Chapter 4 - Protectors
Submitted January 7, 2005 Updated January 24, 2006 Status Incomplete | Two young girls get taken to a magical place where they have to take on the roles of their other selves. But what really awaits them in this land called Arasya? The story you've all been waiting for! Read and tell me if I should continue!
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Chapter 4 - Protectors
Chapter 4 - Protectors
Shyra stormed into her room and slammed the door shutShyra stormed into her room andslammed the door shut. Her fight with Kiyera had really had an impact on her,although she had no idea why. She never hung out with Kiyera; they had hardlyever talked to each other. So why was she so upset? Have I really beenacting arrogant? she thought. She doubted that she was acting so. Justthree days ago, she had found out that she was the reincarnation of a princessand the chances of that knowledge having effect on her were slim to none.
And where didKiyera get off acting the way she did? Maybe it was her that was beingarrogant, not Shyra. Kiyera’s personality and attitude were based on the factthat so many people adored her; the extra attention she was getting from beingRamyna’s reincarnation must’ve made her feel even more superior. At least,that’s what Shyra thought.
Could it be…?Shyra shook the thought out of her head. There’s no way Kiyera felt the waythat she did: feeling so small compared to someone who was so important andwell known. Shyra was usually hiding in the shadows, and only really stood outdue to her athleticism; Kiyera was always in the spot light though, and waslooked up to by a vast amount of people.
Shyra sighed andwalked over to the chest at the end of her bed. Opening it up, she dug throughits contents until she came upon Ares’s diary. Picking it up, she closed thechest and sat on the bed. Maybe reading more about Ares would help her betterunderstand this fantasy world that she had come upon. Apologizing silently tothe princess, Shyra opened the diary and began to read its pages.
Shyra and Kiyera didn’t speakmuch over the next few weeks. Other than dinner and breakfast, which were theonly times they talked and was merely polite conversation, they neverinteracted with each other. Both were stubborn and weren’t going to be thefirst to apologize because they both thought that the other was at fault.Nonetheless, they continued their training and began to begrudge their extralessons; they were boring and tiresome, lasting until late at nightsometimes.
The lessons didbegin to have effect on Shyra and Kiyera, however.
Shyra becamemore poised and elegant, and her knowledge of all things “proper for aprincess”, as Madame Mira put it, was growing. As she requested, Shyra wore herown clothes- jeans, t-shirt, and boots- as often as she could. She even askedAyami, with much protest from the lady-in-waiting, to show her how to washclothes by hand so that she could wear her clothes almost every day. Shyra knewthat it probably wasn’t the most hygienic thing to do, but her clothes were theonly things that kept her tied to the fact that she might go home. The clothesalmost made her lessons better, though, because she was more comfortable,although she did wear dresses and traditional clothing when ball room dancing,performing a riaha dance, or practicing other Arasyian rituals.
Kiyera’straining, on the other hand, was making her more like a warrior than the daintygirl she used to be. Her arms and legs, although still quite toned, werebeginning to develop powerful muscles that she would need as a knight, ripplingunder her skin every time she flexed. Kiyera herself was surprised at howmuscular she had become. As her body became stronger, so did her skills. Hergrowing knowledge of battles and her fighting helped make her lessons mucheasier and seem less time consuming. However, as she became a more powerfulwarrior, the tension and rivalry between Kyra and herself grew. The fact thatshe was going to be having extra lessons with Bain had obviously reached theears of her classmates and that did not help her situation with Kyra, whoalways seemed to be green in the face due to her envy.
In the weeksthat they had been in Arasya, Kiyera and Shyra went through a growth spurt.Whether it was the atmosphere, what they ate, or the result of their training,they had reached their adult heights. Shyra was now as tall as the tip ofAzshiu’s nose, and Kiyera was at the same height as Bain’s chin. Normally, asgirls of only fifteen, it would be embarrassing to be that tall, but theirsudden growth spurts seemed to make them fit in more and be treated more likeadults than children.
Soon, Shyra andKiyera formed a routine: They would wake up, bathe, eat breakfast, go to theirlessons, eat dinner, then do extra work that had been given to them by theirteachers. They continued this routine even after the lesson term was over,continuing into their summer lessons. Fortunately for both Shyra and Kiyera,they received one week off during July, during which the Mid-Summer Festivaland Ypae’s fifteenth birthday would take place. From what Shyra read in Ares’sdiary, Ypae would soon be able to take the throne and rule the Central Kingdom;it also meant that she would acquire personal protectors.
It was the week of the Mid-SummerFestival and Ypae was on her way to visit her mother. Ever since King Nicholashad died, Queen Sarya had not left the room where her husband’s body had beenplaced. The knowledge of Ares’s death only drove Sarya into deeper seclusionand she was even closer to death. Ypae, though barely, was always convincingher mother to hang on to the world of the living.
Ypaesoon arrived at the door and wiped the palms of her hands on her skirts. Shewas always nervous visiting her mother because it was so disturbing to see herin her current state. She hadn’t visited her mother often in the past fewmonths and had not yet told the queen about Shyra and Kiyera. Inhaling, Ypaegrabbed the ring on the door and opened it to the odor of rotting food. Sheclosed the door behind her and walked over to the table; placing the lid of thetray over the food, she looked at her mother sorrowfully.
Saryadid not return her daughter’s stare and instead looked at her skeleton likehands. Her body was much like a skeleton, the skin literally hanging off herbones from the lack of food and movement. She was shrouded in a black dress,making her pale skin look even paler. Her blonde hair was knotted from lack ofbrushing, and her green eyes, which used to be so full of happiness, werelifeless.
Ypaesighed and sat down next to her mother, grasping Sarya’s cold hands. Forminutes, they sat there not saying a word or moving. The silence wasuncomfortable, though, and Ypae shifted in her seat. The stone on her forehead,which changed colors for each emotion, was a gray, the color of solemnity. Sighing, she squeezed her mother’s handstightly. Breaking the silence, she whispered, “Mother… I’m sorry I haven’tvisited you as often these past few months. I’ve been…” She searched for theright word. “Busy,” she concluded, “over the weeks. I’m almost fifteen now andI’m acquiring my personal protectors today.” Ypae looked into her mother’s faceand saw no trace of emotion to what she had just said. Sarya was just sitting,her breathing shallow, her eyes, the only things that showed how she felt, fullof sorrow.
Ypae,her jewel starting to turn red from frustration and anger, rose from her seat,letting her mother’s hands fall back onto her lap. Her mother’s sorrow andseclusion were getting out of hand. It had been over a year since her fatherhad died and almost three months since Ares died. The Central Kingdom stillmourned the losses of these powerful rulers, but they had gotten on with theirlives; Sarya should be able to do the same.
“Mother,”she said kindly, though her jewel was still a bright red, “this seclusion thatyou have gone in to has lasted far too long. We all miss Ares and father justas much as you do, but we have moved passed our sorrow.” Sitting back down, shelifted her mother’s chin so they were making direct eye contact. Slowly, shesaid, “It’s time that you did the same. And besides, the ones we love arealways in our hearts. In fact,” she said, smiling, “Ares is still here with us.Her Spirit has taken form in a new body, and Ares’s reincarnation, as well asRamyna’s, is here with us. They have been here for almost a month now.”
Saryatruly looked at her daughter now, their eyes meeting directly. “Ar…es?” shecroaked. Ypae looked at her mother in amazement; this was the first time shehad spoken in months.
“Yes,mother,” Ypae said, almost completely consumed with joy. “Ares is still withus. Her reincarnation’s name is Shyra; Ramyna’s is Kiyera. They’re trying theirbest to take on Ares’s and Ramyna’s roles.” Ypae smiled at her mother. “Andthey’re doing a great job at it!”
Saryatook in a deep breath. “Wa…ter,” she said. Ypae nodded and got up, pouring aglass of water from the pitcher. Putting the cup to her mother’s lips, Ypaepoured the water down her throat until the cup was drained. Sarya licked herlips and said, “More…” Ypae did as she was told and kept giving her motherwater until the pitcher was about half empty. Sarya licked her lips again andsighed at the replenishment. Looking at her daughter, she reached for hershoulder and clutched the sleeve, unsteadily raising herself from her spot onthe bench.
“Mother!”Ypae said in worry, supporting her mother by wrapping her arm around her waist.“You shouldn’t get up so fast! You’re still not well!”
Saryaignored her daughter’s concern. “I want… to meet… them,” she said, her voicestill barely a whisper.
“MeetShyra and Kiyera?” Ypae inquired, adjusting her grip on the slender frame ofher mother. Sarya was about to respond, but decided better than to use hervoice so much at once; she nodded. “All right, but you’re going to have torecover more before you can even walk on your own.” Ypae looked at her motherand smiled. “Maybe in a week or so.”
PlacingSarya’s arm over her shoulders, Ypae made her way to the door, moving slowly soas not to tire out her mother. Opening the door, she looked out into thehallway to see if anybody was there. She heard footsteps come from her rightand saw Azshiu walking towards her.
Spottingher, he picked up his pace. “Princess Ypae!” he called. “I’ve been looking foryou for quite some time now. It’s time I...” He stopped when he noticed Sarya.Taking in a breath, he said in worry and disbelief, “Queen Sarya?”
“Yes,Azshiu,” Ypae responded. “She’s come out of seclusion… and she wants to meetShyra and Kiyera.” Azshiu let out a quiet “oh,” and continued to look at them;a silence stretched between them. “Do you think you can help me Azshiu?” sheasked, exasperated. “I can’t walk her to her room; she’ll tire too easily.”
