Chapter 5 - Besaid
Submitted July 12, 2006 Updated August 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is one of those "get sucked into a game" stories. It is my first fanfiction so have pity on me. Tell me exactly what you think of it.High spoilers, moderate violence, and maybe some language.
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy X |
Chapter 5 - Besaid
Chapter 5 - Besaid
-disclaimer: I do not own FF anything.-Tidus was the first to come around, for I was floating unconscious in the water. But of course he had no idea I was there at the moment. Tidus yelped when a blue and white ball nailed him in the back of the head. "Blitzball!" he exclaimed happily, also noticing a small group of people standing on the beach. "Hey, you okay?!" called a big red-head from the beach(guess who?). "Heeeeeey!" Tidus called back to the beach, before diving under water and preforming a sphere shot, nearly hitting the red-head as the blitzball zoomed back to the beach. "Woa-ho-ho," Wakka gapped at Tidus. Tidus swam towards the beach only to be surrounded by the group on the beach. "Yo," said Tidus, not quite sure what to say,"Hiya." "You wanna try that move one more time?" asked Wakka. Tidus clenched his fist in happiness and relief, and the Aurochs gave him some room. Tidus bounced the ball up into the air with his head and did a mid-air back-flip to preform the sphere shot. The Aurochs all looked awstruck by Tidus'' preformence. "You no amiture," comminted Wakka,"Who you play for?" "The Zanarkand Abes," Tidus blurted out proudly. Everyone looked at him as if he had spoken jibberish. Tidus quickly waved his hands infront of him,"I mean, forget that! We got too close to Sin, and my head''s all foggy-like. So I don''t know where this is, or even where I came from." All the Aurochs nodded in understandment. "Sin''s toxin got to ya," said Wakka. "But your still alive," he finished and they all did the Yevon bow thing,"I''m Wakka. Coach and Captain of the Besaid Aurochs, brudda." Wakka then stopped,"Did you say ''we'' got to close to Sin?" Something finally clicked inside Tidus'' thick skull, he spun around towards the water,"Wait, where''s Tiff?" One of the Aurochs pointed out over the water,"What''s that?" Tidus spotted my floating figure in the water,"It''s Tiff!" He quickly swam out to where I was floating, and hauled me back to shore. The Aurochs huddled around as Tidus layed me on the sand,"Please, oh please don''t be dead!" "Hold on," said Wakka, kneeling down. He placed his hands on my chest and pushed down hard enough to cause me to spit up water. I went into a coughing fit but I stayed unconcsious. "We''d better get her to the village," said Wakka,"The rest of you, back to practice." Tidus scooped me up in his arms and followed Wakka of the beach and down the path that lead to the village. Wakka stopped when they reached the cliff that overlooked the village,"I got a favor to ask ya." "You want me on your team, right?" asked Tidus, taking the hint. Wakka nodded,"A big blitzball tornement is coming up. All the teams in Spira will be there. It''s so huge, I''m sure someone will reconize you. Then you can go back to your old team, right. It''ll be fun, what do ya say, huh? Come on, come on!" Tidus thought about it for about five seconds, before he turned to continue down the path,"Sure thing." Wakka continued to ramble on about the game and how he got this new job and blah, blah, blah, until we finally reached the village. "Over here," gestured Wakka, walking inside one of the huts,"You can lay her down on the bed until she wakes up." Tidus layed me down on the bed, still looking a little worried. Wakka clapped Tidus on the shoulder,"Now go present yourself to the temple summoner, I''ll keep an eye on her for you."I woke up a few hours later, to find that the hut was empty. ''They must be at the temple.'' I swung my legs off the side of the bed and stretched, before exiting the hut and making my way to the temple. The hymn of the fayth filled my ears when I stepped inside the temple''s main chamber. I spotted Tidus talking to Wakka and, not to my surprise, saw him run through the door to the Cloister of Trials. I sighed and everyone else gasped at Tidus lack of respect for the temple''s sacret rules. I snuck over to the stairs and pretended to be interested in a random statue. Once I was sure the priest wasn''t paying attention, I quietly made my way up the stairs and slipped through the door to the Cloister of Trials.I absolutely hate the Cloister of Trials. It was just a waste of time and I think its soul purpose was just to annoy people. It didn''t take long for me to find Tidus, who was stuck on the last part of the puzzle. I snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear,"Get lost?" He yelped in surprise, that sounded an awful like a girl. I laughed at his bewildered expression. "Glad to see you''re okay, you nearly gave me a heart attack," he said, scratching the back of his head,"How''d you get in here anyway?" "Same way as you: I came through the front door," I told him,"Oh, and you put that sphere on that pedestal." It took a few seconds for this to sink in, and Tidus place