Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Meeting Sage, Gohma and a spiritual sto
Submitted May 4, 2006 Updated May 4, 2006 Status Incomplete | A girl named Sage, who's a traveler ended up in a forest and met Saria, who took her to the Kokiri village, where she met Link and the two kids ended up working together for the quest to save Hyrule.
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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Meeting Sage, Gohma and a spiritual sto
Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Meeting Sage, Gohma and a spiritual sto
Chapter 1: Meeting Sage, Gohma and a spiritual stone
It was a dark night as a young girl was walking through Kokiri Forest along with a bright fairy flying next to her.
“Sage we've been walking for hours do you think that it's time to took a rest for the night.” the fairy asked as the girl stopped to look at the fairy with her pale blue eyes.
“I guess you're right Aurora, we could rest here for tonight.” Sage said as she sat against a tree and fell asleep with Aurora still floating around emitting a white light throughout the area they were in.
The next morning Sage was awoken by someone shaking her, she opened her eyes to come face to face with a girl with green hair and green clothes. “You finally woke up I've been wondering when you would.” the girl said with a smile crossing her face.
“Yeah, but who are you?” Sage asked as she looked at the girl with a curious look on her face.
“Oh, forgive me, my name is Saria villager of Kokiri.” she said still smiling. “What about you,” Saria asked as Sage stood up and brushed the dirt off her dark blue tunic.
“My name's Sage nice to meet you.” Sage answered as Saria gave a small giggle.
“Nice to meet you too, so what are you doing all the way out here in the forest?” Saria asked as she and Sage walked off with each other with Aurora fluttering close behind.
“I've been traveling around is all I don't have anywhere to go.” Sage said shrugging a little.
“Well then you can come to Kokiri Village with me although Kokiri children usually wear green and you're wearing dark blue.” Saria said pointing at Sage's clothes and this time it was Sage's turn to giggle.
“That's no problem watch this.” Sage said and she snapped her fingers and with a bright flash of light her dark blue tunic changed to a green one. “I can change my appearance with just a snap and my clothes can blend into anything.” she said as Saria squealed with excitement.
“That's so cool I wish I knew how to do that!” Saria said happily as the two of them walked off again through a log like entrance to the village.
“Wow this is so cool, I've never seen such a nice place before!” Sage said as she looked at the little village in front of her and Saria, who smiled and giggled once more.
“Glad you like it.” she said as Sage nodded. The two of them climbed down the vines and walked around the small village with each other. “C'mon there's someone I want you to meet,” Saria said as she grabbed Sage's hand and ran off to a tree house near them. “Hey Link come down here for a minute I want you to meet someone,” Saria shouted as a boy wearing a green tunic and a hat came into view along with a blue fairy.
“Hey Saria.” the boy named Link said as he climbed down the ladder and onto the ground.
“Link, I want you to meet Sage.” Saria said as Sage blushed and looked down a little bit.
“Glad to meet you,” Link said as Sage nodded and smiled at him a little. Then Saria began to notice the blue fairy floating next to him.
“Oh, Link, you finally got your fairy she's so cute!” Saria said as Link nodded.
“Yeah this is Navi. And from what I heard from her the Great Deku Tree sent her to me.” he said as Saria nodded and Sage looked confused.
“Uh… who's the Great Deku Tree?” Sage asked and quick as a flash of light Navi flew into her face.
“What do you mean you don't know who the Great Deku Tree is, man you're such an idiot!” Navi shouted and Aurora flew up in front of Navi.
“Listen don't start yelling at Sage, she just asked a simple question, so don't jump on her like that!” Aurora shouted at Navi and the two of them began to argue for no reason.
“That's enough you two!” Sage and Link shouted at the same time and with that the two fairies stopped yelling at each other at once.
“Sorry about that I don't think Navi knows how to control her temper.” Link said as Sage nodded.
“Same here. Anyway Saria you think you could show me around a little more?” Sage said as she turned to Saria.
“Sure. You want to come along Link?” Saria said as she grabbed Sage's hand once more and turned to Link.
“I'd love too, but I can't I have something to take care of first and I might be able to meet you both by the Great Deku Tree okay.” Link said as he looked at the girls, who nodded and Link turned around and walked away while Saria and Sage walked off together as well. After a while of meeting many villager children Sage got a little time alone now that she knew her way around by now, but something caught her eye, it was a huge entrance that might've led to somewhere interesting. You see young Sage was always so curious and adventurous at times and this is one of them. Sage walked to the entrance but was stopped by a Kokirian.
“Hey you! You can't pass unless you have business with the Great Deku Tree himself. And you need both a sword and shield.” He said as he held up a hand in front of the girl.
“Really than what do you call these?” Sage said as she took out a sword and shield and showed it to the guy, who jumped back slightly surprised. “And I have a bow and arrow as a bonus.” She continued as she pointed behind her where a bow and a quiver of arrows (The sword is put into to a sheath around the waist with a belt keeping it well attatched) were.
“T-that maybe so, but you still have no business with the Great Deku Tree.” The boy stuttered as Link came into view with both sword and shield with Navi floating close behind.
