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Chapter 1 - Peliminary

The everlasting explorations of Lyoko, witnessed and partaken by an unexpected newcomer and exchange student to Kadic College. X.A.N.A.'s creations polluting the Real and Lyoko World, causing disasers worldwide. Will the one extra member be of use?

Chapter 1 - Peliminary

Chapter 1 - Peliminary

Unveiled Revelations…

Chapter One


Ever thought to yourself, sensed you were bring kept from something? Denied the genuineness of all causes and defeated in being knowledgeable to something your schoolmates eye-witnessed Twenty-Four Seven?

Usually, someone in this situation would refer to attempting in interviewing their friends, asking questions that could possibly have an outer-connection towards the indication in which would answer your troublesome questions. Perhaps, a more confident being would spy on their links, lie and set up a network of sorts to force one of the `links' in the chain to spill-the-beans for you. But when it had come to me almost a week ago, I simply stood by and said nothing that intertwined with their business.

Flashing back to the week before, I had all intentions of resolving the problem, but merely stepped aback when forth came my group of four contacts; avoided them at all costs and even hung about on my own for hours on end. Although my swift, dramatic change in characteristics - I am very well known for my wanting to talk to others - nevertheless, they found out.

What I would class as the `group leader' in a way, spoke to me first, as he had noticed the strange intents of my behaviour firstly. Knowing I wasn't the one to let-the-cat-out-of-the-bag without a fight - as you might say - he approached me in a more persuasive and sombre figurative. He tried paying for my food at Lunch Times, requesting I partake in after school hour's activities, such as football and surfing the web, but at every occasion failed in grasping my interest.

Well-informed as towards the fact my friend wouldn't be able to persuade me with anything…he decided to blackmail me. I've almost always - personally - found blackmailing the perfect way to force information out of someone, but the way my mate did this…well, let's just say he outclassed me in my skills as to blackmailing. He got me into trouble on countless occasions in Class, threatened to reveal some of my secrets to the year group, and even told me to hang out with what I have known as `the enemies' if I wasn't going to cooperate. So I gave in.

I told them.

And what do you know? It changed my life altogether.

Before I met these four friends, I had exchanged schools from England, and went to join them here now. I went approximately…one hour without talking to anyone I knew until Odd befriended me. He and I were in the same class and because of his `mischievous' ways, landed himself in a seat besides me. Ironic, eh? Anyway, he told me his full name, which he rarely told anyone because it was so…well…odd, really. His fully-lenghted name was… Odd Della Robbia.

He informed me about his other friends, who went by the name of Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama and Jeremie Belpois, and about the fact the `enemies' were Elisabeth Delmas (Sissy), Nicolas Pollakoff and Thierry Suares. I had to admit, the school was principally great - for a school that is. And since then, I had been in it for just topping over the two-month mark.

And guess what? It was about to get better. After the inquisitive problem I had with my `newly' formed friends, had been unravelled and answered, and Ulrich - etc. - were about to share with my their secret. Strangely enough, I already knew they had one…guess you could say I had a sixth sense. Nonetheless, there were also downsides to this secret…and over the past two days; I had been accompanied by different personalities. Ulrich hardly ever spoke…Odd was serious, Yumi was dedicated and hardly responsible and Jeremie was more attached to his computer than ever.

It was as if someone had replaced them…but I knew better. I knew what reality was and nothing could hit me shockingly…'Cause I knew what was real and what was make-believe. Well…along the lines I got mixed up with reality and a Virtual World trained on Destruction of one girl named Aelita, whom was in absolute danger of either being deleted or killed. Either way it was unbearable to stay by and watch on.

Yep…I really got mixed up along the lines. Like, if I told anyone anyway, they'd believe me? You see; if we told the Authorities about this `Virtual World', it would simultaneously be destroyed…ridding of Aelita once and for all. Like I said…who would believe us anyway?

So it was our secret…and no matter how eccentric or irrepressible situations appeared, still my friends and I could not reveal the truth. Then I understood why they had kept it a secret from me. Sure…they knew I was absolutely harmless towards things, besides people who called me names et cetera…but I can comprehend where their fears of letting me know came from. I probably would have done the same in their shoes, I guess.

