Chapter 2 - Awaken to New Friends
Submitted October 30, 2007 Updated July 21, 2008 Status Incomplete | Her friends and power were taken from her. She failed her mission and is to tired to go on. What happens when the Shinzo group finds her. Why does Mushra feel something strange about her? Why am I asking you all these questions when you can just read?!
Anime/Manga » Shinzo |
Chapter 2 - Awaken to New Friends
Chapter 2 - Awaken to New Friends
Hikari: Hehehe. I finnally updated after nearly a year. hehe. I feel so bad about that (even if this story is horrible.)
Mushra: It's not that bad. After all, I'm in it. You gotta have more self-esteem.
Hikari: How can I get more of something I don't have?
Mushra: Stop it, wierdo.
Hikari: Hai. Thanks to everyone who commented. I noticed I didn't do disclaimer last time so.....
Mushra: Animegurl4life does not own Shinzo and never will (except in her dreams.) Hikari, Seru, and the Villian (No name yet) belong to her. Takashi belongs to her and her bff.
Hikari: Please R&R[/b]
It was black. Everything as far as the eye could see was nothing but blackness. Running footsteps could be heard from somewhere, accompanied by the sound of heavy forced breathing. The darkness fades a bit to show a small girl running through the shadows. Her features were hidden. Only her crystal blue eyes could be seen. She was crying, but never stopped to rest. She just kept running. Suddenly a bright light shone through the darkness. In it, two other figures could be seen. The small girl, who's long creamy light brown-colored hair could now be seen, looked up and smiled. She ran faster to reach the two, but they never drew any nearer. The child stumbled and fell. When she got up, the light was fading away. Frightened, she called out, but her voice was drowned out by the intense silence.
She kept running towards the two. Suddenly a shadow with menacing red eyes rose up from the ground in front of her. She stopped and stared in horror and amazement. The shadow rushed forward and knocked her down. Just as she hit the floor, it seemed to disappear and she seemed to be falling through air. The scene around her changed and she was floating through space, the stars shining brightly in the distant. She had changed, too. She was now around 15 years old. Her long creamy brown hair was now short and had two blue stripes going down the right. A woman dressed in beautiful gold and white clothes and a pair of amazing golden wings appeared in front of her. She had long wavy aqua blue hair. She smiled warmly and stretched out her open hand to her. The girl reached forward and grabbed it.
The woman smiled again. She brought out a small glowing orb from behind her back. The girl looked at it in confusion. The woman then pulled the girl into a hug. Though she was smiling, tears began to stream down her smooth cheeks. The girl gave her a questoining look. The woman opened her mouth and the words "I love you" formed on her lips. She showed the younger one the orb again, then, picked up her hand and placed it on top of her own. The orb obsorbed into the girl's skin. She looked at her hand, turning it over and looking for any differences. She looked at the woman again, hoping for an answer. The woman's lips parted again and whispered a soft, quiet "Good-bye". With that she let go of the girl's hand and quickly faded off into the distance. As soon as she was out of sight the stars and sky began to swirl around her.
When they had finnally stopped, she gasped at the new scene around her. There were several golden figures surrounding a much larger shadow. They were all surrounded by a bright aura. The people surrounding the larger one seemed to be holding him with the aura. She watched in wonder until she felt an even greater presence. She turned just in time to see another golden figure surrounded by an even stronger, brighter aura zooming towards the captive. They collided and a burst of brightness followed. She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, all the figures where gone. She realized that her body seemed to be sinking as if she were in water. She was sinking head first to what seemed like nowhere for there was no sign of land or anything, for that matter. Her breath trailed above her in small shimmery bubbles. She closed her eyes slowly and let herself sink even faster into the dark waters.
Suddenly, a pair of strong arms caught her. She opened her eyes to find that all the water was gone. She looked up to the face of her rescuer. It was a young male around the age of 15 or 16. He had short hair and was wearing a golden tiara with a big blue gem in the middle. He had piercing blue eyes that stared at her with a warm gaze. On his lips were a soft smile. Upon further inspection she saw that he was dressed in beautiful gold and white clothes and dawned a pair of golden wings on his back. She stared at his eyes with an anxious look on her face.
