Chapter 6 - Game Play
Submitted August 17, 2005 Updated September 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | Rei Anul Sama wrote a story a lot like this, but it was *my* original idea. She wrote the story (Demons of Old) her own way, and I didn't approve cause she made Sesshoumaru a total wuss (and she screwed the whole ending up). This is *my* version of it.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 6 - Game Play
Chapter 6 - Game Play
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Aura woke up on the floor next to the burnt-out fireplace in the library
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Aura woke up on the floor next to the burnt-out fireplace in the library. Her neck caused her severe pain when she got up. There was no sign of Sesshoumaru, so she merely assumed he had gone off to do whatever he did each day. She decided to explore around the grounds a bit.
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She easily found the front entrance to the den and started with the area around the opening. The entrance was a huge semicircle in a hill. Someone could easily think of it as a hobbit's hole, at least a first sight. When they notice the hole is gigantic, they'll know it definitely doesn't belong to a hobbit. The castle was of normal Japanese style, but of huge proportions. From the hole in the hill (mountain?), there was a tunnel down to the castle, which lay in a huge cavern. That was the inner courtyard. The outer courtyard surrounded the hill.
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Aura went to the side of the opening, and made a massive jump to the top of the hill to get a better view. At the top she could see for miles on end. It was mostly forest surrounding the castle, except for two clearings on either side of the hill. One clearing was a bit smaller than the other, because it was a watering hole, probably for bathing. The other clearing was a training ground, where vassals and demons of the castle could sharpen their combat skills against various opponents. She saw Sesshoumaru by the training grounds with a sword out, though she thought it odd that he only slashed at the sprawled out dead bodies, and after they were cut by the non-blood-stained sword, they'd get up, bow to him, and run off. It was quite a humorous sight.
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But Aura was more concerned/interested in the bathing pool. She hadn't taken a bath for at least a week, due to being taken captive by those she once called friends and being sold to Sesshoumaru and everything. She made it to the bottom of the hill with another mighty leap & flip combo. She walked over to the bank of the watering hole, which was a small body of water that let out into a small stream. It was filled with water coming from upstream that poured into the pond, producing a medium-sized waterfall.
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Aura looked around to see if anyone was near, and she thought since Sesshoumaru was busy looking strange, she'd take a bath and no one would notice. Silently, she got out of her kimono and hid it in the bushes as she slipped into the water. The temperature was cool, and it felt great among the heat of the summer months. She swam around, watching the ripples in the water flow from her arms to create small tides at the bank. She was intrigued by how water could change its form to hold whatever wondered into its arms.
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Suddenly, she heard a noise come from behind the bushes from which she entered, and she could sense a large demonic aura. She caught a glimpse of a flow of silvery white hair. She dove under the waterfall and came up so only her eyes and nose were above the water. She watched silently as Sesshoumaru passed by, apparently done with his work at the training grounds. As he disappeared among the trees, Aura gave a sigh of relief through her nose. Then, her eyes grew wide as she felt someone's hands creep across and cup her breasts. She was pulled closer until she felt his body up against hers. He whispered in her ear, "Nice rack," and he gave her breasts a slight squeeze. "It's good to have you back."
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Aura nearly jumped out of her skin, screaming, but as she jumped up, she hit her head on the rock above her, and she immediately went back down, clutching her hurt cranium. Both she and her uninvited guest flowed out from behind the waterfall, and she got to see who this intruder was.
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He was laughing, as if this was some kind of joke, and she recognized him. She heard Sesshoumaru behind her on the bank. "Toyoko! Get away from her!"
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"Aw, come on, Sess! I was just havin' a little fun!"
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"Fun my @$$! Get away from me, you pervert!" Aura exclaimed, trying to cover herself as best she could. Toyoko just laughed. Then he got hit with a rock from behind.
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"Toyoko, you dick!"
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"Aneko, darling! You know I was only foolin' around!"
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Aneko looked up at Sesshoumaru. "Sesshoumaru, would you be a dear and wait for us back at the castle common room? Toyoko needs to get his head straight and poor abused Aura needs to calm down a bit. We'll be there fairly soon."
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Sesshoumaru, without so much as a blink, turned and walked toward the castle.
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"Now then, Toyoko, get out and get your gawddamn clothes on. Aura, honey, don't mind him, he thinks with his dick, not his brain. If he does anything like that again, you have my and, I'm sure, Sesshoumaru's permission to slaughter him however you wish. Just please be sure he is still in one piece. It's very hard to put together ashes, you know." She winked and dragged Toyoko by the ear farther into the forest.
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Aura got out and dried herself off with a wave of fire over her skin. She put her clothes back on and vowed not to ever take them off again as long as Toyoko was visiting.
