Chapter 5 - Will You Please Join?
Submitted October 7, 2008 Updated October 31, 2008 Status Complete | This is a Shugo Chara story! I am included in it. I need to start watching the show of Shugo Chara. And by the way my name is Emily and people will be calling me Emi-chan,Emily,Emi,or Em. And there might be a few spelling mistakes,sorry!
Anime/Manga » - Other series not listed |
Chapter 5 - Will You Please Join?
Chapter 5 - Will You Please Join?
"Heh! No of course not. What made you think that?" Amu started laughing nervously, still trying to draw her picture but it wasn't turning out any better than eariler.[br]
'I wish I was a better artist..this is so awful..' Amu frowned into her head, and felt like she should just stop drawing her picture. But, she was trying to fix it still. She just wished she was a better artist.[br]
"Just change then Amu-chan!" A voice spoke out, she thought it was Ran but it sounded a little different. Amu's hair ties turned into spades to hold up her hair. It was Character Change again.[br]
"From someone who's unable to draw to someone who can draw everything and anything! It's time for Character Change!" She heard the voice again, Amu was thinking that it might be one of her other eggs. Amu raised her pencil in the air showing she'll be able to draw Saaya. Once Amu heard that voice, she started drawing so quickly. People were hearing all of the noises Amu was making. [br]
She raised her picture up with her hands, showing Saaya what she thought. [br]
"Oh my! That is me?! It looks just like me!" Saaya was amazed by Amu's drawing skills, she just couldn't stop staring. The rest of the classmates started staring at well, they loved how Amu drew.[br]
"Ran! You did it again didn't you?! Didn't I tell you to stop?" Amu angrily looked at Ran, showing that she wasn't happy about this. She was shaking her hands while looking at Ran, Amu thought it was another Character Change with Ran.[br]
"No, Ran! I am only great at sports, my talent isn't drawing!" Ran was shaking her pom-poms everywhere trying to explain to Amu that it wasn't her who did it, it was another Guardian Character.[br]
"Well..then maybe it was someone else,sorry." Amu looked around trying to find where that Guardian Character was. When Amu turned around to look at the window she saw Miki.[br]
"Ugh! She's right there! Come over here darn it!" Amu yelled out, getting upset again. She hated to do Character Change, what makes it even worst for her. Is that she never knows when they're going to do that. Miki was wearing a school outfit,but it looked a little like a tomboy,she has some cute little black shoes,with a big spade ontop of her hat,and she was holding a drawing pad with her.[br]
"I'm sorry guys! I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Amu said in a rush, trying to get alone time with her two Guardian Characters. She rushed out of the door. Trying to search for her Guardian Character. Amu started swinging her arms,rushing with Ran.[br]
"Come over here! Don't run away. She's the second Guardian Character,correct? She's wearing blue afterall." Amu continued running with Ran while she was talking about her other Guardian Character.[br]
"Slow down!" Amu was running as fast as she could, Ran was following her. Miki was teasing Ran and Amu because he was flying around them,behind them. Everything to annoy them.[br]
Amu got a stick and wanted to hurt her Guardian she was just getting really upset,but she dropped it. She didn't want to get violent about this.[br]
"Why are you running away from us? You're one of Amu's Guardian Characters!" Ran yelled out,trying to get Miki's attention, they wanted to get her, they didn't know that she would give them hard time. Miki turned around from hearing Ran's voice.[br]
"Well..I am Miki.., Amu's would-be self. But if Amu doesn't believe in me,or any other of her Guardian Characters. We will disappear." Miki seemed to have a blank expression, and didn't have much emotion while she was talking.[br]
"What? That's not right.." Amu said,and started thinking about it. Because she actually didn't believe in Guardian Characters, she thought that they were ruining her life too.[br]
"It's true..if you don't believe in any of your Guardian Characters we will disappear and you'll never see us again." Ran started frowning while she was talking to Amu,she was explaning to her about Guardian Characters. You have to believe in them.[br]
"So, could you please. Believe in us! In what we do for you. We don't mean to cause you trouble if that's what you're thinking!" She said softly, spreading her arms out. Amu's eyes were widen and nodded her head slowly.[br]
"But to be honest, I don't understand Guardian Characters, and they're annoying,actually." Amu's hands were placed down on her skirt,telling what she actually thought. Looking down at the ground.[br]
