Chapter 4 - The Meeting Of Insanity
Submitted May 1, 2005 Updated November 19, 2005 Status Incomplete | Hey Everybody! If you like Tear and Haelo I suggest you read the story of how they came to be. I really hope you like it, but please read it. This is a Romance/Comedy/Drama story. YAYNESS I CANT BELIEVE I'M WRITING A STORY!!
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Chapter 4 - The Meeting Of Insanity
Chapter 4 - The Meeting Of Insanity
I stepped out of the shower and put myclothes on. His green pajama pants were half a leg longer than my leg length,so it was hard to walk in them without tripping. The shirt was extra long alsogoing down to my knees. I figured I was lucky enough to have clean clothes inthe first place.
I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Benwatching some game show that was just about to end. When he noticed that I hadgotten out of the shower he glanced at me then did a double take. He juststared at me with his mouth open.
“What?” I asked. He was either surprisedI fit into his clothes or…
“…wow.” He whispered. He obviously was nowhere near Earth at this point.
“Are you shocked I actually fit into yourclothes?” I smiled and he came back to his senses.
“Wha…uhno. It’s just, your hair was so much darker youalmost look like a different person now!” He laughed. I smiled at him and toldhim that I was sorry I had been dirty when I came in his house. Again he saidthere was no need to apologize.
“We gonna watchthat movie?”
“Yep! I may needto get up during the movie though in order to get the door. Does that botheryou?”
“No problem!” He pushed play on thecontroller and went into the kitchen to get some popcorn. I was already gettinginto the movie. It was a comedy/romance, my favorite. Ben came in with the popcorn and I hastilygrabbed some of the popcorn and popped it in my mouth. He laughed and afterthat he didn’t exist to me anymore. I was so absorbed in my movie everythingwas gone except the screen. So I didn’t even notice when Ben got up to get thedoor.
“Hey cuz. You can crash on the couch tonight,my guest is using my room.” Ben patted Haelo on theshoulder and Haelo just ignored him and put his stuffdown on the couch.
“Thanks for letting me stay here again. Icouldn’t sleep.” Haelo sat on the couch and laid back on the arm of the couch. Lacinghis hands behind his head.
“No prob.”
All at once I noticed Ben walk in theroom. “Wha?.....uh youleft?” I was kinda out of it for the momentconsidering that I was a zombie from watching the screen for about an hour now.
“Yeah, uh family got here. Don’t worryabout it you wont even know he’s here.” Just as he wasabout to sit on the bed I jumped up from the bed and flingedmy arm through his.
“No, introduce me Ben!” I smiled and himand winked in excitement. I couldn’t wait to meet some more loving people fromBen’s blood.
“Alright but….he’s not too fond of…”Right before he could finish his sentence I dragged him into the room as Ibounced in with my eyes shut, I wanted it to be a surprise. So I walked in theroom and proudly anouced,
“Hi, my name is Tear!I’m glad to meet some of Ben’s family!” I smiled with my eyes shut a bit longerexpecting someone to grab my hand and shake it. Yet, nothing but silence in thewhole room…not even Ben was speaking. Slowly I opened my eyes…
The second my eyes laid on the scene infront of me my eyes blurred and I was shaking. My first instinct was to run,but where. Second was to keep on going like I didn’t care, but I did. Third, Iwanted to rush into the arms of…
I couldn’t belive it. The breath was knocked out of me… The veryreason I was here was to escape the thoughts… Yet here she was, flesh andbones, standing in my cousin’s pajama’s, no doubt his girl friend. I couldn’tspeak, my voice was lost.
“Is…she…your…uh…” I stammered. Was she his girlfriend? I wasn’texpecting a GIRL to be here…much less…..her….
“No! Uh I….uh…Imean…..” The girl bursted thesecond I mentioned it. I looked over at Ben who was uncomfortable. Yet somewhat looked a little hurt. Deeply.
“Long story, lookuh…Tear this is Haelo, Haelothis is Tear.” He took my hand and her hand and put them together. I quicklydrew back.
“Oh, sorry bro Iforgot….” The second I touched her I was flushed. She really freaked me out. Igot my blanket and my pillow and placed it on the couch. Looked at them boththen said as calmly as I could …”GOOD NIGHT!” Only it sounded a little morethan calm… I collapsed on the couch and went under the covers immediately whilethey were just standing there watching me. But what was I SUPPOSED to do?
“Ben…could I talk toyou?” I heard the girl say as what sounded as if she were forcing him into thenext room.
“I thought your grandpa was coming overor something! Not your….uh” In that instant I clapped my hand over my mouth. Ihad forgotten that I had only told Ben that I wanted to tell his cousin sorry.Now by my red face and out burst it was easy to tell that I had other…feelingsfor him.