"Don't be worried. I won't harm you." He said reassuringly.
"Wh-who are you?" she asked quietly, she seemed to be a little more relaxed.
"I'm a friend." He smiled even more warmly. "Or maybe even something like a gardian angel. I'm not exactly sure myself."
"How can you not know who you are?" she pondered.
"I didn't say 'I don't know.' I said 'I'm not exactly sure.'"
"Where are we, and how'd I get here?"
"We're in the gateway between the Worlds of Real and Non-Existance." His blue eyes wandered to around his environment for a moment before looking back at her. There was now enough light to see that they were standing on a hard reflective surface. The strange thing was that water drops were dripping slowly onto it, Making the surface ripple. The walls to the left and right of them were made up of yellow, blue, red, white and black streams of light. They seemed to curve upward to the sky were they blended together in an arch. The other two walls seemed to lead out into a darkness that was covered in a heavy fog.
"World of Non-Existance?"
"Yes. The world is full of people's dreams and thought's, but deep into the farthest parts it houses great evils and horrible powers that were stripped away from people, who had caused great suffering for many."
"Well how did I end up between them? I'm still alive, aren't I?"
The smile on his face faded into a frown. "Your soul has weakened and doesn't want to go on. You've given up on yourself completely and don't believe in yourself enough to get back up. You're not in the world of Non-existance because your heart is still telling you to go on. It knows that you can't just quit." His eyes looked pleadlingly into hers and he held her closer to him, cradling her as if she were a small child. "You must not allow yourself to give up. If you do you'll be lost forever. No matter how hard you fall down, you should always get up and dust youself off to try again."
Her eyes fell to the floor with a sad look on her face. "I'm no use of anyone anymore. I never reached the goal of my mission and failed so many people. I couldn't save my two closest friends from being taken away. I've lost my powers. What can I do now?"
His blue orbs gazed at her intensly. He had a stern look on his face. "No use?! Just because you lost your powers or strength doesn't mean all is lost. There's still hope. You can still rescue your friends and then you can finish your mission together with them. No matter how hard things get there is always hope. Besides," his smile turning soft again and his eyes sparkling with hope "you still have to keep that promise to yourself and another friend."
"What other friend? What promise?" A look of utter confusion flooded her face.
"You really have forgotten, haven't you? Oh well, I guessed this would happen. Your memories shall return sooner or later." His deep blue orbs were still filled with happyness.
"What memories. What are you talking about? I want answers!" Her eyes flashed in anger as her voice rose. She looked agitated and desperate.
Seeing this, he held her closer to him, with her head resting on his chest, and stroked her head reasuringly. "Don't worry. Everything will be made clear withen good time. I don't want to overload you with more information than you can handle at the moment. So please," he moved her so she could see his face again "stay calm and be a bit more patient."
"Okay." she said defeatedly. "But can you at least tell me how to get out of here?"
"Only if you don't wanna go to the World of Non-Existance." he joked.
"And one more thing..." she said a bit cautiously
"What's that?"
"Why exactly are you here? If you know how to leave and if it's such a lonely place, why do you stay here?"
"I don't have a choice. I cannot go to the World of Real, because I don't really exist. But I can't go to the World of Non-Existance when I am still a living, self-thinking being." He saw the dumbstruck look on her face and explained further "I am half of a whole. My other half is living somewhere without any knowledge of me. I contain all our memories, while he contains our life-force. Our powers are split between us two."
"So you have to stay here? How awful."
"Not really. Even though it's hard, you kinda get used to it. By the way, you did want me to tell you the way out. First off, you got here by giving up. You need to believe that once you get out you can go on living. Second, you must want to go. Do you believe in yourself?"
"Well, when you put it like that..."she sighed "It's really hard not to imagine it. Yeah, I believe, so why am I still here?"
"Something's holding you back." His blue eyes met hers in a concerned stare "What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna leave you here all alone. Isn't there someway that you can leave?" She stared up at him pleadingly with her crystal blue eyes.
"Afraid not."
"Is there anyway we'll ever meet again? If not, will you ever get out of here?"
"Someday, maybe. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see one another again."
"Promise." he said reasuringly. He seemed to be fading slowly away. "Now hurry, there are people for you to meet. One more thing, The light is always closer than you think. Never forget that, Hikari." With that he poked her nose with his index finger playfully.