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About ten minutes later, Toyoko and Aneko came out of the forest, looking a bit shuffled, but at least dressed. Aneko ran to join Aura. Aneko was a cat demon with dark skin, and black hair & cat ears. Her hair came down to chin level, so it wasn't even shoulder length. She was very slender, and a little shorter than aura. Her blue cat eyes were fierce and scary when she was angry, but when sad, hopeful, and understanding, her eyes were as warm and cute as kittens. She was about as playful as one, too.
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"Hope you're ready for some fun! And it should be more interesting now, since there's four of us and I'm not the only girl!" she squinted her eyes and showed a big grin.
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"Oh yeah! Lots of fun! Hey, I have a new game we can play too! I call it, 'Veracity or Harassment,'" Toyoko joined in.
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"That sounds dangerous," Aura remarked, veering closer to Aneko.
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"It's fun though! I'll explain the rules once we get inside."
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They all met in the common room, and sat on the floor in a circle. Sesshoumaru sat beside Aura and Toyoko, Aneko across from him. “Okay. The game is called `Veracity or Harassment.' In simpler terms, `Truth or Dare.' We start off with one person asking another player `truth or dare?' If the player responds `truth,' then the person asks the player a personal question, and the player has to answer truthfully. If the player responded with `dare,' then the person dares the player to do something and the player must do it. Understand?” Toyoko explained. Everyone nodded. “Okay! So, who shall start? How about our runaway maiden?” He looked toward Aura.
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“Um, okay, uh…” Aura said nervously. She then looked to Sesshoumaru with a mischievous gaze. “Sesshoumaru!” He looked up as if challenged to a death match. “Truth or Dare?”
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“Well, that's a first. Sesshoumaru isn't daring?” Aneko sneered.
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“Shoosh!” Toyoko interrupted.
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“What is your greatest fear?” Aura smiled.
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Sesshoumaru looked to Toyoko unsure. “I have to answer that?”
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“Have to. Now answer the question,” Toyoko reassured.
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“Hm…” Sesshoumaru had to consider carefully how to answer it. “I have no fear.”
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“Oh yes, you do. I can answer for you,” Aura smirked and her eyes flashed yellow. Sesshoumaru retaliated with his death glare.
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“I think his greatest fear is that all his secrets will be exposed by a servant who can mind-read. Ha-ha!” Toyoko laughed.
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“If you can answer it, why ask it?” Sesshoumaru snapped.
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“To see if you'd willingly give me the information, instead of me having to dig through your mind.” Aura smiled, and her eyes flashed again. “Your surface through is exactly what Toyoko predicted. Your darkest fear however… (Sesshoumaru: *death glare*)…abandonment. You fear being continuously alone by hatred.”
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Sesshoumaru averted his eyes to the floor beside him. The room fell silent for a while. Then Aneko broke the silence. “Okay, so, Sesshoumaru, it is now your turn.”
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Sesshoumaru looked around, searching for his next victim. He glared at Toyoko, eager to get back at him for all the perverse jokes through the years. “Toyoko, truth or dare?”
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“Dare.” They both exchanged stares peeked with interest.
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“Hope you're as daring as you are perverse. Start stripping.”
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Toyoko looked at him with a smirk, realizing what he was trying to do. Unfortunately for Sesshoumaru, Toyoko was a bit too playful to care about embarrassment, as long as it was among friends. He stood up and put up his finger to get himself together. He breathed in and quickly out to show he was about to make this as hilarious as possible. He stared straight into Sesshoumaru's eyes, and struck a sudden pose. “Ooh! Ah! Mmm…” each new pose came with anew sound. Aura giggled and Aneko found it too funny and burst out laughing. Toyoko grabbed the folds of his kimono and tore it off, screaming as if he were a woman being attacked. Sesshoumaru smirked. Toyoko was now in his light blue under kimono made of silk. He turned around doing something related to a hula dance, and he slowly lifted his shirt. When it was completely off, he flung it backwards accidentally (?) flying into Aura's face. Aura fought it off her face spazzily, and threw it at Aneko, who caught it, and held it as if it were a personal treasure.
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Sesshoumaru couldn't help laughing. It had been a while since he had had something to laugh at, and he laughed as hard as he could. [Unintentionally, of course]. He laughed until Toyoko's pants came off and went flying at him. He immediately stopped and caught them with one hand. Toyoko turned around, still doing his version of the hula dance, but this time, he was only wearing a loin cloth. He stopped and wore a shocked gape on his face when he realized who he'd flung his pants at. He broke out in bellowing laughs. Sesshoumaru didn't find it as funny. He got up with Toyoko's pants in his hand, and calmly walked over to where the hysterical Toyoko was bent over, laughing and gasping for air.
