Chapter 4 - The Salvage Ship
Submitted July 12, 2006 Updated August 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is one of those "get sucked into a game" stories. It is my first fanfiction so have pity on me. Tell me exactly what you think of it.High spoilers, moderate violence, and maybe some language.
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Chapter 4 - The Salvage Ship
Chapter 4 - The Salvage Ship
Disclaimer: I don''t own FFXI woke up with a really bad headache and the taste of the trancrualizer drug still hanging around in my mouth. "Aurgh," I groaned. "Hey you''re awake," said Tidus, who must have woken up a few seconds before me. I sat up too quickly, causing my head to spin. Tidus got to his feet and aproached the two Al Bhed that were guarding us. One of our guards turned at Tidus'' movement. "Ced, lybdeja![Sit, captive!]" said the guard, shuving Tidus onto the deck with his gun. "Hey, that hurts!" complained Tidus angrily. "Hu sujehk, rayn?[No moving, hear?]" said the second guard, pointing his gun at Tidus. "Whoa, okay," said Tidus, holding up his hands in defense. All of a sudden, the door that lead down to the lower deck of the ship opened. Rikku and the one I reconized as Brother emerged from the doorway and aproached us. Rikku came over to us and helped us to our feet while Brother began to make hand signals infront of Tidus, trying to tell him to work. "Right, whatever," said Tidus, clearly not getting the message. "Tu oui hud cbayg?[Do you not speak?]" asked Brother, turning away from Tidus and turning his attention to me. He pulled out a pair of goggles from his pocket, then pointed from me to the water. "Oui fyhd ic du fung?[You want us to work?]" I asked, already knowing the answer. Brother seemed surprised that I could speak the language,"Oac. Fa femm ymmuf oui du cdyo ev oui fung.[Yes. We will allow you to stay if you work.]" I pointed at Tidus,"Na lyh fung, pid E tuh''d drehg ed''c cilr y kuut etay ev E tu.[He can work, but I don''t think it''s such a good idea if I do.]" "Fro ec dryd?[Why is that?]" asked Brother, folding his arms. "E''s hud y kuut cfessan yht E lyh''d rumt so pnaydr vun jano muhk[I''m not a very good swimmer and I can''t hold my breath for very long]" I told him,"E fuimt uhmo cmuf oui tufh." Brother considered it then nodded,"Jano famm.[Very well.]" I turned to Tidus, who had his mouth hanging open in shock and confussion,"It''s all taken care of." "You can understand them?" he asked, coming out of shock. "Yes, I can," I said,"They said we can stay if you work for them." "What?" asked Tidus, taken aback,"Why me?" "Because they said you were the best on for the job," I lied,"It will be easy. Just push a few buttons and kill a few fiends. Besides, it''s better than just floating around in the middle of the ocean." "Oh, alright," said Tidus reluctantly,"I''ll work, but you owe me one." "Ra''mm fung[He''ll work]" I told Brother. He nodded and tossed Tidus a pair of goggles,"Kad kuehk.[Get going.]" Rikku turned to Tidus,"We found some ancient ruins right beneath us. It''s not active now, but once it''s active, we should be able to go down there and salvage the big prize." Tidus nodded and Rikku punched her fist in the air,"Alright, lets get to work!" "Roger!" said Tidus enthusiasticly. With one stride, he leaped onto the railing of the ship and half turned to give us a thumbs up, before diving into the water." "Show off," I muttered, plopping down on the deck and making myself as comfortable as I could against a crate. ''This could take a while'' I thought ''At least I don''t have to fight any of those annoying fishy things down there.''I dozed off while waiting for Tidus and Rikku to get back, but I was aroused from my cat-nap when droplets of cold water splashed me in the face. I jumped to my feet, ready to kill whoever did it. It was Tidus, of course, shaking his hair dry like a dog. "Watch it," I growled irritated. "Fa vuiht yh Airship![We found an Airship!]"said one of the Al Bhed, as the small group of salvagers made their way towards the lower deck''s door. "Ruf tu fa suja ed?