Chapter 3 - Baaj Temple
Submitted July 12, 2006 Updated August 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is one of those "get sucked into a game" stories. It is my first fanfiction so have pity on me. Tell me exactly what you think of it.High spoilers, moderate violence, and maybe some language.
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Chapter 3 - Baaj Temple
Chapter 3 - Baaj Temple
When my brain began to run again, I realized that I was lying on my back on what seemed to be a very pointy rock. I opened my eyes only to come face-to-face with a seabird. "Raar!" The bird squacked at my sudden outburst and flapped away. I sat up and looked over my shoulder to see Tidus lying face down behind me. I couldn''t resist, so I rolled him off the rock and into the water. He came up sputtering water, and I tried to surpress my laughter. "What was that for?!" he asked crasping hold of the rock I was still perched on. "Sorry," I said smiling innocently,"I had to wake you up." Tidus looked around at scattered ruins around us,"Where are we?" "I don''t know," I lied. "But I think it might be best if we get up onto dry land," I pointed towards the crumbling ruins which I knew was the Baaj Temple. I slid into the icy water,"Lets go."It didn''t take us long to swim to the crumbling stone steps that lead up to a very narrow walkway. "Now what?" asked Tidus. "We walk across, duh," I said. I purposely let Tidus take the lead, knowing that the bridge would collapse up ahead. When we reached midway across, Tidus stopped and looked down at the water below. I felt the walkway rumble. Without thinking, I shuved Tidus as far ahead as I could and then jumped back, as a section of the walkway crumbled into the hostil waters below. I studied the gap between us, wondering if I could jump it. "Can you make it?" called Tidus. "I think so," I called back, even though I seriously doubted it. I back away aways to give me a good running start. "Be carful," Tidus warned as I readied myself for the jump. I gave a sharp inhale and sprinted towards the edge. I pushed off the side with my foot and leaped into the air. My hand was about a foot away from the opposite edge, when I started to fall. ''No!'' I yelled to myself ''You were so close!'' I felt Tidus grab my rist as I fell, nearly pulling himself with me. I reached up and he grabbed my other wrist with his free hand. He huffed as he pulled back over the edge and half stood panting. "Thanks for that," I said breathlessly. "No prob," he said, helping me to my feet. My heart sank when I felt another rumble,"Run!" We both sprinted down the walkway, Tidus in front and me right behind him. The walkway behind us crumbled into the water as we ran. We jumped onto an awaiting ledge, just as the rest of the stone bridge fell into the water. "That was a close one," I said, out of breath again. "Call me crazy," Began Tidus,"But I kinda think you knew the bridge was going to collapse." I nearly choked, I lied again,"You''re right, you are crazy." Tidus was about to comment but was cut off when something from below rammed into the ledge we were perched on. I lost my ballance and fell backwards into Tidus, causing both of us to back off over the ledge and into the icy water below. When we were underwater, we found out what had rammed us: the sea monster, Geosgaeno. Apparently the boss viewed us as a viable food source and wasn''t going to pass up a free meal. I tapped Tidus on the shoulder and pointed at the small stone doorway that was only a short swim away. He nodded that he understood and we both turned tail and swam as fast as we could for the half-submerged doorway. But Geosgaeno wasn''t going to let go a free meal that easily, and it gave chase. Tidus spead past me and reached the doorway, but stopped when he saw I wasn''t behind him. I slowly lost ground as Geosgaeno gained on me. The fiend opened its huge maw and began to suck in water. Tidus grabbed my hand, as I began to slip backwards, and pulled me into the safety of the doorway. Geosgaeno rammed headlong into the doorway, causing it to collapse. "Look out!" said Tidus, pulling me farther into the doorway causing me to fall ontop of him. When the avalanche of boalders subsided, I pushed myself off of Tidus,"Thanks." "Don''t mention it," said Tidus, standing up. "Out of the frying pan and into the freezer," I commented on the frigid air. "Took the words right out of my mouth," said Tidus. ''I know'' I thought to myself. "We better find a place to start a fire," I said,"Come on."We made our way down the crumbling hallway and found ourself in a giant circular room that had small waterfalls dribbling down the walls. "Cold," shivered Tidus,"" I pointed at a door on the opposite side of the room,"Go in there and find some tinder for the fire and I''ll find some flint." "Gotcha," said Tidus. As Tidus entered the room I pointed out for him, I went inside a room next to where we came in. There I found a half-smashed desk against the wall. I opened one of its drawers and found what I came for: