Chapter 1 - a new arrival
Submitted July 16, 2006 Updated August 10, 2006 Status Complete | its the same idea as the other story destiny isle peeps find girl, special powers-- blah blha blah blah just read the description 4 the other story for the idea
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series |
Chapter 1 - a new arrival
Chapter 1 - a new arrival
It was a normal day, sunny, blue sky, crisp ocean air. . . .A teen named Sora yawned and gazed up to the clouds. Riku . . . he mumbled. When are ya going to start that fire? I want some smores . . . . Another older boy named Riku groaned and said In a minute . . . But its getting pretty dark. Its kinda hard to see . . . He picked up a long stick and heaved it at Sora. There was a loud WHACK, and then a yelp. Sora spat out sand and glared at his friend. Soft footsteps crunched behind Riku and a teen girl slid into the sand next to him. Hi guys! She said in a cheery voice. Hi Kairi. The boys said. Sora rubbed his bruised head and said to Riku Its not that dark, just sunset. Riku made a phmph sound and groaned.
Kairi looked at the clouds and gasped. Sora and Riku followed her gaze to a patch of cloud, which seemed to be puffing around and dispersing. Riku cried Whats going on up there?! Some birds fighting . . . . No. . . . A plane crash? Nope. . A . . . . A . . . Sora jumped up and shouted out A girls falling off the cloud deck! We gotta help! A figure escaped the clouds and fell fast to the ocean surface. Blond hair wildly whipped about as she plunged into the sea.
Sora got up and raced towards the water. As his toes touched the frothy shore, he looked back to see Riku relaxing casually. Hey! Arent you gonna help me save her? Sora called to Riku in a concerned tone. Riku laughed and shook his head. Kairi frowned and shoved Riku hard. He yelped in pain and rubbed his aching shoulder. Sora grunted and swam into the sea. He saw ripples where the girl had fallen, but no sign of her. He looked around, and floated up and down. Sora looked for shore, which was a long ways away. Sora took in a large gulp of air and dove under the surface.
Opening his eyes, he saw the ocean floor, full of life. An angel fish swam away in fright as Sora swam down farther. Bubble floated upwards, and Sora caught sight of the girl. Her shoe was caught in a piece of coral, and she flailed violently. But when she saw Sora, she calmed down a little bit, and reached out for him. He unhooked her foot and took hold of her waist. They swam up together, but then Sora noticed that the girl stopped breathing. He swam harder, and broke through the salty water. The girl mumbled and fluttered her lashes, and fell back to unconsciousness. Sora gripped her tightly, and used all his strength to pull her onto the beach.
Riku and Kairi ran over to Sora, who had laid the girl on her back. Riku cried out Is she alright?! What happened? Sora breathed deeply and replied I dont know. Shes . . . . stopped breathing; hurry out of the way. He pushed Riku aside, and plugged the girls nose. Sora made a gross face and linked his lips to hers. He was breathing out hard, and it wasnt long until the girl was breathing with him. She turned over quickly and spat out water. Color returned to her face and she looked up at Sora and his friends with gratitude. Riku and Sora smiled broadly, for she was beautiful.
The girl shook her mop of blonde hair around and threw it back. Her blue eyes sparkled as Sora drooled and Riku awed and oohed. The girl laughed slightly and put out her hand. Im Alixah! She said cheerily. Kairi gave her a weird look, but then smiled and shook Alixahs hand and introduced herself. The boys said their names slowly and quietly as Riku looked her up and down and Sora gazed into her eyes. Alixah looked at Sora quietly and finally said ``You saved me, didnt you? I saw you . . . under. . Under the water . . . . when my foot . . . Was stuck, yeah thats it! Sora blushed and said Yeah . . . Dont mention it . . . .
Alixah gasped, Dont mention it!? I couldnt say enough to thank you! She threw her arms around Sora and laughed. Riku grumbled and turned around with his arms crossed angrily. Sora blushed and scratched his head modestly. Kairi coughed and spoke to Alixah quietly So . . . . . um . . . . What happened in the clouds?
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GreenPaint on July 16, 2006, 10:29:09 AM
GreenPaint on