Chapter 2 - Kikyo (key'kiyo) noun : A dead bitch.
Submitted January 27, 2004 Updated January 28, 2004 Status Incomplete | What if in the episode Kagome's Voice And Kikio's Kiss, Inu-Yasha DIDN'T wake up as Kikyo was dragging him down to hell? A Sesshomaru/Kagome fic, even though I really don't believe those two are a good couple.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series |
Chapter 2 - Kikyo (key'kiyo) noun : A dead bitch.
Chapter 2 - Kikyo (key'kiyo) noun : A dead bitch.
Kagome woke up in bed, her face wet with tears.
"He never did wake up..." she thought.
Just the night before, after Kikyo dragged Inu-Yasha down to hell, Kagome met up with Miroku and Shippo. They had seen her with a sad look and asked her what was wrong. But she just returned to her time without saying a word. Kagome felt so lost and alone without Inu-Yasha. She felt she couldn't carry on looking for the jewel shards without him. She had no one to turn to.
It was also morning in Sengoku Jidai. Shippo and Miroku were at Kaede's discussing about Kagome.
"Miroku, what are we gonna do about Kagome?" Shippo asked, near tears. "I don't think she'll come back..."
"She might not." said Miroku. "I'm worried about Kagome as well."
"But how will we reach her?"
"We COULD use the jewel shards to transport over to Kagome's world," Miroku started. "But I don't know."
"C'mon! Let's try it!" Shippo urged, jumping onto the monk's shoulder.
"I don't know..."
"Come on! You have jewel shards! And that's how Kagome and Inu-Yasha got there and back!"
"I suppose it won't hurt." Miroku grinned. "I'd like to see how many young women Kagome has in her time that wear the same strange clothes she wears."
The two of them traveled through the Forest of Inu-Yasha and came upon the bone-eater's well. Miroku clenched onto two of his jewel shards, while Shippo had one, and they jumped into the well.
Kagome tried her best to eat breakfast, but it was no use. She just couldn't get over Inu-Yasha's "death." Since Inu-Yasha was gone, there really wasn't any reason to go back down the well. Kagome thought to herself, "But not going back means that I'll have nothing left to live for. Sengoku Jidai is, like a part of me. Now, there really isn't anything left to live for... Maybe I should--"
"No...quit thinking like that." Kagome told herself. "You know what?" she said to her Mom. "I'm going back to bed..."
"What for?" she asked.
"I'm...just...not hungry." Kagome replied walking up the stairs. Her Mom followed her up the stairs. Kagome plopped down on her bed.
"Is there something wrong?" her Mom asked.
"No..." Kagome mumbled in her pillow.
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be in the shower." she closed the door.
"I need Inu-Yasha..." Kagome thought, beginning to cry.
She sobbed for a few seconds before she heard her Mother scream in horror. She scrambled over to the bedroom door and opened it up to see Miroku blushing and covering his eyes to try to not see Kagome's Mother naked.
"Heh, heh, I'm sorry, Ma'am!" Miroku chuckled.
"MIROKU?!" Kagome screeched, slamming the bathroom door closed. "What are you DOING here?!"
There was a crash from downstairs. She ran down the stairs, unknowing of Miroku getting ready to look back into the bathroom. She seen her Grandpa holding a broom like a sword, and Sota dangling Buyo by the arms, screaming with fright. She looked and seen a familiar kitsune jumping from table, to counter, to stove, etc, trying to get away from the crazed old man trying to whack him in the head with a stick.
"STOP!!!" Kagome shouted. Everyone stopped by command. Kagome walked over to Shippo, picked him up, walked up the stairs, grabbed Miroku, went into her room, slammed the door. She didn't even miss a beat. Sota and Kagome's Grandpa just stared at each other in confusion.
"Now...WHAT are you two doing here?" Kagome asked.
"Come back, Kagome!" Shippo sobbed. "We miss you!"
"I miss you two, also, but..."
"By the way, whatever happened to Inu-Yasha?" Miroku asked.
"Uh...Umm..." Kagome was about to burst into tears.
"Did he go back to Kikyo?"
"Yes," Kagome nodded. "And Kikyo brought him down to hell with her."
"Huh." Miroku's face grew serious.
"I'm sorry, Kagome." Shippo said. "You know, he really DID care about you."
