Chapter 2 - Drill Thrill
Submitted January 11, 2006 Updated February 8, 2006 Status Incomplete | what you need to know about me...
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Chapter 2 - Drill Thrill
Chapter 2 - Drill Thrill
Wonder what would happen if I kicked her in the head, or if I tripped her?? Hmm... Wonder if the drill team line will fall like dominoes!!! That would be sweet....I looked over to the girl beside me that was concentrating so hard I thought her face would crack!! then looking behind me I saw the team captain giving me a dirty glare I wanted to flip her off but my arms were already around some other weirdo drill freak so I couldn't move. I continued to watch the long ways mirror that you could view the whole drill team at in at once. The reason she didn't like me was probably because I didn’t dress out in the skimpy outfits that they wore, sure I got a couple of points off but I’ll live, I was still in men’s black and white cargo pants with a small striped black and white shirt and all that good gothic attire I liked to wear. Everyone looked at me with confusion as to how I didn't Tripp in the suspenders Hell I wonder why I didn't Tripp in them, but then again I didn't care either...
Once "practice” or tourcher was over I started to gather my stuff like my drill bag that had my clothes that I so called "forgot" and my school bag as I went to pick up my binder a smiley faced girl was looking at me holding my binder in her hands. She looked at me intently and said,” Did you draw this??" pointing at the front page drawing on the plastic cover of the binder. "Yeah" I ruddily murmured out thinking of her as a snobby drill team girl although it did make me happy to receive a compliment people almost never compliment my stuff >.< but she was drill and drill was gross!!Boaring, lame!!! The fact of kicking my leg up so everyone could see my couche in those tight @$$ skirts disgusted me. Then pride took over and I wanted to hear someone say the liked my art again so I looked at the puffy eyed black haired girl and said,” if you like that you'll love this!!^^ it’s colored!!" Her eyes got all wide like giant marshmallows and she gasped telling me how much she loved it!!
Well I packed up all my stuff and waddled myself to the door and just left before the bell rang people were to busy gossiping to notice me leave. I looked behind me to see nothing more than the black haired girl!! "Why did you leave class? , I asked her?" I couldn't believe that a drill team lala foofy girl just left class!!! She looked up at me and replied," lookie I draw too!" throwing a pencil shaded sketch in my face "it's from that song Angel from Nightmare" she said, -gasp- O.0 she listens that kind of music!!! GET THE FREAK OUT!!! This was no ordinary drill snob! But I still wasn't convinced so to see if it was copied I said in a mean like tone,"Yeah I saw that pic online...some ware" The drawing she had drawn was way too good to be drawn out of head like that!! she then gave a saddened expression,” I’ve never seen this online..."and then smiled up saying," that’s ok I’ll draw better ones!" I could tell this was the start of a good friendship....
-Sigh- the next day of practice we received the announcement we were going to be in a parade SCORE!!! Then we realized that for this Christmas parade where going to be cookies. We had a choice to be a boy or a girl cookie but then things changed and we were just handed a costume. I wanted to be a girl cookie that costume had more room for my huge girl lumps “lol” Yeah SWEET!! Totally got the girl costume! We were told to meet at down town Dallas at some big building and to either drive or take the dart train {Dart Train Super Fast}
We took the train! ~.^ Me and Jess sat side by side and giggled all the way there about silly stuff like boys and lipstick. When we arrived it was like seven or 7:30 shows how early we had to get up since the drive from mesquite to Dallas is like 45 minutes plus all the make-up you have to apply and the tight @$$ leotards you have to squeeze yourself into! WOW!! This building is friggin huge!! –SNU!!- {snu random word for can’t find a word! Part of Ashleigh’s dictionary} –SNU!!- There was at least every drill team girl in the whole district there not to mention our team the Sterling Stars or our baby team the starlets were there. Jess and I were part of starlets -icky!- once all our members arrived we had realized a slight problem… One of our girls was too large to fit in the male cookie costume this girl was a pretty good friend of mine she didn’t care for drill to much either. When the teacher nicely asked if someone would give up there girl cookie costume for her no one even flinched to trade. Miss. Carpenter had to tell her that if she couldn’t find a trade she could not join…that was just horrible!! Those stuck –up little doges!! I could stand this ,this was just wrong I walked up to her as she stood there in depression as if she was going to cry I gave a big grin and said, ”Here… You can have mine ,I’ll trade with ya” I guess I made her day she was thankful but tried not to show it but that’s ok she had always tried to be independent she didn’t like to feel like she needed anyone which was always what made her, her and I liked that. She would find a boy one day that would find that adorable ,I wish her the best of luck for when that day comes. The parade was fun and on T.V.!! wh00t ,although I didn’t make it on T.V. the girl I gave my costume to made it on the television, of course –rolls eyes- that’s just how it goes right? But it was still fun and the donuts and free water sure tasted good after all that walking.
