Chapter 11 - The Training Begins
Submitted August 17, 2005 Updated September 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | Rei Anul Sama wrote a story a lot like this, but it was *my* original idea. She wrote the story (Demons of Old) her own way, and I didn't approve cause she made Sesshoumaru a total wuss (and she screwed the whole ending up). This is *my* version of it.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 11 - The Training Begins
Chapter 11 - The Training Begins
It has been some time since Sesshoumarus first encounter with Rei. All 5 adventurers (and yes, I do count Ah-Uhn as an adventurer) now make their way up the last hill towards the Great Demon Lords den. Rei is much more serious looking now, Jaken still pondering/daydreaming about who-knows-what, and Rin taking a nap on Ah-Uhns back. Sesshoumaru (in the lead) looked up for a moment, took a whiff and realized where he was. He took to the skies, eager to be the first one to see home.
Jaken and Rei stopped a moment to register this, and, Jaken being the only one knowing what it meant, leaped for joy and started running as fast as he could up the hill. Oh me lord! What a joyous day! We are home!! and Jaken disappeared over the hill. Rin began to wake up as Ah-Uhn got excited and followed his master to the sky.
Home? Rei wondered, still standing there. She calmly walked up the hill to see the Great Den. There it was. The big hill with the castle hidden inside, the bathing pool to her right, and the training ground to her left. There was something new though (not known by Rei.) The big tree in the middle of the outer courtyard. She noticed Sesshoumaru sitting on a branch, gazing out over the ground, almost perfectly still. She ran to him.
She was going faster than normal, though; a LOT faster. The world was a blur as she ran. This wasnt something Rei was used to, so she put both feet in front of her and tried to slide to a stop. She managed to stop at the tree, but thats because thats where her feet slipped to too far in front of her and she fell, right on her @$$. Sesshoumaru softly laughed at her. She gave him a death glare in response. He just laughed at her again.
Thats not funny.. she grumbled.
Yes it is. Sesshoumaru smiled and continued to gaze out at his castle. Rei thought he was one of the most beautiful things shed ever seen. His long, shiny, silver hair flowed in the wind, his face almost feminine. His silk clothes looked flawlessly clean and his swords gleamed like his smile in the evening sun. The sun was setting right behind the hill that concealed the castle.
There was a peaceful moment as Rei and Sesshoumaru watched the sun set behind the castle. They both sighed. It really is the castle of the West.
Yes..*sigh* most certainly is. But youll be starting your training towards the South tomorrow.
What?! What training? Training for what?
Youve already shown youve inherited some demonic capability. If Im going to have an heiress, shed better be well trained before I die. Sesshoumaru jumped back to the ground.
*gasp*Youre going to die soon?!
No, but it will probably take you that long before you can beat me back to the castle. He grinned and sped down the hill towards the den.
Hey! No fair! Rei grimaced but followed after her father at the same speed.
Rei awoke in a room she didnt recognize. It was rather small, yet not cramped, had a small desk and a chest in the corner. She had been sleeping on the floor on a thin mattress and a rectangular pillow. She sat up and looked around the room. There were some white clothes lying on the desk. There was a noted that went with them:
Rei, this is the standard issue training uniform. Meet me outside when youre ready. You have a great deal to learn.
~Lord Sesshoumaru
Wow, it really wasnt a dream! I actually met him! Now how the hell do you put this thing on?
Rei went outside and looked around. Suddenly, a knife shot straight passed her face and pinned the side of the hill. A note was tied to it. The paper had the hexagonal flower printed on it, or painted, she couldnt tell. She took the noted with much curiosity.
Wind creates a void
And those with heightened senses
Can find the main source.
Flowers are deadly
With their green toxins and waves.
Knives hide within them.
Skills put together
Defeat the one that betrayed
To prove your kinship.
Wow, haikus. I guess he was there when the teacher was covering the poetry unit, Rei mumbled to herself. Unfortunately, he also seems to like stupid riddles. What the frack does all that mean?! Wind creates a void. Yeah, maybe at high Something sped past her and snatched the note as it headed toward the forest. speeds..*blink blink*..Hey! Give that back! Rei ran after the speedy thief. She got to the forest, but couldnt find whatever, or whoever, took the note. She began thinking to herself, trying to figure out what was going on.