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Sesshoumaru just stood there and stared at him with a calm smile on his face for a few seconds. He then suddenly whipped Toyoko's pants at the owner's @$$, snapping the loin cloth right off. As soon as you hear the snap, Toyoko straightened himself quickly and hastily covered what was important to him with his hands. He blushed, holding in a laugh that looked like his cheeks were going to explode. He averted his eyes to Sesshoumaru and gave him a dewy baby expression, almost asking for his pants back.
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“Sesshoumaru, give him at least his pants, if not for his end to embarrassment, then for those who'd rather not go blind in one glance at him,” Aura advised, shielding her eyes from the gawd-awful sight. It wasn't as if Toyoko was unattractive, though. He was a dark tan, and as muscular as Sesshoumaru. Aura just though seeing Toyoko like that twice in a day was twice too many.
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Sesshoumaru sympathized, realizing he didn't want to gaze upon Toyoko either. He turned around still carrying Toyoko's pants. As he walked back to his seat, he threw the pants at Toyoko's face, returning the favor given to him. Because his hands were busy covering important *items*, Toyoko caught his pants with his face, bringing pleasure to Sesshoumaru. Toyoko hastily put his pants on, and sat back. He put his hand out to Aneko, looking for his shirt, but Aneko refused to give it to him.
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She looked to Sesshoumaru. “Sess, truth or dare?”
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He raised his eyebrow. “Truth.”
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“Who would you rather sleep with among us?” she asked, embracing Toyoko's shirt as he was pulling on it, trying to pry it from her grasp.
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Toyoko realized what the question was, though it took him a few seconds, and he added, “Better yet, I DARE you to sleep with that person tonight!” He pulled one last time and was finally able to yank his shirt free and slip it on. “Ooh! And you have to do it, `cause you've been taking `truth' for two times too many! Ha-ha-ha!” Toyoko laughed.
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“Fine. I accept.”
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Toyoko immediately stopped laughing. “Huh?! You're serious?!” It only took a glance at Sesshoumaru's eyes to answer the question. He wasn't joking.
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Aura sighed. “Why don't we play another game?”
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“How `bout we play Sess's favorite?” suggested Aneko.
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“As long as I'm not the first victim!” Toyoko agreed.
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“If it's Sesshoumaru favorite, it must be destructive,” though Aura aloud.
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“It can be. It depend on what your fear is,” Aneko replied.
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“Your fear? Explain.”
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“We call the game `Scream.' Two contestants/players are chosen to go into a torch lit room. One is sent in as a predator, and the other is the prey, or victim. The predator has to make the victim scream out of fear in two minutes. Keep in mind it has to be of fear, not of pain. If it's of lethal pain, the predator is disqualified. It's played using a chart. Normally, Toyoko and I go first, and the winner has to go against Sesshoumaru. With you here, it'll be me and Toyoko, then you and Sesshoumaru, and the two winners go in together for the championship.” Aneko explained.
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“It's a lot of fun! And it's a chance to get to know your friends better,” chipped in Toyoko. “Though I'd keep an eye on Sesshoumaru at all times, if you have to go against him. Hope you can see in the dark! Once you lose track of him, he's got you.”
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The four friends went across a courtyard to an isolated hut away from the castle. They went inside, one by one. The hut was divided into two rooms, one about a fifth the size of the other. The bigger room had torches lining the wall, but other than that it was made of bare stone and dust. The smaller room had a wooden door, with no light source at all but a large window, alloying view into the other room. Along the window sill there was a desk and bench all made of stone. Apparently the hut was made for this game.
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“An illusionist would have a lot of fun in this room,” commented Aura.
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“Yeah, I think only a very powerful one could beat Sesshoumaru, though. He sees right through illusions,” warned Toyoko.
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“Then what you do is make the illusion into reality,” Aura answered, snapping, producing a small fire ball above her palm. “Anyone here have pyrophobia?” she smirked. They all shook their heads, knowing she was joking. You aren't a demon from hell if you're scared of fire.
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“Okay, me and Aneko first? As usual, and to show Aura how it works?” Toyoko urged.
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“Be my guest,” Sesshoumaru bowed.
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“Oh, I've already taken that position. Took it as soon as I got here,” he replied, pushing Aneko into the room.
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“I honestly don't know why we do this round. Aneko doesn't seem to learn,” Sesshoumaru commented.
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“What does that mean?”
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“Toyoko has a fear of anything with more than four legs, as long as he can either see or feel them. He's really quite jittery,” he explained.
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“And this is how you defeat him?” Sesshoumaru nodded slightly.
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“How does Toyoko usually defeat Aneko?”
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“Toyoko has the ability to blend into the shadows. Aneko hates it when things pop out of nowhere and jump at her.”
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“And you? How do they defeat you?” Aura tried.
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“Simple: they don't. I don't show fear.”
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“Unless your own family turned against you and used an attack that you were sure would kill you,” Aura stated absentmindedly.
