Chapter 2 - Into Spira
Submitted July 12, 2006 Updated August 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is one of those "get sucked into a game" stories. It is my first fanfiction so have pity on me. Tell me exactly what you think of it.High spoilers, moderate violence, and maybe some language.
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy X |
Chapter 2 - Into Spira
Chapter 2 - Into Spira
Disclaimer:I do not own FFX o any other FF *cries*I slamed the door behind me as I stomped into my room. My anger level was way up today. Between school teachers, younger siblings, and over dramatic parents- I WAS TICKED! I chunked my school bag onto my bed and plopped myself onto the floor, infront of my entertainment center. I was still fuming when I grabbed my napsack from the corner and began to stuff my I-POD, DVD camera, and a pack of beef jerky into it. There was one place where I knew I could blow off some stress and have fun with it. I zipped up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. "Time for a trip," I said to myself, as I switched on my PS2 and placed the Final Fantasy X disk into the slot. The game seemed to take its sweet fat time getting to the main game menu. I selected ''New Game'' and watched the words, that I have seen quite a few times before, appear on the screen. DO YOU VOW TO ENTER THIS WORLD FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF ITS PEOPLE? YES or NOI selected ''YES'' and waited for the game to suck me into it. Even though I knew it was going to happen and I had done it several times before, I still never got used to the flash of bright light and the strange tingling sensation. I also hated the sudden black out I would always do....The first thing I realized when I came back to it was that I was laying on my back in a shallow puddle of water,"Oh, perfect." Luckily my bag didn''t get soaked. I stould up and realized that I had my sword strapped to my back; the sword that I have used in all the games I''ve been in. It had a long silver blade with a black symbol of a dragon near the hilt. I also realized that I was standing just outside of the giant Zanarkand blitzball statium,"Well, first things first." I strolled up through the arena doorway and was greeted by the defening roar of the crowds of fans that packed the statium. I looked up at the giant spere pool that hovered in the center of the arena, watching the small figures of the blitzball players flit around the water sphere. I finally spotted Tidus and saw him start to perform his special blitz shot. ''Time to go'', I thought to myself. I turned and jogged out of the statium, just as bursts of energy flew overhead and slammed into the statium and several of the surrounding buildings. I got far enough away from the statium so I wouldn''t get crushed from the falling debre. I then heard people screaming as they began to stream out of the broken archway.I made my way towards the fallen debre and spotted Tidus lying face-down on the ground. I jogged up to him and nudged him with my foot, knowing he was alright. He groaned and and slowly staggered to his feet. He placed his head in his hands and lightly shook himself. Then he noticed me,"Who are you?" "Tiff," I said,"Now lets get out of here." I grabbed his hand and pulled him along, not wanting to waste time with his cluelessness. We then both spotted Auron waiting near the end of the statium archway. "Auron!" called Tidus, running ahead of me,"What are you doing here?" "I was waiting for you," Auron said simply, and began to walk away. "What are you talking about?" Tidus demanded, waving his arm infront of him in gesture. "Just follow him," I told him, already getting agrivated at his constant cluelessness.We both chased after Auron until time suddenly froze. "What?" stated Tidus. "It begins," said a voice. Tidus turned to the source of the voice, but I already knew who it was. The small hooded figure of the Fayth stould before us. "Huh?" questioned Tidus. "Don''t cry," the Fayth told him. Then time started back again and the Fayth disappeared. "What the?!" exclaimed Tidus, trying to figure out what had just accured. He then spotted Auron up ahead,"Hey, wait!" I chased after him, getting eager to use my sword.When we caught up with Auron, Tidus stopped infront of him,"Hey, not this way!" But Auron wasn''t listening to his words."Look," he said, starring of into the distance. We both looked up at the huge blob, of what