Ok, what did tousan say yesterday? Oh right! Training. Then this has to be some sort of test..maybe the note was supposed to hint me about something..damnit, I hate mind games! Ok demon, come out come out wherever you are! Come on, this isnt funny!
We have very differing humors then, for I think this is hilarious, said a voice that echoed through the trees.
Your humor sucks. Why dont you come at me, coward?
Ooh, Im feeling a wind picked up, circling around Rei. The temperature seemed to drop quite a bit. a little cold air between you and I.
Gee, I wonder why.. >_>
And look! Quite a breeze has picked up. Wait a second! Isnt it getting a little harder to breathe? The wind around Rei picked up speed. As soon as he had said breathe Rei noticed the air was thinning around her. It really was getting harder to breathe!
The wind is creating an air-deprived vacuum! Rei fell to her knees, losing energy. Then she remembered the note. ..or a void! Now what did it say? Heightened sense, main source, something like that..*gasp* Rei was running out of time quickly. Heightened senses, heightened senses, what has heightened senses?! *gasp* Animals! Animals have heightened senses! And..and..shoot, my visions getting blurry.. Rei was barely breathing now, air being so scarce. She suddenly had a moment of clarity.
Wind created a void and those with heightened senses can find its main source..its main source..the demon..find the demon.. Rei focused on the surrounding tornado. She concentrated with all her might to look for the demon creating the wind. Then, she saw him. He was running around in circles, making it seem like he was all around her. She could see him! She just had to find a way to stop him from running. If only I could..could just..grab him.. She focused on his legs, trying to see some fault, some weakness. As she stared, it appeared as if his legs were slowing down, and as they got slower, breathing seemed to get easier. She was able to sit on her knees and concentrate, and she could hear the demon getting tired. Now he was the one breathing hard.
Guh! What are my legs getting heavier?! This isnt supposed to happen! complained the demon. Eventually the pull on his legs became so strong, he was stuck in place. Rei stood up, now giving him a death glare. Her eyes glowing a bright red.
This was planned? Even the outcome? Who planned it? Why?
Im sure you can figure that out. If youre really his daughter, you cant be that dumb.
Daddy did this? And what was the expected outcome? I suffocate and die, so Im not his problem anymore?
Maybe, if things went my way. The demon smiled maliciously.
Like he did Mommy? Reis eyes stopped glowing, a solemn aura about her.
Nah, he did that himself. Course he probably sent me cause he couldnt k another knife came out of no where, right into the demons back, killing him.
Couldnt kill me the first time. A breeze picked up, petals being carried by it flowed in the direction toward the training ground. Ok, Daddy, Im coming.
Jaken and Rei stopped a moment to register this, and, Jaken being the only one knowing what it meant, leaped for joy and started running as fast as he could up the hill. Oh me lord! What a joyous day! We are home!! and Jaken disappeared over the hill. Rin began to wake up as Ah-Uhn got excited and followed his master to the sky.
Home? Rei wondered, still standing there. She calmly walked up the hill to see the Great Den. There it was. The big hill with the castle hidden inside, the bathing pool to her right, and the training ground to her left. There was something new though (not known by Rei.) The big tree in the middle of the outer courtyard. She noticed Sesshoumaru sitting on a branch, gazing out over the ground, almost perfectly still. She ran to him.
She was going faster than normal, though; a LOT faster. The world was a blur as she ran. This wasnt something Rei was used to, so she put both feet in front of her and tried to slide to a stop. She managed to stop at the tree, but thats because thats where her feet slipped to too far in front of her and she fell, right on her @$$. Sesshoumaru softly laughed at her. She gave him a death glare in response. He just laughed at her again.
Thats not funny.. she grumbled.
Yes it is. Sesshoumaru smiled and continued to gaze out at his castle. Rei thought he was one of the most beautiful things shed ever seen. His long, shiny, silver hair flowed in the wind, his face almost feminine. His silk clothes looked flawlessly clean and his swords gleamed like his smile in the evening sun. The sun was setting right behind the hill that concealed the castle.
There was a peaceful moment as Rei and Sesshoumaru watched the sun set behind the castle. They both sighed. It really is the castle of the West.
Yes..*sigh* most certainly is. But youll be starting your training towards the South tomorrow.
What?! What training? Training for what?
Youve already shown youve inherited some demonic capability. If Im going to have an heiress, shed better be well trained before I die. Sesshoumaru jumped back to the ground.