“Oh,yes!” he said, realizing what Ypae was asking. “Here.” He finished walkingtowards them. Excusing himself, he grabbed Sarya and lifted her into his arms.
Walking down thehalls, he and Ypae arrived at Sarya’s room. Opening the door, they saw Ayamicleaning the room. Even though no one had been in the king and queen’s room,the servants kept it clean so no rodents or vermin would make a home there. Theroom was the largest sleeping quarters in the palace. The smooth floor was madeof cherry and was complimented by matching furniture: a table, dresser,armoire, and chest; a large mirror and dressing screen were placed next to thearmoire. Centered on one of the walls was a four-post, platform bed, dressed incrisp cream sheets and blankets; to the right-hand side of the bed was a doorleading to the washroom, which was the size of most of the sleeping quarters.
Ayami curtsiedat their presence.
“Ayami,” Ypaesaid, “please get water, fresh clothes, and some food for my mother.” Ayami curtsiedagain and scurried out of the room as Azshiu placed the queen on her bed. Ypaedrew back the curtains and opened the windows to let in fresh air.
Ayami soonreturned with two ladies-in-waiting, who carried the food and water. PushingAzshiu out the door, the ladies-in-waiting removed the black dress that thequeen had been wearing and replaced it with a clean linen gown. After Ayami hadtucked Sarya under the blankets, the ladies-in-waiting set the tray of food andwater down on the table.
“Anything else,your highness?” asked Ayami as the ladies-in-waiting curtsied and left theroom.
“Yes, actually,”Ypae said. “Could you help tend to my mother? I’ll come back later on thisevening to give you a break and I’ll do so until she gets better.” Ypae pausedand scratched her hand, feeling embarrassed that she was asking so much. Sure,Ayami’s purpose in the palace was to serve her, but she also attended to manyother things and was very busy. “Is that okay?”
Ayami curtsied.“Of course, your highness. It’s no trouble at all.” She smiled. “I’ll do all Ican to help her majesty recuperate.”
Ypae sighed inrelief. “Thank you, Ayami.” The lady-in-waiting curtsied again and Ypae excusedherself. Walking to the door, she opened it and stepped outside. Closing it,she looked at Azshiu and smiled. “She’s going to be okay, Azshiu.”
“That’s great,”he said, returning her smile. “Now, shall I take you to meet your guardians?”Ypae nodded in response and they set off.
They soon arrived at the TrainingCourt, where Ypae would meet her two protectors.
Ypae wrung herhands nervously. So many things could ruin the relationship that she wouldshare with her protectors. For all she knew, they could not like her and refuseto protect her. Or, even worse, they could be disguised assassins from theNorthern Kingdom, the one Kingdom that was set on killing her. She shivered,even though the weather was quite warm; the thought that she was being targetedfor death at the age of fifteen frightened her.
Azshiu placed acomforting hand on her shoulder. “There is nothing to worry about,” he saidreassuringly. “Your protectors have gone through tests- both physically andmentally- and we would’ve discovered if they were hiding something from us.” Hesqueezed her shoulder. “You must be strong for your people, Princess Ypae.”
“Yes,” she said.Strong like Ares was, she thought. Her sister had never shown any signof fear for her own life. Ares always had put others before her, like when shelet Ypae let out all of her emotions at the news of their father’s death. Areshad been so young when she died, a death that was unjustly given to her. Ypaequickly wiped away the tear that trickled down her cheek as Azshiu looked ather in concern; she quickly put on a “Don’t worry, I’m fine” smile.
Azshiu placed ahand over his eyes and looked out across the Court. He frowned indisappointment. “They should have been here by now,” he muttered. For a fewminutes they waited, watching for the two forms of Ypae’s protectors. After tenminutes had passed, Azshiu let out a sigh of annoyance.
Ypae clasped herhands behind her back and rocked on her heels. “Umm…” she said, “what are myprotectors like?”
Azshiu thoughtabout the question for a short while. “Your protectors,” he said, “are a maleknight and a sorceress. They’re both strong in their lore and have earned theright to be your protectors. You can tell me what you think of them when youmeet them.” He looked across the Court again and grumbled with annoyance.
Ypae looked inthe direction of the pond, its water as smooth as glass. The July heat wasmaking her feel uncomfortable in the long dresses she was told to wear; she wasalways warm. A breeze rippled across the water and some of the coolness blewtowards Ypae, giving her a small comfort in the heat. She looked at Azshiu,dressed in a cape, long garments and tunic, and wondered how he wasn’t warm.She shook the thought out of her head and looked back to the pond. She couldn’tresist it any longer; lifting up her skirts, she moved towards the pond asquickly and quietly as she could.
As soon as shegot to her destination, she removed her slippers and waded into the water up tothe middle of her calves. Ypae sighed in relief as the coolness swept throughher body. The water quickly soaked her dress and skirts, making her slip stickto her legs. An idea formed in her head and she stepped out from the water.Walking behind a tree, she looked to see if anyone was around. She noticedAzshiu pacing on the Training Court; either he had noticed that she was down bythe pond, or he hadn’t noticed she was gone because he was still looking forthe knight and sorceress.
Ypae waswondering where her protectors were, too, but the strong urge to go swimmingpushed the thought out of her mind. Stripping down to her slip, she hung herdress and skirts on a low branch and untied the ribbon in her hair. Lookingaround one more time, she waded into the pond up to her waist and then doveunder the cool water. The pond’s water caressed every inch of her body. Shebroke the surface for air and ran her fingers through her hair. The cool waterfelt so good! Tousling her hair, she swam leisurely in the pond for a while,letting the water flow over her body.
Ypae stoppedsuddenly, as she felt a pair of eyes fall upon her. Looking around the pond,she gazed upon a young man of eighteen looking right back at her. He wasaverage height, dressed in casual breeches and tunic; a sword hung from a belton his left hip. His face was soft and strong, and he had a mane ofgolden-brown hair; his bright green eyes appeared even brighter due to thecolor that had spread across his cheeks.
The princessinstantly turned a dark crimson. Crossing her arms over chest, in a lastattempt to protect her modesty, she let out a loud shriek of embarrassment. Atfirst, the young man recoiled at the loud shriek, then advanced to where Ypaewas. She stayed in the pond, unsure of whether or not she should make her wayto the shore.
“Umm…” the manstuttered, blushing even deeper. “M-maybe you should, um, come out of thewater, your highness. I can, um, cover you to preserve your modesty.” Ypaealmost laughed at how embarrassed he was, but instead gave him a warm smile.Nodding, she made her way to the man, who was blushing even more the closer shecame to him. Despite his embarrassment, and true to his word, the man untiedhis cape and wrapped it around Ypae as she stepped out of the pond, her slipdrenched with water.
“Thank you,” shesaid as she clutched the cape around her wet body. She came up to his nose andcould clearly see how embarrassed he was as he mumbled, “You’re welcome,highness.”
Abruptly, Azshiustopped in front of them. “I heard you scream,” he said, panting slightly. “Areyou all right, Ypae?” The princess nodded in response. He then looked at Ypae,then to the man who was next to her, then back to her; they were both stillblushing. “Ypae, why aren’t you in your clothes?” he sighed. Ypae instantlyturned crimson again; this whole incident was so embarrassing.
“Well, I, um…”she stuttered. Azshiu raised his eyebrow. She continued, “I was hot in thisweather. I just wanted to cool off and relax, so I went swimming.” Azshiu’seyes widened in shock of her immodesty and Ypae sighed in annoyance. “Or, forthe gods’ sake, Azshiu! I wore my slip! It’s not like I was swimming completelynaked!” Both Azshiu and the young man blushed, although Azshiu’s blush was onlya slight coloring. Ypae rolled her eyes at their embarrassment and immaturity.
Azshiu clearedhis throat and looked at the young man. “As for you,” he said, “why weren’t youat the Training Court? We had been waiting for you there, Keyon!”
“I’m sorry, LordAzshiu,” Keyon said, “but Lady Xyza was being… difficult. She decided that shewanted me to see if I could catch her; she must’ve thought that was moreimportant than meeting Princess Ypae.”
Azshiu sighedand scratched his forehead. “Where is she?” he asked lazily.
“Up here, LordAzshiu!” cried a voice from above their heads. They all looked up to see awoman lying on the air above them. Her outfit was formfitting, although muchlike a boys’ clothes, and her long black hair was pulled back into a looseponytail. A red pendant hung from her neck and burgundy eyes looked at themhappily.
“Hey, Keyon!”Xyza shouted down. “You still didn’t catch me yet!” She then looked at Ypae.“Oh, she’s pretty, Keyon. I can see why you chased after her instead of me.”She smiled and laughed at her own joke, although both Ypae and Keyon blusheddeeply; they seemed to be blushing a lot that day.
“Oh, be quiet!”he retorted. “By the gods, you act more like a three year old than someonewho’s seventeen!”
“Agreed,” saidAzshiu, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now come down here and stop actinglike a child.”
“Ah!” she said,stretching. “You’re no fun Lord Azshiu!”
“Now, LadyXyza,” said Azshiu in a warning tone. Xyza sighed and lowered herself to theground where Ypae, Azshiu, and Keyon were waiting. Azshiu beckoned to Ypae;adjusting Keyon’s cape about herself, she walked over and stood next to him.Xyza elbowed Keyon in a friendly way and smiled; Keyon looked at her withannoyance. Ypae bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing at Xyza’ssilliness.
