Chapter 1 - dead feelings back to life,
Submitted February 13, 2006 Updated April 29, 2006 Status Incomplete | their paretns are dead.
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Chapter 1 - dead feelings back to life,
Chapter 1 - dead feelings back to life,
Jannet ran through the jungle panting, the hunters right behind her. A gun was fired. The bullet flew past her right ear but she didn´t notice. All she cared about was getting into her cave asp! It was right in front of her she crouhed down and crawled into the small opening. As soon as she was innside she morfed back into a human. Isack came running towards her. ”Jannet! R u all right? Ur left ear is bleeding! Amelissa!” Amelissa came running. Jannet fell to the floor of the cave and didn´t get up. ”shes loosing blod!” Amelissa screamed, her face had gone white. ”Isack, take her to the water fall. Clean her ear. Janice, you get bandages!” Amelissa orderd the other two. ”if she dies, will we all die out. either we´ll be shot, or we won´t be able to get any food.” Amelissa said to herself. she ran over to the water fall and bandaged Jannets head. Isack morfed into a mouse and went outside to see if the hunters were still there. they were. Talking abut how a cheeta could get though a so small crak. ”...she was only a skinny cub. Couldn´t you see her ribs poking out?” ”we could all see them. But she was not a cub! She must have been at least ten human years!” Isack couldent bare to listen more. He went back into the cave and found a fully healed Jannet. Well she did have a bandage around her head. She looked like she wanted to go back out again. ”dont go out there yet.” He said in his squicky voice. ”why not?” She made a puring noise when she talked that calmed everyone. ”Because the hunters are still out there.” Janice said in her bird like voice. ”And because ur ear has to be fully healed, or else u can´t hear on the left ear.” Amelissa said in a low growl. Isack could only morf into small animals like mice, or rabbits. Jannet could only morf into cat animals like cheetas, or lions. Janice could only morf into birds like eagles, or robbins. Amelissa could morf into all animals in the world. ”WHAT WERE U THINKING OF ISACK? GOING OUT THERE WHEN OUR TRIBE NEARLY IS GONE ALREADY! WE WERE LUCKY TO SURVIVE THAT ATTACK THAT KILLED ALL OUR PARENTS! AND U, JANNET! U KNOW THAT CHEETAS R NEARLY GONE FROM THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH! YOU JUST RAN OUT BECAUSE YOU NEEDED TO STRETCH YOUR LEGS! I HATE YOU ALL!!” Amelissa yelled teares running down her face. Everyone took a step back from her. None of them had ever seen Amelissa cry. She gasped and ran into one of the smaler tunnels that they used as their bedrooms. ”did you know that she had all those feelings?” Isack asked the others. when he noticed that they were crying too he gasped. He was crying too! ”poor Amelissa!” Janice suddenly said. Jannet nodded. ”well at least we know why she almost never talks to us. She hates us...” Isack said. ”don´t be stupid Isack! she cares about us just as much as you care about cheese.” Jannet said sadly. ”im going to bed.” The others agreed that some sleep might do them good. In the middle of the middle of the night Amelissa went out of her cave and over to the water fall to drink. She regretted that she had yelled at the others. As soon as she had taken a drink of water she heard a noise. Looking wildly arround for a hiding place thinking that it was one of the others, she saw her escape in turning into a frog. The noise she had heard was a snake. She stared at the snake. She knew only one thought was going through the snakes head. frog = food. Ameissa croaked loudly. The others came running. Jannet grabbed the snake and stomped on it. Amelissa morfed back info a human. ”Thanks.” she said and hugged Janice. They wen´t back to bed. The next mornig Amelissa went out to find food. She came back heaps of roots and berries (they were obviously vegeterians.) as a sorry for her behaviour. Isack was still mad and stayed in his ´rooom´ instead of coming out. Amelissa went innside it and got him to eat and come out. ”tranig starts in 15 min. so be ready. we´re going ot info a tougher terrain today. We gotta be prepaared.” Amelissa told them.
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texas_luver on March 7, 2006, 12:15:46 PM
texas_luver on