Chapter 3 - Lessons
Submitted January 7, 2005 Updated January 24, 2006 Status Incomplete | Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
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Chapter 3 - Lessons
Chapter 3 - Lessons
The next day, Shyra woke up again at sunrise. Iku was nuzzled deep into the pillow, her tail wrapped around her like a blanket; Shyra smiled at how cute the creature was. Looking down at the end of her bed, she saw a set of packages. She was confused as to why they were there; Azshiu said that her lessons yesterday were the last of the cycle. Sighing, she removed the blankets placed on her, and moved to the end of the bed to open her packages. She untied the first one and saw a note, yet again, from Madame Mira.
Lady Shyra,
Part of today's lesson will be based on one small piece of information that you give me when you arrive. Until then, do not open the second package until you arrive at the Indoor Garden.
Now, today's attire is one that Lord Azshiu picked out himself. (Shyra smiled at this.) It is a casual outfit for Women of Court in Shioa, a country in which Lord Azshiu himself has visited often.
Please, get dressed, eat breakfast, and meet us, myself and Lord Azshiu, at the Indoor Garden.
Madame Mira,
Etiquette Teacher
Shyra opened the package eagerly; maybe women in Shioa wore breeches instead of skirts. She looked down at the package, disappointed. It wasn't breeches and a shirt; it was a dress and tunic. She took the dress out and saw a note at the bottom of the package. She read the note silently.
I will not be joining you for breakfast. As I'm sure Madame Mira put in her note, I will be waiting for you in the Indoor Garden. So, enjoy the garments I have given you (Shyra stuck her tongue out in disgust) and meet us at two hours past sunrise.
Oh, I almost forgot, your lady-in-waiting, Ayami, will draw you and Lady Kiyera your baths before you get dressed. She should be arriving soon after sunrise.
As if right on cue, a knock came from the door. Shyra looked and the door opened to a young woman standing there. Shyra realized that the woman couldn't be older than sixteen, for she still had a young face. She had ebony hair that came down to the middle of her back and a set of bangs across her forehead. Brown eyes looked at her happily. She wore the traditional lady-in-waiting outfit: an ivory cotton dress underneath a navy blue wrap; navy blue slippers were on her feet. Draped over her right arm were a towel and cleaning supplies. Curtsying, she walked into the room.
“Good morning, mistress,” she said as she walked over to Shyra. “I am Ayami, your lady-in-waiting.” She curtsied again.
“G-Good morning,” she said, embarrassed. She wasn't used to people curtsying to her.
Ayami walked next to the bed and opened a door that Shyra never noticed before. She walked in and Shyra could hear the water filling up the tub. After a few minutes, Ayami came back out and she curtsied again.
“Your bath is drawn, mistress,” she said. “Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll wake up Lady Kiyera.” Shyra nodded and Ayami curtsied again, walking to the door and shutting it.
Shyra got off the bed and walked into the washroom. Shutting the door behind her, she looked around. It was a simple yet extravagant bath: on top of a wooden floor was a marble sink and tub; next to the tub was a set of shelves which held a few sets of towels, soap, and a silk robe. Shyra thought that the bath would be more extravagant, with gold and silver, since it was Princess Ares's. She smiled at the fact that Ares did not let the spoils of being a princess go to her head.
Undressing, she stepped in to the warm water of the bath. Sighing, she let herself sink in up to her shoulders, and rested her head against the tub. Wetting her hair, Shyra grabbed a bar of soap and rubbed it in her hands until it was mostly suds, and massaged it gently into her hair. After she had finished, she dunked her head into the water and grabbed another bar of soap. This time, she washed her body, the soap removing all the dirt from the previous day. After she had finished washing, Shyra just sat in the tub and enjoyed the silence.
A knock on the door disrupted the silence. “Mistress,” said Ayami. “It's time for you to get dressed.” She sighed and rose from the tub. Grabbing a towel, she dried her body off and then dried her hair. Grabbing the silk robe, she wrapped it around her body and tied it. She opened the door and walked out, Ayami curtsying to her. She had laid Shyra's clothes out on the bed and left the second package where it had been. Ayami walked into the washroom and drained the tub, picking up Shyra's old clothes as she did so.
