Chapter 2 - Welcome to Arasya
Submitted January 7, 2005 Updated January 24, 2006 Status Incomplete | Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
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Chapter 2 - Welcome to Arasya
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Arasya
At a private high school in New York, a fifteen-year-oldgirl sat at her desk. It was the end of the day and she was glad- the weekendhad finally come. Grabbing her bag next to her, the young girl stood up andtried to fix her wrinkled skirt. She hated her uniform- mostly because of theskirt. She was a tomboy, a girl who preferred to wear jeans and a t-shirt to askirt and blouse. Walking out of the classroom, she pushed open the doors ofthe nearest exit and headed outside. It was a great day, the sun shining with aslight breeze blowing through the trees. A gust of warm air came towards thegirl and blew her short blonde hair back. She smiled and began to head home.
Thegirl, Shyra Sera was her name, looked over across the school courtyard when sheheard laughter. A group of girls were surrounding one girl in particular, alleager to be near her. The one girl they were surrounding was in Shyra’s classand one of the most popular girls in school. It was obvious why- she wasbeautiful, smart, and was loved by all. She was average height and skinny, withlong, waist length black hair and green eyes. Another breeze swept through thetrees, blowing back her hair and making her flash a white smile. Laughing, sheand her “clique” kept walking. Shyra looked away and continued walking herself.
KiyeraAnymar, thought Shyra to herself, a living, breathing object ofperfection. Every guy wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be justlike this fifteen-year-old beauty- all except Shyra. She was happy with herself,had no insecurities to the eyes of her peers and yet nobody wanted to be likeher. Maybe it was because no guy thought of her as the girlfriend type or maybeit was because she wasn’t beautiful, like Kiyera Anymar. Either way, she was atomboy and nothing more.
Whenshe got home, she ran up the stairs in her house and went into her bedroom,tossing the bag on her bed. She was an only child that lived with a mother whoshe hardly saw. Removing her school uniform, she grabbed a pair of jeans and awhite t-shirt, hastily putting them on. She sighed happily when she put herboots on. This was what she was comfortable in- it was who she was.
Walkingdown the stairs, she walked over to the counter and wrote a note for her mothertelling her that she was out for a walk and would be home before sunset.Opening the door, she ran to the park. When she got there, she panted slightly-it was about a mile from her house but being the athletic type, it was nothingto her. Looking around, she saw a bench and walked over to it. Sitting down,she stretched and closed her purple eyes. The sun was warm against her skin andshe couldn’t help but fall asleep.
Shewoke up an hour later to the same laughing she had heard at school. Sureenough, Kiyera was walking with her “clique.” She was a true girly girl wearingwhat seemed like her own version of the school uniform- white knee-high sockswith brown loafers, a yellow pleated skirt, and a red vest over a white shirt.It amazed Shyra how girls could wear such things and not be uncomfortable.
Kiyerawaved goodbye to her “clique” as she walked into the park, the others headingin the opposite direction. When she walked past Shyra, they both made brief eyecontact. However, Kiyera stopped when she heard a noise; Shyra heard it too.The noise came again, this time a little clearer. One more time and they couldhear it clearly: “Bring them here, to the Kingdom of Arasya!” As quickly as itcame, those words seemed to disappear.
“Didyou hear that?” asked Kiyera, quite confused. Shyra nodded. Suddenly, a giantsphere of sapphire and green light engulfed the two girls, spinning them asthey traveled through a white luminosity. Kiyera and Shyra screamed, but theywere overpowered by the sound in the sphere. Shyra closed her eyes, hoping thatwhen she opened them that she would be sitting on the park bench and the spherewould be gone. Abruptly, they stopped spinning and all was quiet.
Shyraopened her eyes slowly; she was afraid of what she might see. Slowly sittingup, she rubbed her eyes to try and get rid off the blotches appearing in frontof them. When she stopped, she looked at her surroundings. She was in a darkroom and she was sitting on a stone platform. Looking next to her, she sawKiyera lying there. Grabbing her shoulder, she shook her slightly.
“Kiyera?”she said. “Are you alright?” Kiyera slowly sat up and looked at Shyra.
“Yes,”she replied, “I’m fine. What about you?” Shyra nodded. “What happened? Whereare we?” Shyra stood up and offered a hand to Kiyera; she took it and stood upnext to her.
“Idon’t know, but we’re not in New York anymore.” Cautiously, Shyra walked down asmall set of steps and looked around the room. “This room seems slightlyfamiliar though, like I’ve been here before.” Kiyera walked down the steps andover next to her.
“Yeah,I have the same feeling too,” she whispered. “But that’s impossible; I’ve neverbeen here before in my life!”
“Neitherhave I,” said Shyra as she looked over at a door. Walking over to it shecontinued, “But it still seems so familiar.” She opened the door to a corridor.It was dark and surprisingly there weren’t any torches on the walls. Intrigued,Shyra began to walk up the steps.
Kiyera,who didn’t want to be left behind, called after her, “H-Hey! Wait up!” Running afterShyra, she closed the door behind her. Quietly, they went up the stairs, notknowing where they would lead. Shyra had a hand in front of her, feeling herway through the corridor. After a while, her hand touched what seemed to be awooden door. Feeling around, she found a knob and turned it, opening up to whatseemed to be a deserted den. There was light in this room and she saw anotherdoor. Turning around she called behind her, “Kiyera?” Footsteps responded andKiyera appeared at the door.
“Idon’t like dark, confined spaces,” she said, hurriedly walking into the room.Shyra rolled her eyes and closed the door.
“Don’tbe a sissy,” she said. Walking over to the other door, she opened it andgestured Kiyera to follow her. That door led into a corridor with lit torchesand many other doors. Looking to her left, Shyra saw a set of stairs and beganto walk up them, Kiyera not far behind. There were many stairs and corridorsthat followed this one and it seemed like Shyra knew where she was going. Afterquite some time, they came to another wooden door. Grabbing the knob, shetwisted it and opened the door. It was a door to someone’s chambers. There wasa desk next to shelves full of books; quills and papers covered the deskcompletely. Another door next to the desk must have led to the sleepingquarters of the room as well as the private bath; Shyra had no idea how sheknew this, but she did.
Lookingaround the room, she saw that no one was there and walked in. This room alsoseemed very familiar to her. Again, she looked back to see Kiyera right behindher. They walked into the room and shut the door behind them. They both walkedto a door to their left but stopped when they heard footsteps behind them.Turning, they saw the door next to the desk open. A tall, young man walked outwearing breeches and a pair of boots, a cotton shirt in his hands. He wasmuscular and handsome, his gentle face surrounded by a mane of copper brownhair. Surprised purple eyes stared at them.
Fora while he just stood there, looking at his two guests as if he couldn’tbelieve they were there. After a few brief moments, he began to walk toward thegirls.
“May I ask whyyou’re in my bedroom?” he said. Frightened, Kiyera and Shyra opened the doorand ran out of the room as fast as their legs could carry them.
The man blinked,surprised at their sudden gesture. There was something familiar about theirfaces, especially the blonde haired one. His eyes grew wide as he realized why.Putting on his shirt, he ran out of his room, following the footsteps of thetwo girls. Running up a set of stairs, he thought to himself, How? How is itpossible that she looks so much like her? He was gaining on them quicklyand he knew exactly where they were heading: the throne room.
Shyra and Kiyerakept running up stairs and through corridors. They both stopped at the top of aset of stairs to catch their breath. Shyra looked down the stairs to see ifthat man was following them; she didn’t see him, but she heard footsteps. Hereyes grew wide and she turned around.
“Run Kiyera!”she said. “That man’s following us!” Again, they ran and they turned right intoa giant room. It was large, with a giant red rug leading up to what seemed tobe a throne. A young girl, younger than Kiyera and Shyra, sat in that throne.She stood up when she saw the two girls enter. Lifting up her skirts, shewalked over to them.
“Hello!” shesaid happily, stopping in front of them. “And may I ask who you are?” A littlefrightened and confused, Kiyera and Shyra stepped back and collided withsomething soft. Turning slowly, they looked up into the face of the man who hadbeen chasing them. Stepping away from him, they started to move back towardsthe young girl.
He took in abreath and said, “You are her double.” Shyra and Kiyera looked at himpuzzled.
“Azshiu,” saidthe young girl, “do you know these women?”
Azshiu, Sorcererof Arasya, bowed respectfully. “Princess Ypae, these women appeared in myquarters just moments ago.” He gave the princess a look when she giggled; bothKiyera and Shyra blushed.
Shyra clearedher throat and turned around, facing the princess. Bowing, she said, “My nameis Shyra Sera and my companion’s name is Kiyera Anymar. I can assure you,Princess Ypae, that we did not intend to appear in his quarters.” Kiyera turnedaround too and curtsied, nodding her head in agreement. Ypae smiled and bowedher head respectfully.
“Ypae,” saidAzshiu, “don’t you think that these two women look familiar?” Ypae lookedclosely at Kiyera and Shyra’s faces. She nodded in agreement. She looked againclosely at Shyra’s face. Straightening up, she looked at Azshiu.
“She isher double,” she said. “But how is it possible?”
“Umm, excuseme,” said Shyra. They all looked at her. “Could you tell me why you’re sayingI’m ‘her double’? And how do we look familiar if you’ve never seen us before?”
Azshiu sighedand gestured for them to follow him out of the throne room. Leading them down ahallway he said, “Do you two believe in reincarnation?”
“Not really,”they said in unison.
Leading themdown another corridor, they entered a grand ballroom. “Well, you should,” hesaid, “considering that both of you are reincarnations of two people from ourworld.” He turned and pointed to a picture on the wall. Kiyera and Shyra lookedto the picture he was pointing at and grew wide-eyed at what they saw. Thepainting was of a young girl their age, with long brown hair and sapphire blueeyes. She was dressed in an elegant red dress and had a crown on her head.
Walking directlyin front of the painting, Shyra asked, “Who is she?”
Princess Ypaereplied, “This is a painting of my sister, Princess Ares. Azshiu and I believethat you are her reincarnation. It is quite possible- you have her face.” Shyralooked at the princess.
“That can’t bepossible,” she said. Looking back at the painting, she continued, “She’s sobeautiful. There’s no way I have her face.”
Azshiu steppednext to her. “She was very beautiful,” he whispered. Shyra looked up at Azshiuand saw that his eyes were full of sadness.
Looking at Ypae,she said, “‘Was’? What do you mean by that?”
The princesstook in a sharp breath at the memory. “On her sixteenth birthday,” she saidsadly, “my sister was murdered by an evil sorcerer. It happened only a fewmonths ago.”
“Oh,” Shyra saidsadly, “I’m terribly sorry.” Seeing the sadness in Ypae and Azshiu’s eyes, shechanged the subject. “So, which person is Kiyera the reincarnation of?”
Azshiu lookedback at Kiyera and sighed. “She is the reincarnation of the great warriorRamyna. She died with Princess Ares at the age of twenty. She did all she couldto protect her.”