“She may not, but I do.” Link said as the boy saw the sword and shield “Sage is with me, so I think she's allowed entrance now isn't she.” He continued as the boy sighed he backed off to let them pass. The two walked until a large plant shot up, tried to strike at the two kids, and its teeth started chattering. Sage got out a bow and arrow and shot the arrow right at the creatures head and it froze in place and stood stalk still.
“Hey Link slice at the stem the thing's only temporarily stunned.” Sage said as Link nodded.
“Okay.” Link took out his sword and sliced at the stem of the plant and once it was gone there was only a stick left. Link took the stick and placed it with his equipment. The two kids kept on walking until they walked into a clearing with a very, very tall tree.
“Oh Navi thou has returned as well as young Link, but who is the other.” The tree spoke as Sage practically fell backwards.
“Okay is it just me or did that tree just speak?” Sage asked as she turned to Link who looked more shocked than her. Link just nodded. “Good at least I'm not going insane.”
Aurora flew up a little and spoke, “Sir this girl's name is Sage and I'm Aurora her fairy.” She said to the Deku Tree as he spoke again.
“Yes, thy has heard about the young traveler Sage, who comes from many lands from the winds.” The Great Deku Tree said as Sage looked a little shocked about how he knew about her then he spoke about yet again. “Thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full of nightmares. As servants of evil gain strength, a vile climate pervades the land for those who are sensitive to it.”
“That explains those problems you've been having.” Aurora whispered as Sage nodded.
“Verily thou hast felt it.” The Great Deku Tree said. “Link and Sage the time has come to test thy courage.” He said. “I have been cursed. I need you to break the curse with your wisdom, strength, and courage. Dost thou have courage to undertake this task?”
The two children looked at each other for a moment then nodded. “We do.” They said together.
“Then come forth young hero and heroine. And you too Navi and Aurora. Aid these two on their quest and protect them.” The Great Deku tree said as he opened his mouth and the kids and their fairies went inside.
When they were inside Sage and Link found something a little unexpected; inside the Deku Tree was walls, vines to climb up, it had cobwebs, and spiders. The kids' eyes adjusted to the dim lighting they looked around on the ground floor as Sage sent Aurora to scope out other areas.
“Well for sure this tree has about three floors, many locked doors, many spiders, and also one cobweb right in the middle of the floor we're on.” Aurora said as she returned. Sage looked at Link for a minute then said,
“Well what are we waiting for let's go and break this curse!” Sage said happily so she wouldn't arouse any enemies.
“Yeah.” Link said in agreement as they started out. The whole thing was easier said then done after a while of killing many enemies that were spiders and plants (Like the one they encountered when they were heading to the Great Deku Tree. They climbed up vines, killed more spiders, burnt cobwebs with Deku Sticks they've been collecting, had to cross some water that had a spiky spit (The ones people use to roast pigs or anything else on), they found two slingshots along with some seeds, and then they arrived back on the third floor with a platform that led nowhere except down. Sage looked down and breathed in calmly and let it out.
“You do realize we have to jump.” Link said as he turned to Sage.
“Don't worry. Let's just hope there isn't solid ground once we do jump.” She said and with that the two did jump and were able to break through the cobweb in the middle of the floor on the ground floor. And instead of hitting solid ground the two landed in water that was on the bottommost floor. Sage came back through the water, coughing slightly. “Well that was fun.” Sage said sarcastically.
“No kidding.” Link said, who was right next to Sage looking drenched from the water.
The two kids found a small platform they could climb on to get to some dry land. They climbed out with Link giving Sage a lift up. The two continued going through the tree until they found three Deku scrubs spitting nuts at them. The first few knocked them backwards and they finally held up their shields not in turn just in a way they could do a code that was 312, so Sage hit the third one, Link hit the second one and the two of them combined to hit the middle and the critter started running around until Link and Sage caught it.
“Well you caught me. Please don't hurt me. I only wish to say that I hope you're ready to face an ultimate danger.” The Deku Scrub said as the door became unsealed from the bars and the two kids went through to only be in a room covered with spider webs and the ground was pretty foggy, and then there was a sound of something crawling on the ceiling and a shiver ran down Sage's spine.
“Man this place is creepy. Let's get this over with so we can get out of here.” Sage said as Navi and Aurora suddenly sprung into action and changed colors as soon as they came to something that was hanging on the ceiling. Link and Sage took out their slingshots and shot seeds at an eye from the ceiling and the creature fell from the ceiling with a green eye, which was queen Ghoma. Gohma charged at the two kids and they quickly jumped out of the way, aimed their slingshots again and hit her eye which turned red. She was stunned and Sage and Link began to slice at the eye until Gohma was unparalyzed, climbed up to the ceiling and dropped eggs, which Link and Sage cut before they hatched and repeated the process again. They aimed their slingshots at Gohma's eye again, it turned red and they sliced the eye again until Gohma let out a screech of pain and some liquid started spraying out of her eye until her body burst into flames and disintegrated. The ground cleared up and Sage and Link found this weird stone in the middle of the room. It was green and gold, Link picked it up and looked at it. Then there was a blue light emitting from the ground and the two looked at it and stepped into the light and got transported to the outside.
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sage_of_time on May 14, 2006, 11:52:03 PM
sage_of_time on

Sheena_X_Zelos on May 6, 2006, 7:33:47 PM