While Ayami did this, Shyra got dressed. She first put on a white, form fitting, off the shoulder gown and tied the lacings in the back. After that, she put on a strapless lavender tunic with gold trim. Slipping on the lavender slippers, she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress wasn't that bad, despite the fact that it was totally form fitting and showed every curve on her body. Ayami came out and curtsied again.
“You look beautiful in that dress, mistress,” she said, smiling. “Lord Azshiu has good taste.” Shyra blushed and thanked her.
Stepping away from the mirror, she said, “You know, you don't have to call me `mistress'; Shyra is just fine.”
“As you wish, Lady Shyra,” Ayami said, curtsying. Shyra gave her a look of distress and slight embarrassment.
“And you don't have to curtsy all the time!” Shyra said, blushing again. “I'm not use to this kind of treatment, so please, just treat me like a normal person.” She looked at Ayami's shocked face. “Sorry to be so bold,” she added.
“Oh, no, no,” Ayami said, blushing. “I'm just not used to people of higher rank asking me to treat them as an equal.” She paused for a moment “Well, actually,” she continued, laughing, “everybody in this palace, expect for Queen Sarya and our dearly departed King Nicholas, have asked me to do so. I just never really have.”
Shyra sighed. “How long ago did King Nicholas pass away?” she asked.
“Oh, many months ago,” she responded. “I'm guessing it's been a few months over a year now. But I shouldn't go into the matter any further; it's not my place to say.”
“I'm sorry, Ayami,” Shyra said, yet again embarrassed. “I didn't mean to be nosey.”
Ayami shook her head. “No need to apologize.” She looked out the window and estimated the time. Curtsying, she said, “Excuse me, Lady Shyra.” She left and Shyra followed her out, going to Kiyera's room. She came in just as Kiyera was putting on her breeches; her movements were slow due to her sore and stiff body.
“Oh, I'm so sorry!” she said. Shyra looked at Kiyera's arms and hands, almost completely covered in fresh bruises. Kiyera noticed her stare and put on her white shirt.
“Don't worry about it,” she said lazily, slipping on the red tunic. She still noticed Shyra's stare and sighed. “It's not polite to stare, you know.” She buckled the belt around her waist then sat on the bed.
Shyra clasped her hands behind her back and wrung them, trying to hide her embarrassment and slight annoyance. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Kiyera grabbed her boots and shoved them on her feet, wincing as she hit one of the bruises on her hand. “Umm…. Did Bain give you those bruises?” she inquired meekly. Kiyera simply nodded and stood up, routinely braiding her hair.
Silently, they both left the room to eat breakfast. Kiyera wasn't in a very chatty mood and Shyra didn't want to force her to talk. She knew that she was tired from the previous day's training; it showed in her face and posture. Shyra realized that she was actually lucky to have such easy training; at least she didn't receive bruises from it. No matter how easy her training though, she was still envious of Kiyera. She was lucky, being able to use a sword and a bow and many other types of weapons in combat. How Shyra longed to know such things; mid-evil weaponry always fascinated her.
After breakfast, Kiyera dragged her feet to training as Shyra returned to her room. Opening her door, she still saw the second package on the bed. She was extremely tempted to open it, curious as to see what was in it. Instead, she opened the chest to see what else Ares had in her possession. She dug through the clothes, bodices, skirts, shirts, and gowns, until she got to the bottom of the chest. At the bottom was a stack of books and a scroll. Taking them out, she placed them on the bed. Opening the scroll first, she saw the Arasyian calendar, which, to her surprise, was the exact calendar from her world. Little notes were made for days and Shyra browsed the calendar until she saw Ares's birthday, April tenth, marked on the calendar. Her birthday was on October tenth, only six months from Ares's. In only four months, she would be sixteen, part of her hoping that she would be celebrating her birthday back home in New York.
