Chapter 3 - Character Change
Submitted October 7, 2008 Updated October 31, 2008 Status Complete | This is a Shugo Chara story! I am included in it. I need to start watching the show of Shugo Chara. And by the way my name is Emily and people will be calling me Emi-chan,Emily,Emi,or Em. And there might be a few spelling mistakes,sorry!
Anime/Manga » - Other series not listed |
Chapter 3 - Character Change
Chapter 3 - Character Change
"I am your Guardian Character! Amu's would-be self! Amu you prayed for this! And I was born! For you to be a different character." [br]
The electric lines started to shake, and Amu was afraid she would fall down and that would be the end of everything. Amu kept on holding on tighter for the sake of herself. It was just too high. [br]
Ikuto reached for both of her eggs that were sticking out of her backpack, Amu screamed. [br]
"Hurray! Now we both have the eggs! And we have the Humpty Lock! Our work is done,Ikuto!" Yoru was hoping that this would be over, he just wanted to get the eggs and get out of there. [br]
"Okay let's go.." Ikuto started walking away,while taking the eggs with him.[br]
"I need those eggs..I can't let him take it from me. Those are important.." Amu whispered to herself, her hair was started to blow. It was getting into her face, it was very cold. She was shivering, and it was hard for her [br]
Amu let go of the electric line she was holding on and started running fast. She was thinking that she could fall down but she badly needed those eggs.[br]
"You give me back those eggs you thief! You don't know how valueable those eggs are!" [br]
But unfortunately the eggs dropped down. Amu jumped down to get the eggs, she got them. But she was still falling down. Yoru accidently dropped the Humpty lock as well. [br]
"AMU! Do Character Change! You have to believe it!" Ran was very concern about Amu, Amu needed to do her Character Change. Amu grabbed the Humpty Lock, and soon enough.[br]
Her hair tie turned into a red heart,her shirt was pink and short,she has a light pink skirt, and a hat that was on her hair. Her outfit was just like Ran's since it was a Character Transformation. Tadase ran to where Amu was, and saw Amu flying way up into the sky. He couldn't believe it at first but he knew it was a Character Transformation.[br]
Amu was down on the ground but she didn't get hurt at all, nothing because of her Character Change. She was flying, she jumped up really high back to where Ikuto was. She started spinning around,waving her hands everywhere and the ribbon behind her back was spinning too. Her heart was beating fast.[br]
"UGH! I hate this outfit! It's not like me!" Amu screamed out, but was excited about the way she was feeling.[br]
"But..I feel like a leaf that's being blown away.. It actually feels great. I shouldn't be complaining!" Amu went down a little further,still spreading her arms out. She felt like she had wings. It was nice for a change and it was making her feel good. Her heart seemed to be racing even faster than eariler.[br]
"Wow..she can do Character Transformation.." Ikuto's hair was blowing everywhere, he seemed to have an interest in Amu and was amazed by what she could do.[br]
"Impressive! I can't believe this.." Tadase was watching from a distance, it was pretty hard to see her but he still could see what she was doing. [br]
"Okay Amu! Our Character Transformation is going to stop very soon! Character Transformation ends when you use one hundred and twenty percent of a Guardian Character's abilities!" Amu could hear Ran's voice talking to her while she was in her Character Transformation. You could still hear Ran's voice you just couldn't see her. Amu was obviously using alot of Ran's abilities because this was her first try.[br]
Ran can't be in the Character Transformation for a long time if you use to much abilities. [br]
Amu eyes soon became very small and was terrified, she looked down at how high she was up in the sky. She was screaming, and soon enough all of Ran's clothes were off and she was,again in her school outfit. [br]
Amu was still having a tight grip onto her eggs,but was screaming. And was hoping someone would save her.[br]
"Oh my! NO WAY! I AM NOT GOING TO FALL DOWN! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME THIS EARILER!!!" Amu was moving around her hands and legs not wanting to fall down. She was yelling out loudly.[br]
"You need to believe in yourself! And maybe you could hang on a little longer!" Ran yelled out for Amu to hear but it was too late, after Ran had said that. It was too late, Amu was falling down.[br]
