Chapter 3 - Captured!......and Broken Hearted
Submitted February 20, 2007 Updated March 14, 2007 Status Complete | Zim and Zin are fighting agenst the Resisty in hope the irkans will defeat them once and for all! But the Resisty gots a plan to capture Zin and heart brake Zim by Killing her! Will Zim ever be the same? Will the Resisty's plan be a succsess?!
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 3 - Captured!......and Broken Hearted
Chapter 3 - Captured!......and Broken Hearted
( The gang arrive at the entrance of the Massive and there’s a guard in front …..)
(Tak, Mimi, Skoodge and Pudge( Skoodges Sir) walk up)
Tak! What are you doing here!?
We’re here for the battle! All irkan solders are reported here for war to protect our snacks you idiot!
Invader Zim reporting for duty sir! We’re here to the fight of Resisty thing….(Points to Dib) He’s not with us!
Irkan Guard:
Yes but he has a Sir, he’s not a threat so he may pass.
( Zim growls and they walk pass the Guard, except Gaz…)
Irkan Guard: (blocks door way)
You may not pass! We don’t allow species like you in the Massive)
Listen you! If you don’t let me in, your world will a nightmarish for all eternity as you suffer my rage of-
Irkan Guard: ( Interrupts)
Okay! Okay! You may pass! ( Acts like he’s bracing himself as Gaz walks by)
(Once they arrive in the irkan academy, an irkan shouts “Wooooh! Look at the size of his head!”)
Dib: ( Not knowing who he’s shouting to)
My Head’s not big!
( The tallest come out of a door and the crowed cheers)
Irkan Solders! As you know we’re have a battle from the Resisty to destroy them once and for all!
Purple: ( Starts to panic)
We must protect our snacks!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!
…….yes, well, We shall take planet Blortch as our battle field since… I don’t know, We’re right next to it…..
( Crowed cheers)
We need to spread out, who knows where they’ll be attacking or what plan they’ll have….
( All the irkans set out to get into their ship’s. Once their on planet Blortch, they begin to take places)
( Cir finds a hole and jumps in it. She comes out with a 12 inch beetle monster ( known as teeks) carry her out of the hole and throws her. And of course, Cir does it again)
Dib: ( Walks over to Cir)
Okay, I think that’s enough.
( A teek picks Dib up and throws him but this time, he landed on Gaz! Gaz growls and beats the snot out of him as always)
Skoodge! I thought you concerted the planet!
I did!
Then why are there Teeks distracting my robot!
( Skoodge turns around and sees a teek throwing Cir out of the hole…..for the 7th time…)
You failed your mission! Victory for Zim!!!!!!!!!!
Cir! Get back Here!!!!!!!!!!!
( Cir solutes and runs to Zin, when she caught up Cir tripped over a rock)
Woooh! Look at that big rock!
Zim: ( Looks at it)
Good work Gir! Let’s take battle ground here!
(Everyone gets behind the rock. Once they’re there Cir sleep on the side of it. But know one knows that the Resisty are close by. Infect they‘re spying on them from their ship)
All right! This is it! Our plan begins Now!
Woooooooooooooh! Go get her! Hehe! Get It! Go Getter! ( Laughs out of control)
( Shloonktapooxis bumps into a button that made the ship crash into the moon)
You idiot! They know we’re here! Everyone! Take places! We’re going in!
You hear that!?
Zim: ( A bit panicked)
They must be attacking!
You idiot! They know we’re here! Everyone! Take places! We’re going in!
Quick! Zim and Zin! Head that way!
Cir! Wakeup!!
Cir: (Wakens)
Yes My Master!
Find a big rock and if they come here, throw it at them!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Finely I get to blow up something!
( Zim and Zin hurry as Tak directs everyone else)
( Zim and Zin were getting farther and farther away from each other and then the Resisty came out of no where and 3 headed Man tried to grab Zin! She jumped to dodge it and then Shloonktapooxis was right behind her)
Hold still le me zap you!
( Zin pushes him away with her wire tactical)
Zim! Help!
( Zim turns around and runs over and zaps them with his lazar legs. But Green Eyes pushes Zim away and he slams into a rock. Da Beez begin to surround her and out of nowhere, Hoverbrain jumps behind Zin and Zaps her with a device that Paralyzed her! She fell to the ground un able to move a Muscle.)
( Zim gets up and runs towards her hoping to grab her, but Hoverbrain punches him to the ground!)
We gotta get back to the Shiiiiiip!!!!!
( They Grab unconscious Zin and disappear into a teleporter that the ship created)
( Zim Gets up but before he was even able to touch them, the ship blasted off into the distance so far that Zim couldn’t even see the ship. Tak, Dib, Gaz, Mia, Skoodge, Cir and Gir rush over to help……but it was too late……)
( Zim stared at the dark sky in anger that they took Zin! Then he realized that if he’ll ever see her again. That’s when his eyes filled up with tears, and at the same time he shut his eyes spilling tears as he whispered “ Zin…….”. And at that moment everyone new what happened……. Not Only did Zin get captured….but……. Zim was broken hearted…………………..)