Pushing that thought aside for another time, she scanned the calendar for other dates: Ypae's birthday was on July twenty-eighth; Ramyna's would have been on October fourth; Queen Sarya's birthday was on January twenty-third; Madame Mira's was on June sixth; and Azshiu's birthday was on December tenth. Other dates were noted on the calendar, but Shyra really didn't care for them. Rolling up the scroll, she placed it on the bed and looked at the books. Carelessly, she went through the stack, not caring what they were about. At the very bottom of the stack, however, was a book covered in brown leather, a lavender ribbon wrapped around it. Dropping the other books on the bed, she closed the chest and sat on top of it, untying the ribbon on the book. Flipping through the pages, she stopped on a page. Curiosity over took her, and she began to read:
The twelfth day in the month of November,
In the eleventh year of the reign of King Nicholas and Queen Sarya
Today was quite interesting, surprisingly. A young man has arrived at the palace and will now be residing with us as one of my personal protectors. Well, not quite yet, for he is of only fifteen years and I, only of ten, don't need the protection yet. Until the day I turn thirteen, he will be training as a warrior-mage. Oh, I hope he can teach me some things; I've always been quite fascinated with sorcery; maybe he can even show me how to use some weapons, such as a bow. But I highly doubt that will happen, for mother does not think it's proper for a princess to know how to fight, a ridiculous idea in my opinion.
Either way, Ypae is quite excited about this young man too. She's only seven though, and sees him merely as a new playmate. I hope that does not drive away, but he does not seem like the kind of person who would be so short with someone.
Now here I am rambling and I have not yet described this man. Well, he is tall and muscular, like a squire would be. He dresses plainly and yet his hair is anything but, being a copper color. However, the most intriguing thing about him is his eyes, for they are a bright purple. Such a strange color for eyes and yet they are so enchanting. Now listen to me, going on like a lovesick girl, which I am anything but at the moment.
Now to bed I must go, for the hour is late. And now, I forgot the most important thing about this young man. The name of this young man is Azshiu.
Shyra was shocked at how eloquent a writer Ares was at the age of ten. She expected to read something that sounded less educated. Azshiu's words echoed in her head: Ares was much better when she started! And she was only thirteen! Now Shyra understood why. She had so much catching up to do. She then thought back to what Ares wrote about Azshiu. She wasn't truly surprised that he knew the lore of weapons and sorcery; maybe he could teach her some things. Intrigued by Ares's life, she was about to turn the page when a knock on the door made her stop in alarm.
“J-just a second!” she stammered, closing the diary and frantically putting the books back into the chest. Closing it again, she straightened out her skirts and ran to the door.
Opening the door, a scolding voice said, “You're late for your etiquette lessons.” Shyra looked up and smiled nervously at Azshiu.
“S-sorry,” she said nervously. “I must've lost track of the time.” Azshiu eyed her suspiciously, but didn't inquire as to why she was acting so. Sighing, he walked into the room and grabbed the package on the bed. Iku, still resting on the pillow, opened one of her eyes lazily, then closed it again as she went back to sleep.
Walking back to the door, he said, “C'mon. You have to face Madame Mira sooner rather than later.” He looked back at her and asked, “So how do you like the dress I provided for you?” Shyra blinked; she had forgotten that he had given her the dress.
“You just had to pick a dress for me to wear, didn't you?” she responded, slightly annoyed. He shrugged and smiled; he knew she would react like that. Crossing her arms, they began to walk to the Indoor Garden. After some time, she asked, “So, what's in the package?”
“Can't tell you,” he replied slyly. That made Shyra even more annoyed; she wanted to know what was in that package so badly!
Soon, they reached the Indoor Garden and Shyra was greeted with a lecture about tardiness from Madame Mira. She nodded, mumbled an apology, and then sat down on the cushion next to the table. Azshiu placed the package on the table and then took a seat on a cushion next to her.
“Madame Mira,” she asked, “I thought that I didn't have lessons today; Azshiu said that yesterday was the last day of your teaching cycle.”
Shyra's teacher looked at her. “I have decided that you will have lessons everyday until you have mastered all aspects of being a princess.” Shyra opened her mouth to protest but stopped when Mira raised her hand. “I believe,” she continued slowly, “that since you are new here, extra lessons are in order for you to catch up to where Princess Ares was.” Shyra looked down at her hands. She didn't like being compared to Ares; she felt that her expectations were being raised and her status as a person was being lowered.
Madame Mira walked over to her and said, “That, however, can ultimately lie with one piece of information.” Mira grabbed a large, folded screen with white cloth. With a heave, she set the screen in place. As she opened it, she asked, “Lady Shyra, when is your birthday?”