"But..I guess..I'll be able to believe in you guys.." Amu gave a annoyed look, but she was being serious. She was actually going to believe in her Guardians. Ran's eyes were fulled with joy, and placed her hands near my mouth,grinning quite happily.[br]
"But..A TINY BIT! So don't get too excited!" Amu crossed her arms, closing her eyes while she was talking to her Guardian Characters. A small smile crossed Miki's lips, starting to get happy. But she didn't show it as much as Ran did. Ran was dancing from being too elated.[br]
"We have to hurry up though! I said to the classmates that I was in the bathroom! They're going to be mad at me!" Amu yelled out, looking at Miki giving her a dirty look,still crossing her arms.[br]
"Okay! I'm coming!" Miki smiled,following both Ran and Amu. But Amu,Ran,and Miki didn't know that someone was watching them. There was a adult watching them behind a tree. [br]
"Seiyo Academy looks like a interesting place..heh.." His orange hair was covering his face, and he had a interest for Seiyo Academy. [br]
Ikuto was lying down on the grass,his hands were behind his back. And his Guardian Character Yoru was ontop of his shoulder. And Ikuto was thinking about Amu and what happened yesterday. The whole Character Change, and that Amu held the Humpty Lock.[br]
"Hey Ikuto! I-K-U-T-O!" Yoru flied in his face,playing his paws ontop of Ikuto's cheeks trying to get his attention. Ikuto pushed him off on his face. Yoru sat back down ontop of the grass.[br]
"Hey..what's up with that Amu girl? I mean she has three Guardian Characters! That's alot. Emi-chan has two that's pretty close! But three!" Yoru placed his paws onto his cheeks boredly, and looked at Ikuto, wondering why she had so many. Three was alot not too many people had more than one.[br]
"Do you think that she has a Embyro? That would be interesting! Wouldn't you like that Ikuto?" Yoru grinned happily, looking at Ikuto's reponse. [br]
"Well..that is possible. I wouldn't doubt it.." Ikuto said, closing his eyes. Just thinking about Amu, and staring at the sky. [br]
It was time for Amu to come to the Royal Garden. She walked there while holding the letter with her. She looked up at the buliding.[br]
"Well Amu-chan! It's time to go to the Royal Garden! Aren't you excited?" Ran smiled sweetly at her, giggling. Miki and Ran were both beside Amu.[br]
"Yeah but I am a bit nervous about this.." Amu blushed, she wanted to see Tadase, but she couldn't help but be nervous about going inside the Royal Garden. Amu opened the door and walked in slowly. When she opened the door saw so many pretty flowers and green grass. It was everywhere and it looked so well decorated. And she was me,Tadase,Kukai,and Yaya.[br]
Kukai's Guardian is named, Daichi. He has green hair,a star on his bandana on his forehead,a yellow shirt,and white shorts.[br]
Yaya's Guardian is named Pepe. Pepe is a baby,she had a pink hat on her that was for babies,a bib on her pink baby outfit.[br]
We're all sitting down on a white chair.[br]
"Why do all of the Guardians have Guardian Characters?" Amu raised her eyebrow in confusion and was blinking. Looking at all of us. Amu took a seat and sat down,blushing nervously.[br]
Everyone had their cups and I started pouring the tea into all of the cups. All of the cups were the same type of cup. The cup was white and had cute yellow and pink flowers on them.[br]
"Today's tea tea! Teehee!" I started giggling, spreading my arms out elatedly. And I was very ecstatic. After I was done I pushed my chair closer to the table and sat down on it.[br]
"Well..should we start the introductions?" Tadase raised his eyebrow, and was staring at Amu. Amu was blushing nervously, and started nodding her head slowly. Amu was ready to hear what Tadase was going to say.[br]
"The Guardian's King Chair,Hotori Tadase. I'm in the fifth grade, just like you Amu-chan..And my Guardian Character is named Kiseki." Tadase's hands were placed together while explaining to Kiseki. Kiseki flew right beside Tadase, having his hands onto his hips.[br]
"The Queen's chair, Sorana Emily! I am also in fifth grade as well. And..I have two guardians, Kaiya and Adara!" I smiled sweetly,pointing at both of them. They both flew beside me. [br]
Yaya placed her left arm into the hair, and her right hand was near her cheek. She was overjoyed to introduce herself for some reason. Yaya was always the smiley and cheerful one.[br]
"The Ace's chair! My name is Yuiki Yaya! I'm in fourth grade and I love adorable,cute things! And I tend to be cute as well. This is Pepe,it's a pleasure to meet you!" Yaya sounded very cheerful, and pointed at Pepe. Yaya loved cute things, she loved teddy bears too.[br]
"Jack's chair, Souma Kukai, and I am in sixth grade. I'm captain of the Soccer team, and this guy is Daichi!" Kukai said cheerfully,smirking the whole time. Daichi smirked beside Kukai. [br]
Amu started blushing nervously when it was her time to introduce herself. [br]