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“Hmph,” he grunted in reply, and continued to watch Toyoko pulling his same old trick by hiding in the shadows and blowing out the torches. This gave Aura an idea.
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Sesshoumaru then saw a twist in Aneko's movement, and he saw her light a torch with apparently a new found power. He lit torch exposed where Toyoko was hiding, and he was quite shocked. She prowled up to him, stood before him, and lit herself on fire. Toyoko could see the burning sensation in her eyes, like that of the intent to kill. She raised her claw up in the air, as if about to strike, and Toyoko felt a surge of fear. Her burning claw rushed through the air at him, and Toyoko gave a wail. Aneko stopped right before she hit the cowering Toyoko. The fire went out immediately. The torches restored to lighting the room. Aneko bent over and kissed his forehead, which astonished him, and made him blush, now realizing his scream was a bit girly.^^ “I win,” Aneko said with a smirk.
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They both walked out, Aneko looking proud and Toyoko still blushing. “Since when do you have fire powers?” he complained.
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“Since I learned to make friend in other places.” She winked at Aura. Sesshoumaru glared at Aura, as if saying, “Cheater!”
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“No one said she had to do it alone,” Aura said to him, telekinetically.
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“Don't try that with me,” his eyes replied.
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“Next!” Toyoko called out excitedly. Sesshoumaru and Aura entered the room together and split off to both sides of the room, as if it had been rehearsed.
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“Ready?” Sesshoumaru checked. Aura nodded her head.
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Sesshoumaru calmly walked to the side of the room, lit torches along the side. He glanced at Aura with a smirk and sped down the wall, blowing out the torches with the wind generated from the thrust. He was now in the 4 o'clock position from Aura. Aura just glared in his general direction, no emotion on her face, no movement but her eyes. Sesshoumaru pulled the same stunt on the other three walls. The result: total darkness. Aura's eyes stayed focused on Sesshoumaru's direction until she could no longer see him.
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“You missed one,” she proclaimed as a ball of fire formed around her clench fist she held to the side of her. Looking at the floor, she could see his shadow over hers, meaning he was right behind her. Her face still showed no emotion.
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Now that his element of surprise was gone, Sesshoumaru was forced to think. He then remembered Aura screaming when Toyoko made his entrance. He slithered his arms around her hips and pulled her to him. Aura's eyes left the floor and grew wide and angry. Her entire body went up in flames and there was a scream. But the scream did not come from Sesshoumaru or Aura. No, it came from Toyoko who had suddenly been reminded of his Aneko burning and looking murderous at him. The other three rolled their eyes in unison, and continued.
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Sesshoumaru decided the big approach was the last option. Making a roaring sound, he began to transform. His grip on her let go, and she turned around to see him go through a major growth spurt. His back broke the ceiling, bits of it crumbling and falling into the room.
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Aura folded her arms. “Aw, a puppy,” a little smirk on her face.
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“That's a damn big puppy,” Toyoko commented.
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“Heh, no kidding,” added Aneko, a smile appearing on her lips.
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Sesshoumaru pounded his front paw on the ground, making the earth shake under Aura's feet, bouncing her up 6 feet in the air. It was getting increasingly difficult to restrain herself from spouting out an interjection. She searched herself for some kind of inspiration to cause a spark, but all she found was astonishment at how big this spoiled prince had become. Sesshoumaru swung his paw at her, and Aura attempted to jump, but had noticed the attack just a bit too late. She got flung into the wall of the half-demolished building, letting out a shrill cry of pain.
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“It's not over until one of them screams out of fear. Pain doesn't count,” Aneko assured herself, Toyoko cowering behind her.
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Aura had found her inner fire. She got up, and straightened out to inquire the powerful Sesshoumaru. “You know the bad thing about having so much hair?!” A strong wind picked up as Aura gathered her energy. “It's real easy to BURN!” A huge fireball shot out of her arms and swarmed Sesshoumaru, catching all his fur on fire. He lost his dog form, landing on his knees, his body still engulfed in flames. Aura calmly walked up to him, her eyes flickering like fire. She put up her palm, as if to throw another fireball at him. He stared into her eyes dreading another fiery blow. They stood like this for about a minute, until a burst of force blew over Sesshoumaru, blowing out the fire and forcing Sesshoumaru to fly 50 feet out of the room into the courtyard. He cried out fearing his death.
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After Sesshoumaru slid across the yard, Toyoko zoomed in between the two, his arms spread out, “The match is over! No more! Winner: Aura Rei!” The flames settled down insider her, and Toyoko ran to Sesshoumaru to make sure he was still alive. He offered his hand to him, but Sesshoumaru just pushed it away. He helped himself up and strode over to Aura, who was being praised by Aneko. He confronted her, his famous death glare in his eyes.
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“Believe you me, you <i>will</i> be brought down!” he growled through his teeth.