"Yeah, he cared, but he didn't LOVE me." she replied. "I was nothing more to him than a jewel shard seeker."
"Now, that's not true--" Miroku started.
"Yes, it is...!" Kagome squeaked. "No one will ever love me the way I loved him...!"
"Don't you EVER say that again!" Miroku blasted. Shippo looked at him in fright. To him, Miroku looked as if he was going to hit Kagome. But he didn't. He sat down next to her. "I promise you, you WILL find someone. Even if it isn't Inu-Yasha. Okay?"
"Yeah..." Kagome sniffed. "Thank you, Miroku, Shippo. You're true friends."
"Speaking of 'friends' do you have any?" Miroku asked. "For, I'd like to meet them."
"Yes, I have friends, Miroku." Kagome giggled.
"Are they cute?" he asked, standing.
"Don't ask me."
Sesshomaru and Jaken have been wandering around all day and there was no sign of that damned hanyou brother of his. He was waiting for a rematch with Inu-Yasha, for he found two jewel shards while battling a panther demon. He had jammed one shard in his right fist, and the other one on his forehead, to sharpen his eye-sight, hearing, and sense of smell. He stopped, then jumped up to a high tree branch to look around for his brother.
"Do you see that brother of yours, Master?" Jaken asked from below.
Sesshomaru didn't answer and looked around. With this jewel shard in his face, he cold see from miles around. He seen an eagle in the sky, swooping down to catch an unsuspecting rabbit, a squirrel scurrying up an oak tree with a nut in his mouth, a black ox, with an oxdriver whipping at the great beast's buttocks, but no Inu-Yasha. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air. He could smell farther than he could see. He could smell roasting boar meat over an open flame, (very tempting, to him, for he hadn't eaten in a long time) but he had more important things on his mind than food. For some strange reason, he couldn't smell the scent of his brother. It seemed to have disappeared from one area near a stream. It lingered, but not so much stench that he was actually there.
"Hmm...Where could he have gone?" Sesshomaru asked himself aloud. "And what of that human girl, he was with?" Her scent lead somewhere, somewhere near that poor village Inu-Yasha hung around most of the time before he turned into some weak pet who needed company. He jumped down from the tree, where Jaken waited.
"Where did he go, Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken squawked.
"He's gone."
"You mean to say he was killed?" the imp asked, amazed. "What are you to do, Sire?" Sesshomaru didn't answer and started off in the direction of that poor town he mentioned.
That human girl's scent led away from the village and into the woods. He continued to follow that sweet aroma and came upon a well.
"What are we doing here, Master?" Jaken asked.
"Hmm..." Sesshomaru sniffed the railing. "She jumped into the well?" he thought. "I don't see her." He looked around. "And her scent isn't leading anywhere else. But in the well, it just cuts off. Hmm...I wonder..." He got up onto the well's railing.
"W-What are you doing??" the imp exclaimed.
"I want you to stay here, Jaken." Sesshomaru ordered, jumping into the well.
Now this was unusual. He didn't seem to have gone anywhere.
"Jaken?" Sesshomaru called. "You there?" No answer. He thought, "The stupid little son of a--"
"Buyo?" sounded the voice of a small boy. Sesshomaru jumped out of the well and seen a small black-haired boy holding a dish of milk. "Uh--Aaahhhh!!!" the boy screamed running out the door.
"Sota! What's wrong?" aked a familiar voice from outside.
"Kagome! Some crazy woman with badly bleached hair just popped out of the well! And it WASN'T Inu-Yasha!"
"Huh?" Sesshomaru heard foot-steps coming this way, but he didn't decide to hide. That human girl Inu-Yasha had was walking into the little temple he was in and dropped an unusual bag hanging from her shoulder, to the floor. "Se-Sesshomaru...?!" She was about to scream for help, but the youkai saltated after her and placed a firm, clawed hand over her mouth. She put up a good fight to get away from him, but didn't until she kicked him hard in the knees and bit down hard on his hand. Sesshomaru cried out in pain. He examined his hand, then laughed it off.
"You fight like a demon, girl." he complimented, kneeling and cracking his knees. He stood up straight. "Where is Inu-Yasha?"
"Umm..." Kagome's face saddened. "He's dead."