“Now,” Azshiusaid, making the knight and sorceress stand at attention. “Princess Ypae, Iwould like you to meet your guardians: Lord Keyon of Teraas and Lady Xyza ofDarzsa. Keyon was one of the best in his class when he became a knight and wastrained by both Sergeant Bain and Commander Ramyna. Lady Xyza studied at theSacred City from when she was six years old until the year she turned sixteen.She was given instruction from the top sorcerers and sorceresses in Arasya andexcelled in her craft.”
“It’s nice tomeet the two of you,” said Ypae politely. Both Keyon and Xyza bowed inresponse.
“Well,” saidAzshiu, “now that you’ve met each other, I’ll be on my way.” Looking at the twoguardians, he said, “You know what your duty is. Follow it no matter what.”They both nodded and Azshiu whispered into Ypae’s ear, “You might want to putyour clothes back on.” Ypae, blushing yet again, scowled at Azshiu as herwinked at her and made his way back to the palace. The jewel on her foreheadhad turned a bright pink, the color of embarrassment.
“Um,” she said,smiling at her two guardians. “I’m going to get back into my clothes, so if youcould just, um…” Keyon and Xyza understood what she was saying and turned inthe opposite direction. Sighing, Ypae made her way to the tree where herclothes were and removed Keyon’s cloak. Grabbing her clothes, she began todress and think about her new guardians.
Ypae knew thatKeyon was a gentleman and must’ve been brought up in a proper household. Healways seemed to blush at things that were related to sexuality, which wouldalways make her laugh. From what she saw close up, he was muscular, but not asmuscular as someone who was a black smith. His personality was that of anall-around good guy, the kind of guy you would want to be friends with. WhatYpae truly loved, however, was his beautiful green eyes. They were filled withkindness, intelligence, and warmth; they were the kind of eyes that made youfeel safe when you looked at them, the kind of eyes that would make any girlmelt.
Xyza, on theother hand, acted more like a child than a guardian. True, her immaturity washumorous, but Ypae doubted Xyza’s humor could protect her from her enemies.Other than her immaturity, Xyza seemed to be like a fun person to be around.She was not sure of her sorcery skills, but she highly doubted that she wouldhave been assigned an amateur sorceress. Knowing that she was from the SacredCity, it didn’t truly surprise Ypae that Xyza didn’t know what she looked like.Ypae didn’t think that she was all that pretty, and Xyza, who was quitebeautiful herself, saying that she was flattered her; but of course, most girlsdon’t think they’re beautiful when they really are.
Stepping frombehind the tree, she tied the ribbon in her hair and looked at her twoguardians. Xyza was teasing Keyon, yet again. She had been levitating him,without his consent, while Ypae was getting changed. He was now hanging upsidedown in the hair, his face beginning to flush.
“Lady Xyza, putme down!” he exclaimed, flailing his arms in a futile attempt to grab her. Thesorceress laughed in amusement and flipped him so he was right side up; heclutched his forehead as the blood drained from his face. She laughed again.
“Oh, Keyon!” shesaid. “You amuse me so much!”
Keyon scowled.“Only when I’m in ridiculous situations such as this!” he retorted. Xyza smiledand nodded in agreement, chuckling at how flustered he was getting.
Ypae sighed andwalked over to them, Xyza still levitating Keyon in the air. Clasping her handsbehind her back, she cleared her throat to get their attention. Both Keyon andXyza stopped their bickering and looked at her.
“Oh!” said Xyza“Princess Ypae!” Thoughtlessly, she released Keyon from his levitation and lethim fall to the ground with a thud.
“You’re soaggravating,” Keyon muttered under his breath. Xyza chuckled and smiled. It wasapparently her life goal to always make him irate.
Ypae scratchedthe top of her hands. She didn’t know what to say to her guardians; they hadjust met and knew very little about each other. Keyon and Xyza looked at her,seeming to expect her to say something. Their stares and awkward silence madeYpae uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke. “Lady Xyza,” she said, “since you’renew to the Central Kingdom, maybe you would like a tour of the palace?”
Xyza’s facebrightened and she smiled at the princess she was sworn to protect. Her facesoftened, and she truly looked like the seventeen year old she was. “I wouldlove that, Princess Ypae.”
“Please hold still, Lady Shyra,”said Trisa.
Trisaand Shyra were in Shyra’s room, making a gown for the Mid-Summer Festival andYpae’s fifteenth birthday. According to tradition, you were supposed to wearthe traditional clothes of a certain kingdom and wear a mask to match theoutfit. Of course, Shyra was ordered by Madame Mira to wear a dress from theKingdom of Shioa, and Trisa was making it for her.
Shyrawas standing on a stool as Trisa stuck pins into the dress, marking the lengthsof the fabrics. Shyra turned the upper half of her body so she was facing themirror. She was being fitted for a floor length gown made of silk, which wassupposedly very light and wouldn’t cause her to overheat in the July weather.The dress was made from an iridescent fabric, shifting from silver to pink.Pink! Of all the colors, she had to wear a pink dress. It was mostlikely Mira’s idea, just to make Shyra irate; how Shyra loathed her at thatmoment.
Despitethe color, the dress itself was beautiful. The sleeves of the dress were shortand hung about her shoulders; two panels of silver fabric hung from the sleevesand looped around behind the dress, tying in the back. The top part of herdress clung to her curves, and billowed out around the waist. On the front ofthe dress was a panel of beautiful silver fabric, starting at the tip of thedress and reaching to the end of it; a similar panel was on the back, startingfrom the waist and ending at the end of the dress.
“Youlook so beautiful in this dress, Lady Shyra,” said Trisa, smiling at Shyra;Shyra looked at her and returned the smile. Trisa placed the final pin at thebottom of the dress and stood up, placing her hands on her hips and looking ather dress. “All right,” she said, obviously satisfied with her work. “You cantake the dress off now. But, be careful not to poke yourself with the pins,Lady Shyra.”
Shyranodded and slowly took off the dress, making sure not to move any of the pinsthat Trisa had placed in the dress. As soon as she had gotten the dress off,Trisa handed the clothes that Azshiu gave her to her; Shyra’s jeans and shirtwere drying from the day’s washing. Slipping the clothes on, she saw Trisa packup her things and delicately drape the material for the dress over her forearm.
“I’llbe taking my leave now, Lady Shyra,” said Trisa. “I should get to work on yourdress.”
“Yes,of course,” Shyra responded. Trisa curtsied and left the room, walking back toher own set of chambers in the palace. Shyra sighed and walked over to thearmoire; opening it, she shoved on a pair of boots that Azshiu had also givenher. She looked back at the chest at the bottom of her bed, debating whether ornot she should read more of Ares’s diary. Shyra decided not too, and walked outof the room. She needed some fresh air after all the time she spent in thepalace.
She looked downat her feet as she walked through the corridors, and began to sort through herthoughts. Maybe she should apologize to Kiyera; it really was a pointlessfight, and to not be speaking because of it was stupid and childish. Both ofthem were really at fault, not just one person in particular. Shyra turned acorner and bumped into something, making her fall to the ground. Looking up,she realized that that something was a woman. She was tall, with long blackhair and a pair of green eyes. It was Kiyera.
“I’m sorry,”Shyra said, hoisting herself up from the ground. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,”Kiyera said. A brief silence passed between them as they looked at each other,waiting for the other to say something. Sighing, Kiyera stepped around Shyraand began to make her way down the hall.
Shyra bit herlip in hesitation. After a few brief seconds, she turned around called down thehall, “Kiyera, wait!” Kiyera stopped in the hallway, and turned around to faceher. Shyra bit her lip again, and then sighed. “Never mind,” she mumbled. Atinge of pain shot across Kiyera’s face, and she turned around and continued towalk down the hall.
Shyra turnedaround and clutched her fists as she began to walk to an unknown destination.Why was it always so hard for her to apologize! Maybe because she thought thatapologizing was for people who were weak, as someone had repeatedly put in herhead when she was a child. But she wanted to make up with Kiyera, part of itbeing that she didn’t like fighting with other people, and the other part beingthat a guardian was useless if she didn’t like the person she was protecting.Both of these were vital points in Shyra’s mind, but she was too stubborn toapologize first.
She snapped outof her thoughts as she realized that she was no longer inside the palace, butinstead walking towards the town. Two guards stood erect at the gates, keepinga watchful eye on who went in and out. They blocked Shyra’s way out as sheapproached them.
“Excuse me,” shesaid, “but I would like to go into town.”
“Sorry, m’lady,”said one of the guards, “but we have been given orders to not let anyoneoutside of the palace without an escort.”
Shyra placed herfists on her hips in agitation. “You can’t keep me caged in here like a bird!”she snapped. The guards stood firmly in their positions, making no sign to moveout of her way. “I have special permission from Azshiu,” she lied. “He saidthat I was allowed to go into town for a while, without an escort.” Thetwo guards looked at each other in silent discussion, and then hesitantlyopened the gates for Shyra to pass. “Thank you,” she sighed as she hurriedlywalked through the gates.
“Just make surethat you’re back in the palace grounds before sunset, m’lady,” said the guard.“The gates lock after that time.” Shyra nodded at them and continued to walktowards the town. She couldn’t believe that her lie actually worked! It seemedthat Azshiu made a lot of the decisions here.
Soon she arrivedat the bustling town. It was large, with rows of stands and houses thatsurrounded a large well at the center of the town. People were sellingeverything from weapons to clothing to food. The stands were simple, yet at thesame time they held an air of extravagance about them. They were made entirely of wood, except forthe roofs, which were made of ornate fabrics that consisted of all colors andpatterns. The houses were also constructed of wood, with wooden rooftops andglass windows in the walls that looked down into the street. Clotheslines hungacross the streets and between the houses, drying freshly washed clothing.
