair&and hes scary! he added.
No way! A clown? Kisame bellowed.
Yeah but hes no ordinary clown&hes Ronald from McDonalds. Damn him&damn him to hell! I actually feel sorry for Sasuke, Ronald has been trying to force him to smile for the past seven minutes with no luck. Itachis eyes widen and then he pointed a finger at the evil fiend. Omg! There he goes again (LOL)
WHERE? exclaimed Kisame.
Right there, behind Sasuke!
Oh I see him now Kisame gasped. No ones that happy, its just not normal.
Thats because it isnt even a person and for that it must die. Ready?
Ready And with that the two boys ran closer to set their plan into action.
Sasuke was feeling very annoyed by Ronald especially when he opened his mouth to sing. Sakura who was right beside Sasuke, giggled at the clowns attempts to make Sasuke smile. (Naruto was too busy eating ramen in the kitchen, thats way he wasnt right there with them but he was at the party.)
Put a smile, put a smile, everybody come on, put a smile on! Ronald sang out while holding a balloon in his hand and gave it to the birthday girl. Sasuke muttered something about how gay the song was then walked away and came back with a present, which he handed to Sakura.
Arigatou Sasuke-kun! I wonder what it could be, said a cheerful Sakura as she unwrapped the gift. When she was done it revealed a cute cuddly kyuubi plushy.
Aww Sasuke-kun, its so kawaii! A wide smile came across her lips as she huggled the kyuubi plushy. I shall name you Mr. Snuggles Sakura said to the kyuubi.
Im glad you like it Sasuke answered back. At that moment Mikoto came into the room with a camera, she grinned at the sight and quickly took a picture of the two while they wasn't watching. They look so adorable together Then left back where the grown-ups were chatting.
Sakura had taken Sasuke in a tight embrace, closed her eyes shut and planted a well-deserved kiss on his cheek, which rapidly turned to a deep shade of crimson red. After she pulled away, she placed a hand on his forehead. Sasuke blinked multiple times, unsure of her initentions.
Do you have a fever? Sakura asked worriedly. She was totally oblivious to the situation. Youre as red as a tomato. ( Heheh Sakura is so clueless and this was my fave part of the flashback
&Uhh& He couldnt find any words to say, he was completely shocked by her actions. But Sasuke was just glad she didnt notice his awkward reactions after her warm embrace. Meanwhile Ronald tripped over banana peel and landed flat on his face while Itachi laughed at his pain from afar.
IM LOVIN' IT beamed a very cheerful Ronald as he rose from the floor, with the scarest smile plastered on his face. (ROFL) He walked towards Sasuke and started singing again.
"Put a smile on, put a smile on, everybody come on, put a smile on!"
WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY YOU CREEPY STALKER!, yelled Sasuke as his face was red but this time it was from anger.
Sasuke-kun dont be so mean to him, hes only doing his job, said Sakura. Sasuke crossed his arms stubbornly. Hn
Ronald came behind Sakura and poked her shoulder, flashing her with one of his scary smiles. Sasuke gritted his teeth and Sakura sighed.
"Hahah we got him good!"Kisame laughed out from a short distance from his target.
"That's nothing wait until I throw this bag of poo at him. Then that evil bastard will be crying to his mommy. I just gotta get a little closer now"Itachi rubbed his two hands together in anxiety.
Itachi heard his brother talking something about hating McDonalds as he sneak behind Ronald. He felt as though he was going to die from the awful stench that was coming from the bag of poo.
'It's now or never' he thought mischievously as he threw the smelly bag at the evil clown.' Let's see you smile now you fag'
"ARGH! I HATE YOU MOTHER frackING BRATS, I'M NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS JOB!" Ronald yelled while he was completely covered in dog feces. The little kids that were playing pin the tail on the donkey looked at him in great awe and mouth an 'O'.
"HAHAH YOU GOT PUNK'D" snickered Itachi while he watched the evil clown open a window. There was an itsy bitsy smile that formed on Sasuke's lips, it was so small that it was barely visible.
