Chapter 1 - Servant & Master
Submitted August 17, 2005 Updated September 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | Rei Anul Sama wrote a story a lot like this, but it was *my* original idea. She wrote the story (Demons of Old) her own way, and I didn't approve cause she made Sesshoumaru a total wuss (and she screwed the whole ending up). This is *my* version of it.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 1 - Servant & Master
Chapter 1 - Servant & Master
Young Sesshoumaru was eager to meet his lord father again, after not seeing him for so long. His father had been out of the castle for three weeks, updating what he knew about his domain. Were there any brilliant fighters awaiting to become his lord's vassal? Or maybe a new clan or enemy to take care of? Either way his father had returned and had summoned him to the conference hall.
As Sesshoumaru approached the screen door of the conference hall, the two kitsune guards bowed and allowed him to pass.
The conference hall was a long room with a table in the center to match the room's length. Along the table's sides were eight mats for the lord's eight vassals, Sesshoumaru included. At the end of the table was only one mat for the his lord alone, where he sat.
Sesshoumaru sat on his assigned mat, the one to his father's right. “It is good to see you, Father. What news comes of our domain?”
“A band of demon thieves have been at work lately towards the south. I went to see what they were up to, and they decided to make a peace treaty right away. They want no trouble from us.” His father winked at him and they both smiled. Sesshoumaru knew anyone who was willing to defy his father was a fool as good as dead.
“So what exactly did you agree upon, my lord?”
“They gave me a new servant in exchange for a few gold pieces and their lives.” Sesshoumaru was amazed.
“One servant for all that? Surely they gave you more!”
“Ah, but this is a profitable servant. She is skilled in the art of craftsmanship and knows her way around a battlefield.”
“She sounds intriguing, but are you sure being a servant is right for her?”
“She needs discipline. Right now she is as feisty as an angered cobra. Would you like to meet her?” Before Sesshoumaru could answer, his father called to one of the kitsune guards outside to bring in the new servant. The kitsune bowed and left the room, carefully closing the door behind him. He came back soon after with a girl who looked to be in her teens with her hands tied to a rope, almost like a leash.
She wasn't as tall as Sesshoumaru, but only about 2 years younger. She had long, black hair that hung loose, with brown eyes and eyelids lined with black. (Sesshoumaru's is line with red, Sango's is lined with pink for example. Hers are black) She wore a black kimono with an emerald green ribbon that was tied in a bow in the back. Sesshoumaru had a hard time believing she was a craftswoman that worked over a hot kiln all day, or used to.
“Her name is Aura Rei,” his lord informed Sesshoumaru. “I hope you like her.”
Sesshoumaru perked up. “May I ask why, my lord?”
“Because she's yours!”
Both: “What?!”
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Rei_Anul_Sama on September 2, 2005, 7:32:27 AM