Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Submitted July 27, 2006 Updated July 27, 2006 Status Complete | The Pharoah has an orphaned niece that has lived with him ever since she was litte. She doesn't know that Her uncle is the Pharoah and she inherits his position because he had been hiding it from her. She meets a Priest her age and he knows this secret.
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Yami/Yugi » Pharaoh Atemu |
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4 - Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Priestess Genivieve
"Who's there?" I asked in deep concern. "You will see, just come foward," the voice replied. I saw shadow creatures approach me and they took me into the darkness. It went pitch black and then suddenly it grew a little lighter. "Ahh. . . My dear Genivieve, you look just like your father," the voice said. "How do you know my father?" I asked angrily I eyes glowing even redder. "No time for questions, Genivieve. You need to find the answers to your questions, and I am the one you need to see. "I don't trust you. I don't even know what you look like or who you are!" I exclaimed loudly. I then suddenly saw a pair of hands come out from the darkness and grabed me, cutting me deeply in the prossess. He muffled my mouth so my cries for help couldn't be heard. "Chase!" I tried to scream but I couldn't. The cuts on my hips were bleeding badly I couldn't clot it because he had my hands trapped. What have I got myself into?
Pharoah Atemu
"Arrg!" I cried. There was a shot of pain in the left part of my chest. It was like someone had stabbed me with a knife where my heart was! I thought for a second. I only get this feeling if someone dear to me gets hurt. "Genivieve!"
* * *
I gathered some water and went to the stables to fetch a horse. I would go save Genivieve myself without my royal court slowing me down. I started out of the palace having my horse go faster than it's ever gone before. "What have I done, Genivieve?" I asked. It took me a few hours for me to get a sign of where they were located. My forehead started glowing with the Eye of Anubis on it as I saw a mysterious looking building. My puzzle started growing warm and it started jerking me foward. I followed it and it lead me to the front of the building. I got off my horse and entered the building; My eyes glowing a deep shade of red. The Eye of Anubis was still glowing strong on my forehead and started getting warm. I saw Priest Chase standing there with a confused look upon his face. "Chase, where is Genivieve?" I asked. "You have the same symbol glowing on your head as Genivieve. . ." Chase said . "Well of course, Young Preist. I am the Pharoah and Genivieve inherits my position by blood. Now where did she go?" I asked and noticed my forehead has grown calm. "She went through that hallway and then the shadows consumed her into the darkness," he told me. "Well, if I want to get to Genivieve, I guess I'll have to do the same thing." I walked down the hallway and I changed. My voice had a deep undertone to it and my eyes grew wider. I felt more powerfull than I ever have in my life. I noticed some shadow creatures come to comsume me into the darkness. I didn't fight them off assuming that this is where Genivieve was. I noticed a tall figure standing there clutching on to a girl, covering her mouth. She was struggling to fight him off but it wasn't working. I took a few steps closer. "Father, let go of her now!" I exclaimed. "Son, I'm surprized to see you here," He chuckled. "I SAID LET GO OF HER!!" My eyes were glowing red and the symbol on my forhead grew back. I lifted myself into the air while my figure grew pitch black so all I looked like was a shadow but the features on my face were glowing. Beams of power grew out of my hand and I shot them at my father. They hit his hands and Genivieve droped to the ground. She picked herself up and ran over to me while I put my feet to the floor. My state hasn't changed any; I still looked like a shadow, a blackend figure. She then summoned her Millinium Rod and I looked at her with a smile on my face. It faded as my father did a counter attack on me and I fell to the cold, hard, rusty tile.