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“Bring it!”
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That night, a demonic child was conceived.
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Aura woke up on the floor next to the burnt-out fireplace in the library
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Aura woke up on the floor next to the burnt-out fireplace in the library. Her neck caused her severe pain when she got up. There was no sign of Sesshoumaru, so she merely assumed he had gone off to do whatever he did each day. She decided to explore around the grounds a bit.
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She easily found the front entrance to the den and started with the area around the opening. The entrance was a huge semicircle in a hill. Someone could easily think of it as a hobbit's hole, at least a first sight. When they notice the hole is gigantic, they'll know it definitely doesn't belong to a hobbit. The castle was of normal Japanese style, but of huge proportions. From the hole in the hill (mountain?), there was a tunnel down to the castle, which lay in a huge cavern. That was the inner courtyard. The outer courtyard surrounded the hill.
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Aura went to the side of the opening, and made a massive jump to the top of the hill to get a better view. At the top she could see for miles on end. It was mostly forest surrounding the castle, except for two clearings on either side of the hill. One clearing was a bit smaller than the other, because it was a watering hole, probably for bathing. The other clearing was a training ground, where vassals and demons of the castle could sharpen their combat skills against various opponents. She saw Sesshoumaru by the training grounds with a sword out, though she thought it odd that he only slashed at the sprawled out dead bodies, and after they were cut by the non-blood-stained sword, they'd get up, bow to him, and run off. It was quite a humorous sight.
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But Aura was more concerned/interested in the bathing pool. She hadn't taken a bath for at least a week, due to being taken captive by those she once called friends and being sold to Sesshoumaru and everything. She made it to the bottom of the hill with another mighty leap & flip combo. She walked over to the bank of the watering hole, which was a small body of water that let out into a small stream. It was filled with water coming from upstream that poured into the pond, producing a medium-sized waterfall.
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Aura looked around to see if anyone was near, and she thought since Sesshoumaru was busy looking strange, she'd take a bath and no one would notice. Silently, she got out of her kimono and hid it in the bushes as she slipped into the water. The temperature was cool, and it felt great among the heat of the summer months. She swam around, watching the ripples in the water flow from her arms to create small tides at the bank. She was intrigued by how water could change its form to hold whatever wondered into its arms.
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Suddenly, she heard a noise come from behind the bushes from which she entered, and she could sense a large demonic aura. She caught a glimpse of a flow of silvery white hair. She dove under the waterfall and came up so only her eyes and nose were above the water. She watched silently as Sesshoumaru passed by, apparently done with his work at the training grounds. As he disappeared among the trees, Aura gave a sigh of relief through her nose. Then, her eyes grew wide as she felt someone's hands creep across and cup her breasts. She was pulled closer until she felt his body up against hers. He whispered in her ear, "Nice rack," and he gave her breasts a slight squeeze. "It's good to have you back."
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Aura nearly jumped out of her skin, screaming, but as she jumped up, she hit her head on the rock above her, and she immediately went back down, clutching her hurt cranium. Both she and her uninvited guest flowed out from behind the waterfall, and she got to see who this intruder was.
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He was laughing, as if this was some kind of joke, and she recognized him. She heard Sesshoumaru behind her on the bank. "Toyoko! Get away from her!"
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"Aw, come on, Sess! I was just havin' a little fun!"
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"Fun my @$$! Get away from me, you pervert!" Aura exclaimed, trying to cover herself as best she could. Toyoko just laughed. Then he got hit with a rock from behind.
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"Toyoko, you dick!"
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"Aneko, darling! You know I was only foolin' around!"
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Aneko looked up at Sesshoumaru. "Sesshoumaru, would you be a dear and wait for us back at the castle common room? Toyoko needs to get his head straight and poor abused Aura needs to calm down a bit. We'll be there fairly soon."
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Sesshoumaru, without so much as a blink, turned and walked toward the castle.
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"Now then, Toyoko, get out and get your gawddamn clothes on. Aura, honey, don't mind him, he thinks with his dick, not his brain. If he does anything like that again, you have my and, I'm sure, Sesshoumaru's permission to slaughter him however you wish. Just please be sure he is still in one piece. It's very hard to put together ashes, you know." She winked and dragged Toyoko by the ear farther into the forest.
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Aura got out and dried herself off with a wave of fire over her skin. She put her clothes back on and vowed not to ever take them off again as long as Toyoko was visiting.
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About ten minutes later, Toyoko and Aneko came out of the forest, looking a bit shuffled, but at least dressed. Aneko ran to join Aura. Aneko was a cat demon with dark skin, and black hair & cat ears. Her hair came down to chin level, so it wasn't even shoulder length. She was very slender, and a little shorter than aura. Her blue cat eyes were fierce and scary when she was angry, but when sad, hopeful, and understanding, her eyes were as warm and cute as kittens. She was about as playful as one, too.
