Chapter 4 - Hospital
Submitted February 5, 2007 Updated May 1, 2007 Status Incomplete | Well this story beats my last 1 cause that 1 sucked, this 1 does too but not as much so yno. well anyway, its a classic mcr story withthe frerard loveyness and stuff, so uhm, enjoy :] oh yeah and chapter 3 sucks
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Chapter 4 - Hospital
Chapter 4 - Hospital
Next day gerard woke up to mikey jumping on his bed. “ITS CHRISTMAS ITS CHRISTMAS!” he screamed.
“MIKEY! Get the hell off its fracking Wednesday! And its august!” gerard shouted hitting mikey with a pink shoe.
“fine!” pouted mikey who then ran off into the bathroom.
Gerard got dressed, did his make up like he did everymorning, he was a little early due to his annoying little brother so decided to watch TV with his breakfast. He’d forgotten all about frankie until a report came on the TV about child abuse. Gerard had a sinking feeling and deicded he’d ask frankie about them. When the school bus came. Gerard got on like he always did and looked at the back of the bus, bob was sat alone blowing bubbles that exploded and covered his face in blue gum. Gerard was weirded out cause frankie never missed a day of school with out calling him. He went straight to the back and spoke to bob, “hey wheres frankie?” he asked.
“Hes in hospital, broke 4 ribs last night” said bob peeling the exploded gum of his cheek.
“omg!? How?!” asked gee who was squeaking a lot.
“I dunno, his dad said he fell down the stairs again”
“omg I gatta go see him straight after school!”
“yeah.. you should.. oo hi ray!” said bob as ray got on.
“hey guys, is frankie alright?” ray asked
“dunno” gerard said.
When they got to school gerard didn’t talk much. Davey ran up and was crying. “davey whats up?” jade asked as he came up from behind and cuddeled him.
“I was practising my chearleading last night… and I stepped on tourquise and killed him!!!!” cryed davey
“whos torqoiuse?” asked ray
“ my pet turtle” screamed davey who broke down onto jade.
“jeeze guys whats with all the death!?” shouted gerard
“OMG FRANKIES DEAD!?” squealed bob
“no but hes probley ganna” said ray.
“NO HES NOT!” gerard screamed.
After that they all did ANOTHER day at school, gerard was waiting in anticipation to get home and go to the hospital.
When he FINALLY did get home, his mom took him and mikey to go see frankie.
“we’re looking for franklin iero” asked gees mom.
“are u family?” asked the nurse.
“no we’re..” started mikey till gee butted in.
“im his boyfriend..” said gerard “what rooms he in?”
the nurse looked at him. “floor 5 room 666” she said.
Frankie and mikey went up in the elevator while gees mom waited in the reception.
“FRANKIE!” gerard squealed as he ran in the room and kissed frankies forehead and cuddeled him.
“gee….?” He said faintly as he was still half dead.
“Awwwh pooor frankie wankie” said mikey carelessly smacking frankie in the ribs. Frankie cryed so gerard threw mikey out the room.
Mikey poked his head threw the side of the door while gerard and frankie was kissing again.
They both sighed and began to talk.
“so what happened?” asked gerard.
“I … fell… downt he stairs..” frankie hesitated.
“oh...”gerard said not believe a word of what frankie said. “ you want a drink or sumthing?” he asked
“coke please” frankie whimpered.
Gerard touched frankies hand in a smoochy way and left the room. The hospital corridor was empty as gerard was at the vending machines, he was suddenly knocked off his feet.
He was laid on the floor and looked up at a large man that was frankies dad. Gerard whiped blood from his mouth.
“mr ireo…?” he sobbed.
“HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY 1 AND ONLY SON GAY!” he screamed as he picked gerard up by the neck and threw him across the corridor. Gerard laid on the floor trying to catch his breath, he got up and was punched in the face and stomache by frankies dad. Gerard got away. He ran down the corridor and got in the elevator before frankies dad could catch him. He looked at his arms. He new his mom would take ti too far so decided he would hide it. What just happened must have been out of rage and prbley would never happen again.
Gee straightened himself out and left the hospital with mikey and his mom as if nothing had happened.
When gerard got home he decided that he shouldn’t see frankie anymore. This was getting him AND frankie beaten up by his dad, it wasn’t fair on frank, gee once again climbed into bed and thought of how he was ganna tell frankie he couldn’t see him any more. Gerard cryed himself to sleep thinking of the happy times with frankie but all he could see was him getting thrown around the house by his dad. Gerard fell asleep and had messed up nightmares of frankie and his father. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
“MIKEY! Get the hell off its fracking Wednesday! And its august!” gerard shouted hitting mikey with a pink shoe.
