Chapter 1 - Phantom quotes
Submitted July 16, 2006 Updated August 27, 2006 Status Complete | I decided to put together some of my favorite Phantom of the Opera quotes. The first 3 are my absolute favs.
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Chapter 1 - Phantom quotes
Chapter 1 - Phantom quotes
Well these are some of my fav phantom quotes. ^^ I'm afraid it's still rather long though. >> *has too many Phantom quotes she likes* Oh well and sorry if I repeat any of them I either forgot I put it on or liked it so much I put it again. ;p The quotes in {} are my favs but this first 3 are my absolute favs.
:heart: "And yet I am not really evil. Love me and you shall see! All I wanted was to be loved for myself."
"The opera ghost really existed" -Gaston leroux
"Men hate the things they fear and they fear thoes things which they do not understand." -Mansart, Kay :heart:
{ Poor unhappy Erik! Should we pity him? Should we curse him? He asked only to be someone like everyone else. But he was too ugly. He either had to hide his genius or play tricks with it, when,with an ordinary face he could have been of the noblest memebers of the human race. He had a heart great enough to hold the empire of the world, and in the end he had to content himself with a cellar. Clearly then we must pity the Opera Ghost-Gaston Leroux
Yes he existed in flesh and blood even though he gave himself every appearence of a real ghost, a true phantom- Gaston Leroux
"Your soul is a beatuful thing, child, and I thank you. The angels wept to-night."
"I have come here to ask you to get rid of the whole stable.
- What, you want to get rid of the horses?"
"Horror... Horror... Horror..."
"Look! You want to see! See! (...) Look at Erik`s face! Now you know the face of the voice!(...) Well, are you satisfied?"
"In any case, I will kill him!
-Oh, be quiet Raoul , if you want to know!"
" That is a corpse that loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you (...)Why did you want to see me?(...) When my own father never saw me and when my mother, as not to see me, made me a present of my first mask!"
"Have I ever comitted any crimes?"
"You will be the happiest of woman(...) All I wanted was to be loved for myself"
"The grasshopper! Beware the grasshopper! It not only hops high, it hops quite well."
"Do I ask people who pass to tell me the time? He will never ask anybody the time again"
"I'm about to die of love daroga...of love. I...I loved her so much! And I still love her.." -Erik near the end of G.L. book
" I tore off my mask so as not to lose one of her tears... and she did not run away!...and she did not die!... She remained alive, weeping over me, weeping with me. We cried together! I have tasted all the hapiness the world can offer. } - all Leroux, POTO
{ "Erik is not truly dead. He lives on within the souls of those who choose to listen to the music of the night."
-DragonessDeanna }
{ "If I am the phantom, it is because man's hatred has made me so. If I am to be saved it is because your love redeems me."~Le Fantome De L'Opera }
Call no man evil who can still love.
"I am telling you nothing-merely asking you to remember that death can come in many shades. Some are harsh and infinitely painful to look upon; others can be as peaceful and beautiful as the setting sun. I am an artist, and many colors lie upon my palette. Let me paint him a rainbow, and give you the means to decide where it ends."-Erik.
'From then on, all I knew he could ever have were dreams'
{ "Possibly, some day, I shall hear the lonely echoes of the North repeat the singing of her who knew the Angel of Music!..." By Gaston Leroux
"Despite his every human flaw, he was still in a way the Angel of Music." }
"Stop, Monsieur! You use too big words!" - Christine
"None of us can chose where we will love."
- Erik, Susan Kay
"I am not really wicked. Love me, and you will see!"
-Erik, Leroux
'Know that I am built out of death from head to toe and that it is a corpes that loves you and adores you and will never ever leave you!'- Erik, gaston leroux
Don't touch me! I am Red Death stalking abroad!
From the moment of birth my destiny was to be alone. Erik,Kay.