"frack this shoot I'm going back to McDonalds to suppress my misery with hamburgers, later doges" and with that the very evil clown jumped out the window and unfortunately for him he tripped over his over-sized shoes. Numerous gasps could be heard belonging no other than the little children that were present to hear Ronald's outburst.
"Itachi..." hissed the cherry blossom, balling up her fist. He glanced at her half-caring and brushed her off. "My parents spent a lot of time making my tenth birthday the best it could be and you've ruined!"
Her once innocent gentle eyes were now practically forming flames. "So what?" retorted Itachi. That was all the little cherry blossom needed to go over the edge. Before he knew it, Sakura kicked him in his sensitive spot and did her war cry as the midnight haired boy collasped to the floor in the fetal position. A frighten Sasuke fled to a corner hugging his knees, never did he see his best friend so pissed off he was just glad he wasn't Itachi.
"ATTACK!" shrieked Sakura then the many 10 year olds came and jumped on Itachi kicking, biting, and pulling him.
"Mmm...I like flesh, it tastes good" beamed a random girl as she bit Itachi's arm. He was hurting is various areas of his body from below the belt to his aching head...poor kid. Sasuke shivered watching fearfully as his elder brother got bitten."AHHHH CANNIBALS"
End of Flashback
"Oh the birthday thing again, you're still holding a grudge against her for that?" Sasuke sighed in fustration as Itachi glared daggers at him."Obviously you have never been abused by"
Truth be told, ever since that day Itachi has always planned of ways to get his revenge on the Haruno girl, he thought of her as the devil itself. Although many others like Mikoto would think of her as a perfect angel.
"That's enough Itachi, go to your room" snapped Mikoto in a demanding tone. Itachi turned towards the staircase and looked back at her." One day I will kill you..." and with that he left to go to his bedroom.
At that moment Fugaku (sp? Um, is that right I'm not sure how to spell Sasuke's father name) walked into the room and Mikoto turned to him worriedly.
"He keeps saying that..."
"It's just a phase he's going through" replied Fugaku as he walked away muttering something about teenagers. Sasuke and Kin sweatdropped and soon after walked out the door.
Sakura lazily threw herself on the couch and ran her fingers through her lengthy pink locks.She picked on the remote and boredly flipped through channels holding her precious kyuubi plushy.
Ding Dong
She jumped up when she heard the doorbell ring and cheered knowing it would be Sasuke that was at the door. So she rushed over to the front door and turned the knob.
But when she opened the door it didn't revealed her spiky raven haired friend but a man in his mid-thirties. He scowled at her and swaggered into the house, she could tell by his movement that he was completely drunk.
He was no other than her step father who she loathed.
When she stopped to think about it he hadn't come home last night, it was about 1pm the next day and he finally decided to come back. 'He sure knows how to party' she thought bitterly as she slammed the door shut.' At least he doesn't seem to be in a bad mood'
She just wished Sasuke would hurry up and come, she hated being in this hell house with him especially alone. Her mother had left to buy groceries so it was just her and her drunken step dad.
She sighed and walked away to go to her room so he couldn't start his bullshoot like he always does. She had to admit he was kinda nice when he wasn't drinking with his pals but when he got back from those late nights he would be fustrated and have violent behaviors. And when he was having the baddest hangovers like he was now he would only dog and break things, trying to make everyone around him fustrated as well. Either way she hated him, she wished her mom and dad got back together but they decided to go their separate ways and divorce. She tried numerous times to bring them back together but every time it failed. She still talks with her father and visits him every now and then. If only things could go backto how it used to be where the three of them lived happily together.
He dragged his feet to the kitchen to get a beer and went to sit on the armchair. Then the doorbell rang he rised up and stubbornly made his way to the front door.