" name is...Hinamo--" Amu was going to say her last name and her first name. But I cut her off by saying.[br]
"We know who you are Amu-chan! We just had to introduce ourselves to you." I closed my eyes,smiling softly. Placing my hands behind my back happily.[br]
"You're bashful Amu! I think that is really cute of you to be actin' like that!" Yaya told Amu that she was acting adorable, and placed her hands under her chin in excitement. Yaya was giggling at Amu. [br]
"I heard people saying that you're scared of Scary stories is that true Amu?" Kukai crossed his arms,laughing a little at Amu. And wondering what her response would be to that.[br]
"Where did you hear that guys?! You're not suppose to know stuff like that!" Amu cried out, showing that she was incensed about that.[br]
"Well to be honest, being aware of all the students' personal info is part of a Guardian's duties! Otherwise we wouldn't know small things like that!" I giggled,placing my index finger up,explaining to Amu how we know so much about her. Me,Kukai,and Yaya started nodding our heads with our eyes closed.[br]
"Well! That's private stuff! You guys don't need to know small things like that!" Amu's face raged with anger, her mouth was wide opened from yelling at us. I started giggling.[br]
"So..anyway, these are you Guardian Characters huh? They're really cute." I placed my two index fingers ontop of Miki's and Ran's cheek,fleering at them. Ran and Miki were sitting up on the table and they were looking down at the black tea.[br]
"My name's Miki.." She said lowly,trying to put on a smile on her face. Her hands were behind her back.[br]
"And..I am Ran!" Ran yelled out in excitement, flying around near Amu's face.[br]
"So..umm..what're Guardian Characters exactly? I've been wondering for a few days now.." Amu placed her finger under her chin, looking at all of us.[br]
"Well here it is, read it." Tadase handed out a book about eggs, the name of the book was called The Heart's Egg. Amu held the book with both of her hands. Amu opened the book and started flipping the pages of the book.[br]
"There is a egg in the heart of each child.." Amu was interested in the topic of this, she really wanted to know about Guardian Characters and this was her chance to learn about them.[br]
"It is the heart's egg,unseen by the eyes. As each child grows older and older eventually the Guardian Character will disappear forever." Amu wasn't sure of how long she would have her Guardian Characters,she turned to the next page.[br]
"Huh? there has been a page that is ripped out!" Amu looked down at the book, you could still see a little bit of the paper that was there in book, she pointed at the left over of the paper.[br]
"That book was created by the founding king of the guardians." Tadase pointed out, telling Amu who created the book. It was made a long time ago.[br]
"Oh..I see. The heart's egg." Amu continued to stare at the book she was holding. Miki and Ran were both dumbfounded as well,staring at the book.[br]
"Yeah it's true! Everyone holds their own heart's egg! It's in our hearts." Yaya pointed at her heart, showing that the egg was in their hearts. That's where all of the Guardian Characters come from.[br]
"But the eggs wiggle up sometimes, and then your other self pops out!" Yaya was interpretatived Amu the facts about Guardian Characters and what they did.[br]
"That's mainly what a Guardian Character does." Kukai said that what Yaya was talking about was true.[br]
"All of the Guardians have Guardian Characters,they're our would-be selves. And they also recruit new members of each generation!" Tadase spoke to Amu, telling her what Guardian Characters are. Now Amu knew exactly what they could do.[br]
"And that's why,Amu,all of us want you to join the Guardians and be a part of us!" Tadase smiled at Amu happily, asking her generously. Amu's eyes grew bigger and her face was reddening from hearing that.[br]
"Me join the Guardians?" Amu looked at Tadase,blushing still. And was blushing the whole time while she was speaking.[br]
"The heart's egg sleeps inside of each child..but sometimes the egg reacts..buried with worries inside you. And when that happens the heart's egg turns into a X egg." Tadase explained to Amu,which most of the Guardians were doing.[br]
"What's an X egg?" Amu was perplexed at hearing that, she didn't know either an X egg was good or bad.[br]
"And when that happens, your character change will come in handy! That's one thing for sure." Kukai said grinning,and both of his hands were both placed ontop of his hips.[br]
"Yaya wants to see that Character Transformation NOW!" Yaya yelled out like a little baby, it sounded like Character Change,Pepe, was taking over Yaya. [br]
"Oh yeah that! When I did Character Transformation! That was actually an accident,heh..I don't have any idea of how to do it on my own! NO IDEA!" Amu shaked her hands around nervously,talking about when she did that Character Transformation,she actually had no control over it. It just happened. Tadase walked over,behind her.[br]