{ Erik, I hope you'll never become so good at building walls that you can't see when they need to be pulled down.-Giovanni
Are you so sure a small jar would contain me, madame?-Erik
Ah well, hell is full of burning boats, did you know that, Nadir? I daresay that's what makes it so bloody hot.-Erik
And regret is a very poisonous emotion, it warps and distorts every aspect of a mans life until there's nothing left but bitterness and despair.-Erik
I was alive and I had never lived.-Erik
But now I understand why the manuscript of Don Juan Triumphant had always defeated me. What had I ever known of love...childish fantasies...schoolboy worship...simple, earthly lust?- Erik
Mortal, immortal, it no longer matters, for love trancends all barrieers and I am confident now that he is helpless against its brutal grip as I am.-Christine
There's a fatal flaw running through her, like a hairline crack in a Ming dynasty vase, but that very imperfection makes me love her with even greater tenderness.-Erik
I was not yet able to accept that I must make a choice between them; I still believed that as long as I confined them both to their separate worlds, I could stave off a tragedy worse than any Shakespeare ever set upon the stage.-Christine
I love you, Erik, I love you in so many different ways...but my love is the love of a child afraid to grow up.-Christine
You told me so many beautiful stories, Erik, you taught me that even fairy tales can have a tragic ending. The white rose and the nightingale were punished by Allah for stealing a forbidden love. Somehow I don't think any of us are destined to live happily ever after...-Christine
Such a little thing really, a kiss...-Erik }
"But ... but people must have been killed!"
"Oh, yes ... I daresay that's quite likely! It's really very difficult to be a murderer without killing people from time to time, you know."
"..and it's really very difficult to kill someone when all your inner instincts would oblige you to take off your hat first!"
"There is no angel of music. And yet he continues to live in my my voice ...and in my soul."
Mirrors can kill, may safely take my word for that.Erik
Surely one will prove musical..Erik
You could have been such a great man.Nadir
You're are always watching, what a pity you never quite mangae to see.Erik
Wanted, one ghost, experince and good character required. Ablity to sing tenor would be considered an advantage. Garnier
“frack your customs!” –Erik, P.217 kay's novel
“I rarely waste time in making threads.” –Erik, P. 286 Kay's novel
To pain my heart selfishly dooms me,
My senses have devoured my soul.
This cruel love tortures, consumes me,
Love I know I will never control.
Mad with passion, I bow before you,
Till the day hell makes you my bride.
I despise and adore you...
I only want to die by your side.
- The Phantom, Ken Hill musical
They've poisoned your mind against me. That's why you're afraid. Look at your lake, Christine. You'll love it here when you get used to the dark. And you'll love the dark, too. It's friendly and peaceful. It brings rest and relief from pain. It's right under the Opera. The music comes down and the darkness distills it, cleanses it of the suffering that made it. Then it's all beauty. And life here is like a resurrection.- 1943 Phantom with Claude Rains
"Are you quite sure a small jar would contain me, madame?"
-Erik, Kay
You know that one of your friends is in trouble; do not console him: he will tell you that he is already comforted; but, should he have met with good fortune, be careful how you can congradtulate him: he thinks it is so natural that he is surprised that you should speak of it. Narrator aka Leroux.
I have always been alone. -Erik
He took off the mask and turned slowly to let me see.
"This face, which has denied me all human rights, has also freed me from all obligations to the human race... The pleasures of love will always be forbidden to me, but I am young, Nadir. I have all the desires of any normal man."
Susan Kay's Phantom
"The cuckoo is a beautiful bird!"
"Seal my fate tonight--
I hate to have to cut the fun short,
but the joke's wearing thin.
Let the audience in.
Let my opera begin!" -Erik
"Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth
And the truth isn't what you want to see
In the dark it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be" -Erik
"Woe unto those who have the good fortune to have a nose, a real nose, and come strolling into the torture chamber." -Erik, using his ventriloquism voices
"Forgive me if I am amused. I do not mock your friendship, but only some seventeen minutes remain of my miserable existence. I would greatly value your friendship, but it would not suffice. There are men who can live without the society, without the intimacy, of women, but I am not such a man. Knowing Christine has made it far worse. I thought, I truly thought, that she might love me. I can bear my dreadful solitude no longer. Even Victor, poor, dumb Victor, has been taken from me. The need is like a pain, a hunger. Perhaps I have committed many grave sins, perhaps I am damned, but was I not born that way? Did some monstrous God form me with this face as a jest? Why should a mere child be tortured so? Ah, but God only laughs at my questions and my pain. One thing I do know, men and women were made for one another, to love, to cherish one another and I...But you cannot understand. I only want to die." -Erik
more Gaston Leroux
-It is true, Christine. I'm not an angel, a spirit, or a ghost. I am just Erik.
-Becareful Raoul: I've already told you that if I go there again, I'll never come back!
-And a deep languid charm CROAK I feel without CROAK alarm, with its melody CROAK!...
-Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing. Her hair was gold as the sun's rays and her soul as clear and blue as her eyes. She wheedled her mother, was kind to her doll, took great care of her frock and her little red shoes and her fiddle, but most of all loved, when she went to sleep, to hear the Angel of Music...