“I’m sorry,”Kiyera said. “Is there a painting of her that I may see?” Azshiu nodded and ledthem down some small steps. They turned left which led them to a new set ofpaintings. There were paintings of what seemed to be the protectors of theRoyal Family. A painting of Azshiu was there and next to it was a painting of awoman. She had short black hair and green eyes, dressed in extravagant armor; anarrow sword hung at her left hip.
“You are herexact copy,” said Azshiu. “The only difference is your hair length.”
Shyra said,“Okay. That was nice to know and all, but what are we supposed to do? I mean,we can’t stay here; we have to get back home.”
Azshiu looked ather. “Well, I don’t know a spell that can send you back to your home- I don’teven know how Princess Ares was capable of bringing you here to Arasya.”
“Well that’sjust great!” she said. “So what are we supposed to do while we’re here?”
There was a longpause between them. In her heart, Shyra didn’t really want to go home. Thisplace, Arasya, was wonderful. It really felt like she belonged there and Kiyerafelt the same way too.
“Well,” saidYpae, breaking the silence. They all looked at her. “Since you are thereincarnation of my sister and I am not yet of age to take the throne, it seemsthat you, Lady Shyra, must become the heir to the Kingdom of Arasya. And you,Lady Kiyera, since you are the reincarnation of my sister’s protector, you mustbecome Lady Shyra’s sworn protector and a Warrior of Arasya.” All three ofthem- Shyra, Kiyera, and Azshiu- gaped at that.
“Now where wouldyou get a crazy idea like that?” exclaimed Azshiu. Apparently, he was close toher for no person could talk to Royalty like that.
“Hey!” she saiddefensively. “I’m sure you were thinking the exact same thing! I just spoke upfirst. And think about it- since I’m not of age to come to the throne, it’squite likely that one of the Kingdoms will try to arrange a marriage with mewith one of their older heirs. Now would you want that to happen?”
Azshiu lookedaway in slight embarrassment. He mumbled an apology and Ypae smiled proudly.
“Okay,” saidShyra, “so what do we have to do until Azshiu finds a spell to send us home?”
“Well,” theyoung princess said, “since you’re going to be taking on the role of my sister,you’ll have to practice being a princess. In other words, you’ll betaking lessons. And Lady Kiyera, since you are her protector, you must undergothe training of an Arasyian Warrior. You’ll have to learn all the battletechniques of the sword, spear, bow, and hand-to-hand combat.”
“Umm, excuseme,” said Kiyera, “but I’m not the kind of person who would be a warrior. I’mnot cut out for it.”
“No surprisethere,” muttered Shyra. Kiyera gave her a glare out of the corner of her eye.“Anyways,” said Shyra to Ypae, “why can’t Kiyera and I switch? I’m more cut outfor being a warrior than she is. Besides, I don’t wear dresses.” She folded herarms across her chest as if to make her point clear.
Azshiu, who hadbeen silent this whole time, finally spoke up. “Whether you wear dresses ornot, you don’t have a choice in the matter. You cannot switch because you areAres’s reincarnation, not Ramyna’s.” Shyra was about to speak up again, butAzshiu silenced her with a raise of his hand. “It’s been decided so we won’tdiscuss the matter any further. Now, I’ll show you to your rooms. You’ll bothneed your sleep- your training starts early tomorrow morning.”
Again, hegestured for them to follow him. He led them out of the ballroom and walkeddown a few corridors. Princess Ypae soon split from them, retiring to her ownroom for the night. Soon afterwards, they stopped at the room where Kiyerawould be staying. It was a simple room with only a chest, a small armoire, a mirror,and a low bed. Kiyera thanked him and walked into the room, closing the screendoor behind her. They walked two doors down and Azshiu opened the screen doorto Shyra’s room. It was much like Kiyera’s room, only more extravagant. Therewas a chest at the end of a large bed, an armoire opposite the door and alarge, full-length mirror next to that.
“Well, these areyour quarters,” Azshiu said. His eyes saddened again as he turned. “Thereshould be some sleeping garments in the chest. Good night.” With that, hewalked away down the corridor. Shyra blinked and closed the screen door,leaning against it. She sighed and walked over to the chest. Opening it, shewas slightly disgusted at what she saw- it was a chest full of bodices, skirts,blouses, and other feminine clothes. Digging through the clothes, she found along linen nightgown and kept digging. She thought to herself: Doesn’t shehave any shirts? Finally, she found a long sleeved cotton shirt and smiled.
“This will haveto do,” she said, pulling it out. Placing it on the bed and closing the chest,she began to remove her clothes. When she was almost completely naked, she puton the cotton shirt. Folding her clothes, she placed them on the chest andcrawled under the covers. She shoved her face into the soft pillows, taking ina deep breath, the scent of lavender filling her nose. She closed her eyes andtook in another deep breath, the lavender having a hypnotic affect on her. Onemore breathe of the lavender, and she fell asleep.
The next morning she woke upearly. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a noteand some clothes at the end of her bed. Removing the comforter, Shyra crawledover to the clothes and picked up the note. It was in a strange type of text-Arasyian, she guessed- but she was still able to read it. Does that have todo with me being Ares’s reincarnation? she thought to herself. Focusing herattention back on the note, she read:
Lady Shyra,
The clothes that have comewith this message are standard clothes for a lady of fifteen years. When youwake up, please put these on and walk to the Indoor Garden for your etiquettelessons.
Your first part of lessonswill consist of proper etiquette and conduct. You will then have a one-hourintermission to do as you please. Then, you will continue your lessons withstudies of Arasya.
I expect you to arrivepromptly at the Indoor Garden at two-hours past sunrise.
Madame Mira,
Etiquette Teacher
Shyraput down the note and looked out a window in her room. Sunrise.
Looking back atthe clothes, she lifted them up to inspect them. It was a long sleeved lavendercolored dress with cuffs at the end of the sleeves. A beige bodice embroideredwith purple and blue flowers went over that. Shyra looked behind the dress and sawthat a breast band, slip, loincloth, and a pair of dark lavender slippers werefolded in the dress.
Standing up, sheshook the dress, trying to get rid of any wrinkles. While she shook the dress,a package wrapped in waxed paper fell out. Shyra blinked and placed the dresson the bed, picking up the package. Sitting next to the dress, she began toopen the package. She was shocked at what was inside it: a pair of purplebreeches, beige boots, and a white shirt. She found it slightly odd that itmatched the colors of her other garments, but thought little of it when she sawanother note. Unfolding it, it read:
Take these garments as a welcome gift. I hope they pleaseyou and your need for less formal attire. Meet me for breakfast in the DiningHall if you wake up early enough.
Shyra blinked again and silentlythanked Azshiu. Taking off her nightshirt, she put on the shirt and breeches.Finally slipping the boots on, she walked over to the mirror. She smiled atwhat she saw: she wasn’t wearing a dress and the garments that the sorcerer hadgiven her suited her perfectly. Walking back over to the bed, she made it upand folded her nightshirt, placing it back in the chest. She walked over to thedoor and opened it, closing it silently behind her. She turned right and walkedover to Kiyera’s room. She knocked on the wooden frame of the door and wasanswered by silence. Opening the door, Shyra peaked in.
“Kiyera?Are you awake yet?” she called in. Kiyera was sound asleep. Closing the doorbehind her, she walked over to the bed. “Kiyera?” she said again, shaking hershoulder. Kiyera shifted in her bed and turned. Opening her eyes slightly, sheclosed them again.
“Whattime is it?” she asked, rubbing her forehead.
“Sunrise,”Shyra answered. She lifted the covers off of Kiyera and walked over to awindow, opening the shutters and letting the rising sun’s light stream into theroom. “You might as well wake up,” said Shyra, noticing Kiyera squint.“Besides, you have a package that you have to open.”
Kiyerawas now sitting up in her bed, the package already in her hand. A note was alsoon top of this package, also written in Arasyian, and she, like Shyra,understood it perfectly. She read it out loud:
Lady Kiyera,
Everyday, you will begin your training by waking up atsunrise, dressing, eating breakfast, and arriving at the Courtyard. You willarrive promptly at one hour past sunrise and no later. Your training thenbegins with classes for the entire part of the morning. A short intermissionwill be held soon after and then your lessons will continue with combat untilsunset. Eat and then continue your studies until complete.
Your attire consists of a pair of breeches, boots, atunic and shirt, as well as a sword. This sword will not leave your side underany circumstance.
Your training begins now.
Sergeant Bain,
Commander of the Arasyian Warriors
Kiyeraremoved the clothes and laid them out in front of her. It was a white shirt,dark crimson tunic, black breeches and brown boots. Accompanied with those wasa short sword in a sheath, a black belt wrapped around it.
Takingoff her linen nightshirt, she said, “I didn’t think princesses wore breechesand a shirt Shyra.” Slipping on the shirt, she found the undergarments thatcame with her soldier attire and put them on, removing her old ones.
“Yeah, well, Azshiu gave me theseto wear in between my lessons and such,” responded Shyra. Kiyera put on theblack breeches and then slipped on the crimson tunic. After putting on theboots, she undid the belt around the sword’s sheath and placed it on her waist.Finally, she began to braid her hair.
“How do I look?” she asked whenshe had finished, spinning around. Shyra walked over to her and smiled.
“You look fine. Man, I wish Icould take your place. You’re so lucky.” She eyed the sword enviously thenlooked back at Kiyera. “C’mon. Azshiu told me to meet him in the Dining Hallfor breakfast. You might as well come along considering you have an hour beforeyou have to start training.” Kiyera nodded, straightening up her bed as she didso. Walking out of the room, they walked down the hall and turned left downanother hall; they had passed the Dining Hall the previous night and knew whereit was.
Soon, they arrived at the DiningHall. It was a simple room, with a long table surrounded by twelve chairs.Tapestries hung next to each of the six windows in the room; an embroidered ruglie underneath the table and chairs. Azshiu was already at the table and beingserved his breakfast of fruit, bread, and porridge. As they walked in, twoattendants came out with their breakfast and placed them across from Azshiu.
“Welcome ladies. I trust thatyour first night was pleasant?” he said, taking in a spoonful of porridge.Kiyera and Shyra nodded and began to eat.
“Thank you for the clothes,”Shyra said as she swallowed a mouthful of bread. “I greatly appreciate them.”Azshiu smiled.
“You’re welcome. I had a feelingyou would like them.” Taking an orange, he began to peel the skin. “You do knowthat you can’t wear those whenever your etiquette teacher is here,” he said,removing the skin and placing a piece of the orange in his mouth.
Shyra took a sip of juice that anattendant had put next to her plate. “Well, duh. Of course I know that.” Takinga spoonful of porridge, she asked, “When exactly is she here?”
“Madame Mira lives in the palace,actually. However, you receive lessons four days out of the week. The first dayand last two days of the week are the days you do not receive them. Luckily foryou, your first day of lessons is on the last day of your lesson cycle.” Heplaced another piece of orange in his mouth, and continued to eat it.
Kiyera, who had been eating thewhole time said, “So, is it the same cycle for soldiers?”
“No,” he said plainly, finishinghis orange and working on the rest of his porridge. “Soldiers work five fulldays of the week. The sixth day is a half-day to practice what you’ve learnedthe previous days. The seventh day is a day totally to you.”
Kiyera finished her porridge andbegan to work on the rest of her meal.
