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Chapter 2 - The Storm

Creative title, no? anyway, this is a story the guys made me write... starring the guys . xD They told me to post it, so, um, enjoy?

Chapter 2 - The Storm

Chapter 2 - The Storm

Chapter 2

It had been about three hours since Jasmine, Katherine, Patrick D, Patrick F, and Phillip had set sail from Kaizoku. Until now, it had been quite a pleasant trip. Patrick D had used his fishing spear to catch some fish for them, which they had lying on the bottom of the boat. The boys found their presence hilarious; the girl didn't want to put their feet down. So Katherine threw the fish overboard.

“Katherine! How could you?” Patrick D yelled.

“They were food…” Patrick F sobbed.

“They were grossing me out. Gawd.” Katherine replied, crossing her arms.

“Aww, you're so cruel.” Patrick D frowned.

“Does anyone else notice that the sky's getting darker?” Phillip suddenly said looking up.

“No.” Both the Patrick's replied, looking up.

“What time is it?” Katherine asked, looking up at the sky as well.

“Not that late. I think a storm's coming.” Jasmine said slowly, looking up.

“Oh. Ohhh, this is perfect.” Katherine groaned. “How's this sad excuse for a boat supposed to hold up in a storm?”

“Don't insult the fishing boat, girlie.” Patrick D growled.

“But… it's true. The boat may not hold us…” Jasmine said, poking the side of the boat.

“Bah. You worry too much. Fishing boats can take anything!” Patrick D said happily. “Now I gotta catch some more fish, thanks to somebody.”

“You're pushing your luck.” Katherine growled, as Patrick stood up and thrust his spear in the water.

The next thing that happened is rather hard to believe, even for those who saw it with their own eyes.

Something flew out of nowhere and hit Patrick D in the stomach. He fell backwards, and his spear flew up. A fish, which was stuck on the spear, flew up into the sky, disappearing into the dark clouds.

Patrick D sat up, and blinked. “Wh-What just hit me?”

“A… cabbage?” Phillip replied, picking up a ripe green cabbage from the boat's floor.

At the moment, lighting struck through the sky, and it began to rain.

“Water's gonna fill the boat!” Patrick F suddenly realized.

“Splash it out! Splash it out!” Jasmine shrieked, cupping her hands and attempting to spoon out the water.

It was getting very difficult to see anything in the heavy rain. The five companions fought a losing battle against the falling water.

“It's no use!” Phillip yelled.

“What do we do?” Katherine screamed.

“Hey! Look up!” Patrick F yelled.

The companions looked up and saw a fish, falling from the sky.

“Th-That's my fish!” Patrick D yelled.

There was no time to wonder how the fish stayed up in the air for so long. It was falling very quickly. It fell right into the boat at such a speed, that it went right through, leaving a large hole.

“NO!” Jasmine sobbed.

“I'll fix it!” Phillip yelled, jumping up. At that second, a large wave crashed on the boat, knocking Phillip over. His head fell back and smashed into the side of the boat, and he didn't move again.

“PHILLIP!” Katherine yelled, jumping up just in time for another, even bigger wave. She lost her balance, and fell right out of the ship.

“Katherine!” Jasmine shrieked, looking over the side of the boat. Katherine couldn't be seen in the dark water.

“Jasmine, just hang on to the boat!” Patrick F screamed, clinging to the side of the boat and to Phillip's cape.

The next few moments were wet, dark, and cold. No one moved as the boat rocked violently in the waves. The tried to keep the boat level, even though eventually, the boat will fill up with water and they would all drown.

And then, the impossible happened. Out of absolutely nowhere, two very long arms seemed to stretch out towards the boat. They rapped around the four teenagers, and began to pull back.

Jasmine could hardly tell what was going on. The Patricks were screaming. She was screaming. Phillip was still silent and unmoving. Jasmine tried to look where they were going. She could suddenly see a boat, fast approaching. And on that boat, rushing at them quickly, was a boy with a straw hat and a red vest, who the arms that were rapped around the companions were attached to. There was also a red haired girl, and blonde boy in a suit, a boy with a long nose and overalls, a dark haired woman, a little animal-

Then the arms let go.

Jasmine smashed into someone, but didn't really noticed anything before spinning around. The little animal had suddenly turned huge and caught the two Patricks. Phillip had smashed into the long-nosed boy, and both were on the ground. But only one thing was on Jasmine's mind. She tried to run forward, but two hands tightly gripped her shoulders.

“Katherine!” Jasmine screamed, tears flooding from her eyes. “You have to get Katherine!”

“What?” Demanded the voice of the person holding Jasmine.

`There was another one?” The red haired girl said in alarm, looking at the straw hated boy.

“I told you! I told you I saw five!” The long-nosed boy yelled, standing up, with Phillip slung over his shoulder.

“Sanji, you better go find her.” The straw hated boy said to the blonde boy, who nodded, quickly took off his jacket and shoes, and dove overboard.

“Are the other ones alright?” The dark haired girl asked.

“This one's perfectly fine.” Said the voice of the man holding Jasmine.