Shyra took inher surroundings, enjoying every detail, every little nook and cranny of thetown. Jauntily, she walked through the town, looking at all the stands and whatthey were selling. Eventually, she found herself at a horse dealer; a line offive beautiful and majestic horses were underneath a makeshift barn, each ofthem tied to a picket. Shyra had always loved horses and had wanted one of herown, but she was never able to afford one.
A loud crashcame from behind the barn, followed by a string of curses and yelling. Shyrastepped back as the horses grew restless, lashing out at her and trying to pulltheir pickets from the ground. Concerned and curious as to why the horses wereacting so oddly, she ran to the barn. She turned the corner to see a manbeating a young girl with a riding crop. He was a big man, both in stature andin his midsection, dressed in simple and dirty clothes. He was completely bald,and had a dark beard; his cold eyes looked down at the girl.
Rage built up inShyra and she crept up behind the man. As he was drawing the riding crop backto strike the girl, Shyra snatched it from his hands. He whipped around to seewhat happened, but she ducked out of the way and grabbed the girl, steppingaway from the man. Shyra looked down at her, and saw that she was still conscious;the girl clutched her shirt in fright.
He turned andlooked at her with rage in his eyes. “Hey!” he shouted. “Give ‘er back!”
Shyra narrowedher eyes. “What do you think you’re doing!” she yelled at the man, clutchingthe girl protectively.
“She’s always inmy stables!” he stated. “I’ve told ‘er to never come back, but she doesn’tlisten.”
“That gives youno right to beat her!” she retorted. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill her!”
“Bah,” he spat.“If I was truly lucky I would’ve succeeded in doing so!” He advanced towardsthem, cracking his knuckles. “Now, give ‘er back.”
Shyra grippedthe girl tighter. She had to protect her from this man. Suddenly, the girlshouted, “Behind you, lady!” Without even thinking, she released the girl andpunched at whatever was behind her. Her punch was stopped by a firm grip, andangry violet eyes looked at her.
She snapped outof her fury and looked up at Azshiu. “A-Azshiu,” she stuttered. Two guards thathad been following Azshiu caught up with him and stood behind him panting; theymust’ve run there.
“By the gods, doyou always lash out like that!” he exclaimed, releasing her hand from his grip.
“I was just…”she trailed off, then whipped around and looked at the man, but he was nolonger there. He had run off. She looked at the girl, who was on the groundhugging her body in a form of protection. Shyra walked to the girl and pickedher up, holding her in her arms. “Azshiu,” Shyra said, “that man was beatingthis girl.”
Azshiu turned tothe guards and ordered, “Look for Conan the Horse Owner and take him intocustody.” The guards bowed and took off; Azshiu turned back to Shyra, who wasstill holding the girl in her arms. “Shyra, you can’t leave the palace,” he said flatly.
“Well, it’s agood thing I did,” she said defensively. “If I hadn’t, this girl would be deadnow!”
“Even so, youcould’ve been killed yourself!” he retorted. “There are people out therewho will do everything in their power to harm you and Kiyera. You’re notsupposed to leave the palace without an escort for that reason!”
“Well I’m sorryAzshiu,” she said sarcastically. “But you can’t keep me locked up in thatpalace forever!”
He tensed up,and then relaxed as he sighed. “You’re right,” he said. “But these rules are inplace for your protection. You have to understand that.”
Shyra lookeddown, somewhat ashamed of herself. He had gotten so worked up because he wasworried about her. “I do,” she said. And, in a more silent tone, she said, “I’msorry.”
Azshiu smiled.“Well, it’s all in the past now,” he said. He looked over towards the palace,and saw the sun start to set. “We should be heading back,” he said.
Shyra nodded andfollowed Azshiu as he made his way from behind the barn. She looked down at thegirl and moved a section of her hair so she could see her face. She had tannedskin with dirty brown hair. The girl was half asleep, so it was hard for Shyrato see what color eyes she had, but as she looked closely at the girl’s face,she saw that they were a grayish purple. The girl was dressed in what seemed tobe an oversized shirt, with a pair of worn brown boots on her feet. Shecouldn’t have been more than ten.
Shyra lookedaway from the girl and at the horses as she and Azshiu passed the front of thebarn. They were shifting, looking at the girl and sniffing her if they gotclose enough. Shyra, taken aback, clutched the girl tighter and stepped away.The nearest horse, a bay gelding, snorted in agitation.
Azshiu stoppedand looked back at her. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
Shyra shiftedthe girl in her arms; even though she was light in weight, it was tiring tocarry her. “I’m not sure,” she said. “The horses are acting strange. Come tothink of it, they acted the same way when the man attacked this girl.”
Azshiu walkedover to the bay gelding and placed his right hand on its forehead. He closedhis eyes and a white and copper glow came from underneath his hand. Slowly, thegelding settled down. Shyra blinked in confusion. Did he just subdue thegelding?
“Umm…” she saidas Azshiu removed his hand from the gelding’s forehead and continued walkingtowards the palace. Shyra gaped as she looked from the horses to Azshiu.Snapping out of her moment of idiocy, she ran towards Azshiu. “H-how did you dothat?” she asked as she caught up to him.
“Did what?” hesaid, looking at her as if he was surprised by the question.
“How did youcalm that horse down?” she responded.
“Oh,” he said,looking forward. “I told the gelding that the girl was injured and we were justtaking her back the palace for some treatment.”
“You can talk toanimals?” she said, almost laughing at her own question.
“Onlytelepathically,” he stated. “And I have to have physical contact with theanimal in order for it to work.”
“Oh,” she said,as she looked down at the girl. She was asleep, nuzzled up against Shyra’schest.
Shyra walked out of her washroom,and looked at the girl on her bed. She and Azshiu had arrived at the palace afew hours ago and Shyra decided to draw a bath for the girl. One of thepalace’s nurses, named Kate, examined the girl and found no serious injuriesjust some bruises and cuts. Kate asked that Shyra give the girl a bath afterthe girl woke up and then call her to tend to the girl’s injuries. Shyra lookeddown at the girl, at all the bruises and cuts, and sighed. The sooner she gavethe girl a bath, the sooner her injuries could be tended to.
Shewalked over to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. Shaking it gently,she said, “Hey. It’s, um, time to get up.”
Thegirl grunted and opened one eye. “I’m sleeping, lady,” she whispered. “Leave mebe.”
Shyraplaced her fists on her hips. “Well, excuse me,” she retorted, “but yourinjuries need to be tended to. And the only way that can happen is if you getup and take a bath.”
Thegirl sat up and stuck her chin out in defiance. “Are you going to make me?” shechallenged.
Shyrabent over and shoved her face in the girl’s. “I have no problem picking you upand dropping you into the tub.” The girl looked directly at her, crossing herarms across her chest in a form of assertion. Finally, the girl looked away andlet out a silent “humph.” Shyra straightened up and smiled. “I thought so.”
Reluctantly,the girl slipped off the bed and walked into the washroom. Shyra followed her,making sure that she stripped down and got in to the tub. On top of her recentinjuries, the girl was covered in old bruises and scars.
Shyratouched one of the scars with her fingertips; it ran from the top of her rightshoulder to the bottom of her left shoulder blade. “Did that man give these scarsto you?” she asked with concern.
Thegirl shrugged her off and started washing herself with the water. “You don’thave to stay and watch me, lady. I ain’t going anywhere.”
Shyragrabbed a bar of soap and began to scrub the girl’s body. “Yeah, like I cantrust you to take a decent bath,” she said. “By the looks of it, you haven’thad a bath in ages.” Shyra grabbed a bowl from the shelf and poured some waterinto it. She poured the water over the girl’s head and began to wash her hairwith the soap.
“I’mnot a kid, lady,” the girl snapped, grappling at the bar of soap.
“Firstoff,” Shyra said, “you are a kid. And second, my name’s not ‘lady’; it’sShyra.” She tried to make eye contact with the girl, but she sat in the tub,wallowing in her stubbornness. “What’s your name?” Shyra asked, giving up andcontinuing to wash the girl.
Asilence passed between them. “Kat,” she muttered.
Shyrasmiled. “Is that short for Kathleen?” she asked. Kat nodded. Another silencestretched between them as Shyra continued to wash her. After she had finished,she stood up and handed Kat a towel. “You’re all cleaned. Once you dry off,come back into the room; I’ve got some new clothes for you.”
Katgaped at her. “You’re getting rid of my clothes?”
“I’mjust giving you new ones,” Shyra stated. “You can keep your old clothes if youwant to, though. But you have to at least let me wash them,” she reasoned.“Until they’re washed, however, it’d be best if you wore the new clothes.” Katnodded, and muttered a quick thanks to her.
Justas Shyra came out of the washroom, Ayami came into the room with a pile ofclean clothes. She placed the clothes- a tunic, breeches, and shoes- on the bedand curtsied. “Shall I call for Miss Kate, Lady Shyra?” she asked. Shyranodded, and Ayami curtsied again, leaving the room.
Katcame from the washroom, wrapped in the towel. She walked over to the bed andhopped on to it, looking at the clothes lying next to her. She delicately ran ahand over the clothing, her eyes glistening. “Are these my new clothes?” shewhispered. Shyra nodded and smiled at the girl’s happiness.
Aknock came from the door and Miss Kate entered, holding a bowl of salve andclean linen clothes. “Now, miss,” she said smiling, “let’s tend to thosewounds, shall we?”