For the rest of the meal, Azshiubegan to tell them about everyday life in Arasya and what life was like in thepalace. In return, the girls told him about what New York was like and whatthey did everyday. After they had all finished their meals, Kiyera got up fromthe table. Excusing herself, she told them that she had to head to her firstday of training. Waving goodbye, she ran out of the Dining Hall to theCourtyard.
Azshiu and Shyra left the DiningHall soon after that and he escorted her to her room, telling her that he wouldwait for her outside the room while she got changed. He would then show her tothe Indoor Garden. She thanked him and walked into the room.
Reluctantly, she removed herbreeches, boots, and shirt and slipped on the undergarments and slip. Afterputting on the dress with disgust, she put on the beige bodice and tied it inthe front. She slipped on the slippers as she walked to the door.
“Okay Azshiu, I’m ready,” shesaid.
“Well then, let’s see,” hereplied.
“I really don’t want to. I lookterrible in dresses.”
“If you don’t wear dresses thenhow would you know?”
“I looked at myself in the mirrorand it looks terrible on me.”
“Now why would you say that?”
“It’s too…” She blushed slightly.“It’s too… tight.”
“Listen Lady Shyra, if you don’tcome out, I’m coming in.”
“Alright, alright!” she said.“But I’ll only come out if you promise not to call me ‘Lady’ Shyra anymore.”
“Fine. Now let’s see, Shyra.”
Taking in a deep breath, shegingerly opened the door and peeked out. Azshiu was leaning against theopposite wall. He smiled at her encouragingly and she blushed faintly. Shedidn’t know why, but that smile made her blush. She stepped out into the openand put her hands on her hips as he said, “What do you mean ‘it’s too tight’?”
“Just that: it’s too tight,” shesaid. “It amazes me how girls are able to breathe in these things!” She pointedto the bodice accusingly.
“It is not too tight. It’s tootight when a woman’s breasts are being squished together or if they’re halfhanging out,” he said.
“You’re a pervert!”
“Call mewhat you want, but you know that it’s true.” He began to laugh and walk away.Shyra followed him, having no choice in the matter. Silently, they walked downhallways and corridors and then down a flight of steps. A large set ofdouble-doors was at the end of the steps. Around it was a metal frame of leavesand birds, intertwined with vines and flowers. Above the door was the Arasyiantext.
“That’swritten Arasyian,” said Azshiu. “It says ‘Indoor Garden’.” She already knewthat, but she kept her mouth shut. Grabbing the rings on the doors, he pulledthem open, revealing a sight that Shyra would never forget. It was like atropical jungle with a stone pathway leading through and around the entire Garden.Birds and other animals were in the areas above them, in the trees, and on theground. A small clearing was by the main doors where Shyra’s etiquette lessonswould be held. Gesturing a hand out to the Garden, Azshiu said, “Welcome to theIndoor Garden.”
Kiyera arrived just in time for her training. TheCourtyard was massive! Trees and a set of buildings where her lessons would beheld surrounded it; behind her was the palace. She surveyed her surroundingsand realized that nobody was there. She turned in the direction of thebuildings when she heard footsteps. Someone- a man- was running towards her. Helooked tall to Kiyera, but she didn’t realize how tall he was until hestopped in front of her. He was about an inch or two taller than Azshiu and shebarely came up to his shoulder. He was handsome with tanned skin, hazel-greeneyes, and short sandy blonde hair pulled back into a horsetail. He wore a longgold and dark lavender tunic over a white shirt and black breeches; brown bootswere on his feet and a sword hung at his left hip. He smiled at her.
“Hello,”he said; his voice was strong and melodic. “You must be Lady Kiyera. I’mSergeant Bain.” He bowed to her; Kiyera bowed in return.
“Yes, Iam,” she said. “Where is everybody? I thought that I’d be taking lessons withthem.”
“Oh, youwill- that comes tomorrow though. Today, I’m going to get you caught up on asmuch as possible. I’ll give you a tour of the grounds though. C’mon.” He turnedand walked toward the building. Kiyera had to jog in order to keep up with hislong strides. They entered a door into the set of buildings. Bain told her thateach building was there for each different subject- seven in all. He told herwhat her subjects were: History, War Tactics, Math and Science, Language,Sorcery, Geography, and Etiquette. These buildings were arranged in a circlearound the Training Court, where combat training was done. After they passedthe buildings, they came to a large pond.
“Do youunderstand everything so far?” he asked looking down at her. She looked up andnodded.
“So whenare we going to start my training?” she asked as they walked down to the pond.
“We canstart now if you want,” he said. He looked out across the pond and smiled. “Ilove it here.”
Kiyerawalked over to the pond’s edge and took off her boots. Sitting down, she placedher feet in the pond. She sighed and looked across the crystal water. “I cansee why,” she said.
Bain liedown next to her. “We can’t put off your training for long, Lady Kiyera.”
“I know,”she responded. “Can’t we stay here a little bit longer though? It’s sobeautiful.”
Bainclosed his eyes and stretched. “I guess so; but not too long. You have a lot ofcatching up to do.”
Kiyeranodded and a few moments of silence passed between them. “You know,” shefinally said, “you’re not what I expected you to be.”
Bainopened one of his eyes. “Oh? How so?”
Kiyerahugged her knees. “Well, I expected you to be a big, burly man with tons ofbattle scars and almost no hair. I expected you to be tough and unkind.”
Bainclosed his eye again. “I see.” He took in a deep breath and then got up. “Weshould start your training now, Lady Kiyera.” Kiyera sighed. She didn’t want toleave the pond; she wanted to stay there all day. She put her boots on slowlyto make her time there longer; Bain took the hint. “We don’t have all day, LadyKiyera,” he said. She looked up at him as she put on her other boot.
“I knowthat,” she responded standing up. “So, where do I train?”
He beganto walk away. “Where do you think?” Kiyera narrowed her eyes and caught up withhim.
Sarcasticmuch? she thought to herself. Theycontinued to walk until they got to the Training Court. It was massive with alarge rectangle in the center for combat practice. Outside the rectangle wereracks full of practice armor and weapons. Bain walked over to the swords andgrabbed two of them. He tossed one to Kiyera and moved to the large rectangle,the Combat Field; he took his sword off and threw it to the side.
“Take offyour sword,” he said. “Until you master that practice sword, you will not drawa real one.” Kiyera stuck the practice sword in the ground and unbuckled hersword belt, tossing it to the side like Bain had done. Grabbing her practicesword, she walked onto the Field. “Do you know how to hold a sword?” Bainasked. Kiyera put her hand on her hip.
“Are youkidding me?” she asked. “I’ve never held a sword in my life!”
“Stupidquestion; okay, put your weak hand on the bottom of you hilt and your strongerhand on top. I’m going to teach you how to wield a sword with both hands beforeI teach you how to wield it with one. Are you with me?” Kiyera put her hands onthe hilt, weak hand on bottom, stronger on top.
“Yes,”she said. She looked down at her grip. “Is this right?” Bain walked over behindher and looked at her grip. He smirked.
“Close,”he said. “Twist your wrists more outward.” He grabbed her hands with his andshowed her. Kiyera blushed. Her back was against his chest and she could feelhis heart beating. I’ve never been this close to a boy before, shethought to herself. His body’s so strong… and warm…She shook thosethoughts out of her head and nodded.
He walkedback to his place. “Now, I want you to try a practice stroke. You know how todo that, don’t you?”
“I’m notthat stupid!” she said defensively.
TheSergeant laughed. “Alright then, show me.” Kiyera focused on her sword andswung it, slicing through the air. “Good! Keep going.” She swung again andagain, knowledge of the sword growing stronger within her each time she swung it.Bain smiled in awe as Kiyera swung her sword in complex movements with graceand speed. She stopped when she noticed the way he was looking at her.
“What?”she asked. He gripped his practice sword.
“Youtrying to deceive me or something?” he asked accusingly. “There’s no way you’venever held a sword before. You’re too good.”
“Youreally think that?” she asked hopefully.
“Only oneway to find out,” he said, charging at her. “If you are truly Ramyna’sreincarnation, fight me!”
“What!”she exclaimed, dodging him.
“Ifyou’re the Great Warrior’s reincarnation, then fight me.”
“Justbecause I’m her reincarnation, doesn’t mean I’m her.”
“I sawyou with a sword, girl. Now fight me!” He charged again. Kiyera yelped anddodged. Bain charged again and swung at her; she blocked, but he was toostrong. He was pushing her down until she got on her knee. “Move my blade!” hesaid. “Fight back!”
“I can’t,Bain!” she said. “I’m not strong enough!”
“Ramynacould easily get out of this situation!”
Kiyeragritted her teeth. “I’m not her!”
“Yes youare! You have her strength! I can see it in your eyes.”
Shelooked up at him, and saw that he was being honest. Closing her eyes, shefocused all her energy and strength on her arms. Slowly, she began to rise andpush his sword back.
“Good!”he said. “Keep it up!” She twisted her blade and pressed down, flipping theblade away from her. She raised her sword and swung it at him; he blocked.“Keep it up! You’ve almost beaten me!” Suddenly, he swung his sword out from underher and swung at her legs, right above her ankle. She fell and in a splitsecond, the practice sword was at her throat. “But not quite,” he said. Kiyerapanted and closed her eyes. Her legs and arms were killing her!
“You’redeceitful,” she said. He laughed and drew the practice sword away, offering herhis hand.
“You’regullible,” was the response. She took his hand and got up. “Not bad for yourfirst try. I thought we would’ve had to work on this until sunset.”
“O… kay,”she said. “So how much longer for training? Or are we done?”
“Are youkidding me?” he laughed. “We’re far from done. Now, pick up your sword and getready.” Kiyera sighed, bent down and picked up her sword, gripped the hilt, andsmiled.
“Ready,”she said.
Shyra walked into the Garden as Azshiu shut the doorbehind them. She was in complete awe- she had never seen a place so big! Shewalked down the stone pathway and took in the sweet air. She turned and facedAzshiu.
“It’s sobeautiful here,” she said. “I love it.”
Azshiusmiled at her. “Ares loved it here, too. It was her favorite spot in the palace.”
“I cansee why. Are there any other creatures here besides birds?” she asked. Withsuch a large space, she thought that there’d be more than one type of creature.The mage smiled and nodded.
“Ofcourse there is. This place is larger than you think. They’re probably in theback. When you’re done with your etiquette lessons, I’ll give you a tour of theplace.”
“I’d likethat,” she said. She gave him a smile and at that moment, Azshiu could’ve swornhe was looking at the face of his princess; he turned away to hide his blush.Shyra blinked, confused.
“I’m gladto see that you’re on time, Lady Shyra,” said a voice behind them. The twoturned and saw that a lady had been there the entire time. She was like anundiscovered gem- with a little work she could be beautiful. Her curled, whitetresses were pinned up into a bun, a few curls caressing her smooth and gentleface. Her intelligent hazel eyes looked at them. She wore a white gownunderneath an emerald and pale green wrap-dress; a sapphire brooch was pinnedat the top of the wrap. Her long, white skirts flowed around her legs as shewalked towards them, her emerald colored slippers gently padding against thecobblestones. She curtsied and continued, “Good morning. I assume that yourfirst night was pleasant?”