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"Hope you're ready for some fun! And it should be more interesting now, since there's four of us and I'm not the only girl!" she squinted her eyes and showed a big grin.
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"Oh yeah! Lots of fun! Hey, I have a new game we can play too! I call it, 'Veracity or Harassment,'" Toyoko joined in.
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"That sounds dangerous," Aura remarked, veering closer to Aneko.
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"It's fun though! I'll explain the rules once we get inside."
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They all met in the common room, and sat on the floor in a circle. Sesshoumaru sat beside Aura and Toyoko, Aneko across from him. “Okay. The game is called `Veracity or Harassment.' In simpler terms, `Truth or Dare.' We start off with one person asking another player `truth or dare?' If the player responds `truth,' then the person asks the player a personal question, and the player has to answer truthfully. If the player responded with `dare,' then the person dares the player to do something and the player must do it. Understand?” Toyoko explained. Everyone nodded. “Okay! So, who shall start? How about our runaway maiden?” He looked toward Aura.
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“Um, okay, uh…” Aura said nervously. She then looked to Sesshoumaru with a mischievous gaze. “Sesshoumaru!” He looked up as if challenged to a death match. “Truth or Dare?”
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“Well, that's a first. Sesshoumaru isn't daring?” Aneko sneered.
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“Shoosh!” Toyoko interrupted.
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“What is your greatest fear?” Aura smiled.
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Sesshoumaru looked to Toyoko unsure. “I have to answer that?”
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“Have to. Now answer the question,” Toyoko reassured.
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“Hm…” Sesshoumaru had to consider carefully how to answer it. “I have no fear.”
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“Oh yes, you do. I can answer for you,” Aura smirked and her eyes flashed yellow. Sesshoumaru retaliated with his death glare.
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“I think his greatest fear is that all his secrets will be exposed by a servant who can mind-read. Ha-ha!” Toyoko laughed.
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“If you can answer it, why ask it?” Sesshoumaru snapped.
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“To see if you'd willingly give me the information, instead of me having to dig through your mind.” Aura smiled, and her eyes flashed again. “Your surface through is exactly what Toyoko predicted. Your darkest fear however… (Sesshoumaru: *death glare*)…abandonment. You fear being continuously alone by hatred.”
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Sesshoumaru averted his eyes to the floor beside him. The room fell silent for a while. Then Aneko broke the silence. “Okay, so, Sesshoumaru, it is now your turn.”
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Sesshoumaru looked around, searching for his next victim. He glared at Toyoko, eager to get back at him for all the perverse jokes through the years. “Toyoko, truth or dare?”
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“Dare.” They both exchanged stares peeked with interest.
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“Hope you're as daring as you are perverse. Start stripping.”
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Toyoko looked at him with a smirk, realizing what he was trying to do. Unfortunately for Sesshoumaru, Toyoko was a bit too playful to care about embarrassment, as long as it was among friends. He stood up and put up his finger to get himself together. He breathed in and quickly out to show he was about to make this as hilarious as possible. He stared straight into Sesshoumaru's eyes, and struck a sudden pose. “Ooh! Ah! Mmm…” each new pose came with anew sound. Aura giggled and Aneko found it too funny and burst out laughing. Toyoko grabbed the folds of his kimono and tore it off, screaming as if he were a woman being attacked. Sesshoumaru smirked. Toyoko was now in his light blue under kimono made of silk. He turned around doing something related to a hula dance, and he slowly lifted his shirt. When it was completely off, he flung it backwards accidentally (?) flying into Aura's face. Aura fought it off her face spazzily, and threw it at Aneko, who caught it, and held it as if it were a personal treasure.
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Sesshoumaru couldn't help laughing. It had been a while since he had had something to laugh at, and he laughed as hard as he could. [Unintentionally, of course]. He laughed until Toyoko's pants came off and went flying at him. He immediately stopped and caught them with one hand. Toyoko turned around, still doing his version of the hula dance, but this time, he was only wearing a loin cloth. He stopped and wore a shocked gape on his face when he realized who he'd flung his pants at. He broke out in bellowing laughs. Sesshoumaru didn't find it as funny. He got up with Toyoko's pants in his hand, and calmly walked over to where the hysterical Toyoko was bent over, laughing and gasping for air.
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Sesshoumaru just stood there and stared at him with a calm smile on his face for a few seconds. He then suddenly whipped Toyoko's pants at the owner's @$$, snapping the loin cloth right off. As soon as you hear the snap, Toyoko straightened himself quickly and hastily covered what was important to him with his hands. He blushed, holding in a laugh that looked like his cheeks were going to explode. He averted his eyes to Sesshoumaru and gave him a dewy baby expression, almost asking for his pants back.