Shyra looked up and blinked. Why would she need to know that? “Um, it's October tenth, madam.” Madame Mira sighed as she finished putting up the screen.
“That doesn't give us much time, does it Azshiu?” she asked; he shook his head in response. Shyra was about to say something, but she was silenced when Mira grabbed her arm and forced her behind the screen. Ordering Azshiu to turn around, Mira unwrapped the package and shoved its contents into Shyra's hands. Shyra held it up in front of her.
“What is this?” she asked in loathing.
“You know quite well what it is,” retorted Mira. “Now be quiet and put it on, or I'll do it for you.” Shyra unhappily did as she was told, for she didn't want Mira to put the clothing on her. To complete the outfit, she put on the green slippers and stepped from behind the screen.
“You love to torment me, don't you?” she asked. She was clothed in a flared white dress; a band of gold went around her waist and another one, with two sapphire stones on it, placed at the top of her dress; green fabric draped from them. Azshiu turned around to look at her as Madame Mira smiled.
“Here in Arasya, royalty hold a big celebration on their sixteenth birthday. Since you are only months away from that date, we must start training you in every subject of proper conduct,” she said. Clasping her hands together, she continued, “So first, we will start with ballroom dancing.”
Ordering Azshiu to stand up, she instructed Shyra in what to do. First she told them to greet each other: Azshiu was to bow and Shyra was to curtsy in response. They both did so, but Shyra faltered in her curtsying. Sighing, Mira showed her how to do it properly, and Shyra tried a few times until she had it down perfectly. After that, she showed Shyra the position in which she was to be in when she danced with a partner. Lifting up her dress with her left hand, she placed her right hand in Azshiu's left as he placed his other hand on her waist. She felt herself begin to blush, but hid it well; she wasn't used to a boy, let alone a man, touch her this way.
“Okay,” said Mira. “I'm going to now clap out a three count, one-two-three, for you to dance to. Lady Shyra, just let Azshiu lead; he knows what to do.” Shyra nodded and Mira began to clap out the beat, Azshiu showing her the steps. It was awkward at first, but eventually Shyra began to get the hang of it. After what seemed like hours of practicing, they stopped; Shyra got behind the screen again and changed back into the dress that Azshiu gave her. After that, her lessons continued with lectures about etiquette and conduct in eating, sitting, standing, posture, and other things that Shyra did not care for.
She was extremely relieved when her one-hour break came; it gave her mind a chance to fully absorb all the information that Mira had crammed into her. To help her relax, Madame Mira served them all tea in cups made of fine china. During tea, they talked about many subjects, including clothing. When that subject came up, a question popped into Shyra's head.
“Um, Madame Mira?” she asked; Mira looked at her. “May I wear my own clothes? I'll still wear dresses for certain occasions and such, but I'm much more comfortable in my own clothing.” She looked at Mira nervously as she returned her gaze, contemplating the question. Azshiu looked from Shyra to Mira and then back to Shyra.
“Do you truly want that, Lady Shyra?” she asked. Shyra gulped and nodded; the tension between them was getting thicker by the second. “Fine,” she sighed. Shyra let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and the tension between them dispersed. “However,” she continued, “when I give you a dress and tell you when to wear it, you must put it on without delay or complaint. Is that clear?” Shyra nodded, smiling. She was glad that she was able to wear the simple white t-shirt and jeans that she loved so much.
Mira took a final sip of her tea and got up saying, “I think we should continue with ballroom dancing. However, you don't need to change again, Lady Shyra.” Both Shyra and Azshiu got up and moved to an open spot in the Garden. “Now, take your places and greet your partner.” Azshiu bowed, Shyra curtsied, and they got into the starting positions. Mira clapped out the three count and they began to dance, gliding rhythmically to the beat.
Kiyera was extremely tired after her morning lessons; there was so much to remember! Her day started off with History, followed by Geography; after that was Language, War Tactics, and Sorcery; then ended with Math and Science, and Etiquette.
During her classes, Kiyera met Adalia of Syndaris, a tall girl with short auburn hair and gray eyes. She was fifteen years old and well built, being in her first year as a squire. Friendly and likeable, Adalia told Kiyera everything she needed to know about the training for becoming a knight.