Weeks later there was the good old Defiantly getting old!! Drill team thing were we went and supported our suck @$$ team which I hope get better. We jumped up and down trying to magically make our players catch the ball and score a goal, like our cheering was going to make it happen! I ended up skipping most games, but the ones I did go to were a boar outa hell!! Thank god it was over!!
If any body I know is reading this…then hey! Do you remember Venom and Shard? That’s right Venom and Shard the SNAKES!! Me and Jessie’s Balled Pythons Jessie’s was still a baby at that time but it was worth it to bring them to school.^^ It was my idea and I convinced Jessie into doing it I’m glad she did but she almost got into a shoot load of trouble. We brought our snakes to school and we had lasted all day…until…DRILL!! That’s right until…F**KING DRILL!!! We went to get dressed and our snakes kinda poked there heads out to get a look around and all the girls screamed like the fricking pansies they are!! When Miss. Carpenter asked us if we had snakes in our bag Jess just yelled at the top of her lungs,” It’s a RUBBER DUCK!!!” I just busted out laughing. I most likely was still laughing when Miss. Carpenter was checking our bags which we had been pretty good at Bs’ing her with by putting them in Tiff’s bag but the snotty girls told on me and Jess, Jess was so smart she totally fooled Miss. Carpenter by pleading with her and screaming NO!! they were are babies and it would kill us to part with them which was a pretty good line because they were are babies and Jess was very good at convincing people and it worked we kept them in our bag until after school this was our last dramatic drill experience and were both glad its over we don’t think will ever do that again!!
{No offence to any Drill Girls out there we just didn’t like it}
Wonder what would happen if I kicked her in the head, or if I tripped her?? Hmm... Wonder if the drill team line will fall like dominoes!!! That would be sweet....I looked over to the girl beside me that was concentrating so hard I thought her face would crack!! then looking behind me I saw the team captain giving me a dirty glare I wanted to flip her off but my arms were already around some other weirdo drill freak so I couldn't move. I continued to watch the long ways mirror that you could view the whole drill team at in at once. The reason she didn't like me was probably because I didn’t dress out in the skimpy outfits that they wore, sure I got a couple of points off but I’ll live, I was still in men’s black and white cargo pants with a small striped black and white shirt and all that good gothic attire I liked to wear. Everyone looked at me with confusion as to how I didn't Tripp in the suspenders Hell I wonder why I didn't Tripp in them, but then again I didn't care either...
Once "practice” or tourcher was over I started to gather my stuff like my drill bag that had my clothes that I so called "forgot" and my school bag as I went to pick up my binder a smiley faced girl was looking at me holding my binder in her hands. She looked at me intently and said,” Did you draw this??" pointing at the front page drawing on the plastic cover of the binder. "Yeah" I ruddily murmured out thinking of her as a snobby drill team girl although it did make me happy to receive a compliment people almost never compliment my stuff >.< but she was drill and drill was gross!!Boaring, lame!!! The fact of kicking my leg up so everyone could see my couche in those tight @$$ skirts disgusted me. Then pride took over and I wanted to hear someone say the liked my art again so I looked at the puffy eyed black haired girl and said,” if you like that you'll love this!!^^ it’s colored!!" Her eyes got all wide like giant marshmallows and she gasped telling me how much she loved it!!
