Chapter 8 - Vengeance
Submitted August 17, 2005 Updated September 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | Rei Anul Sama wrote a story a lot like this, but it was *my* original idea. She wrote the story (Demons of Old) her own way, and I didn't approve cause she made Sesshoumaru a total wuss (and she screwed the whole ending up). This is *my* version of it.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 8 - Vengeance
Chapter 8 - Vengeance
A few days had passed since Aura Reis death and Anuls disappearance. Sesshoumaru was in the library, studying something on a scroll. Toyoko and Aneko were playing a game of Chinese checkers in the common room as Toyoko pointed out his observations. Aneko, have you noticed Sesss behavior lately? Its as if he really wasnt content with getting rid of Aura Rei.
It probably seemed like a good idea at the time to him, and maybe it still does, but did Aura seem like a half-demon to you?
I didnt sense any human in Aura, which brings me to wonder how Anul couldve had any human trace as well.
*gasp* Do you think she had previously mated with a human or a half demon, and therefore Anul isnt, or wasnt, Sesss child at all?
And interesting point&he never did say he ever detected human traces in Aura, only in Anul. *jump jump jump* Ha! I win! Should we bring it up to Sess?
I dont think Sess is very preoccupied with our little checkers tournament, Aneko joked.
I was referring to your theory on Anuls human side. It does seem that he has been searching for an answer to that for the past few days.
I suppose we could, though Im sure hes come up with an answer similar to that.
They walked together to the library to find Sesshoumaru studying another scroll. They stopped in front of the door after softly closing it. Sesshoumaru was mumbling something as he read the scroll. It sounded like some sort of incantation. Suddenly, a human aura began emanating from him. His hair turned black, his eyes brown, and the markings on his face and claws faded into his skin. He studied himself but did not look pleased. Then he looked up at Aneko and Toyoko.
Do I appear human to you? Sesshoumaru stared up at them with serious curiosity.
About as human as it gets! I cant find any trace of demon in you! claimed a shocked Toyoko.
Hm, funny, I dont see a difference at all. Sesshoumaru put his hand to his nose. He grimaced. Ugh, thats a human scent all right.
But what did you do? Some sort of spell? asked Aneko.
Yes, actually. Its supposed to make the target appear more human. I believe theres on e in here that makes one appear more demonic, Sesshoumaru explained, as he sifted through various scrolls.
And thats the spell Aura was using! Yes! That makes sense! They both let out a sigh of relief.
Why? You thought shed had an affair with some human male? Sesshoumaru questioned expressionless, though one could possibly say one could see laughter in his eyes.
Uh&well, um& Toyoko and Aneko averted their eyes and blushed. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and started looking through the scrolls again. He picked one from the pile and started chanting the spell. It must have been the demon spell, for Sesshoumaru went from human to his metamorphosis stage. Now they had a smaller version of Sesshoumarus dog form sitting in a chair with his paws on the table. Aneko giggled and Toyoko tried to hide his laugh&he failed.
Sesshoumaru looked at them curiously. Toyoko decided to show him what had happened. He poured some ink into a small tray, took Sesshoumaru by the wrist and dipped Sesshoumarus hand in the ink. Sesshoumaru felt a little disturbed, but he realized what Toyoko was trying to do. Toyoko placed Sesshoumarus hand on a blank piece of parchment, and when he lifted his hand, there was a paw print. Sesshoumaru understood and smirked. He almost laughed, but thought better of it, not wanting his friends to hear his bark. Instead, he took his inked up paw and wrote to Toyoko, Get the dispel magic scroll.
Aneko was still having small fits of giggles, thinking to herself how cute Sesshoumaru looking in this form. Toyoko smiled and began searching for the scroll. He found it, put his hand on Sesshoumarus forearm, and started casting the spell. Sesshoumaru transformed back to his normal self and started burning Toyokos hand with his poison talons. Toyoko quickly removed his hand. Ow! Sheesh, you couldve just told me or somethin! You dont have to maim me! He caressed his wound.
I did it to dissolve the ink on my hand.
Yeah, sure&*glare* Aneko had stopped laughing. Sesshoumaru looked toward the small window in the wall. He had a strange tingle in his nose of a minor demon somewhere in the outer courtyard. It smelled like a large cat. He knew he might regret it later, but decided to let it alone for now.
What are you thinking about, Sesshoumaru? asked Aneko, tilting her head to the side.
Ha! If anyone knew that theyd be the most powerful being on this Earth! Toyoko laughed. Which is why Sess is still alive. ^_~
Sesshoumaru smirked at this. Heh, right.