The handsome 16 year old locked his car and walked towards the Haruno residence,he couldn't wait to see his cherry blossom friend again. His let his finger press against the doorbell, he waited and heard some mutters. When the door swung open it revealed a unfamiliar man with a beer can in his hand, Sasuke wondered who was that drunken bastard he could smell the awful stench on his clothes it was pretty obvious this guy was a smoker. The man shot him a glare " What do you want?" he said in a rather harse tone.
"This is the Haruno residence, ne?" Sasuke asked looking at the man in disgust. He could barely stand up the only thing was supporting him was the wall that he was leaning on."Yeah, what do the frack do you want kid?"
"Icame here for Sakura.Where is she?"
"Oh you came here for her." he moved out the way and invited the teen to come in."come in, just take a seat I'll go get her"
"No need for that" said Sakura as she walked into the room as she crossed her arms as a sign that she was uncomfortable. She was embrassed that Sasuke saw her step father, he was a real disgraceful sight he held no respect towards anyone else but Sakura's mother. He turned to Sakura.
"Sakura don't you have business to take care of. Hurry up and leave with your costumer." he said grapping her arm.
"Costumer?" Sasuke questioned, he had no idea what the man was talking about. The middle aged man turned to Sasuke
"Didn't you know she's a prosititute" He sneered then glared back at Sakura."This guy looks like a rich one, make sure you're good in bed then maybe you will get lots of money you whore" his grip became more tighter as he roughly pushed her out the door, making her bump into Sasuke.
' Who the hell does this guy think he is? Would Sakura really sell her body to for money?' He began to cringe at thought of it.He wanted to kill that man so badly but decided to comfort the shaken cherry blossom who was now on his chest. He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her protectively.'No I can't believe him...she would never...I won't believe him...not until I hear her say it herself'
"Riiiiiight" The man slammed the front door in their faces.
She hadn't noticed that she was in the strong arms of the teenager boy. Her face was red from anger she didn't want him to know anything about this. He inhaled her sweet fragrance of french vanilla ' Mmm...She smells nice' Before he knew it she pushed herself away from him and he missed the warmth. He stared at her, he didn't know what to say as Sakura tooka great interest looking at the cement floor. She felt a light touch on her chin lifting her face to his. That one look hypnotized her, his piercing onyx orbs seemed to invade her thoughts, made her feel like she was completely naked in front of him, a shiver went up her spine. What was his intentions? ' ...Don't tell me I'm starting to have feelings for her again...'
Authoress Note: PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Im starting not to like this story too much -_-
Warning: Major Randomness
Recap of Chap two
The person he disliked the most greeted him. Good Afternoon Sasuke-chan He said mockingly. Sasuke glared daggers at the young man while Kin smirked at him in a flirty sort of way but of course Sasuke didnt see it.
Under His Hypnotic Gaze
The man resembled Sasuke in some ways that interested the teenage girl. The same onyx eyes, raven hair, attitude. The only difference was that the handsome man had longer hair and looked a bit older than Sasuke. This man was no other than Sasukes brother, Uchiha Itachi.
It seems my fan club just got bigger, stated Itachi arrogantly. Whatever Sasuke said totally brushing off his brother and made an attempt to walk around him. Itachi then extended his hand, bringing two fingers against Sasukes forehead. Before he could even react Mikoto hurried out of kitchen to stop Itachi from starting anything else.
Itachi! How many times have I told you not to bother your younger brother? Youre the eldest son, you should set a good example for Sasuke. Mikoto lectured while Itachi stubbornly looked away.
Like I would ever want to be like him, Sasuke muttered to himself.
You know better than to misbehave when we have guests over, now go to your room Itachi and Sasuke exchanged glares and Itachi slowly made his towards to staircase.
Youre lucky your mommy came to your rescue Itachi hissed as he passed Sasuke. Mikoto crossed her arms and looked at her youngest son.
And Sasuke where are you going?
Im just going to drive Kin back home and then take Sakura to the mall he replied tonelessly. Apparently she hasnt went shopping for school Sasuke sighed.