Priestess Genivieve
"Uncle Atemu!" I exclaimed kneeling down to him. I knew he wasn't dead, just knocked out. "Why should you care for him? He has lied to you all these years!" He yelled with a smile on his face. "What do you mean?" I asked, lowering my defences. "What do mean 'what do you mean' girl?" He asked back. "I am your grandfather, Akhenaten, former Pharoah." "Well. . . ya. That's kinda obvious when Uncle Atemu said 'father'," I said smart electly. "Your uncle is currently the ruler of Egypt, the current Pharoah!" He exclaimed and I saw my uncle get up and look at me. "Uncle, is this true?" I asked him sorrowfully. "Yes, my dear Genivieve. I am the Pharoah," he said and tears swelled up in my eyes. "How could you?" I cried as I asked. He said nothing more. "You, Priestess Genivieve, are the future Pharoah! Your idiot father would be in your position, only if he hadn't given up his nobility and went to go marry that stupid commoner," He said. That was a huge mistake to say something about that in front of me on his part. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT MY PARENTS!!" I yelled as that deep undertone of my voice came back. I lifted myself up in the air as my uncle did and turned the same features. I looked like a blackened figure and my hair was billowing behind me with my cape. My eyes glowed red and the Eye of Anubis appeared on my forehead. I clutched my Millinium Rod in my hand harder than I have ever had before. I then turned it through my fingers quickly like you would a baton and stopped it as it aimed my grandfather. It then shot a very strong beam of power out of it throwing my grandfather back and killling him instantly. I landed and my state changed to my normal self. I turned to my uncle and looked him strait in the eyes, throwing my rod on the ground. The tears came back and I ran out of the place, covering my teary eyes.
Priest Chase
It had been an hour since Genivieve was consumed by the shadows and she was probably in some sort of trouble. I decided that I wanted to be the hero for once and started down the hallway. As I was about to the point where the shadows where, I noticed Genivieve running, her face covered by her hands. As she passed me I tried to reach for her but she went by too quick. I leaned against the wall, folded my arms and huffed the hair out of my eyes. "So much for the hero thing," I said to myself. I stood there for a second thinking about absoulutly nothing and then noticed the Pharoah walking to the exit. His state changed from a blackened figure to his normal self. He walked by me, not looking at me and I didn't dare look at him. He passed me with his cape billowing behind him. I was still leaning against the wall with a mad look on my face. "Why can't I ever take part in all of the dramatic stuff?" I asked myself and I heard a reply out of no where. "Because I don't want you too, and I just can't see you being dramatic" the author said slowly. "I can too be dramatic," I said. "Watch." I kneeled to the floor and started crying with my arms bent up in the air. "Why must you go and leave me like this!" I cried in a high pitch voice, pretending to be a woman, trying desparatly to get tears to run down my eyes. "WHY?" "Whatever, faker," the author's voice trailed off. "I'm gonna star in my own drama one day. There's a keyword in there too. It's called 'drama'." I babbled on and on. "Umm. . . Chase, they haven't even invinted cameras yet, much less a television," the author told me. "I'm not listening. . . blah blah blah." "Prat," the author replied. -( for you non-Harry Potter fans, 'Prat' is the engish word for 'idiot)- I decided to go back home and help my uncle prepare for our ball. Genivieve would want me to go, and so I would.
Priestess Genivieve
I ran to what I guess would have to call the 'palace' now. Why would my uncle the 'Pharoh' keep pretty much my own destiny hidden from me? I didn't know whether to trust, hate, or love him. Right now, I wasn't feeling anything for him. The only thing that I could feel were the tears running down my face. I finally reached the palace in the same time that it took to go to the mysterious building. I entered the throne room and went down the hallway that led to the stairs that went to my room. I went in my room and locked the door, then I collapsed on my bed; tears sogging up my pillow. After a few hours my eyes dried up and I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked, thinking it was probably my uncle. "It's a servant. I have dinner for you." I got up from my bed and opened my door. I took the tray and thanked her. I put it on the table not even touching my food. I wasn't hungry. I sat on my chair next to the window and stared at my dress, thinking about the ball. It was tomorrow night and I wasn't ready for it. I got this dancing thing down but I just didn't think I was ready. I'd go anyway. Chase would probably want me to go, even though we weren't going to the same ball. I thought of him and I started to cry. I would most likely not ever see him again, would I? I really liked him. High Priest Seto always keeps his students busy and they hardly get to go out of the temple. I guess I'd try to forget about him, relizing that I'd never see his face again. It was getting dark and I needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.
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Anne14 on November 30, 2006, 2:01:19 PM
Anne14 on