"Dead." Sesshomaru looked at her. She looked grieved over his death. "Why do you care for him?"
"Uh...huh?" Kagome looked up at the youkai.
"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." Kagome seemed to have cracked a smile. "What are you smiling for?" Sesshomaru asked, sounding as stubborn as Inu-Yasha. "I don't care, I'm just curious."
Inu-Yasha was thrashing around the pillowed area Kikyo was keeping him in. She was sitting on a big comfy couch that only powerful famous royals had, while he was growling trying to keep calm and figure out the situation he was in.
"Kikyo, I'm trying to stay calm, here," Inu-Yasha grumbled. "You mean to say, that you dragged me down to hell so that we could stay together forever?"
"Yes, Inu-Yasha. I wish to stay with you forever." Kikyo sighed. "I knew that I couldn't walk amongst the living forever, that I wasn't capable of killing you. But once I knew that you still loved me, I knew that we could stay together for all eternity if I took you to the afterlife with me."
"But Kikyo, you have to understand," Inu-Yasha faced the priestess. "I'm not supposed to be dead. I want to stay with you, but I can't. I have to go back--"
"To that girl?" Kikyo whispered.
"Ah." Guilt took over Inu-Yasha's other emotions when he seen that same sad, hurt face Kikyo had. He sat down next to her. "No, Kikyo. Naraku is still out there destroying innocent peoples' lives."
"But why risk your life, when you can stay here with me?" Kikyo whispered. "I can give you everything you've ever desired and more. I can be any girl you wish..." Inu-Yasha looked away. That was how it could work. It was as easy as that. He could just stay here with Kikyo. Forget about Naraku and finding the rest of the jewel shards. Everything he needed was right here. But then wasn't that easy. He needed Kagome as well. Inu-Yasha looked back at Kikyo and seen Kagome in her place.
"Ka...gome..." Inu-Yasha whispered.
"I'm here, Inu-Yasha." whispered the voice of Kagome, with a hint of Kikyo's voice. She leaned in and kissed Inu-Yasha deeply on the lips. He closed his eyes. Yes. It was very simple. He could have everything. He had both Kikyo, and Kagome. Both of the young women he loved, bunched into one. Everything he needed was right here. But in the depths of Inu-Yasha's mind, he knew that he had to go back to earth, or he'd end up as a lost spirit, like Kikyo.
"He never did wake up..." she thought.
Just the night before, after Kikyo dragged Inu-Yasha down to hell, Kagome met up with Miroku and Shippo. They had seen her with a sad look and asked her what was wrong. But she just returned to her time without saying a word. Kagome felt so lost and alone without Inu-Yasha. She felt she couldn't carry on looking for the jewel shards without him. She had no one to turn to.
It was also morning in Sengoku Jidai. Shippo and Miroku were at Kaede's discussing about Kagome.
"Miroku, what are we gonna do about Kagome?" Shippo asked, near tears. "I don't think she'll come back..."
"She might not." said Miroku. "I'm worried about Kagome as well."
"But how will we reach her?"
"We COULD use the jewel shards to transport over to Kagome's world," Miroku started. "But I don't know."
"C'mon! Let's try it!" Shippo urged, jumping onto the monk's shoulder.
"I don't know..."
"Come on! You have jewel shards! And that's how Kagome and Inu-Yasha got there and back!"
"I suppose it won't hurt." Miroku grinned. "I'd like to see how many young women Kagome has in her time that wear the same strange clothes she wears."
The two of them traveled through the Forest of Inu-Yasha and came upon the bone-eater's well. Miroku clenched onto two of his jewel shards, while Shippo had one, and they jumped into the well.
Kagome tried her best to eat breakfast, but it was no use. She just couldn't get over Inu-Yasha's "death." Since Inu-Yasha was gone, there really wasn't any reason to go back down the well. Kagome thought to herself, "But not going back means that I'll have nothing left to live for. Sengoku Jidai is, like a part of me. Now, there really isn't anything left to live for... Maybe I should--"
"No...quit thinking like that." Kagome told herself. "You know what?" she said to her Mom. "I'm going back to bed..."
"What for?" she asked.
"I'm...just...not hungry." Kagome replied walking up the stairs. Her Mom followed her up the stairs. Kagome plopped down on her bed.