"Wait!" Before she could finish, a blinding light shone from them and everything was flooded with the golden light.[/i]
"Hey I think she's waking up." A squeaky voice said.
Her eyes slowly opened. She was looking up at the top of a tent. To her right was a yellow kitten enterran with big blue eyes. It seemed to be the source of the voice. The tent flap opened as she tried to sit up. A girl entered, probably around 15 to 17 years old, with long brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes.
"Please lay back down." she said as soon as she saw her. "You need to rest." She had a soft, gentle voice.
"Aw, come on, Yakumo. She's been asleep for two days." A boy about the same age as the girl walked in. His lavender hair was about an inch above his shoulders, and he had peircing blue eyes.
"Well she's badly hurt and needs rest." The one called Yakumo argued.
The boy was about to answer when the girl finnally spoke. "Where am I?" her voice hoarce from lack of use "How'd I get here?"
The two looked startled for a second. Then Yakumo spoke. "You're at our campsite. Mushra, here," she motoined toward the boy with her hand "found you in the woods. You were badly injured, so we bandaged your wounds and let you rest."
The girl suddenly sat up, but let out a gasp of pain and laid back a bit as she clutched her stomach. At this, Yakumo reached out a hand to keep her from sitting back up.
"Please stay calm. You don't want to re-open your wounds. Now what's the matter?"
"Others?" She looked up at the boy called Mushra. "Were there any others?"
Mushra looked at her, a bit surprised. "No. Nothing else was there except a bag and a quarter staff, which I sent Saago to get."
The girl's eyes saddend. "Oh." she said disappointidly.
There was an akward silence. It was broken by the same kitten-enterran from earlier. "Uncle Kutal said the food is ready."
"Are you hungry, uh...may we have your name?" asked Yakumo.
A thoughtful expression appeared on the girl's face, as if she was wondering whether to say her name or not, before answering "Hikari...Hikari Tenshi. And, yes, I am kinda hungry."
"Good," a loud, boisturous voice said from outside the tent,"because I've made quite a good bit tonight, and I would hate for it to go to waste."
Laughter could be heard. "Even if she doesn't eat anything, you'll gulp all down anyway."
Hikari slowly fallowed Yakumo and Mushra outside. There was a large, yellow cat entteran standing over a pot on a campfire. He was taking a sip from a large spoon with a look of satisfaction spreading across his face. Leaning on a nearby tree was a tall male wearing a blue cape and a helmet. He was tossing a coin reapeatedly. A girl about the age of 11 was next to him playing with the kitten entteran and two others like her, but they seemed to be boys. She wore blue-jean capris and a short, pink tank-top. Hikari looked nervously around.
"They look friendly enough" she thought to herself.
"This is Kutal." Yakumo said, motioning toward the feline.
"A pleasure to meet you, my lady." said Kutal while taking her hand formerly. He looked at her hand and continued "Such delicate fingers. I wonder how they would taste in a stew." Hikari quickly drew her hand back. She looked frightened by his remark. Then out of nowhere, something landed right behind Kutal and exploded. She looked up to see the girl who was playing with the kittens standing up with a bazooka in her hands.
"You idoit!" she yelled "Do want her to have a heart attack?!"
"Kidding, kidding. I was only kidding." Kutal said shakingly. He was obviously frightened of the girl's anger.
"Well don't!" she yelled. She then walked up to Hikari, smiling. "My name is Binka. Pleased to meet you. Oh, and don't listen to what Kutal says. He does that."
Hikari smiled and said "Hello, Binka."
Yakumo then continued with introductions. "This is Saago." She said as he shook hands with Hikari. "And these three are the kiitens. Ren, Sen," The two boys waved, "and Esty." the little girl feline smiled brightly up at her. "They are Kutal's nephews and niece. Everyone, this Hikari." Everyone smiled at her.
"Well, let's stop standing around and eat." Kutal said happily. He began pouring steaming soup into bowls and passing them around.
Okay. I finnaly got the 2nd chapter up. To everyone who sat and read this horrible story and said nice things, domo arigatou. I'm gonna take the intro off and redo the 1st chapter. I'm disappointed in the way it turned out. I want to thank Windflame and many other wonderful athurs for inspiring me to start writing.