Well I packed up all my stuff and waddled myself to the door and just left before the bell rang people were to busy gossiping to notice me leave. I looked behind me to see nothing more than the black haired girl!! "Why did you leave class? , I asked her?" I couldn't believe that a drill team lala foofy girl just left class!!! She looked up at me and replied," lookie I draw too!" throwing a pencil shaded sketch in my face "it's from that song Angel from Nightmare" she said, -gasp- O.0 she listens that kind of music!!! GET THE FREAK OUT!!! This was no ordinary drill snob! But I still wasn't convinced so to see if it was copied I said in a mean like tone,"Yeah I saw that pic online...some ware" The drawing she had drawn was way too good to be drawn out of head like that!! she then gave a saddened expression,” I’ve never seen this online..."and then smiled up saying," that’s ok I’ll draw better ones!" I could tell this was the start of a good friendship....
-Sigh- the next day of practice we received the announcement we were going to be in a parade SCORE!!! Then we realized that for this Christmas parade where going to be cookies. We had a choice to be a boy or a girl cookie but then things changed and we were just handed a costume. I wanted to be a girl cookie that costume had more room for my huge girl lumps “lol” Yeah SWEET!! Totally got the girl costume! We were told to meet at down town Dallas at some big building and to either drive or take the dart train {Dart Train Super Fast}
We took the train! ~.^ Me and Jess sat side by side and giggled all the way there about silly stuff like boys and lipstick. When we arrived it was like seven or 7:30 shows how early we had to get up since the drive from mesquite to Dallas is like 45 minutes plus all the make-up you have to apply and the tight @$$ leotards you have to squeeze yourself into! WOW!! This building is friggin huge!! –SNU!!- {snu random word for can’t find a word! Part of Ashleigh’s dictionary} –SNU!!- There was at least every drill team girl in the whole district there not to mention our team the Sterling Stars or our baby team the starlets were there. Jess and I were part of starlets -icky!- once all our members arrived we had realized a slight problem… One of our girls was too large to fit in the male cookie costume this girl was a pretty good friend of mine she didn’t care for drill to much either. When the teacher nicely asked if someone would give up there girl cookie costume for her no one even flinched to trade. Miss. Carpenter had to tell her that if she couldn’t find a trade she could not join…that was just horrible!! Those stuck –up little doges!! I could stand this ,this was just wrong I walked up to her as she stood there in depression as if she was going to cry I gave a big grin and said, ”Here… You can have mine ,I’ll trade with ya” I guess I made her day she was thankful but tried not to show it but that’s ok she had always tried to be independent she didn’t like to feel like she needed anyone which was always what made her, her and I liked that. She would find a boy one day that would find that adorable ,I wish her the best of luck for when that day comes. The parade was fun and on T.V.!! wh00t ,although I didn’t make it on T.V. the girl I gave my costume to made it on the television, of course –rolls eyes- that’s just how it goes right? But it was still fun and the donuts and free water sure tasted good after all that walking.
Weeks later there was the good old Defiantly getting old!! Drill team thing were we went and supported our suck @$$ team which I hope get better. We jumped up and down trying to magically make our players catch the ball and score a goal, like our cheering was going to make it happen! I ended up skipping most games, but the ones I did go to were a boar outa hell!! Thank god it was over!!
If any body I know is reading this…then hey! Do you remember Venom and Shard? That’s right Venom and Shard the SNAKES!! Me and Jessie’s Balled Pythons Jessie’s was still a baby at that time but it was worth it to bring them to school.^^ It was my idea and I convinced Jessie into doing it I’m glad she did but she almost got into a shoot load of trouble. We brought our snakes to school and we had lasted all day…until…DRILL!! That’s right until…F**KING DRILL!!! We went to get dressed and our snakes kinda poked there heads out to get a look around and all the girls screamed like the fricking pansies they are!! When Miss. Carpenter asked us if we had snakes in our bag Jess just yelled at the top of her lungs,” It’s a RUBBER DUCK!!!” I just busted out laughing. I most likely was still laughing when Miss. Carpenter was checking our bags which we had been pretty good at Bs’ing her with by putting them in Tiff’s bag but the snotty girls told on me and Jess, Jess was so smart she totally fooled Miss. Carpenter by pleading with her and screaming NO!! they were are babies and it would kill us to part with them which was a pretty good line because they were are babies and Jess was very good at convincing people and it worked we kept them in our bag until after school this was our last dramatic drill experience and were both glad its over we don’t think will ever do that again!!
{No offence to any Drill Girls out there we just didn’t like it}
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candy-angel on January 15, 2006, 10:41:25 AM
candy-angel on