But luckily, Tadase was in Character Change too! And he had made a giant bubble of his crown. It was kind of weird since it felt like a matress. Amu was pouncing on it,and was still closing her eyes. And was afraid she would've died. [br]
And looked down at once she had fallen onto and gasped.[br]
"Huh? ..Tadase?..." Amu turned around at Tadase, he was the one who saved her. She didn't know how she could ever thank him.[br]
"Oh..thank goodness!" Ran flied down to Amu, and was reliefed that Amu was safe. She knew that she couldn't help her, so someone else had to. Soon enough, the bubble disappeared and Tadase was holding Amu. His hands were placed down on her legs to hold her up and his hand was on her shoulder.[br]
I raced to Tadase and Amu.[br]
"Amu! Are you alright?" I screamed out,and started glaring at the two of them when I saw Tadase holding Amu like that. A few seconds after that, I couldn't control it but I changed my character, a blue cap appeared onto my head. Since I was doing my Character Change. The Character Change I was doing was Adara. [br]
Adara is a Guardian Character,things would easily tick her off. She is flirtatious as well. And she loved to ice skate, she adored the cold. [br]
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!" I was really furious, my eyes turned into red circles for a few seconds. I instantly pushed Amu off of Tadase and I was glaring at him furiously.[br]
"Uh-oh! Is Emi-chan doing Character Change?" Kukai looked at me, me,Nadeshiko,Yaya,and Kukai were hanging out. But until I saw that I wasn't too happy.[br]
"Yeah! She's angry right now. Adara can get ticked off easily don't you remember?" Nadeshiko looked at Kukai, he felt bad for Amu when she was pushed on the floor like that.[br]
"Ugh..I hope Emily is okay!" Yaya let out a small pout, she got sad when I would do that. Because sometimes I would treat her rude while I was Adara.[br]
Kiseki was beside Tadase,Kiseki was Tadase's Guardian. He has purple hair with a shiny gold crown,he has a red shirt with baggy white pants, and a royal cape on his back.[br]
"Emi-chan! You pushed her down. I had to save her I wasn't going to just let her fall down!" Tadase knew that it was Character Change,after all I was wearing my blue cap. Obviously it was jealousy.[br]
"HMPH! And why should I believe that Tadase-kun?!" My hands were fulled with anger, and I was not happy at all. Stem was coming out of my head. And my eyes were really big. I placed my hands ontop of Tadase's shoulders. Amu get off of the floor and started coughing and was scowling at me. [br]
"Thanks for saving me...HEY! Why did you push me like that huh EMILY?!" She started yelling at me, but she noticed the hat that was ontop of my head.[br]
I leaned in closer to Tadase's face but while I did so, my cap disappeared. So my Character Change was gone. I started blinking and my whole face was red. [br]
"Umm..what did I just do?" My hand started shaking while I was staring at it, I wasn't even facing Tadase since I was too embrassed to.[br]
"You got angry at me because I was holding Amu. I had to save her, she was falling down. Are you okay Emi and Amu?" [br]
"Yeah we're okay!" Me and Amu had said at the same time, we both had the same thing to say to Tadase. Once again Ikuto came,he jumped down. While his Guardian Yoru was with him.[br]
"OH MY! IKUTO-KUN!" I jumped onto Ikuto before he could even say anything. And I wrapped my arms around his neck,hugging him tautly. I was happy to see him, and this was no Character Change. I knew Ikuto for a while. It was nice seeing him of course, I always liked him. [br]
"Emily..I cannot move. Could you please get off?" Ikuto raised his eyebrow, and was incredulous about my reaction. I liked both Tadase and Ikuto, but it was more titillating to see Ikuto. I got off of him and Ikuto stood up.[br]
'What's wrong with her?' Amu said in her head,laughing at my reactions. [br]
"So.. I see we meet again Little Kiddy King!" He smirked at Tadase that's what Ikuto would call Tadase, with his hand ontop of his hip,looking straight towards Tadase.[br]
"You know you shouldn't be taking new born eggs! And putting your hands on that Humpty Lock is disapproval!" Tadase said, not wanting that to happen again, he looked down at Amu, while Amu was clinging onto her eggs still. And didn't want to let go because of Ikuto.[br]
"Umm..?" I looked at Ikuto for a few seconds and then I turned to Tadase and Amu. I was unassured of what side to take.[br]