looked like water, and Tidus gasped. "Sin," I said without thinking. I clasped my hand over my mouth, realizing what I had done. Oops. Auron turned to me in surprise, but luckily was distracted when Sinspawn Ammes crash-landed into a nearby building and began to emanate sinscales from its tail. Three sinscales landed infront of us, and Tidus began to flail his arms infront of him, trying to fend of the fiends.Idiot. Auron handed Tidus a Longsword,"Take it." Tidus took the sword and nearly fell over because of its weight. "A gift from Jecht," Auron told him. "My old man?" asked Tidus. I unsheathed my own sword and took my battle stance. "I hope you know how to use it," said Auron to both of us,"These ones don''t matter, we cut through." I was the first to jump forward and cut down the first sinscale. The fimiliar adrinalen rush through me. Oh yeah, I''m back! Auron and Tidus finished off the last two sinscale before we continued onwards. But it wasn''t long until three more sinscale landed infront of us and two more behind us. "Don''t bother going after all of them," said Auron,"Cut the ones that matter and run." But oviously Tidus wasn''t listening, because he turned to the sinscale that were behind us. "No," I said grabbing his arm go for the ones infront.Dumby.We made short work of the sinscale and continued on down the crumbling road. I felt the ground shake as we came over a broken chunk of road. Sinspawn Ammes appeared infront of us, blocking the road. Auron and I emmidiently charged towards the awaiting fight, while Tidus lagged behind. The battle began when the Sinspawn cast Demi on us. I staggered when the spell hit me, feeling some of my strength being sucked out of me. Auron hit Overdrive and attacked the fiend with Dragon Fang, causing some of the Sinspawn''s tentacles to explode. After Tidus and I sliced off more of the fiends tentacles, it attacked again with Demi. Tidus then hit Overdrive and used Spiral Cut, slicing off most of what was left of the Sinspawn''s tentacles. After Auron and I attacked, the fiend exploded into a cloud of pyerflies. My shoulders slumped in disapointment. I didn''t get to use my Overdrive.We continued on down the road, not stopping to rest. "What are you laughing at, old man?" said Tidus, looking up at a big poster of Jecht that hung on the side of a building,"Auron, lets get out of here!" "We''re expected," said Auron. "Huh?" asked Tidus. I was starting to think that ''Huh'' was Tidus'' favorite fraze. Then dozens of sinscale landed infront and behind us; trapping us. I did''t waste time in finding the tanker hanging over the edge of the bridge, and began to hack away at it. "What are you doing?" called Tidus. "No, she''s right," said Auron,"Knock it down." "What?!" exclaimed Tidus. "Trust me," said Auron,"You''ll see." We all three began to hack away at the tanker, forcing it over the bridge''s edge. I was hit by the sinscale''s spines a few times and my arm was starting to bleed. But finally we managed to get the tanker over the edge, causing it to explode. "Go," Auron commanded us. Tidus and I raced across the collapsing bridge while Auron followed and sped on past us. For the fact that I wasn''t a sprinter, the stitch in my side began to cramp up, causing me to slowly get left behind. I saw Tidus leap for the bridge''s edge and grab it with his fingertips. I jumped after him, managing to grab hold of his ankle, as the bridge crumbled out from underneath me."Auron!" called Tidus, trying to pull both me and himself onto the edge,"Auron!" Knowing that Tidus probably didn''t appreciate the extra weight, I grabbed the bridges edge and ,with much difficulty, halled myself up. "You''re sure?" Auron asked Sin as it began to suck us up into its shell. I tried to help Tidus up, but Auron reached down and pulled him up by the front of his shirt, holding him in the air. "This is it," he said looking at both of us,"This is your story." He began to fade into the light that was sucking up all that was around it,"It all begins here." Then the last thing I heard before we were engulfed by Sin was Tidus'' yell. -BH-Hi everyone, sorry it took so long to update. Please comment so I''ll know to continue or not. ^ ^
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KH1Oblivion on December 13, 2006, 7:55:00 AM
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_Sanctuary_ on August 24, 2006, 12:02:43 PM
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