And where didKiyera get off acting the way she did? Maybe it was her that was beingarrogant, not Shyra. Kiyera’s personality and attitude were based on the factthat so many people adored her; the extra attention she was getting from beingRamyna’s reincarnation must’ve made her feel even more superior. At least,that’s what Shyra thought.
Could it be…?Shyra shook the thought out of her head. There’s no way Kiyera felt the waythat she did: feeling so small compared to someone who was so important andwell known. Shyra was usually hiding in the shadows, and only really stood outdue to her athleticism; Kiyera was always in the spot light though, and waslooked up to by a vast amount of people.
Shyra sighed andwalked over to the chest at the end of her bed. Opening it up, she dug throughits contents until she came upon Ares’s diary. Picking it up, she closed thechest and sat on the bed. Maybe reading more about Ares would help her betterunderstand this fantasy world that she had come upon. Apologizing silently tothe princess, Shyra opened the diary and began to read its pages.
Shyra and Kiyera didn’t speakmuch over the next few weeks. Other than dinner and breakfast, which were theonly times they talked and was merely polite conversation, they neverinteracted with each other. Both were stubborn and weren’t going to be thefirst to apologize because they both thought that the other was at fault.Nonetheless, they continued their training and began to begrudge their extralessons; they were boring and tiresome, lasting until late at nightsometimes.
The lessons didbegin to have effect on Shyra and Kiyera, however.
Shyra becamemore poised and elegant, and her knowledge of all things “proper for aprincess”, as Madame Mira put it, was growing. As she requested, Shyra wore herown clothes- jeans, t-shirt, and boots- as often as she could. She even askedAyami, with much protest from the lady-in-waiting, to show her how to washclothes by hand so that she could wear her clothes almost every day. Shyra knewthat it probably wasn’t the most hygienic thing to do, but her clothes were theonly things that kept her tied to the fact that she might go home. The clothesalmost made her lessons better, though, because she was more comfortable,although she did wear dresses and traditional clothing when ball room dancing,performing a riaha dance, or practicing other Arasyian rituals.
Kiyera’straining, on the other hand, was making her more like a warrior than the daintygirl she used to be. Her arms and legs, although still quite toned, werebeginning to develop powerful muscles that she would need as a knight, ripplingunder her skin every time she flexed. Kiyera herself was surprised at howmuscular she had become. As her body became stronger, so did her skills. Hergrowing knowledge of battles and her fighting helped make her lessons mucheasier and seem less time consuming. However, as she became a more powerfulwarrior, the tension and rivalry between Kyra and herself grew. The fact thatshe was going to be having extra lessons with Bain had obviously reached theears of her classmates and that did not help her situation with Kyra, whoalways seemed to be green in the face due to her envy.
In the weeksthat they had been in Arasya, Kiyera and Shyra went through a growth spurt.Whether it was the atmosphere, what they ate, or the result of their training,they had reached their adult heights. Shyra was now as tall as the tip ofAzshiu’s nose, and Kiyera was at the same height as Bain’s chin. Normally, asgirls of only fifteen, it would be embarrassing to be that tall, but theirsudden growth spurts seemed to make them fit in more and be treated more likeadults than children.
Soon, Shyra andKiyera formed a routine: They would wake up, bathe, eat breakfast, go to theirlessons, eat dinner, then do extra work that had been given to them by theirteachers. They continued this routine even after the lesson term was over,continuing into their summer lessons. Fortunately for both Shyra and Kiyera,they received one week off during July, during which the Mid-Summer Festivaland Ypae’s fifteenth birthday would take place. From what Shyra read in Ares’sdiary, Ypae would soon be able to take the throne and rule the Central Kingdom;it also meant that she would acquire personal protectors.
It was the week of the Mid-SummerFestival and Ypae was on her way to visit her mother. Ever since King Nicholashad died, Queen Sarya had not left the room where her husband’s body had beenplaced. The knowledge of Ares’s death only drove Sarya into deeper seclusionand she was even closer to death. Ypae, though barely, was always convincingher mother to hang on to the world of the living.
Ypaesoon arrived at the door and wiped the palms of her hands on her skirts. Shewas always nervous visiting her mother because it was so disturbing to see herin her current state. She hadn’t visited her mother often in the past fewmonths and had not yet told the queen about Shyra and Kiyera. Inhaling, Ypaegrabbed the ring on the door and opened it to the odor of rotting food. Sheclosed the door behind her and walked over to the table; placing the lid of thetray over the food, she looked at her mother sorrowfully.
Saryadid not return her daughter’s stare and instead looked at her skeleton likehands. Her body was much like a skeleton, the skin literally hanging off herbones from the lack of food and movement. She was shrouded in a black dress,making her pale skin look even paler. Her blonde hair was knotted from lack ofbrushing, and her green eyes, which used to be so full of happiness, werelifeless.
Ypaesighed and sat down next to her mother, grasping Sarya’s cold hands. Forminutes, they sat there not saying a word or moving. The silence wasuncomfortable, though, and Ypae shifted in her seat. The stone on her forehead,which changed colors for each emotion, was a gray, the color of solemnity. Sighing, she squeezed her mother’s handstightly. Breaking the silence, she whispered, “Mother… I’m sorry I haven’tvisited you as often these past few months. I’ve been…” She searched for theright word. “Busy,” she concluded, “over the weeks. I’m almost fifteen now andI’m acquiring my personal protectors today.” Ypae looked into her mother’s faceand saw no trace of emotion to what she had just said. Sarya was just sitting,her breathing shallow, her eyes, the only things that showed how she felt, fullof sorrow.
Ypae,her jewel starting to turn red from frustration and anger, rose from her seat,letting her mother’s hands fall back onto her lap. Her mother’s sorrow andseclusion were getting out of hand. It had been over a year since her fatherhad died and almost three months since Ares died. The Central Kingdom stillmourned the losses of these powerful rulers, but they had gotten on with theirlives; Sarya should be able to do the same.
“Mother,”she said kindly, though her jewel was still a bright red, “this seclusion thatyou have gone in to has lasted far too long. We all miss Ares and father justas much as you do, but we have moved passed our sorrow.” Sitting back down, shelifted her mother’s chin so they were making direct eye contact. Slowly, shesaid, “It’s time that you did the same. And besides, the ones we love arealways in our hearts. In fact,” she said, smiling, “Ares is still here with us.Her Spirit has taken form in a new body, and Ares’s reincarnation, as well asRamyna’s, is here with us. They have been here for almost a month now.”
Saryatruly looked at her daughter now, their eyes meeting directly. “Ar…es?” shecroaked. Ypae looked at her mother in amazement; this was the first time shehad spoken in months.
“Yes,mother,” Ypae said, almost completely consumed with joy. “Ares is still withus. Her reincarnation’s name is Shyra; Ramyna’s is Kiyera. They’re trying theirbest to take on Ares’s and Ramyna’s roles.” Ypae smiled at her mother. “Andthey’re doing a great job at it!”
Saryatook in a deep breath. “Wa…ter,” she said. Ypae nodded and got up, pouring aglass of water from the pitcher. Putting the cup to her mother’s lips, Ypaepoured the water down her throat until the cup was drained. Sarya licked herlips and said, “More…” Ypae did as she was told and kept giving her motherwater until the pitcher was about half empty. Sarya licked her lips again andsighed at the replenishment. Looking at her daughter, she reached for hershoulder and clutched the sleeve, unsteadily raising herself from her spot onthe bench.
“Mother!”Ypae said in worry, supporting her mother by wrapping her arm around her waist.“You shouldn’t get up so fast! You’re still not well!”
Saryaignored her daughter’s concern. “I want… to meet… them,” she said, her voicestill barely a whisper.
“MeetShyra and Kiyera?” Ypae inquired, adjusting her grip on the slender frame ofher mother. Sarya was about to respond, but decided better than to use hervoice so much at once; she nodded. “All right, but you’re going to have torecover more before you can even walk on your own.” Ypae looked at her motherand smiled. “Maybe in a week or so.”
PlacingSarya’s arm over her shoulders, Ypae made her way to the door, moving slowly soas not to tire out her mother. Opening the door, she looked out into thehallway to see if anybody was there. She heard footsteps come from her rightand saw Azshiu walking towards her.
Spottingher, he picked up his pace. “Princess Ypae!” he called. “I’ve been looking foryou for quite some time now. It’s time I...” He stopped when he noticed Sarya.Taking in a breath, he said in worry and disbelief, “Queen Sarya?”
“Yes,Azshiu,” Ypae responded. “She’s come out of seclusion… and she wants to meetShyra and Kiyera.” Azshiu let out a quiet “oh,” and continued to look at them;a silence stretched between them. “Do you think you can help me Azshiu?” sheasked, exasperated. “I can’t walk her to her room; she’ll tire too easily.”
“Oh,yes!” he said, realizing what Ypae was asking. “Here.” He finished walkingtowards them. Excusing himself, he grabbed Sarya and lifted her into his arms.
Walking down thehalls, he and Ypae arrived at Sarya’s room. Opening the door, they saw Ayamicleaning the room. Even though no one had been in the king and queen’s room,the servants kept it clean so no rodents or vermin would make a home there. Theroom was the largest sleeping quarters in the palace. The smooth floor was madeof cherry and was complimented by matching furniture: a table, dresser,armoire, and chest; a large mirror and dressing screen were placed next to thearmoire. Centered on one of the walls was a four-post, platform bed, dressed incrisp cream sheets and blankets; to the right-hand side of the bed was a doorleading to the washroom, which was the size of most of the sleeping quarters.
Ayami curtsiedat their presence.