"Is there something wrong?" her Mom asked.
"No..." Kagome mumbled in her pillow.
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be in the shower." she closed the door.
"I need Inu-Yasha..." Kagome thought, beginning to cry.
She sobbed for a few seconds before she heard her Mother scream in horror. She scrambled over to the bedroom door and opened it up to see Miroku blushing and covering his eyes to try to not see Kagome's Mother naked.
"Heh, heh, I'm sorry, Ma'am!" Miroku chuckled.
"MIROKU?!" Kagome screeched, slamming the bathroom door closed. "What are you DOING here?!"
There was a crash from downstairs. She ran down the stairs, unknowing of Miroku getting ready to look back into the bathroom. She seen her Grandpa holding a broom like a sword, and Sota dangling Buyo by the arms, screaming with fright. She looked and seen a familiar kitsune jumping from table, to counter, to stove, etc, trying to get away from the crazed old man trying to whack him in the head with a stick.
"STOP!!!" Kagome shouted. Everyone stopped by command. Kagome walked over to Shippo, picked him up, walked up the stairs, grabbed Miroku, went into her room, slammed the door. She didn't even miss a beat. Sota and Kagome's Grandpa just stared at each other in confusion.
"Now...WHAT are you two doing here?" Kagome asked.
"Come back, Kagome!" Shippo sobbed. "We miss you!"
"I miss you two, also, but..."
"By the way, whatever happened to Inu-Yasha?" Miroku asked.
"Uh...Umm..." Kagome was about to burst into tears.
"Did he go back to Kikyo?"
"Yes," Kagome nodded. "And Kikyo brought him down to hell with her."
"Huh." Miroku's face grew serious.
"I'm sorry, Kagome." Shippo said. "You know, he really DID care about you."
"Yeah, he cared, but he didn't LOVE me." she replied. "I was nothing more to him than a jewel shard seeker."
"Now, that's not true--" Miroku started.
"Yes, it is...!" Kagome squeaked. "No one will ever love me the way I loved him...!"
"Don't you EVER say that again!" Miroku blasted. Shippo looked at him in fright. To him, Miroku looked as if he was going to hit Kagome. But he didn't. He sat down next to her. "I promise you, you WILL find someone. Even if it isn't Inu-Yasha. Okay?"
"Yeah..." Kagome sniffed. "Thank you, Miroku, Shippo. You're true friends."
"Speaking of 'friends' do you have any?" Miroku asked. "For, I'd like to meet them."
"Yes, I have friends, Miroku." Kagome giggled.
"Are they cute?" he asked, standing.
"Don't ask me."
Sesshomaru and Jaken have been wandering around all day and there was no sign of that damned hanyou brother of his. He was waiting for a rematch with Inu-Yasha, for he found two jewel shards while battling a panther demon. He had jammed one shard in his right fist, and the other one on his forehead, to sharpen his eye-sight, hearing, and sense of smell. He stopped, then jumped up to a high tree branch to look around for his brother.
"Do you see that brother of yours, Master?" Jaken asked from below.
Sesshomaru didn't answer and looked around. With this jewel shard in his face, he cold see from miles around. He seen an eagle in the sky, swooping down to catch an unsuspecting rabbit, a squirrel scurrying up an oak tree with a nut in his mouth, a black ox, with an oxdriver whipping at the great beast's buttocks, but no Inu-Yasha. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air. He could smell farther than he could see. He could smell roasting boar meat over an open flame, (very tempting, to him, for he hadn't eaten in a long time) but he had more important things on his mind than food. For some strange reason, he couldn't smell the scent of his brother. It seemed to have disappeared from one area near a stream. It lingered, but not so much stench that he was actually there.
"Hmm...Where could he have gone?" Sesshomaru asked himself aloud. "And what of that human girl, he was with?" Her scent lead somewhere, somewhere near that poor village Inu-Yasha hung around most of the time before he turned into some weak pet who needed company. He jumped down from the tree, where Jaken waited.
"Where did he go, Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken squawked.
"He's gone."
"You mean to say he was killed?" the imp asked, amazed. "What are you to do, Sire?" Sesshomaru didn't answer and started off in the direction of that poor town he mentioned.
That human girl's scent led away from the village and into the woods. He continued to follow that sweet aroma and came upon a well.