-"I do not regognize myself anymore when I sing!" she said. Poor, sweet, pure child! (Proving how niave Christine really is)
Let foolish unsupecting men walk with care in the maze of my creation. All roads do not lead to Rome! -Susan Kay's Phantom
Hell is no place ;
It's an obsession with a voice , a face , a name... ~ Erik
"You great booby!"-Erik
"The viscount de Chagny shouted and banged against the walls like a madman"-Leroux
"We have cried together! I have tasted all the happiness the world has to offer!"
"Persons visited by the angel quiver with a thrill unknown to the rest of mankind" ~Gaston Leroux
If I am the Phantom it is because man's hatred has made me so...if I am to be saved it will be because your love redeems me.
Paper faces on parade...
Hide your face,
so the world will
never find you..."
gaston leroux book:
"'you see it's all a joke. i never express myself like other people. but i am very tired of it!...i'm sick and tired of having a forest and a torture-chamber in my house and of living like a mountebank, in a house with a false bottome! ... i am tired of it! i want to have a nice, quiet flat with ordinary doors and windows and a wife inside it, like everybody else! a wife whom i could love and take out on sundays and keep amused on week-days ... here , shal i show you some card tricks? that will help up pass a few minutes, while waiting for 11 o clock tomarow dear little christine!...are you listening to me?...dtell me you love me!, you don't love me...but no matter you will!...once you could not look at my mask becuase you knew what was behind...and now you don't mind looking at it nad you will forget what is behind! one cand get used to everythig ...if one wishes...plenty of young people who did not care for each other before marriage have adored each other since! oh i don't know what i am talking about! but you would hae lots of un with me for instance i am the greatest ventrilouquist that ever lived, i am the first ventriloquist in the world!.. you are laughing....perhaps you don't belive me? listen. (skip a few dialouge) Here i raise my mask a little...ooh only a see my lips, such lips ans i have? they're not mouth is closed- such mouth as i have- and yet you hear my voice...where will you have it? (skip some) aha! where is erik's voice onw? listen, christine, darling! listen!! (skip) ahahahhahah!
"You great booby!"
Floating, falling,
sweet intoxication!
Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in
to the power of the music that I write -
the power of the music of the night . . .
"Your lover makes a passionate plea." (I love how he says it in a totally bored way)
"You will curse the day you did not do, all that the Phantom asked of you!"
Well thats about it if you have one I missed let me know. ^^
:heart: "And yet I am not really evil. Love me and you shall see! All I wanted was to be loved for myself."
"The opera ghost really existed" -Gaston leroux
"Men hate the things they fear and they fear thoes things which they do not understand." -Mansart, Kay :heart:
{ Poor unhappy Erik! Should we pity him? Should we curse him? He asked only to be someone like everyone else. But he was too ugly. He either had to hide his genius or play tricks with it, when,with an ordinary face he could have been of the noblest memebers of the human race. He had a heart great enough to hold the empire of the world, and in the end he had to content himself with a cellar. Clearly then we must pity the Opera Ghost-Gaston Leroux
Yes he existed in flesh and blood even though he gave himself every appearence of a real ghost, a true phantom- Gaston Leroux
"Your soul is a beatuful thing, child, and I thank you. The angels wept to-night."
"I have come here to ask you to get rid of the whole stable.
- What, you want to get rid of the horses?"
"Horror... Horror... Horror..."
"Look! You want to see! See! (...) Look at Erik`s face! Now you know the face of the voice!(...) Well, are you satisfied?"
"In any case, I will kill him!
-Oh, be quiet Raoul , if you want to know!"
" That is a corpse that loves you and adores you and will never, never leave you (...)Why did you want to see me?(...) When my own father never saw me and when my mother, as not to see me, made me a present of my first mask!"
"Have I ever comitted any crimes?"
"You will be the happiest of woman(...) All I wanted was to be loved for myself"
"The grasshopper! Beware the grasshopper! It not only hops high, it hops quite well."
"Do I ask people who pass to tell me the time? He will never ask anybody the time again"
"I'm about to die of love daroga...of love. I...I loved her so much! And I still love her.." -Erik near the end of G.L. book
" I tore off my mask so as not to lose one of her tears... and she did not run away!...and she did not die!... She remained alive, weeping over me, weeping with me. We cried together! I have tasted all the hapiness the world can offer. } - all Leroux, POTO
{ "Erik is not truly dead. He lives on within the souls of those who choose to listen to the music of the night."