"Ikuto! You shouldn't have left it there. Well! Not Yoru's fault this time!" Yoru had a happy expression, and was glad that it wasn't his fault for once.[br]
"I am not going to let you find that embryo! You do not deserve it.." Tadase bawled out to Ikuto, not wanting him to get a hold of the embryo. He would never let that happen. [br]
"Embryo? What's that..?" Amu murmur to herself, he really had no idea what it was. She was thinking it had something to do with Guardian Characters.[br]
"Uh-oh! Two boys fighting.." Adara was troublesomed by this, she was just plain bored so she just started spinning around.[br]
"Guys calm down!" Kaiya said delicately,trying to Tadase down. She had a nice,cute,happy,voice. [br]
A few seconds later, a immense hand appeared it was a few inches away of Ikuto's hand. Ikuto jumped up for the cat hand to lean in closer to Tadase. [br]
"Holy Crown!" Tadase pointed his Holy crown at the hand that was getting closer to Tadase. Tadase's holy crown soon become a shield after Tadase pointed it. The shield was blocking the cat's hand. And soon enough the cat hand disappeared. Amu's and my hair was blowing,it was a hard stroke of air that was pushing our hair to wave.[br]
"We should've done Character Change Emily!" Adara was sitting ontop of my shoulder while she was speaking, resting her hands on her cheeks.[br]
"He's a crafty cat!" Tadase rolled his eyes, Ikuto wasn't there anymore. He had left so early. I sighed sadly, you would never know when he would be going he would just take off. [br]
Tadase took out a wash rag out of his pocket,slowly wiping the sides of Amu's cheek. Amu started to flush from this sudden touch, he placed his hand around the side of her hip.[br]
"Well, were you hurt?" Tadase was solicitude about Amu, he was wondering if she was alright. He stopped rubbing her face after a bit, and she couldn't stop blushing.[br]
"Y-Y-eeah..I am worries.." She stuttered on her words, while facing Tadase. He was so close to her face, she was blushing harshly. And loved the smell of his hair.[br]
"UM! Excuse me, but we better head back to the Guardian Meeting! They're waiting for us Tadase.." I interrupted Tadase and Amu, placing my two fingers ontop of my forehead,trying to forbid Character Change.[br]
"Oh yeah that's right. Well, I guess I'll be talking to you later Amu-chan. You should head home now!" Tadase,walked towards me, he gleamed at Amu,smiling. For a few seconds and he walked away.[br]
"OH WAIT! What about this?" She poked Tadase's shoulder, and cusped at her Humpty Lock. She was eager to know what she had to do with it.[br]
"Oh, all you have to do is just hold onto that Hinamori!" Tadase fleered at her, Hinamori was Amu's last name. Amu started smiling,giggling,after me and Tadase left the area. Hearts were surrounding her and she was mirthful.[br]
"He remembered my name! And he was holding me..he was holding me like I was a princess! But until Emi-chan pushed me off!" She was excited while she was talking, the only down fall was that I pushed her off of Tadase.[br]
"And he smells so good, so...good..OH!" She was smelling the wash rug that Tadase used to clean her face, she was really overjoyed.[br]
"AMU-CHAN IS A PERVERT!" Ran started cracking up at the comment she made at Amu,but she was just joking.[br]
"Hey I thought you were going to leave?! You're staying with me?!" Amu was not expecting for Ran to always be with her. She was expecting for Ran to leave.[br]
"Course not! I am Amu's Guardian Character! I am not going to leave you!" She grinned,winking at her happily. Moving her pom-poms around.[br]
Amu started thinking about when she said she liked Tadase,but Tadase rejected her and told her he liked someone else. [br]
"Oh..yeah. I forgot...he likes someone else." Her smiles soon turned into frowns. And she started walking away.[br]
"Teehee! Don't worry about that Amu-chan! There will always be chances! There's always lots,lots,and lots of chances!" Ran was cheering Amu on with her pink pom-poms. Closing her eyes in joy,trying to make Amu laugh or giggle.[br]
Amu continued walking away while Ran was flying after her.[br]
"Hey! Wait up! I am coming too. Don't walk too far!" She was moving her pom-poms around once again to get Amu's attention.[br]
"Don't worry! You can fly, and I can't." Amu was walking with her backpack while she was moving her lips,talking to Ran. It was time for Amu to walk home.[br]
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darkwolf333 on October 9, 2008, 2:01:46 PM
darkwolf333 on