Chapter 2 - Such a Strange Day
Submitted October 7, 2008 Updated October 31, 2008 Status Complete | This is a Shugo Chara story! I am included in it. I need to start watching the show of Shugo Chara. And by the way my name is Emily and people will be calling me Emi-chan,Emily,Emi,or Em. And there might be a few spelling mistakes,sorry!
Anime/Manga » - Other series not listed |
Chapter 2 - Such a Strange Day
Chapter 2 - Such a Strange Day
Yamabuki Saaya was a young girl who was blonde and has curly hair. She had alot of appearance and really good grades. She was hoping that she would be elected but maybe not. While Yamabuki was talking to Amu,Amu couldn't keep her eyes off of Tadase. She was actually in love with him. No one knew that, they just knew that she liked him.[br]
"The Prince's face is so sweet..he has nice hair too." Amu's face got a bit red,and started feeling a hot from just looking at Tadase.[br]
"Heya Tadase-kun!" My hand starting moving back and forth since I was waving my hand to Tadase,and I ran up to him,smiling. With my guardian Kaiya was right beside me. She was flying next to me. I grabbed her and started hugging her. [br]
"HEY! You're hugging me too tight!" She yelled out,and was getting squeezed to tightly. And she started hurting.[br]
"Umm..what're you doing?" Tadase spoke out, with a confused face pointing at my hands, I let go instantly when I heard Tadase's sweet voice. I accidently dropped her onto the floor. [br]
Kaiya started rubbing her head, and looked up at me and Tadase. [br]
"Oh..I wanted to say h-h-hi to you..and I just started hugging Kaiya since he's so adorable." I blushed out of embrassment and from him at the same time.[br]
"Oh! Okay don't want to murder your Guardian Character so be careful alright?" Tadase smiled,with his eyes closed. I started giggling from hearing that. Guardian Characters are just so cute and tiny. And sometimes I wouldn't know what to say to Tadase at times so I just decided to do that,I couldn't stop blushing.[br]
'WHAT AM I THINKING?! He would never be into a girl like me.." Amu said into her head angrily at herself, the eggs started moving and shaking and right away Amu noticed that.[br]
Tadase turned around and heard that noise with Amu's eggs. Amu wasn't to far away from me and Tadase so we noticed it right away. Tadase's and my eyes grew widen. Kaiya heard it as well and turned to look at me.[br]
"Could it be that she has them too Emi-chan?" Her eyes were small and looked at me curiously and started shaking my arm with her hand. I nodded slowly staring at Amu. Me and Tadase ran up to Amu.[br]
"Could it be that you have eggs?" Tadase spoke to Amu,giving her a shocked look and was surprised by this. He started tugging onto Amu's arm.[br]
"What are you talking about?!" Amu said in embrassment and didn't want to panic about this,she shook his hand off of her arm. Trying to get away from Tadase's grip.[br]
"Sorry..but I don't have any time for you. And don't touch me like that!" She glared at Tadase, but of course it was all a act. It was hard for Amu to say such a rude comment to Tadase but she had to get away, it was a awkward situation for Amu.[br]
"We're sorry..but.." Tadase frowned, and placed a hand near his chest. But, he had an idea that she did have a egg but he didn't know she had three. Amu ran out of that area for a few minutes and was livid.[br]
"I can't believe I said something like that to him! What is wrong with me?! I am so stupid!" Amu spoke out and wasn't too happy. She placed her hands on both of the sides on her hair.[br]
" think that.." My eyes widen a bit from the sight of this, I placed my index finger next to my hair,looking at Tadase.[br]
"Yeah..I think she already has the eggs." Tadase stated the obvious, Tadase and I already knew that she had eggs. Hearing that sound, they are just about to crack open.[br]
"If everyone is here we may start the elections for the third year of guardians. To start I'm going to ask you to fill out the school uniform survey at your leisure." Tadase spoke out to everyone in the classroom. Everyone was sitting down on a seat.[br]
'Aww..she's so sweet. When I was close to him he smelled so good. But I bet he doesn't have a interest in me and he probably hates me right now." Amu stated into her head,sighing out. While watching Tadase speak and was starting to regret what she just did.[br]