“Y-yes,very,” Shyra responded. She wasn’t sure what to do. A nudge in her side madeher look at Azshiu. He mouthed the word “curtsy” and bowed. Looking back at thewoman, she curtsied as best as she could. Madame Mira, the Royal EtiquetteTeacher, walked around her, inspecting every inch of her body. Shyra placed herhands behind her, ringing them nervously. Azshiu noticed and placed a hand onher shoulder comfortingly; she relaxed a little.
Mirafaced them and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She began saying, “She’s going toneed a lot of work, Lord Azshiu.” The mage removed his hand from Shyra’sshoulder and nodded. “I assume you’ll be staying and watching then?” she asked.Again, he nodded. Shyra didn’t think that Azshiu would be staying with herduring her lessons. Honestly, she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front ofhim. Mira beckoned Shyra to follow her to their teaching area. It was simple: alow, wooden table was set between two cushions; books and other tools forShyra’s training were placed on and beside the table. Mira grabbed a stack oftwo books and handed them to her. She took them and looked at them.
“I’massuming you want me to read these?” she asked. Her teacher gave her a look.
“First ofall, when you address me, it’s madam or Madame Mira. Secondly, those are forbalance practice. You will, however, be studying those over the next week ortwo. Is that understood?” she asked.
“Yes,”she sighed, and then corrected herself when Mira glowered at her. “I mean, yes,Madame Mira.”
“Good.Now place the books on your head- or are in you incapable of that, Lady Shyra?”Mira said accusingly.
Shyra glared at her. I’m notstupid! she thought to herself. Carefully, she placed the books on herhead. She looked at her teacher, whonodded, and began to walk down the cobble stone path.
“Try to keep you back erect andwalk in a straight line,” Mira said. She watched her student as she tried tokeep the books balanced on her head. “Keep you neck straight!” she ordered.“Pick your chin up and look forward! Don’t hunch your shoulders; it’s bad foryour posture!” Shyra did as she was told, loosing her balance quite a fewtimes. Finally, she tripped over the hems of her skirts and fell, the booksscattering out in front of her. Azshiu laughed, amused with her clumsiness.Shyra grabbed a book and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face; shewas quite accurate with her aim.
“What was that for!” he shouted,rubbing his nose.
“Don’t laugh at me! I’m new atthis!” she said defensively.
“Ares was much better when shestarted! And she was only thirteen!” he replied.
“She was born into a life ofroyalty, of course she would know how to walk properly!” she retorted.
A loud whack made them stop theirargument. “I won’t tolerate bickering!” Mira said. She had grabbed a stack ofbooks and slammed them on the table to get their attention. Shyra lowered hereyes; so did Azshiu. “I am ashamed of the both of you, especially you Azshiu. Growingup in the Royal Court, I thought you would know better.”
“It was funny, though,” hemumbled. Shyra slapped him in the gut.
“I don’t care if it was riotous!”she retorted. “And don’t you hit him again! Women of Court never raise a handagainst men or women,” she said to her student. “Now pick up those books andstart over.” Obediently, Shyra grabbed the books and placed them on her head.She took her place on the cobble stone path and heard Mira tell Azshiu to sitdown and behave. She had to smile at that.
Slowly, she began to walk downthe cobble stone path. When she reached to where the trees started, she turnedaround, the books almost falling off her head. Regaining her balance, she walked the path until she got to her teacherand Azshiu. Mira smiled slightly. “Better, but there is plenty of room forimprovement,” she said. “We’re going to keep at this for a while,” shecontinued. “Until you can walk perfectly with these two books on your head.”Shyra gave a look of distress. She didn’t want to do this anymore, but it’s notlike she had a choice in the matter. Silently, she turned around and walkeddown the path countless times until she had got it down perfectly. Mira smiledand nodded, acknowledging that that would be enough for the day. She took thebooks from Shyra’s head, gesturing for her to sit down. Shyra took her seat onthe pillow and laid her hands in her lap.
“Beg your pardon, Madame Mira,”Shyra said. Mira looked at her. “If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you?”Shyra was very quiet; she knew it was impolite to ask women their age, but shewas curious: Mira’s face was young, but her hair was completely white.
Mira sighed. “I’m twenty one,”she replied. “Many people mistake me for an older lady due to my white hair.I’m assuming you made that mistake too?” Shyra nodded. “I thought so.” Reachingnext to her, the teacher placed one closed fan on the table and handed theother one to Shyra. She opened it and Azshiu, who had been lying backleisurely, sat up.
“A fan?” she asked as she lookedat it. It was a beautiful fan made with dark wood. The interior of the fan wasmade of lavender fabric with streaks of gold in it. It looked like an ordinaryfan to her, but a gleam at the tips of the fan made her think otherwise.
“A riaha,” Mira corrected.“It’s a fan used for dancing and fighting. Women at court always carry one withthem just incase they are attacked.” Mira flicked her own fan open, revealing acream colored fabric with two red stripes. “They’re also used to show displaysof emotion as well as to hide them.” Shyra nodded. Mira stood up, gesturingwith her fan for Shyra to get up as well.
She did so and straightened herskirts. Mira bent down and grabbed a large bamboo mat. Opening it up, shespread it across the area behind the table. She removed her slippers andstepped onto the mat; Shyra did the same, the bamboo feeling familiar andcomfortable beneath her feet.
“Now, I’m going to show you asimple riaha dance,” said Mira. She got in the starting position: herleft foot pointed towards the ground and her fan, held in her right hand, wasparallel to the floor; her head was turned to the left. “Lady Shyra, I expectyou to do as I do,” she said. Shyra blinked and got into the starting position.Mira started the dance by crossing her right arm over her chest and spun,thrusting her arm down so that her fan was pointing down. Flicking her wrist,she tossed her fan up into the air and spun while raising her left hand; thefan landed gently in her palm.
Mira looked at Shyra. “Make surethat you do not catch the fan tip first,” she said. “The tip of a riaha [/i]is an extremely narrow blade. Itcan sever flesh and bone in one swipe.” Getting back into her startingposition, Mira continued, “That was only the first part of the dance, I’ll showyou the rest later on. Now, I’ll go slowly so you can memorize the steps.”Shyra nodded and moved her head back into position. As soon as she took thatfirst step, she knew exactly what to do. She did all the steps perfectly,tossing the riaha [/i]up in the air andcatching it gracefully. Before she could stop, she continued the dance, movingher body in complex patterns and movements. She finished her riaha [/i]dance by tossing her fan up in theair, spinning, then catching the fan in her right hand and thrusting it to herside. Shyra looked up and blushed; Mira and Azshiu were staring at her.
“You are a swindler, aren’t youLady Shyra?” Mira said as she closed her fan.
“Excuse me Madame Mira?” Shyraasked startled.
Azshiu whispered behind them,“It’s her Spirit.” Mira and Shyra turned to him, confused. “It’s PrincessAres’s Spirit that has allowed Shyra to dance the riaha [/i]dance. Her forte was always the riaha.[/i]”
Shyra closed her fan. “Thatexplains why I was able to do that dance,” she said. Azshiu nodded.
Mira sighed and placed her fan onthe table. “Alright then, Lady Shyra,” she said. “Let’s get back to yourlessons, shall we?”
After lessons, Azshiu gave Shyra a tour of the Garden. Itwas one of the biggest places Shyra had ever seen. It was like a tropical garden,complete with a miniature waterfall and swimming pond. They both walked to thewaterfall and sat, Shyra removing her slippers and dipping her feet in thecrystal blue water; it was warm. While they were sitting, Azshiu told her allabout the creatures that lived in the Garden as they came to inspect theirvisitors. Shyra was amazed at the creatures and their appearances. One smallcreature in particular caught her attention. It seemed to be a cross between afeline and a rabbit: it had long ears and large, lavender eyes set in anadorable face with a small nose; it had small paws and a long, furry tail; itsentire body was covered in a copper red pelt.
Thecreature walked over to Shyra and nuzzled against her hand. She looked down andsmiled. “Well, hello there,” she said. “And who might you be?” The creatureclimbed onto her leg and sat up on her lap, its intelligent eyes looking up ather; a closer inspection of the face showed a small jewel in the middle of itsforehead.
Azshiulooked over at them. “Oh, that little creature is Ikurymato,” he said. “We callher Iku for short though. She had taken a fondness to Ares; I guess it’s thesame with you, Lady Shyra.”
Shyrapicked up Iku and placed her on her shoulders. “I thought I told you to notcall me ‘Lady’ Shyra,” she said. Azshiu shrugged.
“What doyou want me to call you?” he responded. “‘Sir’ Shyra?” Shyra narrowed her eyesand grimaced.
“Veryfunny,” she retorted. Iku nuzzled Shyra’s right ear, making her giggle. Shelooked back at Azshiu; he was smiling at her. “Will you every stop calling me‘Lady’ Shyra?” she sighed. The mage shrugged again.
“If ittruly bothers you, I will,” he replied. Shyra scratched Iku’s head and got up. Grabbing her slippers she putthem back on; Azshiu looked up, startled.
“I guessit doesn’t really bother me,” she said quietly. “I’m just not used to it.”Azshiu stood up and they began to walk down the cobble stone path out of theGarden.
At thedoor, Azshiu replied, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll get used to it, LadyShyra.”
By the time Azshiu and Shyra returned, the red-golden sunwas setting behind the horizon. They both walked to the Dining Hall to findKiyera there, eating her supper stiffly. She looked at them and smiled, butwinced at the movement of her sore muscles.
Azshiuand Shyra sat down and two servers came out with their dinner: seasoned porkwith a side of potatoes, bread and butter, and a small bowl filled withdifferent types of fruit. Another server came out with two goblets: one wasfilled with wine for Azshiu and the other was filled with water for Shyra.Curtsying, the two servers left the Dining Hall to let them eat. Utensils hadalready been placed on the table.
“SoKiyera,” said Shyra, “how was your first day of knight training?”
Kiyera looked at her and cried,“Do you know what I had to do! First I had sword practice for three hours, thenpole combat for two hours; after that I had studying for another two hours thenlunch, which was the only point during the day I had peace and quiet. Thenafter that I had archery for two hours, trying to learn all the differentstyles of holding and shooting a bow! But the pain doesn’t stop there,” shesaid, taking in a deep breath. “I then had hand-to-hand combat with SergeantBain for two hours! I have bruises all over the place!” She slouched in herchair, but winced at the pain her body caused her. “I don’ t know how Ramynawas able to do this everyday,” she said.
“You’ll get used to it,” saidAzshiu reassuringly. “After a week or so your body will get used to thetraining.”
Iku peered over Shyra’s shoulder,looking at the fruit plate that was part of Kiyera’s dinner. Leaping from herperch, Iku scampered across the table to the fruit plate. Picking up astrawberry with her paws, she sunk her teeth into it, savoring the sweetjuices. They all laughed at this and began to eat. While they ate, Shyra andKiyera told each other about their days of training.
After supper, Azshiu escorted them to their rooms. BothShyra and Kiyera were tired and yawned as they arrived at their doors. Beforethey entered, however, Azshiu spoke to them.