This `Virtual World' they let me in on, was called The World of Lyoko, and the disastrous threat attempting to attack Aelita was known as X.A.N.A. (Pronounced: Zah-Nah). On countless circumstances, this `creature' - as you might say - would send what seems like a black tar to the Earth, the real world, and either take over people, lifeless objects or animas, or cause incredible catastrophes across the globe.

Sure, I'd never actually been into the World of Lyoko, but I had witnessed it from the comfort of the Factory - The Groups HQ - where Jeremie would access all sorts of improbable computerized networks and speak to the group over intercom. You see, Jeremie pixelized Odd, Ulrich and Yumi and downloaded them instantaneously onto the computer platform, which was known as Lyoko. It was like a path to another dimension…who would have thought eh?

Except, going to this alternate dimension would pose a threat. True, you wouldn't die in Real Life if you died there, but if you got hit there…your Life Points would decrease, and once your Life Points hit zero, you would concurrently be transported back to the Factory alongside me and Jeremie.

Well, I sort of lied when I said `never gone to the World of Lyoko', I was there right now, awaiting my prey from a tower of rocks, structuring well above the commotion below. Ulrich and Odd were the only two - besides Aelita and I - were in Lyoko, and whilst the redhead retreated towards the Tower. If she made it there, she would enter the Code: Lyoko into what she described as a Pixelized Processor. As soon as this process was accomplished, the creatures under X.A.N.A.'s commands would disappear and we would take a trip into the past in the Real World.

Nonetheless this had yet to begin.

The heat was antagonizing, and the numbness of my legs for having to stand for such a long period of time as the group down below battled for their lives against the enemies of which X.A.N.A. has conjured up. I wasn't so sure about this oath at first, but witnessing the scene in which I stared down upon entwined and engaged me in inspiration. I loved writing stories…perhaps I'd write a story involving this one-day - when Aelita was saved.

Down below, Ulrich assailed against the nearest Blok - a block-headed creature with one eye on every face of the rock-type head -, swinging his sword from all angles in efforts to stab the eye. If my studies were correct…if you hit a Blok directly in any of it's four eyes, their Life Points drop to Zero. But no avail; in one strike, the creatures head turned clockwise and the eye shot a flare of fire towards Ulrich.

The sword-wielding friend of mine collided with the impact, and was sent hurdling towards the direction of Odd. Narrowly avoiding his collapse, Odd charged onwards, determined features on the Blok, and just before clashing in combat with the minion of X.A.N.A.'s, he pounced off the ground, somersaulted over the opponent and landed behind it. Just as he was about to shoot an arrow into it's eye, an electric current shot up his arm.

The blonde boy with a tint of purple hair fell forwards onto his front. From just metres behind him, was another Blok, and as I peered around at their odds of winning, they came last. Seven Blok's were bounded to them, charging their attacks and ready to rid of them. Just in case they needed of my assistance, I readied by weapon - a Bow and Arrows.

Distracted by Odd, the Blok's did not comprehend when Ulrich struck toward at the nearest Blok, and stabbed it with his sword, directly in it's icy-eye. Still attached to the sword, Ulrich swung the Blok towards the monster which had attacked Odd and hit it exactly in it's weak spot. Now there were only five left.

A voice erupted from the microphone in our ear, crackling several times before making sense: “Odd, Ulrich, you have seventy Life-Points left. Scarlet…I think it's about time you joined in. Brace yourself and good luck.” It was Jeremie.

Good Luck indeed.

As I leapt down from the tower of rocks, I landed on my feet like a cat, rolled over and shot up off my right foot into the air just above two of the outer Blok's. This was a perfect angle for combat against these minions of X.A.N.A., for no eyes were formattable from aloft their heads. As I chose five arrows from my sachet and pulled them back, steadied them against the Bow, I released them.

They were compacted with a Droid-Malfunction, which when it hit the opponent - in this case the Blok's - would simultaneously drain their powers and shut them down. Like I needed this energy anyway? Luckily for me, my aim united with me, and I hit each one - besides the furthest away - in their eyes. The one that I did not hit remained standing and as I landed, charged for me.