“Ayami,” Ypaesaid, “please get water, fresh clothes, and some food for my mother.” Ayami curtsiedagain and scurried out of the room as Azshiu placed the queen on her bed. Ypaedrew back the curtains and opened the windows to let in fresh air.
Ayami soonreturned with two ladies-in-waiting, who carried the food and water. PushingAzshiu out the door, the ladies-in-waiting removed the black dress that thequeen had been wearing and replaced it with a clean linen gown. After Ayami hadtucked Sarya under the blankets, the ladies-in-waiting set the tray of food andwater down on the table.
“Anything else,your highness?” asked Ayami as the ladies-in-waiting curtsied and left theroom.
“Yes, actually,”Ypae said. “Could you help tend to my mother? I’ll come back later on thisevening to give you a break and I’ll do so until she gets better.” Ypae pausedand scratched her hand, feeling embarrassed that she was asking so much. Sure,Ayami’s purpose in the palace was to serve her, but she also attended to manyother things and was very busy. “Is that okay?”
Ayami curtsied.“Of course, your highness. It’s no trouble at all.” She smiled. “I’ll do all Ican to help her majesty recuperate.”
Ypae sighed inrelief. “Thank you, Ayami.” The lady-in-waiting curtsied again and Ypae excusedherself. Walking to the door, she opened it and stepped outside. Closing it,she looked at Azshiu and smiled. “She’s going to be okay, Azshiu.”
“That’s great,”he said, returning her smile. “Now, shall I take you to meet your guardians?”Ypae nodded in response and they set off.
They soon arrived at the TrainingCourt, where Ypae would meet her two protectors.
Ypae wrung herhands nervously. So many things could ruin the relationship that she wouldshare with her protectors. For all she knew, they could not like her and refuseto protect her. Or, even worse, they could be disguised assassins from theNorthern Kingdom, the one Kingdom that was set on killing her. She shivered,even though the weather was quite warm; the thought that she was being targetedfor death at the age of fifteen frightened her.
Azshiu placed acomforting hand on her shoulder. “There is nothing to worry about,” he saidreassuringly. “Your protectors have gone through tests- both physically andmentally- and we would’ve discovered if they were hiding something from us.” Hesqueezed her shoulder. “You must be strong for your people, Princess Ypae.”
“Yes,” she said.Strong like Ares was, she thought. Her sister had never shown any signof fear for her own life. Ares always had put others before her, like when shelet Ypae let out all of her emotions at the news of their father’s death. Areshad been so young when she died, a death that was unjustly given to her. Ypaequickly wiped away the tear that trickled down her cheek as Azshiu looked ather in concern; she quickly put on a “Don’t worry, I’m fine” smile.
Azshiu placed ahand over his eyes and looked out across the Court. He frowned indisappointment. “They should have been here by now,” he muttered. For a fewminutes they waited, watching for the two forms of Ypae’s protectors. After tenminutes had passed, Azshiu let out a sigh of annoyance.
Ypae clasped herhands behind her back and rocked on her heels. “Umm…” she said, “what are myprotectors like?”
Azshiu thoughtabout the question for a short while. “Your protectors,” he said, “are a maleknight and a sorceress. They’re both strong in their lore and have earned theright to be your protectors. You can tell me what you think of them when youmeet them.” He looked across the Court again and grumbled with annoyance.
Ypae looked inthe direction of the pond, its water as smooth as glass. The July heat wasmaking her feel uncomfortable in the long dresses she was told to wear; she wasalways warm. A breeze rippled across the water and some of the coolness blewtowards Ypae, giving her a small comfort in the heat. She looked at Azshiu,dressed in a cape, long garments and tunic, and wondered how he wasn’t warm.She shook the thought out of her head and looked back to the pond. She couldn’tresist it any longer; lifting up her skirts, she moved towards the pond asquickly and quietly as she could.
As soon as shegot to her destination, she removed her slippers and waded into the water up tothe middle of her calves. Ypae sighed in relief as the coolness swept throughher body. The water quickly soaked her dress and skirts, making her slip stickto her legs. An idea formed in her head and she stepped out from the water.Walking behind a tree, she looked to see if anyone was around. She noticedAzshiu pacing on the Training Court; either he had noticed that she was down bythe pond, or he hadn’t noticed she was gone because he was still looking forthe knight and sorceress.
Ypae waswondering where her protectors were, too, but the strong urge to go swimmingpushed the thought out of her mind. Stripping down to her slip, she hung herdress and skirts on a low branch and untied the ribbon in her hair. Lookingaround one more time, she waded into the pond up to her waist and then doveunder the cool water. The pond’s water caressed every inch of her body. Shebroke the surface for air and ran her fingers through her hair. The cool waterfelt so good! Tousling her hair, she swam leisurely in the pond for a while,letting the water flow over her body.
Ypae stoppedsuddenly, as she felt a pair of eyes fall upon her. Looking around the pond,she gazed upon a young man of eighteen looking right back at her. He wasaverage height, dressed in casual breeches and tunic; a sword hung from a belton his left hip. His face was soft and strong, and he had a mane ofgolden-brown hair; his bright green eyes appeared even brighter due to thecolor that had spread across his cheeks.
The princessinstantly turned a dark crimson. Crossing her arms over chest, in a lastattempt to protect her modesty, she let out a loud shriek of embarrassment. Atfirst, the young man recoiled at the loud shriek, then advanced to where Ypaewas. She stayed in the pond, unsure of whether or not she should make her wayto the shore.
“Umm…” the manstuttered, blushing even deeper. “M-maybe you should, um, come out of thewater, your highness. I can, um, cover you to preserve your modesty.” Ypaealmost laughed at how embarrassed he was, but instead gave him a warm smile.Nodding, she made her way to the man, who was blushing even more the closer shecame to him. Despite his embarrassment, and true to his word, the man untiedhis cape and wrapped it around Ypae as she stepped out of the pond, her slipdrenched with water.
“Thank you,” shesaid as she clutched the cape around her wet body. She came up to his nose andcould clearly see how embarrassed he was as he mumbled, “You’re welcome,highness.”
Abruptly, Azshiustopped in front of them. “I heard you scream,” he said, panting slightly. “Areyou all right, Ypae?” The princess nodded in response. He then looked at Ypae,then to the man who was next to her, then back to her; they were both stillblushing. “Ypae, why aren’t you in your clothes?” he sighed. Ypae instantlyturned crimson again; this whole incident was so embarrassing.
“Well, I, um…”she stuttered. Azshiu raised his eyebrow. She continued, “I was hot in thisweather. I just wanted to cool off and relax, so I went swimming.” Azshiu’seyes widened in shock of her immodesty and Ypae sighed in annoyance. “Or, forthe gods’ sake, Azshiu! I wore my slip! It’s not like I was swimming completelynaked!” Both Azshiu and the young man blushed, although Azshiu’s blush was onlya slight coloring. Ypae rolled her eyes at their embarrassment and immaturity.
Azshiu clearedhis throat and looked at the young man. “As for you,” he said, “why weren’t youat the Training Court? We had been waiting for you there, Keyon!”
“I’m sorry, LordAzshiu,” Keyon said, “but Lady Xyza was being… difficult. She decided that shewanted me to see if I could catch her; she must’ve thought that was moreimportant than meeting Princess Ypae.”
Azshiu sighedand scratched his forehead. “Where is she?” he asked lazily.
“Up here, LordAzshiu!” cried a voice from above their heads. They all looked up to see awoman lying on the air above them. Her outfit was formfitting, although muchlike a boys’ clothes, and her long black hair was pulled back into a looseponytail. A red pendant hung from her neck and burgundy eyes looked at themhappily.
“Hey, Keyon!”Xyza shouted down. “You still didn’t catch me yet!” She then looked at Ypae.“Oh, she’s pretty, Keyon. I can see why you chased after her instead of me.”She smiled and laughed at her own joke, although both Ypae and Keyon blusheddeeply; they seemed to be blushing a lot that day.
“Oh, be quiet!”he retorted. “By the gods, you act more like a three year old than someonewho’s seventeen!”
“Agreed,” saidAzshiu, crossing his arms over his chest. “Now come down here and stop actinglike a child.”
“Ah!” she said,stretching. “You’re no fun Lord Azshiu!”
“Now, LadyXyza,” said Azshiu in a warning tone. Xyza sighed and lowered herself to theground where Ypae, Azshiu, and Keyon were waiting. Azshiu beckoned to Ypae;adjusting Keyon’s cape about herself, she walked over and stood next to him.Xyza elbowed Keyon in a friendly way and smiled; Keyon looked at her withannoyance. Ypae bit her tongue to keep herself from laughing at Xyza’ssilliness.
“Now,” Azshiusaid, making the knight and sorceress stand at attention. “Princess Ypae, Iwould like you to meet your guardians: Lord Keyon of Teraas and Lady Xyza ofDarzsa. Keyon was one of the best in his class when he became a knight and wastrained by both Sergeant Bain and Commander Ramyna. Lady Xyza studied at theSacred City from when she was six years old until the year she turned sixteen.She was given instruction from the top sorcerers and sorceresses in Arasya andexcelled in her craft.”
“It’s nice tomeet the two of you,” said Ypae politely. Both Keyon and Xyza bowed inresponse.
“Well,” saidAzshiu, “now that you’ve met each other, I’ll be on my way.” Looking at the twoguardians, he said, “You know what your duty is. Follow it no matter what.”They both nodded and Azshiu whispered into Ypae’s ear, “You might want to putyour clothes back on.” Ypae, blushing yet again, scowled at Azshiu as herwinked at her and made his way back to the palace. The jewel on her foreheadhad turned a bright pink, the color of embarrassment.