*gasp*Youre going to die soon?!
No, but it will probably take you that long before you can beat me back to the castle. He grinned and sped down the hill towards the den.
Hey! No fair! Rei grimaced but followed after her father at the same speed.
Rei awoke in a room she didnt recognize. It was rather small, yet not cramped, had a small desk and a chest in the corner. She had been sleeping on the floor on a thin mattress and a rectangular pillow. She sat up and looked around the room. There were some white clothes lying on the desk. There was a noted that went with them:
Rei, this is the standard issue training uniform. Meet me outside when youre ready. You have a great deal to learn.
~Lord Sesshoumaru
Wow, it really wasnt a dream! I actually met him! Now how the hell do you put this thing on?
Rei went outside and looked around. Suddenly, a knife shot straight passed her face and pinned the side of the hill. A note was tied to it. The paper had the hexagonal flower printed on it, or painted, she couldnt tell. She took the noted with much curiosity.
Wind creates a void
And those with heightened senses
Can find the main source.
Flowers are deadly
With their green toxins and waves.
Knives hide within them.
Skills put together
Defeat the one that betrayed
To prove your kinship.
Wow, haikus. I guess he was there when the teacher was covering the poetry unit, Rei mumbled to herself. Unfortunately, he also seems to like stupid riddles. What the frack does all that mean?! Wind creates a void. Yeah, maybe at high Something sped past her and snatched the note as it headed toward the forest. speeds..*blink blink*..Hey! Give that back! Rei ran after the speedy thief. She got to the forest, but couldnt find whatever, or whoever, took the note. She began thinking to herself, trying to figure out what was going on.
Ok, what did tousan say yesterday? Oh right! Training. Then this has to be some sort of test..maybe the note was supposed to hint me about something..damnit, I hate mind games! Ok demon, come out come out wherever you are! Come on, this isnt funny!
We have very differing humors then, for I think this is hilarious, said a voice that echoed through the trees.
Your humor sucks. Why dont you come at me, coward?
Ooh, Im feeling a wind picked up, circling around Rei. The temperature seemed to drop quite a bit. a little cold air between you and I.
Gee, I wonder why.. >_>
And look! Quite a breeze has picked up. Wait a second! Isnt it getting a little harder to breathe? The wind around Rei picked up speed. As soon as he had said breathe Rei noticed the air was thinning around her. It really was getting harder to breathe!
The wind is creating an air-deprived vacuum! Rei fell to her knees, losing energy. Then she remembered the note. ..or a void! Now what did it say? Heightened sense, main source, something like that..*gasp* Rei was running out of time quickly. Heightened senses, heightened senses, what has heightened senses?! *gasp* Animals! Animals have heightened senses! And..and..shoot, my visions getting blurry.. Rei was barely breathing now, air being so scarce. She suddenly had a moment of clarity.
Wind created a void and those with heightened senses can find its main source..its main source..the demon..find the demon.. Rei focused on the surrounding tornado. She concentrated with all her might to look for the demon creating the wind. Then, she saw him. He was running around in circles, making it seem like he was all around her. She could see him! She just had to find a way to stop him from running. If only I could..could just..grab him.. She focused on his legs, trying to see some fault, some weakness. As she stared, it appeared as if his legs were slowing down, and as they got slower, breathing seemed to get easier. She was able to sit on her knees and concentrate, and she could hear the demon getting tired. Now he was the one breathing hard.
Guh! What are my legs getting heavier?! This isnt supposed to happen! complained the demon. Eventually the pull on his legs became so strong, he was stuck in place. Rei stood up, now giving him a death glare. Her eyes glowing a bright red.
This was planned? Even the outcome? Who planned it? Why?
Im sure you can figure that out. If youre really his daughter, you cant be that dumb.
Daddy did this? And what was the expected outcome? I suffocate and die, so Im not his problem anymore?
Maybe, if things went my way. The demon smiled maliciously.
Like he did Mommy? Reis eyes stopped glowing, a solemn aura about her.
Nah, he did that himself. Course he probably sent me cause he couldnt k another knife came out of no where, right into the demons back, killing him.
Couldnt kill me the first time. A breeze picked up, petals being carried by it flowed in the direction toward the training ground. Ok, Daddy, Im coming.
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Aura_Rei on April 26, 2007, 12:01:14 PM
Aura_Rei on