“fine!” pouted mikey who then ran off into the bathroom.
Gerard got dressed, did his make up like he did everymorning, he was a little early due to his annoying little brother so decided to watch TV with his breakfast. He’d forgotten all about frankie until a report came on the TV about child abuse. Gerard had a sinking feeling and deicded he’d ask frankie about them. When the school bus came. Gerard got on like he always did and looked at the back of the bus, bob was sat alone blowing bubbles that exploded and covered his face in blue gum. Gerard was weirded out cause frankie never missed a day of school with out calling him. He went straight to the back and spoke to bob, “hey wheres frankie?” he asked.
“Hes in hospital, broke 4 ribs last night” said bob peeling the exploded gum of his cheek.
“omg!? How?!” asked gee who was squeaking a lot.
“I dunno, his dad said he fell down the stairs again”
“omg I gatta go see him straight after school!”
“yeah.. you should.. oo hi ray!” said bob as ray got on.
“hey guys, is frankie alright?” ray asked
“dunno” gerard said.
When they got to school gerard didn’t talk much. Davey ran up and was crying. “davey whats up?” jade asked as he came up from behind and cuddeled him.
“I was practising my chearleading last night… and I stepped on tourquise and killed him!!!!” cryed davey
“whos torqoiuse?” asked ray
“ my pet turtle” screamed davey who broke down onto jade.
“jeeze guys whats with all the death!?” shouted gerard
“OMG FRANKIES DEAD!?” squealed bob
“no but hes probley ganna” said ray.
“NO HES NOT!” gerard screamed.
After that they all did ANOTHER day at school, gerard was waiting in anticipation to get home and go to the hospital.
When he FINALLY did get home, his mom took him and mikey to go see frankie.
“we’re looking for franklin iero” asked gees mom.
“are u family?” asked the nurse.
“no we’re..” started mikey till gee butted in.
“im his boyfriend..” said gerard “what rooms he in?”
the nurse looked at him. “floor 5 room 666” she said.
Frankie and mikey went up in the elevator while gees mom waited in the reception.
“FRANKIE!” gerard squealed as he ran in the room and kissed frankies forehead and cuddeled him.
“gee….?” He said faintly as he was still half dead.
“Awwwh pooor frankie wankie” said mikey carelessly smacking frankie in the ribs. Frankie cryed so gerard threw mikey out the room.
Mikey poked his head threw the side of the door while gerard and frankie was kissing again.
They both sighed and began to talk.
“so what happened?” asked gerard.
“I … fell… downt he stairs..” frankie hesitated.
“oh...”gerard said not believe a word of what frankie said. “ you want a drink or sumthing?” he asked
“coke please” frankie whimpered.
Gerard touched frankies hand in a smoochy way and left the room. The hospital corridor was empty as gerard was at the vending machines, he was suddenly knocked off his feet.
He was laid on the floor and looked up at a large man that was frankies dad. Gerard whiped blood from his mouth.
“mr ireo…?” he sobbed.
“HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY 1 AND ONLY SON GAY!” he screamed as he picked gerard up by the neck and threw him across the corridor. Gerard laid on the floor trying to catch his breath, he got up and was punched in the face and stomache by frankies dad. Gerard got away. He ran down the corridor and got in the elevator before frankies dad could catch him. He looked at his arms. He new his mom would take ti too far so decided he would hide it. What just happened must have been out of rage and prbley would never happen again.
Gee straightened himself out and left the hospital with mikey and his mom as if nothing had happened.
When gerard got home he decided that he shouldn’t see frankie anymore. This was getting him AND frankie beaten up by his dad, it wasn’t fair on frank, gee once again climbed into bed and thought of how he was ganna tell frankie he couldn’t see him any more. Gerard cryed himself to sleep thinking of the happy times with frankie but all he could see was him getting thrown around the house by his dad. Gerard fell asleep and had messed up nightmares of frankie and his father. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
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lycan-keyblade-master on April 15, 2007, 9:26:16 AM
CharlSkellington00 on April 15, 2007, 9:27:03 AM
disenergratedlove on February 20, 2007, 11:58:13 AM
Padfoot_Lover on February 6, 2007, 3:13:41 PM

Hah, that was the most random on the spot re-write I've ever done.
Ehh, the drama! The sadness... *sniff* I can't wait for more!!
update soon please!!