'Maybe I should say something else to him like..I am sorry about what happened eariler. I like you to be honest, and I would like to be your girlfriend..' Amu continued to talk into her head, and wanted to change something else to him instead.[br]
"Anyone that has a opinion please raise your hand." Tadase said to all of the students that were sitting down, he was giving them a chance to speak out their mind. Tadase was doing a annoucement.[br]
"Hey! Why don't you change! You could be a obedient instead of a disobedient girl! Character Change!" Amu was hearing a voice from her backpack, she knew she never heard it before. Maybe it could have been one of her eggs in her backpack?[br]
Amu's hair thing that was a X soon turned into a pink heart. [br]
"Yes! I am sorry but I like you!" Amu's eyes were shining, and she was talking so nice and honest. Everyone was staring at her, and thought that she was acting like a different person.[br]
Tadase's eyes were surprised and was speechless and didn't know what to say next. After a few seconds later Amu realized what she just said and the heart disappeared from her hair. [br]
"Huh? What? ...Just now?.." Amu whispered this and was blushing badly out of embrassment and placed her hand ontop of her mouth. [br]
"What was that?!" The whole crowd was puzzled and you could hear so many voices talking about what just happened.[br]
"I'm sorry but we are currently in the middle of something. Please speak out an opinion that deals with the topic." Tadase replied that that, and closed his eyes while he was talking.[br]
'I didn't know she liked him..' I stated that into my head,thinking why she said that. At such a moment, why didn't she tell him that later? Not at a time like this.[br]
"I am sorry! There's someone else I like..." Amu said and she was stumbling while she was speaking,she was shocked that a sentence like that came out of her mouth. She repeatedly continued blushing. She didn't know what was going on, she was puzzled as much as the crowd was.[br]
Amu ran out of there as quickly as she could she felt really embrassed and didn't know what else to do other than that. [br]
"My m-m-outh..just slipped it just started moving on it's own! It's not like my character at all!" She started running faster and was wishing to just escape anywhere. Just not in that school.[br]
"I said it infront of everyone! and what makes it worse is that I said I liked someone else!Ugh!" She couldn't stop thinking about what happened. She was wondering what Tadase would think.[br]
"It was so embrassing I just want to jump into a hole and never come out!" She screamed out and soon enough she jumped into a hole,on accident. She got really surprised that she actually jumped into a hole. And she was very upset.[br]
She started coughing from all of the dust and the dirt. She was ontop of a young teenager. [br]
'That didn't even hurt,what kind of dirt could this be?!' She realized that it was too soft to be dirt, so she looked down. And she was ontop of someone. [br]
"What the?!" She felt like her day got even worst then it could have ever been. First she says that she likes Tadase and then she finds herself ontop of a male.[br]
The teenager seemed to be older than all of the students in her school. [br]
The figure she was ontop of has blue hair,blue eyes,and a black outfit. His name was Ikuto Tsukiyomi.[br]
"Agh..I was having a good dream until you woke me up.." Ikuto placed his hand ontop of his forehead and then started massaging his hair throughly. And he sat up.[br]
'A boy..? I've seen him before. And I think Emi-chan knows him! I guess he's cool..but..why the heck is he in this hole? And he said he had a dream. So he's sleeping in a hole?! He's very strange.." Amu was saying numerous things in her head and was just glaring at Ikuto. While Ikuto was just giving her a blank stare.[br]
Soon enough he leaned in closer to put his lips onto her hair. When he started doing that, once again she heard the eggs shake and move again.[br]
"You have the smell of birth, you have a character don't you?" Ikuto started smirking and already knew what the eggs smelled like. Amu started shuddering, and just couldn't stop glaring at him.[br]
Ikuto held her close to his body,touching her around her chest to distract her. [br]
"Hey! W-W-here are you touching?!" Amu's face turned red while he was doing so. [br]
"How dare you touch me like that! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU STRANGE PERVERT!" Amu's face was full of anger, she was moving her hands around and was trying to get away from him.[br]