“You havecompleted your first day of training,” he said. “I can officially say,” hecontinued, bowing, “‘Welcome to Arasya.’”
Thegirl, Shyra Sera was her name, looked over across the school courtyard when sheheard laughter. A group of girls were surrounding one girl in particular, alleager to be near her. The one girl they were surrounding was in Shyra’s classand one of the most popular girls in school. It was obvious why- she wasbeautiful, smart, and was loved by all. She was average height and skinny, withlong, waist length black hair and green eyes. Another breeze swept through thetrees, blowing back her hair and making her flash a white smile. Laughing, sheand her “clique” kept walking. Shyra looked away and continued walking herself.
KiyeraAnymar, thought Shyra to herself, a living, breathing object ofperfection. Every guy wanted to date her and every girl wanted to be justlike this fifteen-year-old beauty- all except Shyra. She was happy with herself,had no insecurities to the eyes of her peers and yet nobody wanted to be likeher. Maybe it was because no guy thought of her as the girlfriend type or maybeit was because she wasn’t beautiful, like Kiyera Anymar. Either way, she was atomboy and nothing more.
Whenshe got home, she ran up the stairs in her house and went into her bedroom,tossing the bag on her bed. She was an only child that lived with a mother whoshe hardly saw. Removing her school uniform, she grabbed a pair of jeans and awhite t-shirt, hastily putting them on. She sighed happily when she put herboots on. This was what she was comfortable in- it was who she was.
Walkingdown the stairs, she walked over to the counter and wrote a note for her mothertelling her that she was out for a walk and would be home before sunset.Opening the door, she ran to the park. When she got there, she panted slightly-it was about a mile from her house but being the athletic type, it was nothingto her. Looking around, she saw a bench and walked over to it. Sitting down,she stretched and closed her purple eyes. The sun was warm against her skin andshe couldn’t help but fall asleep.
Shewoke up an hour later to the same laughing she had heard at school. Sureenough, Kiyera was walking with her “clique.” She was a true girly girl wearingwhat seemed like her own version of the school uniform- white knee-high sockswith brown loafers, a yellow pleated skirt, and a red vest over a white shirt.It amazed Shyra how girls could wear such things and not be uncomfortable.
Kiyerawaved goodbye to her “clique” as she walked into the park, the others headingin the opposite direction. When she walked past Shyra, they both made brief eyecontact. However, Kiyera stopped when she heard a noise; Shyra heard it too.The noise came again, this time a little clearer. One more time and they couldhear it clearly: “Bring them here, to the Kingdom of Arasya!” As quickly as itcame, those words seemed to disappear.
“Didyou hear that?” asked Kiyera, quite confused. Shyra nodded. Suddenly, a giantsphere of sapphire and green light engulfed the two girls, spinning them asthey traveled through a white luminosity. Kiyera and Shyra screamed, but theywere overpowered by the sound in the sphere. Shyra closed her eyes, hoping thatwhen she opened them that she would be sitting on the park bench and the spherewould be gone. Abruptly, they stopped spinning and all was quiet.
Shyraopened her eyes slowly; she was afraid of what she might see. Slowly sittingup, she rubbed her eyes to try and get rid off the blotches appearing in frontof them. When she stopped, she looked at her surroundings. She was in a darkroom and she was sitting on a stone platform. Looking next to her, she sawKiyera lying there. Grabbing her shoulder, she shook her slightly.
“Kiyera?”she said. “Are you alright?” Kiyera slowly sat up and looked at Shyra.
“Yes,”she replied, “I’m fine. What about you?” Shyra nodded. “What happened? Whereare we?” Shyra stood up and offered a hand to Kiyera; she took it and stood upnext to her.
“Idon’t know, but we’re not in New York anymore.” Cautiously, Shyra walked down asmall set of steps and looked around the room. “This room seems slightlyfamiliar though, like I’ve been here before.” Kiyera walked down the steps andover next to her.
“Yeah,I have the same feeling too,” she whispered. “But that’s impossible; I’ve neverbeen here before in my life!”
“Neitherhave I,” said Shyra as she looked over at a door. Walking over to it shecontinued, “But it still seems so familiar.” She opened the door to a corridor.It was dark and surprisingly there weren’t any torches on the walls. Intrigued,Shyra began to walk up the steps.
Kiyera,who didn’t want to be left behind, called after her, “H-Hey! Wait up!” Running afterShyra, she closed the door behind her. Quietly, they went up the stairs, notknowing where they would lead. Shyra had a hand in front of her, feeling herway through the corridor. After a while, her hand touched what seemed to be awooden door. Feeling around, she found a knob and turned it, opening up to whatseemed to be a deserted den. There was light in this room and she saw anotherdoor. Turning around she called behind her, “Kiyera?” Footsteps responded andKiyera appeared at the door.
“Idon’t like dark, confined spaces,” she said, hurriedly walking into the room.Shyra rolled her eyes and closed the door.
“Don’tbe a sissy,” she said. Walking over to the other door, she opened it andgestured Kiyera to follow her. That door led into a corridor with lit torchesand many other doors. Looking to her left, Shyra saw a set of stairs and beganto walk up them, Kiyera not far behind. There were many stairs and corridorsthat followed this one and it seemed like Shyra knew where she was going. Afterquite some time, they came to another wooden door. Grabbing the knob, shetwisted it and opened the door. It was a door to someone’s chambers. There wasa desk next to shelves full of books; quills and papers covered the deskcompletely. Another door next to the desk must have led to the sleepingquarters of the room as well as the private bath; Shyra had no idea how sheknew this, but she did.
Lookingaround the room, she saw that no one was there and walked in. This room alsoseemed very familiar to her. Again, she looked back to see Kiyera right behindher. They walked into the room and shut the door behind them. They both walkedto a door to their left but stopped when they heard footsteps behind them.Turning, they saw the door next to the desk open. A tall, young man walked outwearing breeches and a pair of boots, a cotton shirt in his hands. He wasmuscular and handsome, his gentle face surrounded by a mane of copper brownhair. Surprised purple eyes stared at them.
Fora while he just stood there, looking at his two guests as if he couldn’tbelieve they were there. After a few brief moments, he began to walk toward thegirls.
“May I ask whyyou’re in my bedroom?” he said. Frightened, Kiyera and Shyra opened the doorand ran out of the room as fast as their legs could carry them.
The man blinked,surprised at their sudden gesture. There was something familiar about theirfaces, especially the blonde haired one. His eyes grew wide as he realized why.Putting on his shirt, he ran out of his room, following the footsteps of thetwo girls. Running up a set of stairs, he thought to himself, How? How is itpossible that she looks so much like her? He was gaining on them quicklyand he knew exactly where they were heading: the throne room.
Shyra and Kiyerakept running up stairs and through corridors. They both stopped at the top of aset of stairs to catch their breath. Shyra looked down the stairs to see ifthat man was following them; she didn’t see him, but she heard footsteps. Hereyes grew wide and she turned around.
“Run Kiyera!”she said. “That man’s following us!” Again, they ran and they turned right intoa giant room. It was large, with a giant red rug leading up to what seemed tobe a throne. A young girl, younger than Kiyera and Shyra, sat in that throne.She stood up when she saw the two girls enter. Lifting up her skirts, shewalked over to them.
“Hello!” shesaid happily, stopping in front of them. “And may I ask who you are?” A littlefrightened and confused, Kiyera and Shyra stepped back and collided withsomething soft. Turning slowly, they looked up into the face of the man who hadbeen chasing them. Stepping away from him, they started to move back towardsthe young girl.
He took in abreath and said, “You are her double.” Shyra and Kiyera looked at himpuzzled.
“Azshiu,” saidthe young girl, “do you know these women?”
Azshiu, Sorcererof Arasya, bowed respectfully. “Princess Ypae, these women appeared in myquarters just moments ago.” He gave the princess a look when she giggled; bothKiyera and Shyra blushed.
Shyra clearedher throat and turned around, facing the princess. Bowing, she said, “My nameis Shyra Sera and my companion’s name is Kiyera Anymar. I can assure you,Princess Ypae, that we did not intend to appear in his quarters.” Kiyera turnedaround too and curtsied, nodding her head in agreement. Ypae smiled and bowedher head respectfully.
“Ypae,” saidAzshiu, “don’t you think that these two women look familiar?” Ypae lookedclosely at Kiyera and Shyra’s faces. She nodded in agreement. She looked againclosely at Shyra’s face. Straightening up, she looked at Azshiu.
“She isher double,” she said. “But how is it possible?”
“Umm, excuseme,” said Shyra. They all looked at her. “Could you tell me why you’re sayingI’m ‘her double’? And how do we look familiar if you’ve never seen us before?”
Azshiu sighedand gestured for them to follow him out of the throne room. Leading them down ahallway he said, “Do you two believe in reincarnation?”
“Not really,”they said in unison.
Leading themdown another corridor, they entered a grand ballroom. “Well, you should,” hesaid, “considering that both of you are reincarnations of two people from ourworld.” He turned and pointed to a picture on the wall. Kiyera and Shyra lookedto the picture he was pointing at and grew wide-eyed at what they saw. Thepainting was of a young girl their age, with long brown hair and sapphire blueeyes. She was dressed in an elegant red dress and had a crown on her head.
Walking directlyin front of the painting, Shyra asked, “Who is she?”
Princess Ypaereplied, “This is a painting of my sister, Princess Ares. Azshiu and I believethat you are her reincarnation. It is quite possible- you have her face.” Shyralooked at the princess.
“That can’t bepossible,” she said. Looking back at the painting, she continued, “She’s sobeautiful. There’s no way I have her face.”
Azshiu steppednext to her. “She was very beautiful,” he whispered. Shyra looked up at Azshiuand saw that his eyes were full of sadness.
Looking at Ypae,she said, “‘Was’? What do you mean by that?”
The princesstook in a sharp breath at the memory. “On her sixteenth birthday,” she saidsadly, “my sister was murdered by an evil sorcerer. It happened only a fewmonths ago.”
“Oh,” Shyra saidsadly, “I’m terribly sorry.” Seeing the sadness in Ypae and Azshiu’s eyes, shechanged the subject. “So, which person is Kiyera the reincarnation of?”
Azshiu lookedback at Kiyera and sighed. “She is the reincarnation of the great warriorRamyna. She died with Princess Ares at the age of twenty. She did all she couldto protect her.”
“I’m sorry,”Kiyera said. “Is there a painting of her that I may see?” Azshiu nodded and ledthem down some small steps. They turned left which led them to a new set ofpaintings. There were paintings of what seemed to be the protectors of theRoyal Family. A painting of Azshiu was there and next to it was a painting of awoman. She had short black hair and green eyes, dressed in extravagant armor; anarrow sword hung at her left hip.
“You are herexact copy,” said Azshiu. “The only difference is your hair length.”
Shyra said,“Okay. That was nice to know and all, but what are we supposed to do? I mean,we can’t stay here; we have to get back home.”
Azshiu looked ather. “Well, I don’t know a spell that can send you back to your home- I don’teven know how Princess Ares was capable of bringing you here to Arasya.”