-DragonessDeanna }
{ "If I am the phantom, it is because man's hatred has made me so. If I am to be saved it is because your love redeems me."~Le Fantome De L'Opera }
Call no man evil who can still love.
"I am telling you nothing-merely asking you to remember that death can come in many shades. Some are harsh and infinitely painful to look upon; others can be as peaceful and beautiful as the setting sun. I am an artist, and many colors lie upon my palette. Let me paint him a rainbow, and give you the means to decide where it ends."-Erik.
'From then on, all I knew he could ever have were dreams'
{ "Possibly, some day, I shall hear the lonely echoes of the North repeat the singing of her who knew the Angel of Music!..." By Gaston Leroux
"Despite his every human flaw, he was still in a way the Angel of Music." }
"Stop, Monsieur! You use too big words!" - Christine
"None of us can chose where we will love."
- Erik, Susan Kay
"I am not really wicked. Love me, and you will see!"
-Erik, Leroux
'Know that I am built out of death from head to toe and that it is a corpes that loves you and adores you and will never ever leave you!'- Erik, gaston leroux
Don't touch me! I am Red Death stalking abroad!
From the moment of birth my destiny was to be alone. Erik,Kay.
{ Erik, I hope you'll never become so good at building walls that you can't see when they need to be pulled down.-Giovanni
Are you so sure a small jar would contain me, madame?-Erik
Ah well, hell is full of burning boats, did you know that, Nadir? I daresay that's what makes it so bloody hot.-Erik
And regret is a very poisonous emotion, it warps and distorts every aspect of a mans life until there's nothing left but bitterness and despair.-Erik
I was alive and I had never lived.-Erik
But now I understand why the manuscript of Don Juan Triumphant had always defeated me. What had I ever known of love...childish fantasies...schoolboy worship...simple, earthly lust?- Erik
Mortal, immortal, it no longer matters, for love trancends all barrieers and I am confident now that he is helpless against its brutal grip as I am.-Christine
There's a fatal flaw running through her, like a hairline crack in a Ming dynasty vase, but that very imperfection makes me love her with even greater tenderness.-Erik
I was not yet able to accept that I must make a choice between them; I still believed that as long as I confined them both to their separate worlds, I could stave off a tragedy worse than any Shakespeare ever set upon the stage.-Christine
I love you, Erik, I love you in so many different ways...but my love is the love of a child afraid to grow up.-Christine
You told me so many beautiful stories, Erik, you taught me that even fairy tales can have a tragic ending. The white rose and the nightingale were punished by Allah for stealing a forbidden love. Somehow I don't think any of us are destined to live happily ever after...-Christine
Such a little thing really, a kiss...-Erik }
"But ... but people must have been killed!"
"Oh, yes ... I daresay that's quite likely! It's really very difficult to be a murderer without killing people from time to time, you know."
"..and it's really very difficult to kill someone when all your inner instincts would oblige you to take off your hat first!"
"There is no angel of music. And yet he continues to live in my my voice ...and in my soul."
Mirrors can kill, may safely take my word for that.Erik
Surely one will prove musical..Erik
You could have been such a great man.Nadir
You're are always watching, what a pity you never quite mangae to see.Erik
Wanted, one ghost, experince and good character required. Ablity to sing tenor would be considered an advantage. Garnier
“frack your customs!” –Erik, P.217 kay's novel
“I rarely waste time in making threads.” –Erik, P. 286 Kay's novel
To pain my heart selfishly dooms me,
My senses have devoured my soul.
This cruel love tortures, consumes me,
Love I know I will never control.
Mad with passion, I bow before you,
Till the day hell makes you my bride.
I despise and adore you...
I only want to die by your side.
- The Phantom, Ken Hill musical
They've poisoned your mind against me. That's why you're afraid. Look at your lake, Christine. You'll love it here when you get used to the dark. And you'll love the dark, too. It's friendly and peaceful. It brings rest and relief from pain. It's right under the Opera. The music comes down and the darkness distills it, cleanses it of the suffering that made it. Then it's all beauty. And life here is like a resurrection.- 1943 Phantom with Claude Rains
"Are you quite sure a small jar would contain me, madame?"
-Erik, Kay
You know that one of your friends is in trouble; do not console him: he will tell you that he is already comforted; but, should he have met with good fortune, be careful how you can congradtulate him: he thinks it is so natural that he is surprised that you should speak of it. Narrator aka Leroux.