“Um,” she said,smiling at her two guardians. “I’m going to get back into my clothes, so if youcould just, um…” Keyon and Xyza understood what she was saying and turned inthe opposite direction. Sighing, Ypae made her way to the tree where herclothes were and removed Keyon’s cloak. Grabbing her clothes, she began todress and think about her new guardians.
Ypae knew thatKeyon was a gentleman and must’ve been brought up in a proper household. Healways seemed to blush at things that were related to sexuality, which wouldalways make her laugh. From what she saw close up, he was muscular, but not asmuscular as someone who was a black smith. His personality was that of anall-around good guy, the kind of guy you would want to be friends with. WhatYpae truly loved, however, was his beautiful green eyes. They were filled withkindness, intelligence, and warmth; they were the kind of eyes that made youfeel safe when you looked at them, the kind of eyes that would make any girlmelt.
Xyza, on theother hand, acted more like a child than a guardian. True, her immaturity washumorous, but Ypae doubted Xyza’s humor could protect her from her enemies.Other than her immaturity, Xyza seemed to be like a fun person to be around.She was not sure of her sorcery skills, but she highly doubted that she wouldhave been assigned an amateur sorceress. Knowing that she was from the SacredCity, it didn’t truly surprise Ypae that Xyza didn’t know what she looked like.Ypae didn’t think that she was all that pretty, and Xyza, who was quitebeautiful herself, saying that she was flattered her; but of course, most girlsdon’t think they’re beautiful when they really are.
Stepping frombehind the tree, she tied the ribbon in her hair and looked at her twoguardians. Xyza was teasing Keyon, yet again. She had been levitating him,without his consent, while Ypae was getting changed. He was now hanging upsidedown in the hair, his face beginning to flush.
“Lady Xyza, putme down!” he exclaimed, flailing his arms in a futile attempt to grab her. Thesorceress laughed in amusement and flipped him so he was right side up; heclutched his forehead as the blood drained from his face. She laughed again.
“Oh, Keyon!” shesaid. “You amuse me so much!”
Keyon scowled.“Only when I’m in ridiculous situations such as this!” he retorted. Xyza smiledand nodded in agreement, chuckling at how flustered he was getting.
Ypae sighed andwalked over to them, Xyza still levitating Keyon in the air. Clasping her handsbehind her back, she cleared her throat to get their attention. Both Keyon andXyza stopped their bickering and looked at her.
“Oh!” said Xyza“Princess Ypae!” Thoughtlessly, she released Keyon from his levitation and lethim fall to the ground with a thud.
“You’re soaggravating,” Keyon muttered under his breath. Xyza chuckled and smiled. It wasapparently her life goal to always make him irate.
Ypae scratchedthe top of her hands. She didn’t know what to say to her guardians; they hadjust met and knew very little about each other. Keyon and Xyza looked at her,seeming to expect her to say something. Their stares and awkward silence madeYpae uncomfortable. Finally, she spoke. “Lady Xyza,” she said, “since you’renew to the Central Kingdom, maybe you would like a tour of the palace?”
Xyza’s facebrightened and she smiled at the princess she was sworn to protect. Her facesoftened, and she truly looked like the seventeen year old she was. “I wouldlove that, Princess Ypae.”
“Please hold still, Lady Shyra,”said Trisa.
Trisaand Shyra were in Shyra’s room, making a gown for the Mid-Summer Festival andYpae’s fifteenth birthday. According to tradition, you were supposed to wearthe traditional clothes of a certain kingdom and wear a mask to match theoutfit. Of course, Shyra was ordered by Madame Mira to wear a dress from theKingdom of Shioa, and Trisa was making it for her.
Shyrawas standing on a stool as Trisa stuck pins into the dress, marking the lengthsof the fabrics. Shyra turned the upper half of her body so she was facing themirror. She was being fitted for a floor length gown made of silk, which wassupposedly very light and wouldn’t cause her to overheat in the July weather.The dress was made from an iridescent fabric, shifting from silver to pink.Pink! Of all the colors, she had to wear a pink dress. It was mostlikely Mira’s idea, just to make Shyra irate; how Shyra loathed her at thatmoment.
Despitethe color, the dress itself was beautiful. The sleeves of the dress were shortand hung about her shoulders; two panels of silver fabric hung from the sleevesand looped around behind the dress, tying in the back. The top part of herdress clung to her curves, and billowed out around the waist. On the front ofthe dress was a panel of beautiful silver fabric, starting at the tip of thedress and reaching to the end of it; a similar panel was on the back, startingfrom the waist and ending at the end of the dress.
“Youlook so beautiful in this dress, Lady Shyra,” said Trisa, smiling at Shyra;Shyra looked at her and returned the smile. Trisa placed the final pin at thebottom of the dress and stood up, placing her hands on her hips and looking ather dress. “All right,” she said, obviously satisfied with her work. “You cantake the dress off now. But, be careful not to poke yourself with the pins,Lady Shyra.”
Shyranodded and slowly took off the dress, making sure not to move any of the pinsthat Trisa had placed in the dress. As soon as she had gotten the dress off,Trisa handed the clothes that Azshiu gave her to her; Shyra’s jeans and shirtwere drying from the day’s washing. Slipping the clothes on, she saw Trisa packup her things and delicately drape the material for the dress over her forearm.
“I’llbe taking my leave now, Lady Shyra,” said Trisa. “I should get to work on yourdress.”
“Yes,of course,” Shyra responded. Trisa curtsied and left the room, walking back toher own set of chambers in the palace. Shyra sighed and walked over to thearmoire; opening it, she shoved on a pair of boots that Azshiu had also givenher. She looked back at the chest at the bottom of her bed, debating whether ornot she should read more of Ares’s diary. Shyra decided not too, and walked outof the room. She needed some fresh air after all the time she spent in thepalace.
She looked downat her feet as she walked through the corridors, and began to sort through herthoughts. Maybe she should apologize to Kiyera; it really was a pointlessfight, and to not be speaking because of it was stupid and childish. Both ofthem were really at fault, not just one person in particular. Shyra turned acorner and bumped into something, making her fall to the ground. Looking up,she realized that that something was a woman. She was tall, with long blackhair and a pair of green eyes. It was Kiyera.
“I’m sorry,”Shyra said, hoisting herself up from the ground. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,”Kiyera said. A brief silence passed between them as they looked at each other,waiting for the other to say something. Sighing, Kiyera stepped around Shyraand began to make her way down the hall.
Shyra bit herlip in hesitation. After a few brief seconds, she turned around called down thehall, “Kiyera, wait!” Kiyera stopped in the hallway, and turned around to faceher. Shyra bit her lip again, and then sighed. “Never mind,” she mumbled. Atinge of pain shot across Kiyera’s face, and she turned around and continued towalk down the hall.
Shyra turnedaround and clutched her fists as she began to walk to an unknown destination.Why was it always so hard for her to apologize! Maybe because she thought thatapologizing was for people who were weak, as someone had repeatedly put in herhead when she was a child. But she wanted to make up with Kiyera, part of itbeing that she didn’t like fighting with other people, and the other part beingthat a guardian was useless if she didn’t like the person she was protecting.Both of these were vital points in Shyra’s mind, but she was too stubborn toapologize first.
She snapped outof her thoughts as she realized that she was no longer inside the palace, butinstead walking towards the town. Two guards stood erect at the gates, keepinga watchful eye on who went in and out. They blocked Shyra’s way out as sheapproached them.
“Excuse me,” shesaid, “but I would like to go into town.”
“Sorry, m’lady,”said one of the guards, “but we have been given orders to not let anyoneoutside of the palace without an escort.”
Shyra placed herfists on her hips in agitation. “You can’t keep me caged in here like a bird!”she snapped. The guards stood firmly in their positions, making no sign to moveout of her way. “I have special permission from Azshiu,” she lied. “He saidthat I was allowed to go into town for a while, without an escort.” Thetwo guards looked at each other in silent discussion, and then hesitantlyopened the gates for Shyra to pass. “Thank you,” she sighed as she hurriedlywalked through the gates.
“Just make surethat you’re back in the palace grounds before sunset, m’lady,” said the guard.“The gates lock after that time.” Shyra nodded at them and continued to walktowards the town. She couldn’t believe that her lie actually worked! It seemedthat Azshiu made a lot of the decisions here.
Soon she arrivedat the bustling town. It was large, with rows of stands and houses thatsurrounded a large well at the center of the town. People were sellingeverything from weapons to clothing to food. The stands were simple, yet at thesame time they held an air of extravagance about them. They were made entirely of wood, except forthe roofs, which were made of ornate fabrics that consisted of all colors andpatterns. The houses were also constructed of wood, with wooden rooftops andglass windows in the walls that looked down into the street. Clotheslines hungacross the streets and between the houses, drying freshly washed clothing.
Shyra took inher surroundings, enjoying every detail, every little nook and cranny of thetown. Jauntily, she walked through the town, looking at all the stands and whatthey were selling. Eventually, she found herself at a horse dealer; a line offive beautiful and majestic horses were underneath a makeshift barn, each ofthem tied to a picket. Shyra had always loved horses and had wanted one of herown, but she was never able to afford one.
A loud crashcame from behind the barn, followed by a string of curses and yelling. Shyrastepped back as the horses grew restless, lashing out at her and trying to pulltheir pickets from the ground. Concerned and curious as to why the horses wereacting so oddly, she ran to the barn. She turned the corner to see a manbeating a young girl with a riding crop. He was a big man, both in stature andin his midsection, dressed in simple and dirty clothes. He was completely bald,and had a dark beard; his cold eyes looked down at the girl.