She explained that a person who wanted to become a knight started their training at ten years of age, then trained as a page for four years; if they passed the Page's Exam at the end of the four years, they would then continue their training as a squire for three years. After that, they would take the Squire's exam; if they passed that, then they would take a final exam, called Tribulation, which would test them of their worthiness of becoming a knight. Nobody knew what the actual test was until they took it, and after they did, they were forbidden to tell anyone of what occurred during it.
“So, what made you want to be a knight?” asked Kiyera at lunch. They were in the cafeteria, being served water, steak, bread, and fruit. The cafeteria was average size, with three rows of ten long tables; each table could sit twenty people, ten on each side. To the left of the entrance way was a kitchen and counter where the food was served. Spotting a free table, Kiyera and Adalia sat down on one of the benches, placing their trays on the wooden table.
“Well,” Adalia said, “I've always wanted to fight; dresses and being a lady never interested me. My parents said that the only way I could become a knight was if my older brother, Dominic, didn't want to become one. Luckily for me, he didn't; he never wanted to fight and became a priest, devoting his life to the gods and goddesses. So, he left for the Sacred City and I came here. So, we both got our wishes in the end.” She smiled and began to butter her roll. “So, I hear that your Commander Ramyna's reincarnation?” she said. Kiyera blinked in surprise; she didn't expect people to find out so soon.
“Y-yeah,” she said. “I didn't know that Ramyna was a commander. Was she that powerful of a warrior?”
Adalia looked at her in sheer surprise of the thought. “Of course!” she exclaimed. “Only the most powerful warriors are selected to protect members of the Royal Family; and then they are put through a series of tests to see who's truly worthy. Ramyna was one of the most powerful warriors to ever set foot here. It's a shame that she had to pass away; may the gods and goddesses give her peace.” Kiyera let this new information sink in; she had no idea that Ramyna was that highly respected and powerful. Now her expectation level had been raised and she felt minute in comparison to Ramyna, like a peasant compared to a queen.
Wanting to distract herself from those thoughts, Kiyera looked around the cafeteria at the pages and squires. The tables were being filled up fast, more students filing into the food line every minute. Kiyera's eyes landed on one table in particular. It was surrounded by a group of people, both girls and boys, and they were all hanging on every word that was said by a certain squire. The female squire was in her second year, being sixteen years old. To Kiyera's surprise, they resembled each other, in a way. She had waist length brown hair; it was in a loose braid and few wavy tresses had escaped to caress her face. Piercing green eyes looked at the crowd that surrounded her. Kiyera turned back to Adalia and asked, “Who's that girl over there?” She thrust her thumb towards the squire.
Adalia put her fork with a piece of steak on it back on her plate. Looking towards the squire, she said, “That's Kyra of Castell. She's one of the popular squires here. She comes from a family with three older brothers and a father; her mother died soon after she was born. So, Kyra decided to follow in the footsteps of her brothers and became a knight; all of her siblings have ranks in the Arasyian Army.” She looked back at Kiyera and leaned in, whispering, “I hear that she has an extreme fancy for Sergeant Bain. She always has, apparently, and works extra hard in her studies to impress him.” Leaning back, she continued, “Of course, every girl here, including myself, fancies him as well; and who could blame us? He's not only intelligent, strong, and kind, he's handsome.”
“Now, who's handsome, Adalia?” someone asked her. Adalia blushed as she and Kiyera turned to look up at Bain. He smiled warmly at them and laughed.
“N-no one, Sergeant,” she stuttered in embarrassment. He laughed again.
Looking at Kiyera, he asked, “So, how has your first day been going so far, Kiyera?” Kiyera was grateful that Bain had stopped calling her “Lady Kiyera”; she didn't like being treated so formally.
She smiled and responded, “Fine. I almost fell asleep during History though. Is Lord Wyndham always so dull?” Bain laughed and tousled her hair affectionately.
“Yes, even when I was a page and squire, he would always put me to sleep. I'm surprised that I actually passed his class.” Kiyera laughed. “Anyways,” he said, withdrawing his hand, “can you meet me after your last class? I need to talk to you about your training schedule.” She nodded and Bain smiled. “Good. I'll meet you at the Training Court.” He patted her shoulder and with a final smile, left their table, stopping by others and talking to the pages and squires that sat there; the girls watched him intently, acting like lovesick girls.