Haruno? Oh its great to hear that the two of you are going to catch up. Sasuke you should really consider inviting her over for dinner, I want to see her again shes such a sweet girl. Just the other day I spoke with her mother, she says shes sending Sakura to your school when school starts again, isnt that great? Mikoto beamed.
&That little demon&in my school, how the hell is that a good thing? Itachi sneered and soon after shuddered at the thought off seeing the Haruno girl again.
Itachi! Dont talk that way about Sakura Mikoto scolded, getting fid up with her sons rude behavior. Sasuke turned to Itachi.
Im actually surprised you remembered Sakura Sasuke said, staring at him in great awe while Kin dazed out, the whole Sakura topic was making her feel both disgusted and anxious now she really wanted to meet her.
&How could I ever forget& such a beast&Itachi said while hugging himself. &The children attacking me in my vulnerable spots&the evil laughter &.I remember it as if it was just yesterday&
March 28th,
Seven years ago
Itachi is ten about to turn eleven on June
Sasuke is nine about to turn ten on July 23rd
In the Haruno residence a birthday party was being held for a certain cherry blossom. Both family and friends gathered at this celebration, the youthful girl had just turned ten years old. The little kids laughed as they played with balloons or other various party games such as pin the tail on the donkey. Somewhere in the background was a troublemaking boy with his unique looking friend.
So you know the plan, ne? Itachi asked his friend who sat beside him. Remind me why are we doing this again Kisame whined.
I hate birthday parties! Itachi clenched his fists. Theyve also hired someone I hate most! Hint hes pale, has red hair&and hes scary! he added.
No way! A clown? Kisame bellowed.
Yeah but hes no ordinary clown&hes Ronald from McDonalds. Damn him&damn him to hell! I actually feel sorry for Sasuke, Ronald has been trying to force him to smile for the past seven minutes with no luck. Itachis eyes widen and then he pointed a finger at the evil fiend. Omg! There he goes again (LOL)
WHERE? exclaimed Kisame.
Right there, behind Sasuke!
Oh I see him now Kisame gasped. No ones that happy, its just not normal.
Thats because it isnt even a person and for that it must die. Ready?
Ready And with that the two boys ran closer to set their plan into action.
Sasuke was feeling very annoyed by Ronald especially when he opened his mouth to sing. Sakura who was right beside Sasuke, giggled at the clowns attempts to make Sasuke smile. (Naruto was too busy eating ramen in the kitchen, thats way he wasnt right there with them but he was at the party.)
Put a smile, put a smile, everybody come on, put a smile on! Ronald sang out while holding a balloon in his hand and gave it to the birthday girl. Sasuke muttered something about how gay the song was then walked away and came back with a present, which he handed to Sakura.
Arigatou Sasuke-kun! I wonder what it could be, said a cheerful Sakura as she unwrapped the gift. When she was done it revealed a cute cuddly kyuubi plushy.
Aww Sasuke-kun, its so kawaii! A wide smile came across her lips as she huggled the kyuubi plushy. I shall name you Mr. Snuggles Sakura said to the kyuubi.
Im glad you like it Sasuke answered back. At that moment Mikoto came into the room with a camera, she grinned at the sight and quickly took a picture of the two while they wasn't watching. They look so adorable together Then left back where the grown-ups were chatting.
Sakura had taken Sasuke in a tight embrace, closed her eyes shut and planted a well-deserved kiss on his cheek, which rapidly turned to a deep shade of crimson red. After she pulled away, she placed a hand on his forehead. Sasuke blinked multiple times, unsure of her initentions.
Do you have a fever? Sakura asked worriedly. She was totally oblivious to the situation. Youre as red as a tomato. ( Heheh Sakura is so clueless and this was my fave part of the flashback
&Uhh& He couldnt find any words to say, he was completely shocked by her actions. But Sasuke was just glad she didnt notice his awkward reactions after her warm embrace. Meanwhile Ronald tripped over banana peel and landed flat on his face while Itachi laughed at his pain from afar.