I have always been alone. -Erik
He took off the mask and turned slowly to let me see.
"This face, which has denied me all human rights, has also freed me from all obligations to the human race... The pleasures of love will always be forbidden to me, but I am young, Nadir. I have all the desires of any normal man."
Susan Kay's Phantom
"The cuckoo is a beautiful bird!"
"Seal my fate tonight--
I hate to have to cut the fun short,
but the joke's wearing thin.
Let the audience in.
Let my opera begin!" -Erik
"Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth
And the truth isn't what you want to see
In the dark it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be" -Erik
"Woe unto those who have the good fortune to have a nose, a real nose, and come strolling into the torture chamber." -Erik, using his ventriloquism voices
"Forgive me if I am amused. I do not mock your friendship, but only some seventeen minutes remain of my miserable existence. I would greatly value your friendship, but it would not suffice. There are men who can live without the society, without the intimacy, of women, but I am not such a man. Knowing Christine has made it far worse. I thought, I truly thought, that she might love me. I can bear my dreadful solitude no longer. Even Victor, poor, dumb Victor, has been taken from me. The need is like a pain, a hunger. Perhaps I have committed many grave sins, perhaps I am damned, but was I not born that way? Did some monstrous God form me with this face as a jest? Why should a mere child be tortured so? Ah, but God only laughs at my questions and my pain. One thing I do know, men and women were made for one another, to love, to cherish one another and I...But you cannot understand. I only want to die." -Erik
more Gaston Leroux
-It is true, Christine. I'm not an angel, a spirit, or a ghost. I am just Erik.
-Becareful Raoul: I've already told you that if I go there again, I'll never come back!
-And a deep languid charm CROAK I feel without CROAK alarm, with its melody CROAK!...
-Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing. Her hair was gold as the sun's rays and her soul as clear and blue as her eyes. She wheedled her mother, was kind to her doll, took great care of her frock and her little red shoes and her fiddle, but most of all loved, when she went to sleep, to hear the Angel of Music...
-"I do not regognize myself anymore when I sing!" she said. Poor, sweet, pure child! (Proving how niave Christine really is)
Let foolish unsupecting men walk with care in the maze of my creation. All roads do not lead to Rome! -Susan Kay's Phantom
Hell is no place ;
It's an obsession with a voice , a face , a name... ~ Erik
"You great booby!"-Erik
"The viscount de Chagny shouted and banged against the walls like a madman"-Leroux
"We have cried together! I have tasted all the happiness the world has to offer!"
"Persons visited by the angel quiver with a thrill unknown to the rest of mankind" ~Gaston Leroux
If I am the Phantom it is because man's hatred has made me so...if I am to be saved it will be because your love redeems me.
Paper faces on parade...
Hide your face,
so the world will
never find you..."
gaston leroux book:
"'you see it's all a joke. i never express myself like other people. but i am very tired of it!...i'm sick and tired of having a forest and a torture-chamber in my house and of living like a mountebank, in a house with a false bottome! ... i am tired of it! i want to have a nice, quiet flat with ordinary doors and windows and a wife inside it, like everybody else! a wife whom i could love and take out on sundays and keep amused on week-days ... here , shal i show you some card tricks? that will help up pass a few minutes, while waiting for 11 o clock tomarow dear little christine!...are you listening to me?...dtell me you love me!, you don't love me...but no matter you will!...once you could not look at my mask becuase you knew what was behind...and now you don't mind looking at it nad you will forget what is behind! one cand get used to everythig ...if one wishes...plenty of young people who did not care for each other before marriage have adored each other since! oh i don't know what i am talking about! but you would hae lots of un with me for instance i am the greatest ventrilouquist that ever lived, i am the first ventriloquist in the world!.. you are laughing....perhaps you don't belive me? listen. (skip a few dialouge) Here i raise my mask a little...ooh only a see my lips, such lips ans i have? they're not mouth is closed- such mouth as i have- and yet you hear my voice...where will you have it? (skip some) aha! where is erik's voice onw? listen, christine, darling! listen!! (skip) ahahahhahah!
"You great booby!"
Floating, falling,
sweet intoxication!
Touch me, trust me
savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in
to the power of the music that I write -
the power of the music of the night . . .
"Your lover makes a passionate plea." (I love how he says it in a totally bored way)
"You will curse the day you did not do, all that the Phantom asked of you!"
Well thats about it if you have one I missed let me know. ^^
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Cara on July 16, 2006, 2:58:33 PM
Cara on