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“Sesshoumaru, give him at least his pants, if not for his end to embarrassment, then for those who'd rather not go blind in one glance at him,” Aura advised, shielding her eyes from the gawd-awful sight. It wasn't as if Toyoko was unattractive, though. He was a dark tan, and as muscular as Sesshoumaru. Aura just though seeing Toyoko like that twice in a day was twice too many.
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Sesshoumaru sympathized, realizing he didn't want to gaze upon Toyoko either. He turned around still carrying Toyoko's pants. As he walked back to his seat, he threw the pants at Toyoko's face, returning the favor given to him. Because his hands were busy covering important *items*, Toyoko caught his pants with his face, bringing pleasure to Sesshoumaru. Toyoko hastily put his pants on, and sat back. He put his hand out to Aneko, looking for his shirt, but Aneko refused to give it to him.
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She looked to Sesshoumaru. “Sess, truth or dare?”
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He raised his eyebrow. “Truth.”
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“Who would you rather sleep with among us?” she asked, embracing Toyoko's shirt as he was pulling on it, trying to pry it from her grasp.
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Toyoko realized what the question was, though it took him a few seconds, and he added, “Better yet, I DARE you to sleep with that person tonight!” He pulled one last time and was finally able to yank his shirt free and slip it on. “Ooh! And you have to do it, `cause you've been taking `truth' for two times too many! Ha-ha-ha!” Toyoko laughed.
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“Fine. I accept.”
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Toyoko immediately stopped laughing. “Huh?! You're serious?!” It only took a glance at Sesshoumaru's eyes to answer the question. He wasn't joking.
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Aura sighed. “Why don't we play another game?”
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“How `bout we play Sess's favorite?” suggested Aneko.
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“As long as I'm not the first victim!” Toyoko agreed.
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“If it's Sesshoumaru favorite, it must be destructive,” though Aura aloud.
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“It can be. It depend on what your fear is,” Aneko replied.
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“Your fear? Explain.”
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“We call the game `Scream.' Two contestants/players are chosen to go into a torch lit room. One is sent in as a predator, and the other is the prey, or victim. The predator has to make the victim scream out of fear in two minutes. Keep in mind it has to be of fear, not of pain. If it's of lethal pain, the predator is disqualified. It's played using a chart. Normally, Toyoko and I go first, and the winner has to go against Sesshoumaru. With you here, it'll be me and Toyoko, then you and Sesshoumaru, and the two winners go in together for the championship.” Aneko explained.
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“It's a lot of fun! And it's a chance to get to know your friends better,” chipped in Toyoko. “Though I'd keep an eye on Sesshoumaru at all times, if you have to go against him. Hope you can see in the dark! Once you lose track of him, he's got you.”
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The four friends went across a courtyard to an isolated hut away from the castle. They went inside, one by one. The hut was divided into two rooms, one about a fifth the size of the other. The bigger room had torches lining the wall, but other than that it was made of bare stone and dust. The smaller room had a wooden door, with no light source at all but a large window, alloying view into the other room. Along the window sill there was a desk and bench all made of stone. Apparently the hut was made for this game.
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“An illusionist would have a lot of fun in this room,” commented Aura.
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“Yeah, I think only a very powerful one could beat Sesshoumaru, though. He sees right through illusions,” warned Toyoko.
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“Then what you do is make the illusion into reality,” Aura answered, snapping, producing a small fire ball above her palm. “Anyone here have pyrophobia?” she smirked. They all shook their heads, knowing she was joking. You aren't a demon from hell if you're scared of fire.
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“Okay, me and Aneko first? As usual, and to show Aura how it works?” Toyoko urged.
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“Be my guest,” Sesshoumaru bowed.
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“Oh, I've already taken that position. Took it as soon as I got here,” he replied, pushing Aneko into the room.
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“I honestly don't know why we do this round. Aneko doesn't seem to learn,” Sesshoumaru commented.
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“What does that mean?”
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“Toyoko has a fear of anything with more than four legs, as long as he can either see or feel them. He's really quite jittery,” he explained.
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“And this is how you defeat him?” Sesshoumaru nodded slightly.
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“How does Toyoko usually defeat Aneko?”
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“Toyoko has the ability to blend into the shadows. Aneko hates it when things pop out of nowhere and jump at her.”
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“And you? How do they defeat you?” Aura tried.
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“Simple: they don't. I don't show fear.”
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“Unless your own family turned against you and used an attack that you were sure would kill you,” Aura stated absentmindedly.
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“Hmph,” he grunted in reply, and continued to watch Toyoko pulling his same old trick by hiding in the shadows and blowing out the torches. This gave Aura an idea.