I'm gonna start writing chapter 3 soon. I hope to start updating faster. Thank you once again for reading. Please review.
Mushra: It's not that bad. After all, I'm in it. You gotta have more self-esteem.
Hikari: How can I get more of something I don't have?
Mushra: Stop it, wierdo.
Hikari: Hai. Thanks to everyone who commented. I noticed I didn't do disclaimer last time so.....
Mushra: Animegurl4life does not own Shinzo and never will (except in her dreams.) Hikari, Seru, and the Villian (No name yet) belong to her. Takashi belongs to her and her bff.
Hikari: Please R&R[/b]
It was black. Everything as far as the eye could see was nothing but blackness. Running footsteps could be heard from somewhere, accompanied by the sound of heavy forced breathing. The darkness fades a bit to show a small girl running through the shadows. Her features were hidden. Only her crystal blue eyes could be seen. She was crying, but never stopped to rest. She just kept running. Suddenly a bright light shone through the darkness. In it, two other figures could be seen. The small girl, who's long creamy light brown-colored hair could now be seen, looked up and smiled. She ran faster to reach the two, but they never drew any nearer. The child stumbled and fell. When she got up, the light was fading away. Frightened, she called out, but her voice was drowned out by the intense silence.
She kept running towards the two. Suddenly a shadow with menacing red eyes rose up from the ground in front of her. She stopped and stared in horror and amazement. The shadow rushed forward and knocked her down. Just as she hit the floor, it seemed to disappear and she seemed to be falling through air. The scene around her changed and she was floating through space, the stars shining brightly in the distant. She had changed, too. She was now around 15 years old. Her long creamy brown hair was now short and had two blue stripes going down the right. A woman dressed in beautiful gold and white clothes and a pair of amazing golden wings appeared in front of her. She had long wavy aqua blue hair. She smiled warmly and stretched out her open hand to her. The girl reached forward and grabbed it.
The woman smiled again. She brought out a small glowing orb from behind her back. The girl looked at it in confusion. The woman then pulled the girl into a hug. Though she was smiling, tears began to stream down her smooth cheeks. The girl gave her a questoining look. The woman opened her mouth and the words "I love you" formed on her lips. She showed the younger one the orb again, then, picked up her hand and placed it on top of her own. The orb obsorbed into the girl's skin. She looked at her hand, turning it over and looking for any differences. She looked at the woman again, hoping for an answer. The woman's lips parted again and whispered a soft, quiet "Good-bye". With that she let go of the girl's hand and quickly faded off into the distance. As soon as she was out of sight the stars and sky began to swirl around her.
When they had finnally stopped, she gasped at the new scene around her. There were several golden figures surrounding a much larger shadow. They were all surrounded by a bright aura. The people surrounding the larger one seemed to be holding him with the aura. She watched in wonder until she felt an even greater presence. She turned just in time to see another golden figure surrounded by an even stronger, brighter aura zooming towards the captive. They collided and a burst of brightness followed. She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, all the figures where gone. She realized that her body seemed to be sinking as if she were in water. She was sinking head first to what seemed like nowhere for there was no sign of land or anything, for that matter. Her breath trailed above her in small shimmery bubbles. She closed her eyes slowly and let herself sink even faster into the dark waters.
Suddenly, a pair of strong arms caught her. She opened her eyes to find that all the water was gone. She looked up to the face of her rescuer. It was a young male around the age of 15 or 16. He had short hair and was wearing a golden tiara with a big blue gem in the middle. He had piercing blue eyes that stared at her with a warm gaze. On his lips were a soft smile. Upon further inspection she saw that he was dressed in beautiful gold and white clothes and dawned a pair of golden wings on his back. She stared at his eyes with an anxious look on her face.
"Don't be worried. I won't harm you." He said reassuringly.
"Wh-who are you?" she asked quietly, she seemed to be a little more relaxed.
"I'm a friend." He smiled even more warmly. "Or maybe even something like a gardian angel. I'm not exactly sure myself."
"How can you not know who you are?" she pondered.
"I didn't say 'I don't know.' I said 'I'm not exactly sure.'"