“Well that’sjust great!” she said. “So what are we supposed to do while we’re here?”
There was a longpause between them. In her heart, Shyra didn’t really want to go home. Thisplace, Arasya, was wonderful. It really felt like she belonged there and Kiyerafelt the same way too.
“Well,” saidYpae, breaking the silence. They all looked at her. “Since you are thereincarnation of my sister and I am not yet of age to take the throne, it seemsthat you, Lady Shyra, must become the heir to the Kingdom of Arasya. And you,Lady Kiyera, since you are the reincarnation of my sister’s protector, you mustbecome Lady Shyra’s sworn protector and a Warrior of Arasya.” All three ofthem- Shyra, Kiyera, and Azshiu- gaped at that.
“Now where wouldyou get a crazy idea like that?” exclaimed Azshiu. Apparently, he was close toher for no person could talk to Royalty like that.
“Hey!” she saiddefensively. “I’m sure you were thinking the exact same thing! I just spoke upfirst. And think about it- since I’m not of age to come to the throne, it’squite likely that one of the Kingdoms will try to arrange a marriage with mewith one of their older heirs. Now would you want that to happen?”
Azshiu lookedaway in slight embarrassment. He mumbled an apology and Ypae smiled proudly.
“Okay,” saidShyra, “so what do we have to do until Azshiu finds a spell to send us home?”
“Well,” theyoung princess said, “since you’re going to be taking on the role of my sister,you’ll have to practice being a princess. In other words, you’ll betaking lessons. And Lady Kiyera, since you are her protector, you must undergothe training of an Arasyian Warrior. You’ll have to learn all the battletechniques of the sword, spear, bow, and hand-to-hand combat.”
“Umm, excuseme,” said Kiyera, “but I’m not the kind of person who would be a warrior. I’mnot cut out for it.”
“No surprisethere,” muttered Shyra. Kiyera gave her a glare out of the corner of her eye.“Anyways,” said Shyra to Ypae, “why can’t Kiyera and I switch? I’m more cut outfor being a warrior than she is. Besides, I don’t wear dresses.” She folded herarms across her chest as if to make her point clear.
Azshiu, who hadbeen silent this whole time, finally spoke up. “Whether you wear dresses ornot, you don’t have a choice in the matter. You cannot switch because you areAres’s reincarnation, not Ramyna’s.” Shyra was about to speak up again, butAzshiu silenced her with a raise of his hand. “It’s been decided so we won’tdiscuss the matter any further. Now, I’ll show you to your rooms. You’ll bothneed your sleep- your training starts early tomorrow morning.”
Again, hegestured for them to follow him. He led them out of the ballroom and walkeddown a few corridors. Princess Ypae soon split from them, retiring to her ownroom for the night. Soon afterwards, they stopped at the room where Kiyerawould be staying. It was a simple room with only a chest, a small armoire, a mirror,and a low bed. Kiyera thanked him and walked into the room, closing the screendoor behind her. They walked two doors down and Azshiu opened the screen doorto Shyra’s room. It was much like Kiyera’s room, only more extravagant. Therewas a chest at the end of a large bed, an armoire opposite the door and alarge, full-length mirror next to that.
“Well, these areyour quarters,” Azshiu said. His eyes saddened again as he turned. “Thereshould be some sleeping garments in the chest. Good night.” With that, hewalked away down the corridor. Shyra blinked and closed the screen door,leaning against it. She sighed and walked over to the chest. Opening it, shewas slightly disgusted at what she saw- it was a chest full of bodices, skirts,blouses, and other feminine clothes. Digging through the clothes, she found along linen nightgown and kept digging. She thought to herself: Doesn’t shehave any shirts? Finally, she found a long sleeved cotton shirt and smiled.
“This will haveto do,” she said, pulling it out. Placing it on the bed and closing the chest,she began to remove her clothes. When she was almost completely naked, she puton the cotton shirt. Folding her clothes, she placed them on the chest andcrawled under the covers. She shoved her face into the soft pillows, taking ina deep breath, the scent of lavender filling her nose. She closed her eyes andtook in another deep breath, the lavender having a hypnotic affect on her. Onemore breathe of the lavender, and she fell asleep.
The next morning she woke upearly. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up. When she opened her eyes, she saw a noteand some clothes at the end of her bed. Removing the comforter, Shyra crawledover to the clothes and picked up the note. It was in a strange type of text-Arasyian, she guessed- but she was still able to read it. Does that have todo with me being Ares’s reincarnation? she thought to herself. Focusing herattention back on the note, she read:
Lady Shyra,
The clothes that have comewith this message are standard clothes for a lady of fifteen years. When youwake up, please put these on and walk to the Indoor Garden for your etiquettelessons.
Your first part of lessonswill consist of proper etiquette and conduct. You will then have a one-hourintermission to do as you please. Then, you will continue your lessons withstudies of Arasya.
I expect you to arrivepromptly at the Indoor Garden at two-hours past sunrise.
Madame Mira,
Etiquette Teacher
Shyraput down the note and looked out a window in her room. Sunrise.
Looking back atthe clothes, she lifted them up to inspect them. It was a long sleeved lavendercolored dress with cuffs at the end of the sleeves. A beige bodice embroideredwith purple and blue flowers went over that. Shyra looked behind the dress and sawthat a breast band, slip, loincloth, and a pair of dark lavender slippers werefolded in the dress.
Standing up, sheshook the dress, trying to get rid of any wrinkles. While she shook the dress,a package wrapped in waxed paper fell out. Shyra blinked and placed the dresson the bed, picking up the package. Sitting next to the dress, she began toopen the package. She was shocked at what was inside it: a pair of purplebreeches, beige boots, and a white shirt. She found it slightly odd that itmatched the colors of her other garments, but thought little of it when she sawanother note. Unfolding it, it read:
Take these garments as a welcome gift. I hope they pleaseyou and your need for less formal attire. Meet me for breakfast in the DiningHall if you wake up early enough.
Shyra blinked again and silentlythanked Azshiu. Taking off her nightshirt, she put on the shirt and breeches.Finally slipping the boots on, she walked over to the mirror. She smiled atwhat she saw: she wasn’t wearing a dress and the garments that the sorcerer hadgiven her suited her perfectly. Walking back over to the bed, she made it upand folded her nightshirt, placing it back in the chest. She walked over to thedoor and opened it, closing it silently behind her. She turned right and walkedover to Kiyera’s room. She knocked on the wooden frame of the door and wasanswered by silence. Opening the door, Shyra peaked in.
“Kiyera?Are you awake yet?” she called in. Kiyera was sound asleep. Closing the doorbehind her, she walked over to the bed. “Kiyera?” she said again, shaking hershoulder. Kiyera shifted in her bed and turned. Opening her eyes slightly, sheclosed them again.
“Whattime is it?” she asked, rubbing her forehead.
“Sunrise,”Shyra answered. She lifted the covers off of Kiyera and walked over to awindow, opening the shutters and letting the rising sun’s light stream into theroom. “You might as well wake up,” said Shyra, noticing Kiyera squint.“Besides, you have a package that you have to open.”
Kiyerawas now sitting up in her bed, the package already in her hand. A note was alsoon top of this package, also written in Arasyian, and she, like Shyra,understood it perfectly. She read it out loud:
Lady Kiyera,
Everyday, you will begin your training by waking up atsunrise, dressing, eating breakfast, and arriving at the Courtyard. You willarrive promptly at one hour past sunrise and no later. Your training thenbegins with classes for the entire part of the morning. A short intermissionwill be held soon after and then your lessons will continue with combat untilsunset. Eat and then continue your studies until complete.
Your attire consists of a pair of breeches, boots, atunic and shirt, as well as a sword. This sword will not leave your side underany circumstance.
Your training begins now.
Sergeant Bain,
Commander of the Arasyian Warriors
Kiyeraremoved the clothes and laid them out in front of her. It was a white shirt,dark crimson tunic, black breeches and brown boots. Accompanied with those wasa short sword in a sheath, a black belt wrapped around it.
Takingoff her linen nightshirt, she said, “I didn’t think princesses wore breechesand a shirt Shyra.” Slipping on the shirt, she found the undergarments thatcame with her soldier attire and put them on, removing her old ones.
“Yeah, well, Azshiu gave me theseto wear in between my lessons and such,” responded Shyra. Kiyera put on theblack breeches and then slipped on the crimson tunic. After putting on theboots, she undid the belt around the sword’s sheath and placed it on her waist.Finally, she began to braid her hair.
“How do I look?” she asked whenshe had finished, spinning around. Shyra walked over to her and smiled.
“You look fine. Man, I wish Icould take your place. You’re so lucky.” She eyed the sword enviously thenlooked back at Kiyera. “C’mon. Azshiu told me to meet him in the Dining Hallfor breakfast. You might as well come along considering you have an hour beforeyou have to start training.” Kiyera nodded, straightening up her bed as she didso. Walking out of the room, they walked down the hall and turned left downanother hall; they had passed the Dining Hall the previous night and knew whereit was.
Soon, they arrived at the DiningHall. It was a simple room, with a long table surrounded by twelve chairs.Tapestries hung next to each of the six windows in the room; an embroidered ruglie underneath the table and chairs. Azshiu was already at the table and beingserved his breakfast of fruit, bread, and porridge. As they walked in, twoattendants came out with their breakfast and placed them across from Azshiu.
“Welcome ladies. I trust thatyour first night was pleasant?” he said, taking in a spoonful of porridge.Kiyera and Shyra nodded and began to eat.
“Thank you for the clothes,”Shyra said as she swallowed a mouthful of bread. “I greatly appreciate them.”Azshiu smiled.
“You’re welcome. I had a feelingyou would like them.” Taking an orange, he began to peel the skin. “You do knowthat you can’t wear those whenever your etiquette teacher is here,” he said,removing the skin and placing a piece of the orange in his mouth.
Shyra took a sip of juice that anattendant had put next to her plate. “Well, duh. Of course I know that.” Takinga spoonful of porridge, she asked, “When exactly is she here?”
“Madame Mira lives in the palace,actually. However, you receive lessons four days out of the week. The first dayand last two days of the week are the days you do not receive them. Luckily foryou, your first day of lessons is on the last day of your lesson cycle.” Heplaced another piece of orange in his mouth, and continued to eat it.
Kiyera, who had been eating thewhole time said, “So, is it the same cycle for soldiers?”
“No,” he said plainly, finishinghis orange and working on the rest of his porridge. “Soldiers work five fulldays of the week. The sixth day is a half-day to practice what you’ve learnedthe previous days. The seventh day is a day totally to you.”
Kiyera finished her porridge andbegan to work on the rest of her meal.
For the rest of the meal, Azshiubegan to tell them about everyday life in Arasya and what life was like in thepalace. In return, the girls told him about what New York was like and whatthey did everyday. After they had all finished their meals, Kiyera got up fromthe table. Excusing herself, she told them that she had to head to her firstday of training. Waving goodbye, she ran out of the Dining Hall to theCourtyard.
Azshiu and Shyra left the DiningHall soon after that and he escorted her to her room, telling her that he wouldwait for her outside the room while she got changed. He would then show her tothe Indoor Garden. She thanked him and walked into the room.