Ikuto reached into her backpack and found her egg, the heart egg.[br]
"See!" Ikuto was holding her heart egg and was smirking happily. Amu walked closer to him and tried to catch the egg.[br]
"HEY! MY EGG! Give me it back you thief!" She glared at him and was moving her arms around all over his face,trying to get that egg. Ikuto and Amu looked up once they heard a noise. [br]
The truck driver was going to put more dirt into the hole. The truck was making a rumbling noise.[br]
"Are we going to get buried alive..?" Amu was timorous and was panicing. She wasn't sure of what to do or how to get out of this hole. She was afraid that she would die at such a young age. The dirt started to pour down on the Amu,Amu was trying to move her hand away and was trying to get the dirt out of her face. The dirt started to pour down on both of them faster.[br]
"Hey!" Ikuto said, while the egg was cracking open. And the Guardian Character finally came out.[br]
The Guardian Character has pink hair,a big pink heart ontop of her hair, a hat that doesn't cover her hair much,she has hearts on her pink pom-poms,she has a cute small pink shirt,and a skirt that's light pink,her name is Ran. And she came out of her egg.[br]
"The egg?! Finally cracked open...?" Amu was in shock and she was wondering what would happen next. Ran started blinking and looked at Amu.[br]
"Amu-chan?! What are you doing here! JUMP NOW!" Ran told her what she should do to help her get out of this mess she ran into.[br]
"She can talk?" Amu was really interested and confused at the same time at what was happening. Amu listened to Ran's order and jumped up.[br]
"Make the girl who can't jump into a girl who can!" Ran smiled while she was talking. Ran was flying and Amu was transforming,but after Amu jumped really high she was out of the hole. And she was about to fall down.[br]
"AHHH! What is this?! I am going to die?! SOMEONE SAVE ME!" Amu was screaming and was about to cry, from fear. She was never this high in the sky ever in her life. And it wasn't like she was in a airplane. Soon enough Amu found herself ontop of something else. She didn't know what it was.[br]
"How is this happening? And who are you?" Amu looked at Ran curiously and had no idea who she was or what she was.[br]
"I'm Ran I'm your Guardian Spirt! Oh I mean Guradian Character!" Ran was smiling very sweetly and had red circles on the sides of her cheeks,placing her hands ontop of her hips.[br]
"Guardian Character..? Then she was the smell that was coming from the egg." Amu understood what Ran was saying. And she thought that wanting to reborn made her a Guardian Character. But what exactly is a Guardian Character?[br]
Ikuto appeared out of nowhere.[br]
"What is with the cat ears?! He has ears now?!" Amu said madly, and wasn't sure at all what was happening. This was one of the weirdest days ever for her.[br]
"Be careful Amu!" Ran said,having full watch of Ikuto. She didn't trust him. Ran flied beside Amu,and was next to her.[br]
Ikuto's Guardian was next to him, Amu was wondering why she saw a Guardian next to Ikuto as well. Ikuto's Guardian's name is Yoru,he had blue cat ears,with orange eyes,blue cat paws, and a blue shirt with a cross on it.[br]
"He has the birth smell too!" Ran noticed that Yoru had the same smell as her.[br]
"What's next will you become your Character?" Yoru raised his eyebrow,and his eyes were small. Not seeming too interested or happy.[br]
"No..I haven't reached my limit yet.." Ikuto stated to Yoru, and looked at him.[br]
"So..your name's Amu? Watch your step there." Ikuto was interested in Amu, he pointed out that she shouldn't be running or not looking where she was going because she could fall down if she wasn't paying attention.[br]
"Is this a fallen electric line?!" Amu wondered, and so it was. But she was still very scared and she wondered how her day could get any worse. The lines were wobbling, and she could fall at anytime.[br]
Ikuto walked to Amu and he was very close to her face once again. Amu was trying to hide her blushes. [br]
"Wha.." Her neck seemed to be in a awkward postiton and she didn't know what else to do. She felt like pushing him off of her.[br]
"Now..then." Ikuto continued to stare at Amu's face.[br]
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darkwolf333 on October 9, 2008, 2:00:16 PM
darkwolf333 on