"Where are we, and how'd I get here?"
"We're in the gateway between the Worlds of Real and Non-Existance." His blue eyes wandered to around his environment for a moment before looking back at her. There was now enough light to see that they were standing on a hard reflective surface. The strange thing was that water drops were dripping slowly onto it, Making the surface ripple. The walls to the left and right of them were made up of yellow, blue, red, white and black streams of light. They seemed to curve upward to the sky were they blended together in an arch. The other two walls seemed to lead out into a darkness that was covered in a heavy fog.
"World of Non-Existance?"
"Yes. The world is full of people's dreams and thought's, but deep into the farthest parts it houses great evils and horrible powers that were stripped away from people, who had caused great suffering for many."
"Well how did I end up between them? I'm still alive, aren't I?"
The smile on his face faded into a frown. "Your soul has weakened and doesn't want to go on. You've given up on yourself completely and don't believe in yourself enough to get back up. You're not in the world of Non-existance because your heart is still telling you to go on. It knows that you can't just quit." His eyes looked pleadlingly into hers and he held her closer to him, cradling her as if she were a small child. "You must not allow yourself to give up. If you do you'll be lost forever. No matter how hard you fall down, you should always get up and dust youself off to try again."
Her eyes fell to the floor with a sad look on her face. "I'm no use of anyone anymore. I never reached the goal of my mission and failed so many people. I couldn't save my two closest friends from being taken away. I've lost my powers. What can I do now?"
His blue orbs gazed at her intensly. He had a stern look on his face. "No use?! Just because you lost your powers or strength doesn't mean all is lost. There's still hope. You can still rescue your friends and then you can finish your mission together with them. No matter how hard things get there is always hope. Besides," his smile turning soft again and his eyes sparkling with hope "you still have to keep that promise to yourself and another friend."
"What other friend? What promise?" A look of utter confusion flooded her face.
"You really have forgotten, haven't you? Oh well, I guessed this would happen. Your memories shall return sooner or later." His deep blue orbs were still filled with happyness.
"What memories. What are you talking about? I want answers!" Her eyes flashed in anger as her voice rose. She looked agitated and desperate.
Seeing this, he held her closer to him, with her head resting on his chest, and stroked her head reasuringly. "Don't worry. Everything will be made clear withen good time. I don't want to overload you with more information than you can handle at the moment. So please," he moved her so she could see his face again "stay calm and be a bit more patient."
"Okay." she said defeatedly. "But can you at least tell me how to get out of here?"
"Only if you don't wanna go to the World of Non-Existance." he joked.
"And one more thing..." she said a bit cautiously
"What's that?"
"Why exactly are you here? If you know how to leave and if it's such a lonely place, why do you stay here?"
"I don't have a choice. I cannot go to the World of Real, because I don't really exist. But I can't go to the World of Non-Existance when I am still a living, self-thinking being." He saw the dumbstruck look on her face and explained further "I am half of a whole. My other half is living somewhere without any knowledge of me. I contain all our memories, while he contains our life-force. Our powers are split between us two."
"So you have to stay here? How awful."
"Not really. Even though it's hard, you kinda get used to it. By the way, you did want me to tell you the way out. First off, you got here by giving up. You need to believe that once you get out you can go on living. Second, you must want to go. Do you believe in yourself?"
"Well, when you put it like that..."she sighed "It's really hard not to imagine it. Yeah, I believe, so why am I still here?"
"Something's holding you back." His blue eyes met hers in a concerned stare "What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna leave you here all alone. Isn't there someway that you can leave?" She stared up at him pleadingly with her crystal blue eyes.
"Afraid not."
"Is there anyway we'll ever meet again? If not, will you ever get out of here?"
"Someday, maybe. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see one another again."
"Promise." he said reasuringly. He seemed to be fading slowly away. "Now hurry, there are people for you to meet. One more thing, The light is always closer than you think. Never forget that, Hikari." With that he poked her nose with his index finger playfully.
"Wait!" Before she could finish, a blinding light shone from them and everything was flooded with the golden light.[/i]
"Hey I think she's waking up." A squeaky voice said.