At times like this, I would refer to my common instinct and mirror the opponents' attack, in hope of hitting its weakness, but panicking, I hastily sailed to the side of me, performing a flying cartwheel as I went, and landed on my right hand. I gave in to the weight of the rest of my body willingly and, using my hand, rolled over sideways and stopped, hunched over on my knees.

Ulrich and Odd returned to their usual standing positions, readying themselves behind me, for attack on the Blok. I stood along with them, and aimed my Bow directly for the Blok's eye, which was facing, my friends and I. Odd aimed a fist towards the same target as me, whilst Ulrich thrusted his Samurai sword directly for the `creature'. In tune to my brown-haired friends attack, I swiftly grasped three arrows from my sachet, which was easily tied around my waist, and pulled them back against the Bow steadily. The points of the Arrows pulled warningly against the fine string, and whence I felt the weapon was tight enough, released them.

They fired simultaneously at the Blok.

Odd, obeying our attacks, tightened his fist and two, thin Arrows shot from it. All in one, our weapons hit the Blok's eye, just prior to it releasing an immense blast of fire from it. There was an eerie silence before a thunderous explosion emitted, clouds of smoke hovering up towards the skies, in place where the Droid had once been. The mission was accomplished.

Seconds after now, my friends and I would be blasted into the past. But we didn't. Instead, our bodies evaporated into tiny specs, atom by atom, and within seconds, through my eyes, we were back in the Pods that pixelized us in the Real World. I stared blankly through the open space to where the computer geek sat, smiling whilst performing his obviously noticeable habit - pushing his spectacles up his nose a notch. I exited the pod, and stood amongst the three other boys - Odd and Ulrich had obviously been reincarnated to the real world from Lyoko.

“Um…so, when does that thing come along and blast us into the past, eh?” I enquired, sounding quite casual against my customary sheepish tone. Well, I wouldn't call it sheepish, but you know what I mean right? Right? Ah forget it.

“It was a meagre replication, Scarlet. We required scanning your aptitude, allegiance and awareness ahead of actually depend on you to enter the matrix of the real World of Lyoko.” Jeremie explained. I barely understood him, with what his choice of scientific vocabulary, but managed to grasp his intentions of the explanation.

“We fooled ya, huh?” Odd remarked, with a wide grin to match.

I simply sighed and muttered. “Yep, you fooled me…” looking around, my eyes came to rest on Ulrich, whom was now unsamuraiafied (Yay a made up word!), then said: “so you guys were holding back against those Blok monsters…?”

“Mhm. Sorry, but Jeremie's right. We can trust you…its just…well trusting someone with Aelita's life is a big responsibility. Understand?” Ulrich replied, his monotonous expression staring me back. I nodded comprehendingly.

“We've got an hour before school. Afterwards, we'll trust you with Lyoko - wanna meet Aelita?” Odd requested, I stared blankly at him once more and nodded correspondingly. Sure - Odd was roguish, but still even he deserved some respect once in a while…even though I highly doubted he deserved it anyway. But I had to hand I to him…I wouldn't even have been here if he hadn't landed himself next to me in class.

“Where's Yumi by the way?” I asked, receiving a band of shrugged shoulders amongst me - even Jeremie gesticulated his shoulders to show he wasn't knowledgeable to Yumi's whereabouts. Mustn't have mattered, afterall, she was always running off, and due to this, I had to spend most of my day around these three boys. Well, must have been the same for her when I wasn't around.

“Wanna get some food before morning tuck shuts?” Odd enquired, washing a hand through his purple slash blonde hair, ruffling it a little.

“Sure, why not.” Ulrich answered, I motioned my head to the side to indicate the exiting of the Factory, and in tune to that, Jeremie nodded. We departured the building, and took the automatic lift down to the ground floor. We emerged into open air, following after that, we entered the usual Subway, where a skateboard, scooter and bike were untidily placed, and adding to the collection, was a pair of roller-blades - yep, I love em.

A while after journeying through the underground tunnel, we came to rest in the hall of Kadic College, which was set up for Morning Tuck as Odd had said. We queued up, bought our breakfast and took a seat amongst the other students, whilst Jeremie, Odd, Ulrich and I conversed about the World of Lyoko.

I could hardly wait.


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