"What are we doing here, Master?" Jaken asked.
"Hmm..." Sesshomaru sniffed the railing. "She jumped into the well?" he thought. "I don't see her." He looked around. "And her scent isn't leading anywhere else. But in the well, it just cuts off. Hmm...I wonder..." He got up onto the well's railing.
"W-What are you doing??" the imp exclaimed.
"I want you to stay here, Jaken." Sesshomaru ordered, jumping into the well.
Now this was unusual. He didn't seem to have gone anywhere.
"Jaken?" Sesshomaru called. "You there?" No answer. He thought, "The stupid little son of a--"
"Buyo?" sounded the voice of a small boy. Sesshomaru jumped out of the well and seen a small black-haired boy holding a dish of milk. "Uh--Aaahhhh!!!" the boy screamed running out the door.
"Sota! What's wrong?" aked a familiar voice from outside.
"Kagome! Some crazy woman with badly bleached hair just popped out of the well! And it WASN'T Inu-Yasha!"
"Huh?" Sesshomaru heard foot-steps coming this way, but he didn't decide to hide. That human girl Inu-Yasha had was walking into the little temple he was in and dropped an unusual bag hanging from her shoulder, to the floor. "Se-Sesshomaru...?!" She was about to scream for help, but the youkai saltated after her and placed a firm, clawed hand over her mouth. She put up a good fight to get away from him, but didn't until she kicked him hard in the knees and bit down hard on his hand. Sesshomaru cried out in pain. He examined his hand, then laughed it off.
"You fight like a demon, girl." he complimented, kneeling and cracking his knees. He stood up straight. "Where is Inu-Yasha?"
"Umm..." Kagome's face saddened. "He's dead."
"Dead." Sesshomaru looked at her. She looked grieved over his death. "Why do you care for him?"
"Uh...huh?" Kagome looked up at the youkai.
"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." Kagome seemed to have cracked a smile. "What are you smiling for?" Sesshomaru asked, sounding as stubborn as Inu-Yasha. "I don't care, I'm just curious."
Inu-Yasha was thrashing around the pillowed area Kikyo was keeping him in. She was sitting on a big comfy couch that only powerful famous royals had, while he was growling trying to keep calm and figure out the situation he was in.
"Kikyo, I'm trying to stay calm, here," Inu-Yasha grumbled. "You mean to say, that you dragged me down to hell so that we could stay together forever?"
"Yes, Inu-Yasha. I wish to stay with you forever." Kikyo sighed. "I knew that I couldn't walk amongst the living forever, that I wasn't capable of killing you. But once I knew that you still loved me, I knew that we could stay together for all eternity if I took you to the afterlife with me."
"But Kikyo, you have to understand," Inu-Yasha faced the priestess. "I'm not supposed to be dead. I want to stay with you, but I can't. I have to go back--"
"To that girl?" Kikyo whispered.
"Ah." Guilt took over Inu-Yasha's other emotions when he seen that same sad, hurt face Kikyo had. He sat down next to her. "No, Kikyo. Naraku is still out there destroying innocent peoples' lives."
"But why risk your life, when you can stay here with me?" Kikyo whispered. "I can give you everything you've ever desired and more. I can be any girl you wish..." Inu-Yasha looked away. That was how it could work. It was as easy as that. He could just stay here with Kikyo. Forget about Naraku and finding the rest of the jewel shards. Everything he needed was right here. But then wasn't that easy. He needed Kagome as well. Inu-Yasha looked back at Kikyo and seen Kagome in her place.
"Ka...gome..." Inu-Yasha whispered.
"I'm here, Inu-Yasha." whispered the voice of Kagome, with a hint of Kikyo's voice. She leaned in and kissed Inu-Yasha deeply on the lips. He closed his eyes. Yes. It was very simple. He could have everything. He had both Kikyo, and Kagome. Both of the young women he loved, bunched into one. Everything he needed was right here. But in the depths of Inu-Yasha's mind, he knew that he had to go back to earth, or he'd end up as a lost spirit, like Kikyo.
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sango_fan_1 on May 22, 2006, 1:53:33 PM
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1_lover_of_the_fluff on April 27, 2006, 10:21:31 AM
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Gu on November 7, 2005, 8:09:04 AM
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