Chapter 2 - A new discovewry, part 1
Submitted February 18, 2006 Updated March 16, 2006 Status Incomplete | Can a young anthro slave save his mother and the others he cares about from the cruel camp warden? I'm not sure yet......
Furry |
Chapter 2 - A new discovewry, part 1
Chapter 2 - A new discovewry, part 1
Five years have gone but since Jachiro me Kagro. Jachiro started doing the real, hard slave work a few days after. Work such as plowing the fields, planting seeds, and pulling rock from the quarry. During those years, he discovered why the warden wanted them to stay there. A week ago one of his old friends was taken away to be sold for labor. The only thing he hadn't figured out yet was what the warden was doing all day. He had never seen him, but he had heard stories about what goes on in the warden's big cabin. One said that the warden was an alligator, and really kept them here to eat them. Another said that he was a frog and used them for weird genetic experiments. But his favorite story about the warden was that the warden was actually a woman, and she dealt with strange hairless beings with no tails from another dimension. The really strange thing though, was that the slaved who told the stories, always seemed to disappear after a few days. Most of them think the warden gets rid of them. But none of those thoughts were in his mind as Jachiro crawled into bed, his paws feeling like he walked through fire. He was exhausted from a day of pulling rocks as big as him across the quarry. Then, after what seemed like about five minutes, someone woke him from the quiet sleep he was starting. Jachiro pulled one of his wings over his head to try to go back to sleep, but Kagro's soft voice prevented that.
“Jachiro,” he whispered, “Wake up! You've got to come see this! The warden is out of his cabin!”
“What?” he replied sleepily.
“Get up, I heard them! They're talking about us!”
Silently they crawled down the many ladders and onto the cold wood floor.
When they got to the door they listened for voices. Sure enough, they herd four different voices out by the fence. Kagro reached to the door, and before Jachiro could stop him, was outside and behind the nearest bush. Almost cursing at Kagro's stupidity, he followed. They got about two bushes closer when they could hear what they were saying clearly. They peeked over the top of the bush to get a good look at them.
There was a woman, a snake, with a white cowboy hat, a short rat with a clipboard next to her, and two creatures the likes of which he'd never seen before. One was tall and lean, with a mustache, and the other was short and fat, and balding in the middle of his head. Both were pale, hairless, and didn't seem to have tails. They listened in on the important conversation going on.
“I assure you Mrs.Kuviar, with our help you're camp will bring prophets to both our races.” Said the tall one convincingly.
The rattlesnake brushed her fingers through her ebony hair. “I don't know,” she said with a smooth voice. “You humans have a reputation for making one-sssided dealss.”
“Well, if you won't sell the whole camp, we will need to take one of you're slaves back to our leader. This is so we can prove to him the value of this camp and encourage him to make a fair deal.”
“Fine. Do you have one you want in particular?”
The short one smiled with a mouth full of blunt teeth. “I saw two very interesting specimens, a cat child with bat wings, and a mouse child with feathered wings. We will take them.” He said in a high, rasp voice.
Jachiro looked down and saw Kagro sitting with his back to the conversation. Sitting on the ground holding his knees, an expression of pure silent terror on his face. His eyes were wide and watering, his ears were flat, and his tail was rigid. He was shaking, so Jachiro tried to comfort him. But as he reached over, he lost his balance and fell over, the worst possible thing that could have happened. The conversation ended, all was silent. Jachiro didn't dare to breath for fear of being discovered. Suddenly, he and Kagro were lifted into the air by two strong hands.
“Aha! Got ya' you little spies!”
The rat with the clipboard held them above the ground, struggling to break free while the snake and the two humans walked over.
“Well ssspeak of the develfissh, aren't thessse the two you wanted?”
“Why yes. How continent.”
The woman's attitude suddenly changes from seductive to serious. “You little vermin! What are you doing out of bed? What did you hear?”
She had her hand out and was about to slap Jachiro, when the Rat fell backwards laughing and let them go. Somehow Kagro had managed to get his tail under his shirt and was tickling him profusely. As soon as the rat had dropped them they ran as fast as there legs could carry them. Jachiro even tried to get into the air by flapping his wings rapidly. He failed utterly and hid behind a large, well kept building. He stood there plastered to the wall, hoping his dark blue fur would hide him in the darkness. Someone ran past, shouting curse words into the night. The footsteps passed, and Jachiro stood there breathing hard, thankful that he hadn't been found. Panting, he whispered, “Kagro, we made it! Kagro?”
But he turned around and realized that he was talking to thin air! Somehow, he had been separated from him while they tried to escape.
He couldn't stop worrying about him. He would surely be killed if he was found!
But he had to put that out of his mind for a moment, for he heard footsteps and voices coming again. He froze and stood next to the wall as the footsteps got near again. Then, a door closed nearby. Someone was inside the building he was standing next to. He sidled over to the window, where he overheard an important conversation. The snake and the tall human were inside a well furnished room that looked like a hotel suit. It was the warden's cabin.
“I asssure you, the esscapees will be caught and delivered to your leader immediately.”
“You know, that boy reminds me of the one that escaped about ten years ago, the one who got through the portal. Caused a massive amount of trouble he did.”
“Hold on a sssecond, I jusst remembered sssomthing.”
The snake woman walked over to a huge filing cabinet and sorted through the millions of files. Finally, she came across three folders and brought them to the human. She spread them out on the table in front of her.
“Thesse two on top are the parentsss of the cat you wanted, named Jachiro Kahrak. His mother, Kitiki Johnek, and his father, Uthok Kahrak. Notice anything about the father?”
He stared at it for a second. “Oh my! That's the bat who got out!”
“Exactly, It'ss hisss ssson!”
The two villains ran of to the other side of the cabin. Jachiro had taken a risk and kicked the wall, Then, He immediately ran to the other side of the house. When he herd the door close he ran into the cabin and bolted the door. He listened by the door for the voices that would signal the rearival of the villainous couple. When he did not hear anything, he looked around the room. It was furnished with exotic-looking furniture, and a staircase on the corner lead to the upper levels which probably housed mire fine furniture. He walked around the room, gazing at the fine merchandise lining the walls. As he wandered around the papers on the desk caught his eye. Jachiro didn't know how to read, but he noticed his mother's picture as well as his own and another familiar one. He rolled them up into scrolls and put them in his pockets. Jachiro was on his way to the far corner of the room to look at a portrait of a handsome Boa when his foot caught on something. He fell over with a crash. Jachiro tried to stand up and see what caused his fall, but he had problems getting up because he had twisted his ankle. He eventually got up and, using the wall as support, checked over the floor around his feet.
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Greywolfen on March 26, 2006, 2:10:52 AM
Greywolfen on