Reluctantly, she removed herbreeches, boots, and shirt and slipped on the undergarments and slip. Afterputting on the dress with disgust, she put on the beige bodice and tied it inthe front. She slipped on the slippers as she walked to the door.
“Okay Azshiu, I’m ready,” shesaid.
“Well then, let’s see,” hereplied.
“I really don’t want to. I lookterrible in dresses.”
“If you don’t wear dresses thenhow would you know?”
“I looked at myself in the mirrorand it looks terrible on me.”
“Now why would you say that?”
“It’s too…” She blushed slightly.“It’s too… tight.”
“Listen Lady Shyra, if you don’tcome out, I’m coming in.”
“Alright, alright!” she said.“But I’ll only come out if you promise not to call me ‘Lady’ Shyra anymore.”
“Fine. Now let’s see, Shyra.”
Taking in a deep breath, shegingerly opened the door and peeked out. Azshiu was leaning against theopposite wall. He smiled at her encouragingly and she blushed faintly. Shedidn’t know why, but that smile made her blush. She stepped out into the openand put her hands on her hips as he said, “What do you mean ‘it’s too tight’?”
“Just that: it’s too tight,” shesaid. “It amazes me how girls are able to breathe in these things!” She pointedto the bodice accusingly.
“It is not too tight. It’s tootight when a woman’s breasts are being squished together or if they’re halfhanging out,” he said.
“You’re a pervert!”
“Call mewhat you want, but you know that it’s true.” He began to laugh and walk away.Shyra followed him, having no choice in the matter. Silently, they walked downhallways and corridors and then down a flight of steps. A large set ofdouble-doors was at the end of the steps. Around it was a metal frame of leavesand birds, intertwined with vines and flowers. Above the door was the Arasyiantext.
“That’swritten Arasyian,” said Azshiu. “It says ‘Indoor Garden’.” She already knewthat, but she kept her mouth shut. Grabbing the rings on the doors, he pulledthem open, revealing a sight that Shyra would never forget. It was like atropical jungle with a stone pathway leading through and around the entire Garden.Birds and other animals were in the areas above them, in the trees, and on theground. A small clearing was by the main doors where Shyra’s etiquette lessonswould be held. Gesturing a hand out to the Garden, Azshiu said, “Welcome to theIndoor Garden.”
Kiyera arrived just in time for her training. TheCourtyard was massive! Trees and a set of buildings where her lessons would beheld surrounded it; behind her was the palace. She surveyed her surroundingsand realized that nobody was there. She turned in the direction of thebuildings when she heard footsteps. Someone- a man- was running towards her. Helooked tall to Kiyera, but she didn’t realize how tall he was until hestopped in front of her. He was about an inch or two taller than Azshiu and shebarely came up to his shoulder. He was handsome with tanned skin, hazel-greeneyes, and short sandy blonde hair pulled back into a horsetail. He wore a longgold and dark lavender tunic over a white shirt and black breeches; brown bootswere on his feet and a sword hung at his left hip. He smiled at her.
“Hello,”he said; his voice was strong and melodic. “You must be Lady Kiyera. I’mSergeant Bain.” He bowed to her; Kiyera bowed in return.
“Yes, Iam,” she said. “Where is everybody? I thought that I’d be taking lessons withthem.”
“Oh, youwill- that comes tomorrow though. Today, I’m going to get you caught up on asmuch as possible. I’ll give you a tour of the grounds though. C’mon.” He turnedand walked toward the building. Kiyera had to jog in order to keep up with hislong strides. They entered a door into the set of buildings. Bain told her thateach building was there for each different subject- seven in all. He told herwhat her subjects were: History, War Tactics, Math and Science, Language,Sorcery, Geography, and Etiquette. These buildings were arranged in a circlearound the Training Court, where combat training was done. After they passedthe buildings, they came to a large pond.
“Do youunderstand everything so far?” he asked looking down at her. She looked up andnodded.
“So whenare we going to start my training?” she asked as they walked down to the pond.
“We canstart now if you want,” he said. He looked out across the pond and smiled. “Ilove it here.”
Kiyerawalked over to the pond’s edge and took off her boots. Sitting down, she placedher feet in the pond. She sighed and looked across the crystal water. “I cansee why,” she said.
Bain liedown next to her. “We can’t put off your training for long, Lady Kiyera.”
“I know,”she responded. “Can’t we stay here a little bit longer though? It’s sobeautiful.”
Bainclosed his eyes and stretched. “I guess so; but not too long. You have a lot ofcatching up to do.”
Kiyeranodded and a few moments of silence passed between them. “You know,” shefinally said, “you’re not what I expected you to be.”
Bainopened one of his eyes. “Oh? How so?”
Kiyerahugged her knees. “Well, I expected you to be a big, burly man with tons ofbattle scars and almost no hair. I expected you to be tough and unkind.”
Bainclosed his eye again. “I see.” He took in a deep breath and then got up. “Weshould start your training now, Lady Kiyera.” Kiyera sighed. She didn’t want toleave the pond; she wanted to stay there all day. She put her boots on slowlyto make her time there longer; Bain took the hint. “We don’t have all day, LadyKiyera,” he said. She looked up at him as she put on her other boot.
“I knowthat,” she responded standing up. “So, where do I train?”
He beganto walk away. “Where do you think?” Kiyera narrowed her eyes and caught up withhim.
Sarcasticmuch? she thought to herself. Theycontinued to walk until they got to the Training Court. It was massive with alarge rectangle in the center for combat practice. Outside the rectangle wereracks full of practice armor and weapons. Bain walked over to the swords andgrabbed two of them. He tossed one to Kiyera and moved to the large rectangle,the Combat Field; he took his sword off and threw it to the side.
“Take offyour sword,” he said. “Until you master that practice sword, you will not drawa real one.” Kiyera stuck the practice sword in the ground and unbuckled hersword belt, tossing it to the side like Bain had done. Grabbing her practicesword, she walked onto the Field. “Do you know how to hold a sword?” Bainasked. Kiyera put her hand on her hip.
“Are youkidding me?” she asked. “I’ve never held a sword in my life!”
“Stupidquestion; okay, put your weak hand on the bottom of you hilt and your strongerhand on top. I’m going to teach you how to wield a sword with both hands beforeI teach you how to wield it with one. Are you with me?” Kiyera put her hands onthe hilt, weak hand on bottom, stronger on top.
“Yes,”she said. She looked down at her grip. “Is this right?” Bain walked over behindher and looked at her grip. He smirked.
“Close,”he said. “Twist your wrists more outward.” He grabbed her hands with his andshowed her. Kiyera blushed. Her back was against his chest and she could feelhis heart beating. I’ve never been this close to a boy before, shethought to herself. His body’s so strong… and warm…She shook thosethoughts out of her head and nodded.
He walkedback to his place. “Now, I want you to try a practice stroke. You know how todo that, don’t you?”
“I’m notthat stupid!” she said defensively.
TheSergeant laughed. “Alright then, show me.” Kiyera focused on her sword andswung it, slicing through the air. “Good! Keep going.” She swung again andagain, knowledge of the sword growing stronger within her each time she swung it.Bain smiled in awe as Kiyera swung her sword in complex movements with graceand speed. She stopped when she noticed the way he was looking at her.
“What?”she asked. He gripped his practice sword.
“Youtrying to deceive me or something?” he asked accusingly. “There’s no way you’venever held a sword before. You’re too good.”
“Youreally think that?” she asked hopefully.
“Only oneway to find out,” he said, charging at her. “If you are truly Ramyna’sreincarnation, fight me!”
“What!”she exclaimed, dodging him.
“Ifyou’re the Great Warrior’s reincarnation, then fight me.”
“Justbecause I’m her reincarnation, doesn’t mean I’m her.”
“I sawyou with a sword, girl. Now fight me!” He charged again. Kiyera yelped anddodged. Bain charged again and swung at her; she blocked, but he was toostrong. He was pushing her down until she got on her knee. “Move my blade!” hesaid. “Fight back!”
“I can’t,Bain!” she said. “I’m not strong enough!”
“Ramynacould easily get out of this situation!”
Kiyeragritted her teeth. “I’m not her!”
“Yes youare! You have her strength! I can see it in your eyes.”
Shelooked up at him, and saw that he was being honest. Closing her eyes, shefocused all her energy and strength on her arms. Slowly, she began to rise andpush his sword back.
“Good!”he said. “Keep it up!” She twisted her blade and pressed down, flipping theblade away from her. She raised her sword and swung it at him; he blocked.“Keep it up! You’ve almost beaten me!” Suddenly, he swung his sword out from underher and swung at her legs, right above her ankle. She fell and in a splitsecond, the practice sword was at her throat. “But not quite,” he said. Kiyerapanted and closed her eyes. Her legs and arms were killing her!
“You’redeceitful,” she said. He laughed and drew the practice sword away, offering herhis hand.
“You’regullible,” was the response. She took his hand and got up. “Not bad for yourfirst try. I thought we would’ve had to work on this until sunset.”
“O… kay,”she said. “So how much longer for training? Or are we done?”
“Are youkidding me?” he laughed. “We’re far from done. Now, pick up your sword and getready.” Kiyera sighed, bent down and picked up her sword, gripped the hilt, andsmiled.
“Ready,”she said.
Shyra walked into the Garden as Azshiu shut the doorbehind them. She was in complete awe- she had never seen a place so big! Shewalked down the stone pathway and took in the sweet air. She turned and facedAzshiu.
“It’s sobeautiful here,” she said. “I love it.”
Azshiusmiled at her. “Ares loved it here, too. It was her favorite spot in the palace.”
“I cansee why. Are there any other creatures here besides birds?” she asked. Withsuch a large space, she thought that there’d be more than one type of creature.The mage smiled and nodded.
“Ofcourse there is. This place is larger than you think. They’re probably in theback. When you’re done with your etiquette lessons, I’ll give you a tour of theplace.”
“I’d likethat,” she said. She gave him a smile and at that moment, Azshiu could’ve swornhe was looking at the face of his princess; he turned away to hide his blush.Shyra blinked, confused.
“I’m gladto see that you’re on time, Lady Shyra,” said a voice behind them. The twoturned and saw that a lady had been there the entire time. She was like anundiscovered gem- with a little work she could be beautiful. Her curled, whitetresses were pinned up into a bun, a few curls caressing her smooth and gentleface. Her intelligent hazel eyes looked at them. She wore a white gownunderneath an emerald and pale green wrap-dress; a sapphire brooch was pinnedat the top of the wrap. Her long, white skirts flowed around her legs as shewalked towards them, her emerald colored slippers gently padding against thecobblestones. She curtsied and continued, “Good morning. I assume that yourfirst night was pleasant?”
“Y-yes,very,” Shyra responded. She wasn’t sure what to do. A nudge in her side madeher look at Azshiu. He mouthed the word “curtsy” and bowed. Looking back at thewoman, she curtsied as best as she could. Madame Mira, the Royal EtiquetteTeacher, walked around her, inspecting every inch of her body. Shyra placed herhands behind her, ringing them nervously. Azshiu noticed and placed a hand onher shoulder comfortingly; she relaxed a little.