Her eyes slowly opened. She was looking up at the top of a tent. To her right was a yellow kitten enterran with big blue eyes. It seemed to be the source of the voice. The tent flap opened as she tried to sit up. A girl entered, probably around 15 to 17 years old, with long brown hair and chocolate-colored eyes.
"Please lay back down." she said as soon as she saw her. "You need to rest." She had a soft, gentle voice.
"Aw, come on, Yakumo. She's been asleep for two days." A boy about the same age as the girl walked in. His lavender hair was about an inch above his shoulders, and he had peircing blue eyes.
"Well she's badly hurt and needs rest." The one called Yakumo argued.
The boy was about to answer when the girl finnally spoke. "Where am I?" her voice hoarce from lack of use "How'd I get here?"
The two looked startled for a second. Then Yakumo spoke. "You're at our campsite. Mushra, here," she motoined toward the boy with her hand "found you in the woods. You were badly injured, so we bandaged your wounds and let you rest."
The girl suddenly sat up, but let out a gasp of pain and laid back a bit as she clutched her stomach. At this, Yakumo reached out a hand to keep her from sitting back up.
"Please stay calm. You don't want to re-open your wounds. Now what's the matter?"
"Others?" She looked up at the boy called Mushra. "Were there any others?"
Mushra looked at her, a bit surprised. "No. Nothing else was there except a bag and a quarter staff, which I sent Saago to get."
The girl's eyes saddend. "Oh." she said disappointidly.
There was an akward silence. It was broken by the same kitten-enterran from earlier. "Uncle Kutal said the food is ready."
"Are you hungry, uh...may we have your name?" asked Yakumo.
A thoughtful expression appeared on the girl's face, as if she was wondering whether to say her name or not, before answering "Hikari...Hikari Tenshi. And, yes, I am kinda hungry."
"Good," a loud, boisturous voice said from outside the tent,"because I've made quite a good bit tonight, and I would hate for it to go to waste."
Laughter could be heard. "Even if she doesn't eat anything, you'll gulp all down anyway."
Hikari slowly fallowed Yakumo and Mushra outside. There was a large, yellow cat entteran standing over a pot on a campfire. He was taking a sip from a large spoon with a look of satisfaction spreading across his face. Leaning on a nearby tree was a tall male wearing a blue cape and a helmet. He was tossing a coin reapeatedly. A girl about the age of 11 was next to him playing with the kitten entteran and two others like her, but they seemed to be boys. She wore blue-jean capris and a short, pink tank-top. Hikari looked nervously around.
"They look friendly enough" she thought to herself.
"This is Kutal." Yakumo said, motioning toward the feline.
"A pleasure to meet you, my lady." said Kutal while taking her hand formerly. He looked at her hand and continued "Such delicate fingers. I wonder how they would taste in a stew." Hikari quickly drew her hand back. She looked frightened by his remark. Then out of nowhere, something landed right behind Kutal and exploded. She looked up to see the girl who was playing with the kittens standing up with a bazooka in her hands.
"You idoit!" she yelled "Do want her to have a heart attack?!"
"Kidding, kidding. I was only kidding." Kutal said shakingly. He was obviously frightened of the girl's anger.
"Well don't!" she yelled. She then walked up to Hikari, smiling. "My name is Binka. Pleased to meet you. Oh, and don't listen to what Kutal says. He does that."
Hikari smiled and said "Hello, Binka."
Yakumo then continued with introductions. "This is Saago." She said as he shook hands with Hikari. "And these three are the kiitens. Ren, Sen," The two boys waved, "and Esty." the little girl feline smiled brightly up at her. "They are Kutal's nephews and niece. Everyone, this Hikari." Everyone smiled at her.
"Well, let's stop standing around and eat." Kutal said happily. He began pouring steaming soup into bowls and passing them around.
Okay. I finnaly got the 2nd chapter up. To everyone who sat and read this horrible story and said nice things, domo arigatou. I'm gonna take the intro off and redo the 1st chapter. I'm disappointed in the way it turned out. I want to thank Windflame and many other wonderful athurs for inspiring me to start writing.
I'm gonna start writing chapter 3 soon. I hope to start updating faster. Thank you once again for reading. Please review.
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firetempesttakashi on October 30, 2007, 9:44:12 PM