IM LOVIN' IT beamed a very cheerful Ronald as he rose from the floor, with the scarest smile plastered on his face. (ROFL) He walked towards Sasuke and started singing again.
"Put a smile on, put a smile on, everybody come on, put a smile on!"
WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY YOU CREEPY STALKER!, yelled Sasuke as his face was red but this time it was from anger.
Sasuke-kun dont be so mean to him, hes only doing his job, said Sakura. Sasuke crossed his arms stubbornly. Hn
Ronald came behind Sakura and poked her shoulder, flashing her with one of his scary smiles. Sasuke gritted his teeth and Sakura sighed.
"Hahah we got him good!"Kisame laughed out from a short distance from his target.
"That's nothing wait until I throw this bag of poo at him. Then that evil bastard will be crying to his mommy. I just gotta get a little closer now"Itachi rubbed his two hands together in anxiety.
Itachi heard his brother talking something about hating McDonalds as he sneak behind Ronald. He felt as though he was going to die from the awful stench that was coming from the bag of poo.
'It's now or never' he thought mischievously as he threw the smelly bag at the evil clown.' Let's see you smile now you fag'
"ARGH! I HATE YOU MOTHER frackING BRATS, I'M NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS JOB!" Ronald yelled while he was completely covered in dog feces. The little kids that were playing pin the tail on the donkey looked at him in great awe and mouth an 'O'.
"HAHAH YOU GOT PUNK'D" snickered Itachi while he watched the evil clown open a window. There was an itsy bitsy smile that formed on Sasuke's lips, it was so small that it was barely visible.
"frack this shoot I'm going back to McDonalds to suppress my misery with hamburgers, later doges" and with that the very evil clown jumped out the window and unfortunately for him he tripped over his over-sized shoes. Numerous gasps could be heard belonging no other than the little children that were present to hear Ronald's outburst.
"Itachi..." hissed the cherry blossom, balling up her fist. He glanced at her half-caring and brushed her off. "My parents spent a lot of time making my tenth birthday the best it could be and you've ruined!"
Her once innocent gentle eyes were now practically forming flames. "So what?" retorted Itachi. That was all the little cherry blossom needed to go over the edge. Before he knew it, Sakura kicked him in his sensitive spot and did her war cry as the midnight haired boy collasped to the floor in the fetal position. A frighten Sasuke fled to a corner hugging his knees, never did he see his best friend so pissed off he was just glad he wasn't Itachi.
"ATTACK!" shrieked Sakura then the many 10 year olds came and jumped on Itachi kicking, biting, and pulling him.
"Mmm...I like flesh, it tastes good" beamed a random girl as she bit Itachi's arm. He was hurting is various areas of his body from below the belt to his aching head...poor kid. Sasuke shivered watching fearfully as his elder brother got bitten."AHHHH CANNIBALS"
End of Flashback
"Oh the birthday thing again, you're still holding a grudge against her for that?" Sasuke sighed in fustration as Itachi glared daggers at him."Obviously you have never been abused by"
Truth be told, ever since that day Itachi has always planned of ways to get his revenge on the Haruno girl, he thought of her as the devil itself. Although many others like Mikoto would think of her as a perfect angel.
"That's enough Itachi, go to your room" snapped Mikoto in a demanding tone. Itachi turned towards the staircase and looked back at her." One day I will kill you..." and with that he left to go to his bedroom.
At that moment Fugaku (sp? Um, is that right I'm not sure how to spell Sasuke's father name) walked into the room and Mikoto turned to him worriedly.
"He keeps saying that..."
"It's just a phase he's going through" replied Fugaku as he walked away muttering something about teenagers. Sasuke and Kin sweatdropped and soon after walked out the door.
Sakura lazily threw herself on the couch and ran her fingers through her lengthy pink locks.She picked on the remote and boredly flipped through channels holding her precious kyuubi plushy.