Two years later&
Aneko and Toyoko had left and Sesshoumaru was out on the training ground resurrecting his subjects on whom hed taken out his anger. He felt somewhat calmer now; swinging a sword around, practicing his form always calmed him down. He decided to go do another calming activity: relaxing in his personal hot springs. It had been a while since the last time hed just let himself go, and he decided he was greatly overdue.
With profound swiftness and grace he sunk himself into the warm, soothing waters, his silvery hair blending into the white mist, making him hard to distinguish from an outsiders view. He didnt do this very often, always trying to avoid vulnerability, so he relaxed his body and soaked his eyes and face in the water. His ears he kept alert, picking up sounds of crickets chirping, birds taking flight, and leaves falling to the ground. He could hold his breath for an unbelievably long time: about 3 minutes on average. His right ear picked up the sound of a footfall behind him. He lifted his head ever so slightly, enough to emerge his eyes and nose. His eyes were surrounded by the steam, but his nose, through the surrounding scent of water, caught a familiar scent. It was a haunting scent, one hed thought hed never pick up again.
Did you miss me? Aura Rei smirked, leaning against a nearby tree. Sesshoumaru lifted his head some.
Those who died should stay dead, his face unchanged.
So is that a no? she giggled at Sesshoumarus tough-guy act.
You have no reason to be here. Your child is dead. Aura was shocked to hear the news, and bent her head down in sorrow.
Do you regret it? she asked.
Not a bit, and he sank back into the water. This is what he said, but Aura heard in his mind, sometimes&
Im here to kill you, yknow? Lady Shizuko resurrected me to gain revenge on you, she said, half smiling.
Go ahead and try, but you wont succeed. Sesshoumaru didnt move. Auras eyes went yellow, and using telekinesis, sunk his head completely underwater. She stood like that for a few minutes, and then Sesshoumaru began to writhe. After several seconds, he was still.
Good, very nicely done.^^ The panther came from the bushes, smiling. The dumb dog was so over-confident he forgot he could drown. Ahahaha! Shizuko morphed back into a humanoid form.
And the dumb cat was so over-confident she forgot she could be betrayed. Auras eyes glowed again, and she clenched her fist.
I beg your par&Ahhhh!! Shizuko was crushed from the inside out, her innards turned to mush. She fell to the ground, dead.
Sesshoumaru burst out of the water, and gasped for air. He looked over the side of the waters edge and saw the imploded Shizuko. I guess she bought it. Aura nodded, and they both laughed.
It probably seemed like a good idea at the time to him, and maybe it still does, but did Aura seem like a half-demon to you?
I didnt sense any human in Aura, which brings me to wonder how Anul couldve had any human trace as well.
*gasp* Do you think she had previously mated with a human or a half demon, and therefore Anul isnt, or wasnt, Sesss child at all?
And interesting point&he never did say he ever detected human traces in Aura, only in Anul. *jump jump jump* Ha! I win! Should we bring it up to Sess?
I dont think Sess is very preoccupied with our little checkers tournament, Aneko joked.
I was referring to your theory on Anuls human side. It does seem that he has been searching for an answer to that for the past few days.
I suppose we could, though Im sure hes come up with an answer similar to that.
They walked together to the library to find Sesshoumaru studying another scroll. They stopped in front of the door after softly closing it. Sesshoumaru was mumbling something as he read the scroll. It sounded like some sort of incantation. Suddenly, a human aura began emanating from him. His hair turned black, his eyes brown, and the markings on his face and claws faded into his skin. He studied himself but did not look pleased. Then he looked up at Aneko and Toyoko.
Do I appear human to you? Sesshoumaru stared up at them with serious curiosity.
About as human as it gets! I cant find any trace of demon in you! claimed a shocked Toyoko.
Hm, funny, I dont see a difference at all. Sesshoumaru put his hand to his nose. He grimaced. Ugh, thats a human scent all right.
But what did you do? Some sort of spell? asked Aneko.
Yes, actually. Its supposed to make the target appear more human. I believe theres on e in here that makes one appear more demonic, Sesshoumaru explained, as he sifted through various scrolls.
And thats the spell Aura was using! Yes! That makes sense! They both let out a sigh of relief.
Why? You thought shed had an affair with some human male? Sesshoumaru questioned expressionless, though one could possibly say one could see laughter in his eyes.
Uh&well, um& Toyoko and Aneko averted their eyes and blushed. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and started looking through the scrolls again. He picked one from the pile and started chanting the spell. It must have been the demon spell, for Sesshoumaru went from human to his metamorphosis stage. Now they had a smaller version of Sesshoumarus dog form sitting in a chair with his paws on the table. Aneko giggled and Toyoko tried to hide his laugh&he failed.