(Tak, Mimi, Skoodge and Pudge( Skoodges Sir) walk up)
Tak! What are you doing here!?
We’re here for the battle! All irkan solders are reported here for war to protect our snacks you idiot!
Invader Zim reporting for duty sir! We’re here to the fight of Resisty thing….(Points to Dib) He’s not with us!
Irkan Guard:
Yes but he has a Sir, he’s not a threat so he may pass.
( Zim growls and they walk pass the Guard, except Gaz…)
Irkan Guard: (blocks door way)
You may not pass! We don’t allow species like you in the Massive)
Listen you! If you don’t let me in, your world will a nightmarish for all eternity as you suffer my rage of-
Irkan Guard: ( Interrupts)
Okay! Okay! You may pass! ( Acts like he’s bracing himself as Gaz walks by)
(Once they arrive in the irkan academy, an irkan shouts “Wooooh! Look at the size of his head!”)
Dib: ( Not knowing who he’s shouting to)
My Head’s not big!
( The tallest come out of a door and the crowed cheers)
Irkan Solders! As you know we’re have a battle from the Resisty to destroy them once and for all!
Purple: ( Starts to panic)
We must protect our snacks!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!
…….yes, well, We shall take planet Blortch as our battle field since… I don’t know, We’re right next to it…..
( Crowed cheers)
We need to spread out, who knows where they’ll be attacking or what plan they’ll have….
( All the irkans set out to get into their ship’s. Once their on planet Blortch, they begin to take places)
( Cir finds a hole and jumps in it. She comes out with a 12 inch beetle monster ( known as teeks) carry her out of the hole and throws her. And of course, Cir does it again)
Dib: ( Walks over to Cir)
Okay, I think that’s enough.
( A teek picks Dib up and throws him but this time, he landed on Gaz! Gaz growls and beats the snot out of him as always)
Skoodge! I thought you concerted the planet!
I did!
Then why are there Teeks distracting my robot!
( Skoodge turns around and sees a teek throwing Cir out of the hole…..for the 7th time…)
You failed your mission! Victory for Zim!!!!!!!!!!
Cir! Get back Here!!!!!!!!!!!
( Cir solutes and runs to Zin, when she caught up Cir tripped over a rock)
Woooh! Look at that big rock!
Zim: ( Looks at it)
Good work Gir! Let’s take battle ground here!
(Everyone gets behind the rock. Once they’re there Cir sleep on the side of it. But know one knows that the Resisty are close by. Infect they‘re spying on them from their ship)
All right! This is it! Our plan begins Now!
Woooooooooooooh! Go get her! Hehe! Get It! Go Getter! ( Laughs out of control)
( Shloonktapooxis bumps into a button that made the ship crash into the moon)
You idiot! They know we’re here! Everyone! Take places! We’re going in!
You hear that!?
Zim: ( A bit panicked)
They must be attacking!
You idiot! They know we’re here! Everyone! Take places! We’re going in!
Quick! Zim and Zin! Head that way!
Cir! Wakeup!!
Cir: (Wakens)
Yes My Master!
Find a big rock and if they come here, throw it at them!
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Finely I get to blow up something!
( Zim and Zin hurry as Tak directs everyone else)
( Zim and Zin were getting farther and farther away from each other and then the Resisty came out of no where and 3 headed Man tried to grab Zin! She jumped to dodge it and then Shloonktapooxis was right behind her)
Hold still le me zap you!
( Zin pushes him away with her wire tactical)
Zim! Help!
( Zim turns around and runs over and zaps them with his lazar legs. But Green Eyes pushes Zim away and he slams into a rock. Da Beez begin to surround her and out of nowhere, Hoverbrain jumps behind Zin and Zaps her with a device that Paralyzed her! She fell to the ground un able to move a Muscle.)
( Zim gets up and runs towards her hoping to grab her, but Hoverbrain punches him to the ground!)
We gotta get back to the Shiiiiiip!!!!!
( They Grab unconscious Zin and disappear into a teleporter that the ship created)
( Zim Gets up but before he was even able to touch them, the ship blasted off into the distance so far that Zim couldn’t even see the ship. Tak, Dib, Gaz, Mia, Skoodge, Cir and Gir rush over to help……but it was too late……)
( Zim stared at the dark sky in anger that they took Zin! Then he realized that if he’ll ever see her again. That’s when his eyes filled up with tears, and at the same time he shut his eyes spilling tears as he whispered “ Zin…….”. And at that moment everyone new what happened……. Not Only did Zin get captured….but……. Zim was broken hearted…………………..)
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