Rage built up inShyra and she crept up behind the man. As he was drawing the riding crop backto strike the girl, Shyra snatched it from his hands. He whipped around to seewhat happened, but she ducked out of the way and grabbed the girl, steppingaway from the man. Shyra looked down at her, and saw that she was still conscious;the girl clutched her shirt in fright.
He turned andlooked at her with rage in his eyes. “Hey!” he shouted. “Give ‘er back!”
Shyra narrowedher eyes. “What do you think you’re doing!” she yelled at the man, clutchingthe girl protectively.
“She’s always inmy stables!” he stated. “I’ve told ‘er to never come back, but she doesn’tlisten.”
“That gives youno right to beat her!” she retorted. “You’re lucky you didn’t kill her!”
“Bah,” he spat.“If I was truly lucky I would’ve succeeded in doing so!” He advanced towardsthem, cracking his knuckles. “Now, give ‘er back.”
Shyra grippedthe girl tighter. She had to protect her from this man. Suddenly, the girlshouted, “Behind you, lady!” Without even thinking, she released the girl andpunched at whatever was behind her. Her punch was stopped by a firm grip, andangry violet eyes looked at her.
She snapped outof her fury and looked up at Azshiu. “A-Azshiu,” she stuttered. Two guards thathad been following Azshiu caught up with him and stood behind him panting; theymust’ve run there.
“By the gods, doyou always lash out like that!” he exclaimed, releasing her hand from his grip.
“I was just…”she trailed off, then whipped around and looked at the man, but he was nolonger there. He had run off. She looked at the girl, who was on the groundhugging her body in a form of protection. Shyra walked to the girl and pickedher up, holding her in her arms. “Azshiu,” Shyra said, “that man was beatingthis girl.”
Azshiu turned tothe guards and ordered, “Look for Conan the Horse Owner and take him intocustody.” The guards bowed and took off; Azshiu turned back to Shyra, who wasstill holding the girl in her arms. “Shyra, you can’t leave the palace,” he said flatly.
“Well, it’s agood thing I did,” she said defensively. “If I hadn’t, this girl would be deadnow!”
“Even so, youcould’ve been killed yourself!” he retorted. “There are people out therewho will do everything in their power to harm you and Kiyera. You’re notsupposed to leave the palace without an escort for that reason!”
“Well I’m sorryAzshiu,” she said sarcastically. “But you can’t keep me locked up in thatpalace forever!”
He tensed up,and then relaxed as he sighed. “You’re right,” he said. “But these rules are inplace for your protection. You have to understand that.”
Shyra lookeddown, somewhat ashamed of herself. He had gotten so worked up because he wasworried about her. “I do,” she said. And, in a more silent tone, she said, “I’msorry.”
Azshiu smiled.“Well, it’s all in the past now,” he said. He looked over towards the palace,and saw the sun start to set. “We should be heading back,” he said.
Shyra nodded andfollowed Azshiu as he made his way from behind the barn. She looked down at thegirl and moved a section of her hair so she could see her face. She had tannedskin with dirty brown hair. The girl was half asleep, so it was hard for Shyrato see what color eyes she had, but as she looked closely at the girl’s face,she saw that they were a grayish purple. The girl was dressed in what seemed tobe an oversized shirt, with a pair of worn brown boots on her feet. Shecouldn’t have been more than ten.
Shyra lookedaway from the girl and at the horses as she and Azshiu passed the front of thebarn. They were shifting, looking at the girl and sniffing her if they gotclose enough. Shyra, taken aback, clutched the girl tighter and stepped away.The nearest horse, a bay gelding, snorted in agitation.
Azshiu stoppedand looked back at her. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
Shyra shiftedthe girl in her arms; even though she was light in weight, it was tiring tocarry her. “I’m not sure,” she said. “The horses are acting strange. Come tothink of it, they acted the same way when the man attacked this girl.”
Azshiu walkedover to the bay gelding and placed his right hand on its forehead. He closedhis eyes and a white and copper glow came from underneath his hand. Slowly, thegelding settled down. Shyra blinked in confusion. Did he just subdue thegelding?
“Umm…” she saidas Azshiu removed his hand from the gelding’s forehead and continued walkingtowards the palace. Shyra gaped as she looked from the horses to Azshiu.Snapping out of her moment of idiocy, she ran towards Azshiu. “H-how did you dothat?” she asked as she caught up to him.
“Did what?” hesaid, looking at her as if he was surprised by the question.
“How did youcalm that horse down?” she responded.
“Oh,” he said,looking forward. “I told the gelding that the girl was injured and we were justtaking her back the palace for some treatment.”
“You can talk toanimals?” she said, almost laughing at her own question.
“Onlytelepathically,” he stated. “And I have to have physical contact with theanimal in order for it to work.”
“Oh,” she said,as she looked down at the girl. She was asleep, nuzzled up against Shyra’schest.
Shyra walked out of her washroom,and looked at the girl on her bed. She and Azshiu had arrived at the palace afew hours ago and Shyra decided to draw a bath for the girl. One of thepalace’s nurses, named Kate, examined the girl and found no serious injuriesjust some bruises and cuts. Kate asked that Shyra give the girl a bath afterthe girl woke up and then call her to tend to the girl’s injuries. Shyra lookeddown at the girl, at all the bruises and cuts, and sighed. The sooner she gavethe girl a bath, the sooner her injuries could be tended to.
Shewalked over to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. Shaking it gently,she said, “Hey. It’s, um, time to get up.”
Thegirl grunted and opened one eye. “I’m sleeping, lady,” she whispered. “Leave mebe.”
Shyraplaced her fists on her hips. “Well, excuse me,” she retorted, “but yourinjuries need to be tended to. And the only way that can happen is if you getup and take a bath.”
Thegirl sat up and stuck her chin out in defiance. “Are you going to make me?” shechallenged.
Shyrabent over and shoved her face in the girl’s. “I have no problem picking you upand dropping you into the tub.” The girl looked directly at her, crossing herarms across her chest in a form of assertion. Finally, the girl looked away andlet out a silent “humph.” Shyra straightened up and smiled. “I thought so.”
Reluctantly,the girl slipped off the bed and walked into the washroom. Shyra followed her,making sure that she stripped down and got in to the tub. On top of her recentinjuries, the girl was covered in old bruises and scars.
Shyratouched one of the scars with her fingertips; it ran from the top of her rightshoulder to the bottom of her left shoulder blade. “Did that man give these scarsto you?” she asked with concern.
Thegirl shrugged her off and started washing herself with the water. “You don’thave to stay and watch me, lady. I ain’t going anywhere.”
Shyragrabbed a bar of soap and began to scrub the girl’s body. “Yeah, like I cantrust you to take a decent bath,” she said. “By the looks of it, you haven’thad a bath in ages.” Shyra grabbed a bowl from the shelf and poured some waterinto it. She poured the water over the girl’s head and began to wash her hairwith the soap.
“I’mnot a kid, lady,” the girl snapped, grappling at the bar of soap.
“Firstoff,” Shyra said, “you are a kid. And second, my name’s not ‘lady’; it’sShyra.” She tried to make eye contact with the girl, but she sat in the tub,wallowing in her stubbornness. “What’s your name?” Shyra asked, giving up andcontinuing to wash the girl.
Asilence passed between them. “Kat,” she muttered.
Shyrasmiled. “Is that short for Kathleen?” she asked. Kat nodded. Another silencestretched between them as Shyra continued to wash her. After she had finished,she stood up and handed Kat a towel. “You’re all cleaned. Once you dry off,come back into the room; I’ve got some new clothes for you.”
Katgaped at her. “You’re getting rid of my clothes?”
“I’mjust giving you new ones,” Shyra stated. “You can keep your old clothes if youwant to, though. But you have to at least let me wash them,” she reasoned.“Until they’re washed, however, it’d be best if you wore the new clothes.” Katnodded, and muttered a quick thanks to her.
Justas Shyra came out of the washroom, Ayami came into the room with a pile ofclean clothes. She placed the clothes- a tunic, breeches, and shoes- on the bedand curtsied. “Shall I call for Miss Kate, Lady Shyra?” she asked. Shyranodded, and Ayami curtsied again, leaving the room.
Katcame from the washroom, wrapped in the towel. She walked over to the bed andhopped on to it, looking at the clothes lying next to her. She delicately ran ahand over the clothing, her eyes glistening. “Are these my new clothes?” shewhispered. Shyra nodded and smiled at the girl’s happiness.
Aknock came from the door and Miss Kate entered, holding a bowl of salve andclean linen clothes. “Now, miss,” she said smiling, “let’s tend to thosewounds, shall we?”
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Wings_EbonStar on January 26, 2006, 10:26:11 AM
SethsRazorbladeBitch on January 25, 2006, 6:07:29 AM

Xyza is awesome, I've decided xD How do you prononce her name?
Hee hee, horsies! Kat is awesome, what a wild little child. And Shyra almost hit Azshiu! *craks up* Loved that too. Not boring to me, I actually think it was the most entertaing chapter yet. The classes aren't my thing, I'm not so proper myself xP But you know that.
And the pretty girls never know that they're pretty is so true too *points to you* You're beautiful! *insert hearts here*
I think that's it. Damn, long comment. These chapters are like novels campared to my mini chapters in Devil's Whore xD I'll be waiting for the next chapter ^^
I FINALLY started actually working on Generation EbonStar again, and I have it pretty much planned out, so expect updates in the near future.