“You are so lucky!” exclaimed Adalia, startling Kiyera; fortunately, there was so much commotion in the cafeteria that nobody heard her. “Sergeant Bain totally likes you!”
“What!” she said blushing, although she didn't know why. “We've barely known each other for two days; there's no way he could like me!”
“Maybe you're right,” she said, taking a bite of her apple. She swallowed then said, “Or maybe you're the one who likes him!”
Kiyera blushed even deeper. “Of course not! We're just friends, that's all.” Adalia smiled in a “Yeah, right,” kind of way and took another bite of her apple. Kiyera felt a set of eyes burning into the back of skull, and turned to see whom it was. Kyra was watching her, hatred raging in her eyes. Kiyera turned back to Adalia and finished her meal in silence.
After lunch, the squires and pages split up; the pages went to the Training Court while the squires headed over to the archery field. The squires were divided into groups: first and second year squires in one group; and third year squires in another. Each group's field was set up with a line of twenty targets; on the ground were marks for how far away they would be shooting: five yards, ten yards, and twenty yards.
Unsure of what she should do, Kiyera followed Adalia; no one seemed to notice or care. Each of the squires grabbed a bow and a quiver of ten arrows, and waited in line for their teacher.
After a few minutes, a man came running towards the field. He had short golden-brown hair that framed his bearded face. He was dressed casually, wearing a simple pair of breeches and tunic with a pair of worn-in boots. Scratching the back of his head, he laughed. “Sorry I'm late everyone,” he said. “I was caught up in a meeting. It turns out that Princess Ares's reincarnation's birthday is in a few months.” Kiyera lowered her eyes and looked down at the ground; so many people knew about her and Shyra, and they had just arrived two days ago. He continued, “As a change, all the squires have been requested to attend this, although it is not mandatory.” The squires cheered and were filled with enthusiasm. Only third year squires were invited to large celebrations such as this, and the second and first year squires always missed out on the fun.
Kiyera scuffed the ground; she wasn't so enthusiastic about the celebration. She knew that the nobles and other people of Arasya would be judging her and Shyra, and she didn't like that. Adalia noticed her and rested a hand on her shoulder in a comforting way; Kiyera smiled in response.
“And you must be Ramyna's reincarnation!” Adalia and Kiyera looked up into the face of their teacher. “I never properly introduced myself,” he said extending a hand. “My name is Lord Belen. You must be Kiyera?” Kiyera nodded and grasped his hand firmly; he smiled down at her. “Now then, shall we start with the lesson?” He walked behind the squires with his hands clasped in the small of his back, and said, “Today is a review of what you learned last week. You'll be shooting your bow like the archers in Kotauru. After you have finished with your arrows, wait until the entire row is done before you retrieve them.” Kiyera knew that he said that last part for her sake. “Now, begin!”
The squires stood in their spots and knocked their arrows onto the strings. A few of the squires loosed a few arrows as Kiyera knocked hers onto her string. Holding the arrow between her index finger and thumb, she pulled the string back with difficulty. Her wrist began to quiver as she aimed at the target. Finally, she loosed and the arrow landed near the bottom of the target. Embarrassed and angry, Kiyera looked down at the other targets; most of them had gotten in the second ring, the one closest to the center, or the center ring; Adalia had almost all her arrows in the center. One target on the other end of the row had all the arrows in the center ring. Kiyera looked down and saw Kyra effortlessly drawing back her bow and loosing the arrow, where it landed in the center ring with her other five arrows. Kiyera was suddenly filled with this desire to do better than Kyra, to prove that she could be like her as a warrior. Grabbing an arrow, she thrust it on to the string and drew her bow. Her wrist began to quiver again, but she steadied it and took aim. Quickly, she released it; the arrow landed in the center ring. Smiling, she grabbed another arrow, knocked it on the string, took aim and loosed it; it landed in the center ring again. Confidence grew in her each time she shot her arrow and it landed in the center ring.