Sesshoumaru looked at them curiously. Toyoko decided to show him what had happened. He poured some ink into a small tray, took Sesshoumaru by the wrist and dipped Sesshoumarus hand in the ink. Sesshoumaru felt a little disturbed, but he realized what Toyoko was trying to do. Toyoko placed Sesshoumarus hand on a blank piece of parchment, and when he lifted his hand, there was a paw print. Sesshoumaru understood and smirked. He almost laughed, but thought better of it, not wanting his friends to hear his bark. Instead, he took his inked up paw and wrote to Toyoko, Get the dispel magic scroll.
Aneko was still having small fits of giggles, thinking to herself how cute Sesshoumaru looking in this form. Toyoko smiled and began searching for the scroll. He found it, put his hand on Sesshoumarus forearm, and started casting the spell. Sesshoumaru transformed back to his normal self and started burning Toyokos hand with his poison talons. Toyoko quickly removed his hand. Ow! Sheesh, you couldve just told me or somethin! You dont have to maim me! He caressed his wound.
I did it to dissolve the ink on my hand.
Yeah, sure&*glare* Aneko had stopped laughing. Sesshoumaru looked toward the small window in the wall. He had a strange tingle in his nose of a minor demon somewhere in the outer courtyard. It smelled like a large cat. He knew he might regret it later, but decided to let it alone for now.
What are you thinking about, Sesshoumaru? asked Aneko, tilting her head to the side.
Ha! If anyone knew that theyd be the most powerful being on this Earth! Toyoko laughed. Which is why Sess is still alive. ^_~
Sesshoumaru smirked at this. Heh, right.
Two years later&
Aneko and Toyoko had left and Sesshoumaru was out on the training ground resurrecting his subjects on whom hed taken out his anger. He felt somewhat calmer now; swinging a sword around, practicing his form always calmed him down. He decided to go do another calming activity: relaxing in his personal hot springs. It had been a while since the last time hed just let himself go, and he decided he was greatly overdue.
With profound swiftness and grace he sunk himself into the warm, soothing waters, his silvery hair blending into the white mist, making him hard to distinguish from an outsiders view. He didnt do this very often, always trying to avoid vulnerability, so he relaxed his body and soaked his eyes and face in the water. His ears he kept alert, picking up sounds of crickets chirping, birds taking flight, and leaves falling to the ground. He could hold his breath for an unbelievably long time: about 3 minutes on average. His right ear picked up the sound of a footfall behind him. He lifted his head ever so slightly, enough to emerge his eyes and nose. His eyes were surrounded by the steam, but his nose, through the surrounding scent of water, caught a familiar scent. It was a haunting scent, one hed thought hed never pick up again.
Did you miss me? Aura Rei smirked, leaning against a nearby tree. Sesshoumaru lifted his head some.
Those who died should stay dead, his face unchanged.
So is that a no? she giggled at Sesshoumarus tough-guy act.
You have no reason to be here. Your child is dead. Aura was shocked to hear the news, and bent her head down in sorrow.
Do you regret it? she asked.
Not a bit, and he sank back into the water. This is what he said, but Aura heard in his mind, sometimes&
Im here to kill you, yknow? Lady Shizuko resurrected me to gain revenge on you, she said, half smiling.
Go ahead and try, but you wont succeed. Sesshoumaru didnt move. Auras eyes went yellow, and using telekinesis, sunk his head completely underwater. She stood like that for a few minutes, and then Sesshoumaru began to writhe. After several seconds, he was still.
Good, very nicely done.^^ The panther came from the bushes, smiling. The dumb dog was so over-confident he forgot he could drown. Ahahaha! Shizuko morphed back into a humanoid form.
And the dumb cat was so over-confident she forgot she could be betrayed. Auras eyes glowed again, and she clenched her fist.
I beg your par&Ahhhh!! Shizuko was crushed from the inside out, her innards turned to mush. She fell to the ground, dead.
Sesshoumaru burst out of the water, and gasped for air. He looked over the side of the waters edge and saw the imploded Shizuko. I guess she bought it. Aura nodded, and they both laughed.
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dark_inu_lover on December 13, 2006, 2:47:25 PM
1_lover_of_the_fluff on December 11, 2006, 6:38:06 AM
Summer_Winds on December 10, 2006, 8:42:30 AM
Summer_Winds on
Chibi-chan on December 10, 2006, 5:14:53 AM
Chibi-chan on
Aura_Rei on December 10, 2006, 4:11:15 AM
Aura_Rei on

you rule 4 going on!!