Mirafaced them and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She began saying, “She’s going toneed a lot of work, Lord Azshiu.” The mage removed his hand from Shyra’sshoulder and nodded. “I assume you’ll be staying and watching then?” she asked.Again, he nodded. Shyra didn’t think that Azshiu would be staying with herduring her lessons. Honestly, she didn’t want to embarrass herself in front ofhim. Mira beckoned Shyra to follow her to their teaching area. It was simple: alow, wooden table was set between two cushions; books and other tools forShyra’s training were placed on and beside the table. Mira grabbed a stack oftwo books and handed them to her. She took them and looked at them.
“I’massuming you want me to read these?” she asked. Her teacher gave her a look.
“First ofall, when you address me, it’s madam or Madame Mira. Secondly, those are forbalance practice. You will, however, be studying those over the next week ortwo. Is that understood?” she asked.
“Yes,”she sighed, and then corrected herself when Mira glowered at her. “I mean, yes,Madame Mira.”
“Good.Now place the books on your head- or are in you incapable of that, Lady Shyra?”Mira said accusingly.
Shyra glared at her. I’m notstupid! she thought to herself. Carefully, she placed the books on herhead. She looked at her teacher, whonodded, and began to walk down the cobble stone path.
“Try to keep you back erect andwalk in a straight line,” Mira said. She watched her student as she tried tokeep the books balanced on her head. “Keep you neck straight!” she ordered.“Pick your chin up and look forward! Don’t hunch your shoulders; it’s bad foryour posture!” Shyra did as she was told, loosing her balance quite a fewtimes. Finally, she tripped over the hems of her skirts and fell, the booksscattering out in front of her. Azshiu laughed, amused with her clumsiness.Shyra grabbed a book and threw it at him, hitting him square in the face; shewas quite accurate with her aim.
“What was that for!” he shouted,rubbing his nose.
“Don’t laugh at me! I’m new atthis!” she said defensively.
“Ares was much better when shestarted! And she was only thirteen!” he replied.
“She was born into a life ofroyalty, of course she would know how to walk properly!” she retorted.
A loud whack made them stop theirargument. “I won’t tolerate bickering!” Mira said. She had grabbed a stack ofbooks and slammed them on the table to get their attention. Shyra lowered hereyes; so did Azshiu. “I am ashamed of the both of you, especially you Azshiu. Growingup in the Royal Court, I thought you would know better.”
“It was funny, though,” hemumbled. Shyra slapped him in the gut.
“I don’t care if it was riotous!”she retorted. “And don’t you hit him again! Women of Court never raise a handagainst men or women,” she said to her student. “Now pick up those books andstart over.” Obediently, Shyra grabbed the books and placed them on her head.She took her place on the cobble stone path and heard Mira tell Azshiu to sitdown and behave. She had to smile at that.
Slowly, she began to walk downthe cobble stone path. When she reached to where the trees started, she turnedaround, the books almost falling off her head. Regaining her balance, she walked the path until she got to her teacherand Azshiu. Mira smiled slightly. “Better, but there is plenty of room forimprovement,” she said. “We’re going to keep at this for a while,” shecontinued. “Until you can walk perfectly with these two books on your head.”Shyra gave a look of distress. She didn’t want to do this anymore, but it’s notlike she had a choice in the matter. Silently, she turned around and walkeddown the path countless times until she had got it down perfectly. Mira smiledand nodded, acknowledging that that would be enough for the day. She took thebooks from Shyra’s head, gesturing for her to sit down. Shyra took her seat onthe pillow and laid her hands in her lap.
“Beg your pardon, Madame Mira,”Shyra said. Mira looked at her. “If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you?”Shyra was very quiet; she knew it was impolite to ask women their age, but shewas curious: Mira’s face was young, but her hair was completely white.
Mira sighed. “I’m twenty one,”she replied. “Many people mistake me for an older lady due to my white hair.I’m assuming you made that mistake too?” Shyra nodded. “I thought so.” Reachingnext to her, the teacher placed one closed fan on the table and handed theother one to Shyra. She opened it and Azshiu, who had been lying backleisurely, sat up.
“A fan?” she asked as she lookedat it. It was a beautiful fan made with dark wood. The interior of the fan wasmade of lavender fabric with streaks of gold in it. It looked like an ordinaryfan to her, but a gleam at the tips of the fan made her think otherwise.
“A riaha,” Mira corrected.“It’s a fan used for dancing and fighting. Women at court always carry one withthem just incase they are attacked.” Mira flicked her own fan open, revealing acream colored fabric with two red stripes. “They’re also used to show displaysof emotion as well as to hide them.” Shyra nodded. Mira stood up, gesturingwith her fan for Shyra to get up as well.
She did so and straightened herskirts. Mira bent down and grabbed a large bamboo mat. Opening it up, shespread it across the area behind the table. She removed her slippers andstepped onto the mat; Shyra did the same, the bamboo feeling familiar andcomfortable beneath her feet.
“Now, I’m going to show you asimple riaha dance,” said Mira. She got in the starting position: herleft foot pointed towards the ground and her fan, held in her right hand, wasparallel to the floor; her head was turned to the left. “Lady Shyra, I expectyou to do as I do,” she said. Shyra blinked and got into the starting position.Mira started the dance by crossing her right arm over her chest and spun,thrusting her arm down so that her fan was pointing down. Flicking her wrist,she tossed her fan up into the air and spun while raising her left hand; thefan landed gently in her palm.
Mira looked at Shyra. “Make surethat you do not catch the fan tip first,” she said. “The tip of a riaha [/i]is an extremely narrow blade. Itcan sever flesh and bone in one swipe.” Getting back into her startingposition, Mira continued, “That was only the first part of the dance, I’ll showyou the rest later on. Now, I’ll go slowly so you can memorize the steps.”Shyra nodded and moved her head back into position. As soon as she took thatfirst step, she knew exactly what to do. She did all the steps perfectly,tossing the riaha [/i]up in the air andcatching it gracefully. Before she could stop, she continued the dance, movingher body in complex patterns and movements. She finished her riaha [/i]dance by tossing her fan up in theair, spinning, then catching the fan in her right hand and thrusting it to herside. Shyra looked up and blushed; Mira and Azshiu were staring at her.
“You are a swindler, aren’t youLady Shyra?” Mira said as she closed her fan.
“Excuse me Madame Mira?” Shyraasked startled.
Azshiu whispered behind them,“It’s her Spirit.” Mira and Shyra turned to him, confused. “It’s PrincessAres’s Spirit that has allowed Shyra to dance the riaha [/i]dance. Her forte was always the riaha.[/i]”
Shyra closed her fan. “Thatexplains why I was able to do that dance,” she said. Azshiu nodded.
Mira sighed and placed her fan onthe table. “Alright then, Lady Shyra,” she said. “Let’s get back to yourlessons, shall we?”
After lessons, Azshiu gave Shyra a tour of the Garden. Itwas one of the biggest places Shyra had ever seen. It was like a tropical garden,complete with a miniature waterfall and swimming pond. They both walked to thewaterfall and sat, Shyra removing her slippers and dipping her feet in thecrystal blue water; it was warm. While they were sitting, Azshiu told her allabout the creatures that lived in the Garden as they came to inspect theirvisitors. Shyra was amazed at the creatures and their appearances. One smallcreature in particular caught her attention. It seemed to be a cross between afeline and a rabbit: it had long ears and large, lavender eyes set in anadorable face with a small nose; it had small paws and a long, furry tail; itsentire body was covered in a copper red pelt.
Thecreature walked over to Shyra and nuzzled against her hand. She looked down andsmiled. “Well, hello there,” she said. “And who might you be?” The creatureclimbed onto her leg and sat up on her lap, its intelligent eyes looking up ather; a closer inspection of the face showed a small jewel in the middle of itsforehead.
Azshiulooked over at them. “Oh, that little creature is Ikurymato,” he said. “We callher Iku for short though. She had taken a fondness to Ares; I guess it’s thesame with you, Lady Shyra.”
Shyrapicked up Iku and placed her on her shoulders. “I thought I told you to notcall me ‘Lady’ Shyra,” she said. Azshiu shrugged.
“What doyou want me to call you?” he responded. “‘Sir’ Shyra?” Shyra narrowed her eyesand grimaced.
“Veryfunny,” she retorted. Iku nuzzled Shyra’s right ear, making her giggle. Shelooked back at Azshiu; he was smiling at her. “Will you every stop calling me‘Lady’ Shyra?” she sighed. The mage shrugged again.
“If ittruly bothers you, I will,” he replied. Shyra scratched Iku’s head and got up. Grabbing her slippers she putthem back on; Azshiu looked up, startled.
“I guessit doesn’t really bother me,” she said quietly. “I’m just not used to it.”Azshiu stood up and they began to walk down the cobble stone path out of theGarden.
At thedoor, Azshiu replied, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll get used to it, LadyShyra.”
By the time Azshiu and Shyra returned, the red-golden sunwas setting behind the horizon. They both walked to the Dining Hall to findKiyera there, eating her supper stiffly. She looked at them and smiled, butwinced at the movement of her sore muscles.
Azshiuand Shyra sat down and two servers came out with their dinner: seasoned porkwith a side of potatoes, bread and butter, and a small bowl filled withdifferent types of fruit. Another server came out with two goblets: one wasfilled with wine for Azshiu and the other was filled with water for Shyra.Curtsying, the two servers left the Dining Hall to let them eat. Utensils hadalready been placed on the table.
“SoKiyera,” said Shyra, “how was your first day of knight training?”
Kiyera looked at her and cried,“Do you know what I had to do! First I had sword practice for three hours, thenpole combat for two hours; after that I had studying for another two hours thenlunch, which was the only point during the day I had peace and quiet. Thenafter that I had archery for two hours, trying to learn all the differentstyles of holding and shooting a bow! But the pain doesn’t stop there,” shesaid, taking in a deep breath. “I then had hand-to-hand combat with SergeantBain for two hours! I have bruises all over the place!” She slouched in herchair, but winced at the pain her body caused her. “I don’ t know how Ramynawas able to do this everyday,” she said.
“You’ll get used to it,” saidAzshiu reassuringly. “After a week or so your body will get used to thetraining.”
Iku peered over Shyra’s shoulder,looking at the fruit plate that was part of Kiyera’s dinner. Leaping from herperch, Iku scampered across the table to the fruit plate. Picking up astrawberry with her paws, she sunk her teeth into it, savoring the sweetjuices. They all laughed at this and began to eat. While they ate, Shyra andKiyera told each other about their days of training.
After supper, Azshiu escorted them to their rooms. BothShyra and Kiyera were tired and yawned as they arrived at their doors. Beforethey entered, however, Azshiu spoke to them.
“You havecompleted your first day of training,” he said. “I can officially say,” hecontinued, bowing, “‘Welcome to Arasya.’”
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Wings_EbonStar on June 30, 2005, 10:50:59 AM
SethsRazorbladeBitch on June 20, 2005, 2:28:23 PM

Lol, Iku reminds me of my character, Tism. :3 He's a rabbit-cat, too, lol... different coloring, though, and his paws are pretty large. How cute. ^^-