two flint pieces. I jogged back to the circular room to find Tidus already waiting for me with a pile of dried flowers and twigs trown ontop of a pile of loggs that sat in the center of the room. I tossed him the flint pieces, knowing that I wasn''t very good at starting fires this way. Tidus kneeled down over the dried logs and began to strike the flint pieces together and soon we had a small fire casting creepy shadows on the walls. I plopped down infront of the fire, trying to soak in the warmth. Tidus sprawled out on his back next to me. "I need food," he whined pitifully. I pulled my napsack off my back and unzipped it. I pulled out a package of beef jerky and ripped it open. Tidus'' head purked up,"What''s that?" "Food," I said, pulling out a large piece of jerky and tearing it in two. "Alright!" said Tidus happily, sitting up. I tossed him a piece of jerky and bega to nible on my own piece. He looked at doubtfully and raised an eyebrow at me. "I know it doesn''t look very appetizing," I said, not looking up from my jerky,"But trust me, you''ll like it. Plus it''s all I got." Tidus hesitated before ripping of a piece with his teeth. He chewed it slowly, testing the flavor, before swallowing. "This is pretty good," said Tidus thoughtfully, before stuffing the rest of the jerky in his mouth. After I finished my own piece, I closed up the rest and slipped it back into my bag. "Got anymore?" asked Tidus. "We''d better save the rest," I told him. Tidus wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on his knees, while I layed back and used my napsack as a pillow. "Whatcha say your name was again?" asked Tidus sheepishly. I didn''t expect him to forget my name that quick. "It''s Tiff," I said sleepily. I tapped the side of my head with my index finger,"Got it memorized?" I starred up at the cieling before I finally dozed off.I was roused from my nap when Tidus began to roughly shake my shoulder."Tiff, the fire is going out," he sounded like he was about to panic. I brushed away his hand and sat up. The fire was down to nothing but a few burning embers. Then I remembered something. I jumped to my feet and pulled out my sword. "What''s up?" asked Tidus, startled by my sudden defensiveness. "We''re not alone," I said. There was a flash of lightning from outside, and there clinging to the wall, was incect, lizard-like boss, Klikk. The fiend growled and ran around the length of the room, before leaping out infront of us, flashing its large sythe-like claws. "Gimme a break!" said Tidus, also pulling out his sword. We began to trade blows with the fiend and soon found ourselves battered and bloodied up. ''Die already!'' I thought angrily. All of a sudden, one of the stone doors exploded, to reveal a small group of people standing in the doorway. Al Bhed. One of the Al Bhed, which I reconized as Rikku, calmly stroled over to join the battle. "You on our side?" asked Tidus,"Cool!" Rikku didn''t answer as she pulled out a grenade and tossed it at Klikk. Finally, after a few sword slashes and exploding grenades later, the boss fell to the floor and melted into a cloud of pyerflies. I put away my sword as Tidus slumped over and supported himself with his hands on his knees. "Phew," Tidus sighed in relief,"That was close." One of the Al Bhed aproached Tidus and halled him upright by his hair. "Lemme go!" said Tidus angrily, trying to free himself. The rest of the Al Bhed surrounded him with their guns trained on him. "Fryd ec drec?[What is this?]" asked the Al Bhed that had hold of Tidus. "Y fiend! Eh risyh teckieca![A fiend! In human disguise!]" said one of his companions. "Oac! Ed ec cu![Yes! It is so!]" Replied another. I flinched when the Al bhed, that still had Tidus'' hair in his fist, pulled out a long knife and held it to Tidus'' throat,"Fa gemm ed?[We kill it?]" "Fyed![Wait!]" said Rikku defensively,"Fryd ev ed ec risyh?[What if it is human?]" "Drao yna dra cysa eh taydr.[They are the same in death.]" said the Al Bhed, pointing his knife at Rikku accusingly. "E vunpet ed!" said Rikku firmly,"Fa pnehk dras fedr ic.[We bring them with us.]" The Al Bhed hesitantly let lose of Tidus'' hair and they backed away from him. Rikku slowly aproached him,"Cunno.[Sorry.]" With that she punched him right in the gut, causing him to pass out on the floor. "Tidus!" I rushed over to help him. But I was stopped short when one of the Al Bhed wrapped his are around my neck, holding me still. "Lemme go, you jerk!" I said angrily, punching at the arm that held me. The Al Bhed kept a firm grip on me as he pressed a cloth over my nose and mouth. I struggled harder when I smelt the tranquilizing drug on the cloth. My struggles became weaker as my brain became hazey and my limbs became heavy. Finally I gave one last desperate punch at the arm around my neck, before I finally lost consciousness. -BH-Well that''s chapter 3, hope yall like it. I''m begging you people: Please Comment!
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KH1Oblivion on December 13, 2006, 8:06:32 AM
KH1Oblivion on