After everyone had shot their ten arrows, they walked to their targets and pulled their arrows out. Mimicking Adalia, Kiyera grabbed the arrow on the spot closest to the target; gripping it firmly, she pulled it out and placed it back in her quiver. After they had all finished withdrawing their arrows, the squires returned to their positions at the five-yard line. They shot their sets of ten arrows two more times, then moved to the ten-yard line. After they shot their arrows three times at that range, they moved back to the twenty-yard line. Once they had completed that, they continued with the archery styles from Hasarii and Shioa, repeating the same pattern.
Finally the squires' lessons were over. Kiyera was extremely tired, this being her first actual day of training. After archery, Adalia and she went to the Training court where she practiced Pole Combat for one hour, taught by Lord Palmer; Sword practice for an hour and a half with Bain; and hand to hand for one hour with Lord Killian.
The sun began to set below the horizon as Kiyera walked Adalia back to her quarters. They had been talking about their day and Adalia had been giving Kiyera very helpful advice, even though she teased her about Bain half the time. After they said goodbye, Kiyera walked stiffly towards the Training Court. She arrived to see that Bain was already waiting for her. They exchanged a quick smile.
“Have you been waiting long?” she asked. He shook his head. “That's good.”
“Yes, but we must discuss your training schedule,” he said. “It's June, and training will be over in a few weeks.” He looked at the setting sun and continued slowly, “I feel that you won't be ready in time for the Squire's Exam next year unless you make up the training and courses that you have missed and take them this summer. Which means,” he said, cutting Kiyera off when she was about to protest, “that you'll have to make up six years of lessons in one summer. It won't be easy, but I think you can do it.”
“Are you serious Bain!” she exclaimed. “Making up the six years that I missed in three months time? That's preposterous!”
He sighed. “Whether it is or isn't, you really don't have a choice. As Ramyna's reincarnation-.”
“I know, I know. As Ramyna's reincarnation, I have to train my self to be Shyra's protector,” she rehearsed. “I'm not some super warrior like Ramyna, in case you guys haven't noticed. Although, from all I've heard, she's a great person, I don't want to become like her. I'm happy with who I am and that's the way I want to stay.”
Anger filled his eyes as Bain said, “The Arasyian people are not asking you to be Ramyna, but maybe you should behave more like her. As a knight, you have to learn to follow orders and requests given out by people of higher rank, whether you like it or not. Ramyna wasn't only a `super warrior,' as you call her. She was a great person who everybody respected, whether they liked her or not. And you know why? Because she never complained and always tried her best at everything she did!”
“Why don't you write a sermon about her then, since she's so great!” Kiyera retorted. Bain raised his hand as if he was going to slap her. Instead, he clenched his fist and thrust it back down at his side.
“Don't insult her in such a way. She deserves every ounce of respect that you have,” he said coolly.
“I didn't know her, so how can I respect her?” she shot back. Bain's jaw tightened as he clenched his fist even tighter; he was using all the force in his body to keep himself from bellowing at her. Kiyera was beginning to regret her words, but didn't show it in her face; she knew that what she said was true, but there was this spot in her heart that was making her feel terrible.
She then looked at Bain's face and guilt consumed her. His body was trembling slightly, his mouth was set in a frown, and his eyes were filled with sadness beyond belief. Kiyera was so shocked at how upset he was that she gasped. A moment of silence passed between them. “Bain,” she said, “I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know that Ramyna meant so much to you.” She looked down at her feet and scuffed the ground. “I'm just tired from the training, and upset at how I'm always being compared to Ramyna.” She continued, echoing her thoughts from earlier. “Now that people know about me, my expectation level has been raised. I feel minute in comparison to Ramyna, like a peasant compared to a queen.”
Bain's fist loosened as he sighed. “It's alright,” he muttered. He ran his fingers through his hair in slight frustration. “I don't like the arrangement either, but it is necessary.” He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “I should've realized you would feel like this. Her shoes aren't going to be easy to fill.” He looked at her. “Finish this year's lessons, then meet me in my office. We'll officially discuss your schedule.” Kiyera nodded in reply and Bain walked off.