“This one's… not moving.” The long-nosed boy said nervously, looking at Phillip.

“I think these two passed out.” The now-large animal observed, looking from Patrick to Patrick.

“… Take them down to rest.” The straw hated boy suggested. “And we'll just wait for Sanji.”

Jasmine felt the man holding her shoulders attempt to push her forward, and, not really thinking, obediently walked forward. He led her down below deck, followed by the long-nosed boy, the dark haired girl and the animal… thing. Once down there, he put Jasmine down on a bed. The Patricks and Phillip were also put down. The Patricks instantly both began snoring loudly. Phillip didn't make a sound. The animal became small once again, and walked over to Phillip.

“He's just out cold. He'll be fine.” It said, smiling at Jasmine. “You should get some rest, too.”

But Jasmine refused to lie down. She stayed sitting up, starring at the animal.

“Stubborn one, aren't you?” Said the man who brought Jasmine in. Jasmine finally took the time to look at him. A green haired boy, currently with a rather annoyed expression on his face. “Chopper's our doctor. He knows what he's talking about.”

“Wh-What is he?” Jasmine managed to stammer.

“He's a reindeer! What, you can't tell?” The long nosed boy blinked at her.

“Don't talk to her like that. She's only curious.” The dark haired woman said, sitting on the foot of Jasmine's bed. “My name's Nico Robin. I'm the ships' archeologist. And Chopper's that doctor. And that's Usopp, the Sharpshooter, and Zoro, the first mate and swordsman. The boy with the straw hat is our captain, Luffy. And Nami's the other girl out there, our navigator. And Sanji's the boy who went out to get your friend, our chef.” She explained calmly.

“Will he get Katherine?” Jasmine asked quickly.

“I'm sure he will. He's the best swimmer on the ship.” She said encouragingly. “We're the Straw Hat Pirates, by the way.”

Jasmine nodded. “I'm Jasmine. And that's Phillip, and Patrick F, and Patrick D.”

“Well, it's very nice to meet you.” Robin smiled. “You know, you're absolutely soaked. Boys, can you leave while I get her some dry clothes?”

“Sure.” Zoro said. He, along with Usopp and Chopper, walked back up on deck.

“Now.” Robin rummaged through cabnet. “Here. Change into this.” She said, giving Jasmine a long, over-sized T-shirt. Jasmine obeyed, and quickly changed into it.

Robin neatly folded up Jasmine's clothes, and smiled at her again. “I'll go wait with the rest of the crew. “You get some rest, alright?” Jasmine nodded, and Robin walked out.

The moment she was gone, Jasmine jumped out of the bed and opened the door just a crack, and watched out as the crew stood glumly around the wet deck.

It wasn't as if Jasmine didn't trust these people. They saved her life, and her friends, and were risking their lives to save Katherine. Not to mention, the Nico Robin girl had been very nice to her. But she couldn't sleep knowing Katherine was out at sea somewhere.

It seemed like Jasmine stood their forever. As she watched, the Straw Hat pirates seemed to be getting restless as well.

“What are we gonna DO?” Usopp cried, pacing around the deck. “Robin told that girl that we'd get her friend! What are we gonna tell her-?”

“Shut up! Sanji'll get her!” Luffy snapped at him.

“The stupid chef can swim, if nothing else.” Zoro said, looking out at the water.

“Exactly! So we just have to wait.” Nami said, though she herself didn't look at all convinced.

Jasmine's heart sank as she listened, but a moment later, she heard Chopper scream.

“Look! It's Sanji! It's Sanji!”

Luffy jumped to the side of the boat, and stretched his arms down. A second later he pulled up a soaking, coughing Sanji, who was holding Katherine against his chest.

“Is she alive?” Usopp asked, while Nami and Robin took her away from Sanji, who fell down on the spot.

“Yes. She's breathing.” Nami replied. Katherine, choking and coughing, managed to open her eyes and look around before falling limply into Robins' arms.

“She passed out.” Chopper blinked, as Luffy came over and picked her up.

“Take her down to a bed.” Nami advised, and Luffy walked down below deck, the rest of the crew following.

Jasmine, relieved, rushed back to her bed. Unfortunately, she didn't get there fast enough. The crew opened the door before she reached her bed.

“You're not very obedient, are you?” Zoro growled. `We told you to get some rest!”

“Calm down, Zoro! How could she, with her friend out there?” Nami shot at him.

Luffy put Katherine down on another bed, and looked at Jasmine. “Is that all of you now?” Jasmine nodded. “Good. Now please, please get some rest? Or you won't feel well tomorrow.” Jasmine nodded again, and lay down in her bed. The moment she closed her eyes, she was asleep.


Comments (2)

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Shearay752 on October 15, 2006, 11:32:06 AM

Shearay752 on
Shearay752still interesting...

Topaz_Dragon on June 17, 2005, 6:27:33 AM

Topaz_Dragon on
Topaz_DragonOO you are talented! boy oh boy!!!! and phillip has a cape? wish i had a cape! ((little goth girl here d^^b)) THIS ROX!!!!!!!!