the glowing sphere in his hand onto the pedestal, causing the wall to disappear, revieling a secret room. "Now, push it to the center of the room," I told him. "How do you know?" asked Tidus, obviously not liking to be told what to do. "I just do," I told him. Tidus just shrugged and pushed the pedestal to the center of the room, where it sunk into the floor, revieling an elevator. "Hey!" called a voice from behind us. We turned to see Wakka walking towards us. ''Darn, Orangey found us.'' "Whats gotten into you?" asked Wakka, but then he spotted me,"When did you wake up, and how''d you get in hear?" "I woke up just before T came barging in," I told him,"As for how I got in, I snuck past the priest when he wasn''t looking." Wakka nodded and joined us on the elevator,"It''s okay. Only summoners, apprentice summoners, and their guardians can enter here. It''s a tradition, very important." "So what about you?" asked Tidus. "Me, I''m a guardian," said Wakka proudly. "A guardian?" asked Tidus. Wakka only shrugged. Tidus jumped when the elevator gave a shudder and began to desend into the floor. "Guardians protect summoners when they go on a pilgrimage to pray at every temple," I told Tidus,"Right Wakka?" "Uh, right," said Wakka, a little surprised at my nolige of the matter,"Guardians are in there now. One of them''s gotta short fuse, and who knows what the other''s thinking." He just described Lulu and Kimahri, when the elevator finally reached the bottom of the chamber. "Well we came this far," said Wakka,"Might as well go all the way." I reconized Lulu and Kimahri right away when we entered the Chamber of the Fayth. "What are you doing here?" asked Lulu, sounding angry. She stood up and walked over to us,"Didn''t think we''d be able to handle it?" "N-no, it''s just that..." Wakka turned to us and lowered his voice,"See? I told ya she gets mad easily." "Is the summoner alright?" asked Tidus. "Who are you?" asked Lulu scornfully. "Better yet, who is she?" She pointed at me. I was about to respond, when the door to the Chamber of the Fayth opened to reviel the summoner, Yuna. She stumbled out of the chamber and nearly fell down the stairs, if Kimahri didn''t rush to catch her. I notice Tidus standing with his mouth agape as Yuna pushed her hair back and smiled at her guardians,"I''ve done it. I''ve become a summoner."I noticed that Tidus was deep in thought, when we made our way out of the temple, and joined the group of villagers that were gathered around the center of the village, with Yuna in the center. "Ready!" called Wakka. "Okay," nodded Yuna. She did the summoning stance, causing a fabulous display of lights and causing the clouds to burst open. The great bird, dragon-like aeon, Valefor, swooped down over and landed infront of Yuna. The villagers cheered, when Yuna stroked the aeon''s neck, and turned to her guardians. Even though I had seen it dozens of times, it was nothing compaired to seeing it in real life. I was awstruck.Later that night, the village threw a party to celebrate the birth of a new summoner. I was bored to tears. All they did was talk about nothing around some bonfires. I also had no idea why they were even celebrating, I mean summoners die when they reach the end of their pilgrimage. It''s like dancing around a pile of burning sticks and wishing the summoner a good death. I isalated myself from the ''party'' and plopped down next to one of the village huts. I dug through my bag until I found my i-pod, and put on my earphones. I watched the flames of one of the bonfires, and quietly sung along to Linkin Park''s ''In the End''. "What song is that?" asked a voice beside me. I jumped and pulled out my earphones, just now realizing that Lulu was standing next to me. "Oh, uh, it''s a song I learned back home. I''m Tiff by the way." "Lulu," she introduced herself dully,"Where exactly is your home? I don''t reconize your clothing style." "You wouldn''t have heard of it," I told her,"I''m not from Spira." "This one''s but a wanderer," I added in Rouroni Kenshin''s style of speaking. "A wanderer at such a young age?" asked Lulu sceptically. "I''m sixteen," I said in my defense. I always got a little edgy when people commented on my age or height. "Don''t you have a family that worries about you?" asked Lulu. "What difference does it make?" the thought of my last encounter with my family got my blood boiling. "I just wonder why someone with a family would choose to be a wanderer," said Lulu simply. "Well, my life back home isn''t always the best," I told her,"Between fighting with members of my family, especially my little brother, and stress from school, sometimes I prefure other worlds to my own." "So you travel to other worlds to escape the hurts and pains of your own." "Something like that," I said,"And that''s just fine with me." Lulu said no more on the subject, only told me there was a bed made for me in the Crusaders lodge. I turned in early, knowing that nothing else of interest would happen. I curled up under the light blanket of my cot and fell into a comfortable sleep.
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KH1Oblivion on December 14, 2006, 6:53:50 AM
KH1Oblivion on