Ding Dong
She jumped up when she heard the doorbell ring and cheered knowing it would be Sasuke that was at the door. So she rushed over to the front door and turned the knob.
But when she opened the door it didn't revealed her spiky raven haired friend but a man in his mid-thirties. He scowled at her and swaggered into the house, she could tell by his movement that he was completely drunk.
He was no other than her step father who she loathed.
When she stopped to think about it he hadn't come home last night, it was about 1pm the next day and he finally decided to come back. 'He sure knows how to party' she thought bitterly as she slammed the door shut.' At least he doesn't seem to be in a bad mood'
She just wished Sasuke would hurry up and come, she hated being in this hell house with him especially alone. Her mother had left to buy groceries so it was just her and her drunken step dad.
She sighed and walked away to go to her room so he couldn't start his bullshoot like he always does. She had to admit he was kinda nice when he wasn't drinking with his pals but when he got back from those late nights he would be fustrated and have violent behaviors. And when he was having the baddest hangovers like he was now he would only dog and break things, trying to make everyone around him fustrated as well. Either way she hated him, she wished her mom and dad got back together but they decided to go their separate ways and divorce. She tried numerous times to bring them back together but every time it failed. She still talks with her father and visits him every now and then. If only things could go backto how it used to be where the three of them lived happily together.
He dragged his feet to the kitchen to get a beer and went to sit on the armchair. Then the doorbell rang he rised up and stubbornly made his way to the front door.
The handsome 16 year old locked his car and walked towards the Haruno residence,he couldn't wait to see his cherry blossom friend again. His let his finger press against the doorbell, he waited and heard some mutters. When the door swung open it revealed a unfamiliar man with a beer can in his hand, Sasuke wondered who was that drunken bastard he could smell the awful stench on his clothes it was pretty obvious this guy was a smoker. The man shot him a glare " What do you want?" he said in a rather harse tone.
"This is the Haruno residence, ne?" Sasuke asked looking at the man in disgust. He could barely stand up the only thing was supporting him was the wall that he was leaning on."Yeah, what do the frack do you want kid?"
"Icame here for Sakura.Where is she?"
"Oh you came here for her." he moved out the way and invited the teen to come in."come in, just take a seat I'll go get her"
"No need for that" said Sakura as she walked into the room as she crossed her arms as a sign that she was uncomfortable. She was embrassed that Sasuke saw her step father, he was a real disgraceful sight he held no respect towards anyone else but Sakura's mother. He turned to Sakura.
"Sakura don't you have business to take care of. Hurry up and leave with your costumer." he said grapping her arm.
"Costumer?" Sasuke questioned, he had no idea what the man was talking about. The middle aged man turned to Sasuke
"Didn't you know she's a prosititute" He sneered then glared back at Sakura."This guy looks like a rich one, make sure you're good in bed then maybe you will get lots of money you whore" his grip became more tighter as he roughly pushed her out the door, making her bump into Sasuke.
' Who the hell does this guy think he is? Would Sakura really sell her body to for money?' He began to cringe at thought of it.He wanted to kill that man so badly but decided to comfort the shaken cherry blossom who was now on his chest. He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her protectively.'No I can't believe him...she would never...I won't believe him...not until I hear her say it herself'
"Riiiiiight" The man slammed the front door in their faces.
She hadn't noticed that she was in the strong arms of the teenager boy. Her face was red from anger she didn't want him to know anything about this. He inhaled her sweet fragrance of french vanilla ' Mmm...She smells nice' Before he knew it she pushed herself away from him and he missed the warmth. He stared at her, he didn't know what to say as Sakura tooka great interest looking at the cement floor. She felt a light touch on her chin lifting her face to his. That one look hypnotized her, his piercing onyx orbs seemed to invade her thoughts, made her feel like she was completely naked in front of him, a shiver went up her spine. What was his intentions? ' ...Don't tell me I'm starting to have feelings for her again...'
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NightWing101 on July 24, 2008, 6:01:31 AM
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