Kiyera turned on her heel and made her way back to the palace, pacing herself so she could think about things. If what she predicted about her schedule came true, then she would be training everyday of the summer and then take the Page's Exam. If she passed the exam, then that would mean completing her training as a squire for the next two years. In order to complete her training, however, she would have to remain here in Arasya. In two years time, Azshiu might find the spell to send Shyra and her back home. That would mean abandoning the people in this world, though, she thought to herself. If they left, that might mean leading Arasya into chaos, and with no heir of the proper age to govern the peoples of Arasya, Ypae would have to marry at a very young age.
Kiyera ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. What was she to do? Was she to complete her training and stay here in Arasya? Or would she train until Azshiu found the spell to send her home? A slight breeze blew through the grass, blowing back Kiyera's hair while a few strands caressed her face; she sighed.
I don't know what to do.
“So have you started research on how to send Kiyera and me back to our world?”
Shyra and Azshiu were sitting in the Dining Hall, eating their dinner. Iku, who had finally woken up from her daylong nap, was sitting next to Shyra, eating a plate of fruit. After her lesson on ballroom dancing, Shyra learned dinner etiquette, greetings, and other things that royalty had to know.
“Yeah,” he said. “But I'm not sure how long it will take me.” He sighed. “It could take me weeks, months, or even years to find a way.”
Shyra moved around the food on her plate in slight disappointment. She wanted to go home but then what would she really be going home to? Her mom was almost never home and on the rare occasions that she was, she would be too tired or too busy to do anything. There were her friends, but would they really miss her? Maybe at first, but they would get over it eventually. She sighed. “It's alright,” she said, smiling. “I really appreciate that you're helping Kiyera and me.”
Azshiu looked at her skeptically but said, “It's no problem.”
Just then, Kiyera walked in and sat down. A male servant came out with her plate and served it to her. Kiyera thanked him and ate silently; Shyra and Azshiu stared at her. Looking up, she said, “What? Is it wrong for a person to eat?”
“No, it's not,” Shyra said. “But, usually you say `Hello' or something.”
Kiyera gritted her teeth in agitation. “Well, excuse me. I didn't know I always had to say `hello' or something.” Pushing her chair back, she stormed out of the Dining Hall and headed towards her room.
Shyra blinked in shock and confusion. Kiyera was always so… bubbly. It wasn't like her to be short tempered; that was more like Shyra. Putting her utensils down, she said, “Maybe I should talk to her.”
Azshiu nodded in agreement. “Yes, but first…” He pointed at her utensils, which were laid to the sides of the plate instead of on the area in front of her, a lesson that she was taught just that day. Shyra sighed in impatience and straightened the utensils on her plate, then pushed back her chair and left Azshiu to eat alone.
As she left the Dining Hall, Shyra lifted up her skirts and ran to catch up with Kiyera. In a matter of seconds, she had caught up to her and grabbed her sleeve. “What's wrong with you!” said Shyra.
Kiyera shrugged her off. “I had a bad day,” she muttered.
“That gives you no excuse to act the way you did,” Shyra lectured.
“Who do you think you are!” Kiyera said facing her. “You're not my mother, so stop treating me like I'm your child!”
“If you're going to behave like a child, then you're going to be treated like one, Kiyera,” Shyra said.
Kiyera took in a deep breath. “I've already had my share of lectures for the day,” she said shortly. “So just mind your own business!” She turned on her heel and was about to go, but stop suddenly. Turning, she said sharply, “Oh, and don't think that just because you're the reincarnation of a princess that you can talk down to me like I'm vermin.” With that, she headed off to her room, leaving Shyra to think about many things.
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Wings_EbonStar on October 11, 2005, 1:42:08 AM
AnimeMangaLover on October 8, 2005, 1:10:33 AM
Vampire-Queen-Gothika on October 7, 2005, 6:20:04 AM

Can you believe I'm commenting on this account?? I just uploaded a really random story...and I'm too lazy to log out... xD
BAINxAZSHIU FOREVER! *falls out of her chair laughing and has a sizuire*
The bold letters were a surprise, lol. I was like "WOAH." But I really liked this chapter. We're getting more insight into the real character of your characters. :) Poor Bain...
It's almost sad how Azshiu almost seems to go out of his way to make Shyra irate. XD They are so cute, lol.
*stomps on Kyra* :D