"Well..after all of that. Are you going to become a Guardian?" Tadase smiled sweetly and charmingly which wanted Amu to join. Amu's face felt like it was burning, she was flashing with red. There were red pecks ontop of her cheeks and nose. [br]
"Wait..umm..NO!" Amu's face,stopped blushing. And was serious, all of us had circle white blank eyes in confusion. A small sweatdrop appeared behind Amu's hair, and everyone was being slient for a few seconds.[br]
"HOW COME?! There's a whole lot of things you could do if you join us! Please!" Yaya placed her hands close to her cheeks. Her eyes were adorable, trying to Amu to join no matter what by using her cute big puppy eyes.[br]
"Well I'll be honest, I don't feel comfortable about wearing the Royal Cape..maybe that is a silly reason but I don't want to wear it." Amu placed both of her two fingers together,blushing out of embrassment that they will all laugh at her face.[br]
" you're saying that wearing the Royal Cape is a problem?" I raised my eyebrow,not understand the situation about Amu. About why she didn't want to join the Guardians, it was for a silly reason.[br]
"Hey! It matters to me, so that's why I am not joining you guys! the outfit is not my style! I mean just look at it, it looks awful!" Amu cried out,trying to get her point across. She was saying that she didn't like how it looked, and it wasn't her style of clothing.[br]
Kukai started laughing hard at her,pointing at her face.[br]
"Man this girl sure knows how to make me laugh! You passed,seriously.." Kukai pointed at her face, telling her that she could join the Guardians.[br]
"I said I don't want to! I even told you why!" Amu glared at Kukai, her teeth turning into fangs for a few seconds. Still glaring at him, she didn't like his response to her. [br]
"But..we really want you to join..,please?" Tadase's eyes were shining, and his expression was too adorable to say no to him. Amu started running out before she got embrassed.[br]
"I am sorry but I have to go guys,bye!" Amu started running as swift as she could. She really needed to get out of there before she could say the words. "Yes." To Tadase.[br]
"Amu!" Ran and Miki both cried out,flying to her, trying to catch up with her. Amu was running way too speedy for them. All of us froze for a while and didn't expect for her to just run out like the way she did.[br]
"" I slapped my hand onto my face, annoyed by Amu's reaction.[br]
"Why did you say no to them? It would be great for you to join." Miki told Amu, that there was no reason to be turning them down when she didn't need to. Miki didn't understand why she said no to them.[br]
"Well if I join the Guardians, it's only going to cause more misunderstandings and I don't want that.." Amu was lying down ontop of a bench,swinging her hand repeatedly,closing her eyes.[br]
"I want to be a normal human! Yeah that's right." Amu stood up, getting off of the bench. Facing both Ran and Miki, telling them that she wouldn't join the Guardians. So wearing the Royal Cape wasn't the only reason.[br]
"You're starting to show your stubborn side,Amu! It was your chance to get close to the Prince! And you ruined your chance." Ran bended over,giggling at Amu. And her finger was close to her mouth. [br]
"They misunderstood me. It's just not possible for me to have special abilities." Amu landed her hands down on her skirt, looking down at her skirt. Placing her hands on her cheeks boredly.[br]
"Hey! Wait I forgot to give this back." Amu held the Humpty Lock in her hands,looking at it. And completely forgot to give the Humpty Lock back to Tadase, she couldn't remember because of the whole introduction.[br]
"I guess I'll just have to give it him later.." She put it back into her backpack,but after she did that she saw the boy who fall down on the horizontal bar. He was the boy that Amu helped from those bullies. [br]
"He's trying to do his best and he wants to try it again! He wants to be better at it." Ran smiled, she felt kind of bad at the same time since it was hard for him to swing onto the horizontal bar.[br]
"Hinamori Amu!" The boy yelled out from behind, he saw her face when he turned around. He liked her alot because of all the things she could do. He thought she was tough and great at sports[br]
"I'm sorry I am such a screw up,Hinamori. I am really sorry!" The young boy was down on his knees and was very tired from all of this. He looked up at Amu and was smiling softly.[br]
"There's no need to apologized about that. Everyone's good at something." Amu's hands were ontop of the horizontal bar, she was smiling at the young boy.Trying to tell him it's okay.[br]
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darkwolf333 on October 12, 2008, 3:29:29 PM
darkwolf333 on