[How do we move it?]" asked another. I leaned against a crane, as Tidus made a move to follow the crew inside. An Al Bhed turned and shuved Tidus away,"Oui, uidceta.[You, outside.]" "Hey, I helped out, didn''t I?" said Tidus agrily. But the Al Bhed ignored him and turned to me,"Oui lyh ev oui fyhd.[You can if you want.]" "Fryd ypuid Tidus?" I asked. "Ra ec hud uha uv ic[He is not one of us]" replide the Al Bhed flatly. "Haedran ys E[Neither am I]" I told him. "Oui cbayg uin myhkiyka[You speak our language]" said the Al Bhed. "Famm E''s hud kuehk fedruid Tidus[Well I''m not going without Tidus," I told him firmly. He shrugged,"Ryja ed ouin fyo.[Have it your way.]" He turned and shut the door behind him. "What was that about?" asked Tidus. "They said I could go in, but I didn''t think it was fair that they wouldn''t let you," I told him, taking a seat next to a pile of crates. "You could''ve gone in," said Tidus, rubbing the back of his head, a little embariced,"I wouldn''t have mind." I waved his comment away,"Naw, it wouldn''t have felt right." "Thanks," said Tidus, sitting down next to me. There was an akward moment of silence, before Tidus'' stomach growled. "Urgh, hungry," he whined,"You got anymore of that jerky stuff?" "I''m sure they''ll bring food," I told him, knowing I was right. As proof to my word, Rikku soon appeared carrying two trays of food. "Whoa! Right on!" said Tidus, when she sat the trays infront of us. I couldn''t help but stare as Tidus began to gobble down his food in huge quontities, causing him to start choking. A slapped him on the back, but it didn''t help much, so Rikku handed him a canteen. He swallowed the water, forcing the food in his throat to go down. "It''s ''cause you eat too fast," Rikku told him almost cheerfully. Tidus stood up,"Hello there, whats your name?" "Rikku," she said. She looked at me,"Who are you?" "I''m Tiff," I told her, I then gestured at Tidus," And that loopy is Tidus." "Hey!" said Tidus, folding his arms. "Wait," he turned back to Rikku,"You can understand us. Why didn''t you say so before?" "I didn''t get a chance to," said Rikku shaking her head,"Everyone thought oui were a fiend. "Uhh we?" asked Tidus. "Oui means You," I told him. "Oh," said Tidus, still looking confused. "Who are you guys anyway?" he asked Rikku. "We''re Al Bhed, can''t ya tell?" said Rikku, leaning against the ship''s railing,"Wait, you''re not an Al Bhed hater, are you?" "I don''t even know what an Al Bhed is," said Tidus. "Where you from?" asked Rikku. "Zanarkand. I''m a Blitzball player," said Tidus, kicking at an imaginary ball,"Star player for the Zanarkand Abes." Rikku looked at him quizallingly,"Did you hit your head or something?" "You guys hit me," said Tidus. "Oh, right," said Rikku sheepishly,"Do you remember anything before that?" I drowned out Tidus'' story about Zanarkand until Tidus turned to me. "Tiff, tell her," said Tidus,"You were in Zanarkand too." "I was in Zanarkand," I said,"But that''s not where I''m from." Before Tidus could argue, Rikku cut him off,"You said you play Blitzball? You should go to Luca. Someone might know who you are, or you might find someone you reconize." "Good idea," I said. "Alright, leave it to me," said Rikku,"I''ll go tell the others." She headed for the door, then paused,"Oh, and don''t tell anyone you''re from Zanarkand, kay? Yevon says it''s a holy place, you might upset someone." With that, she raced inside. I made sure my napsack was secure, knowing what was coming next. Tidus was taking out his frustration on a crate when Sin rammed the ship, throwing us off ballance. The Al Bhed came rushing out, but I didn''t hear what they where shouting. For a tidal wave washed over the deck causing me to get washed over the edge of the ship. I felt Tidus grab my hand, as we where both washed overboard and lost in a wirlpool of icy water. -BH-Well that was ch4 hope you liked it. You better because I dragged myself out of bed with a stomach bug just to wright this for you. BE GRATEFULL!
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KH1Oblivion on December 14, 2006, 6:41:29 AM
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mark87 on August 11, 2006, 12:35:08 AM
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