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Sesshoumaru then saw a twist in Aneko's movement, and he saw her light a torch with apparently a new found power. He lit torch exposed where Toyoko was hiding, and he was quite shocked. She prowled up to him, stood before him, and lit herself on fire. Toyoko could see the burning sensation in her eyes, like that of the intent to kill. She raised her claw up in the air, as if about to strike, and Toyoko felt a surge of fear. Her burning claw rushed through the air at him, and Toyoko gave a wail. Aneko stopped right before she hit the cowering Toyoko. The fire went out immediately. The torches restored to lighting the room. Aneko bent over and kissed his forehead, which astonished him, and made him blush, now realizing his scream was a bit girly.^^ “I win,” Aneko said with a smirk.
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They both walked out, Aneko looking proud and Toyoko still blushing. “Since when do you have fire powers?” he complained.
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“Since I learned to make friend in other places.” She winked at Aura. Sesshoumaru glared at Aura, as if saying, “Cheater!”
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“No one said she had to do it alone,” Aura said to him, telekinetically.
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“Don't try that with me,” his eyes replied.
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“Next!” Toyoko called out excitedly. Sesshoumaru and Aura entered the room together and split off to both sides of the room, as if it had been rehearsed.
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“Ready?” Sesshoumaru checked. Aura nodded her head.
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Sesshoumaru calmly walked to the side of the room, lit torches along the side. He glanced at Aura with a smirk and sped down the wall, blowing out the torches with the wind generated from the thrust. He was now in the 4 o'clock position from Aura. Aura just glared in his general direction, no emotion on her face, no movement but her eyes. Sesshoumaru pulled the same stunt on the other three walls. The result: total darkness. Aura's eyes stayed focused on Sesshoumaru's direction until she could no longer see him.
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“You missed one,” she proclaimed as a ball of fire formed around her clench fist she held to the side of her. Looking at the floor, she could see his shadow over hers, meaning he was right behind her. Her face still showed no emotion.
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Now that his element of surprise was gone, Sesshoumaru was forced to think. He then remembered Aura screaming when Toyoko made his entrance. He slithered his arms around her hips and pulled her to him. Aura's eyes left the floor and grew wide and angry. Her entire body went up in flames and there was a scream. But the scream did not come from Sesshoumaru or Aura. No, it came from Toyoko who had suddenly been reminded of his Aneko burning and looking murderous at him. The other three rolled their eyes in unison, and continued.
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Sesshoumaru decided the big approach was the last option. Making a roaring sound, he began to transform. His grip on her let go, and she turned around to see him go through a major growth spurt. His back broke the ceiling, bits of it crumbling and falling into the room.
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Aura folded her arms. “Aw, a puppy,” a little smirk on her face.
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“That's a damn big puppy,” Toyoko commented.
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“Heh, no kidding,” added Aneko, a smile appearing on her lips.
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Sesshoumaru pounded his front paw on the ground, making the earth shake under Aura's feet, bouncing her up 6 feet in the air. It was getting increasingly difficult to restrain herself from spouting out an interjection. She searched herself for some kind of inspiration to cause a spark, but all she found was astonishment at how big this spoiled prince had become. Sesshoumaru swung his paw at her, and Aura attempted to jump, but had noticed the attack just a bit too late. She got flung into the wall of the half-demolished building, letting out a shrill cry of pain.
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“It's not over until one of them screams out of fear. Pain doesn't count,” Aneko assured herself, Toyoko cowering behind her.
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Aura had found her inner fire. She got up, and straightened out to inquire the powerful Sesshoumaru. “You know the bad thing about having so much hair?!” A strong wind picked up as Aura gathered her energy. “It's real easy to BURN!” A huge fireball shot out of her arms and swarmed Sesshoumaru, catching all his fur on fire. He lost his dog form, landing on his knees, his body still engulfed in flames. Aura calmly walked up to him, her eyes flickering like fire. She put up her palm, as if to throw another fireball at him. He stared into her eyes dreading another fiery blow. They stood like this for about a minute, until a burst of force blew over Sesshoumaru, blowing out the fire and forcing Sesshoumaru to fly 50 feet out of the room into the courtyard. He cried out fearing his death.
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After Sesshoumaru slid across the yard, Toyoko zoomed in between the two, his arms spread out, “The match is over! No more! Winner: Aura Rei!” The flames settled down insider her, and Toyoko ran to Sesshoumaru to make sure he was still alive. He offered his hand to him, but Sesshoumaru just pushed it away. He helped himself up and strode over to Aura, who was being praised by Aneko. He confronted her, his famous death glare in his eyes.
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“Believe you me, you <i>will</i> be brought down!” he growled through his teeth.
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“Bring it!”
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That night, a demonic child was conceived.
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Aura_Rei on June 8, 2006, 7:49:16 AM
Aura_Rei on

Chibi-chan on June 2, 2006, 11:19:08 AM
Chibi-chan on