“Tear, why are you freaking out? Isthere something you forgot to tell me about him?” He placed his hand on my armand looked at me earnestly. I drew back from him so he wouldn’t feel mequivering. I quickly shook my head side to side. “Alright well why don’t we go back to ourmovie…I think Haelo needs some, uh, alone time.” Hewalked over to the bed and he started up the movie once more. But the wholetime on the bed my eyes only faced the door way. He was IN the next room. Right now, this very instant. Something HAD to be done aboutthis, I swore to myself that I would speak to him. But maybe not now…sometime when Ben wasn’t watching… So Ijust took a deep breath and and finished my movie,even though my only thoughts were ‘Whatdo I say?’[/i]
Why was she HERE? Myheart was racing a million times a second and I was beating myself up for it…This girl…. Why did she mess me up so bad? What was her name? Terra? Tina? Oh who cares!?! I was feeling a million emotions at the sametime. I couldn’t sleep…at least never tonight. So I got up and walked over tothe door which held the room they were in. I reached out for the door,reluctant to open it. I was so afraid of what future I was opening up with thisdoor handle. Who knows? Maybe she WAS his girl friend! What if I were to run inon them making out or something? What if she was naked? OH GOD….0_0….who am I?
I turned on a heeland plopped on the couch once more. I was so restless. I felt like screamingout of anger, confusion, insanity, happ….happi….happiness…. I wanted to spy on her. Figure out whyshe was so interesting to me. Not now, later, when she was asleep and so wasBen. Or listen to them talk through the door… I WAS going to find out moreabout her, whatever it took… she just couldn’t know.
I closed my eyes andtook another deep breath. Trying to calm my nerves.Got to try to sleep if I’m going to spy on her later… Slowly the adrenalinwashed away, leaving me tired, limp and drifting off into a deep sleep.
Wellthat’s the next chapter! Hope you liked it! Now for the nextone…. COMMENT PLEASE! *its hard to write thisstory when im not motivated. Took me long enough towrite this chapter…
I stepped out of the shower and put myclothes on. His green pajama pants were half a leg longer than my leg length,so it was hard to walk in them without tripping. The shirt was extra long alsogoing down to my knees. I figured I was lucky enough to have clean clothes inthe first place.
I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Benwatching some game show that was just about to end. When he noticed that I hadgotten out of the shower he glanced at me then did a double take. He juststared at me with his mouth open.
“What?” I asked. He was either surprisedI fit into his clothes or…
“…wow.” He whispered. He obviously was nowhere near Earth at this point.
“Are you shocked I actually fit into yourclothes?” I smiled and he came back to his senses.
“Wha…uhno. It’s just, your hair was so much darker youalmost look like a different person now!” He laughed. I smiled at him and toldhim that I was sorry I had been dirty when I came in his house. Again he saidthere was no need to apologize.
“We gonna watchthat movie?”
“Yep! I may needto get up during the movie though in order to get the door. Does that botheryou?”
“No problem!” He pushed play on thecontroller and went into the kitchen to get some popcorn. I was already gettinginto the movie. It was a comedy/romance, my favorite. Ben came in with the popcorn and I hastilygrabbed some of the popcorn and popped it in my mouth. He laughed and afterthat he didn’t exist to me anymore. I was so absorbed in my movie everythingwas gone except the screen. So I didn’t even notice when Ben got up to get thedoor.
“Hey cuz. You can crash on the couch tonight,my guest is using my room.” Ben patted Haelo on theshoulder and Haelo just ignored him and put his stuffdown on the couch.
“Thanks for letting me stay here again. Icouldn’t sleep.” Haelo sat on the couch and laid back on the arm of the couch. Lacinghis hands behind his head.
“No prob.”
All at once I noticed Ben walk in theroom. “Wha?.....uh youleft?” I was kinda out of it for the momentconsidering that I was a zombie from watching the screen for about an hour now.
“Yeah, uh family got here. Don’t worryabout it you wont even know he’s here.” Just as he wasabout to sit on the bed I jumped up from the bed and flingedmy arm through his.
“No, introduce me Ben!” I smiled and himand winked in excitement. I couldn’t wait to meet some more loving people fromBen’s blood.
“Alright but….he’s not too fond of…”Right before he could finish his sentence I dragged him into the room as Ibounced in with my eyes shut, I wanted it to be a surprise. So I walked in theroom and proudly anouced,
“Hi, my name is Tear!I’m glad to meet some of Ben’s family!” I smiled with my eyes shut a bit longerexpecting someone to grab my hand and shake it. Yet, nothing but silence in thewhole room…not even Ben was speaking. Slowly I opened my eyes…
The second my eyes laid on the scene infront of me my eyes blurred and I was shaking. My first instinct was to run,but where. Second was to keep on going like I didn’t care, but I did. Third, Iwanted to rush into the arms of…
I couldn’t belive it. The breath was knocked out of me… The veryreason I was here was to escape the thoughts… Yet here she was, flesh andbones, standing in my cousin’s pajama’s, no doubt his girl friend. I couldn’tspeak, my voice was lost.
“Is…she…your…uh…” I stammered. Was she his girlfriend? I wasn’texpecting a GIRL to be here…much less…..her….
“No! Uh I….uh…Imean…..” The girl bursted thesecond I mentioned it. I looked over at Ben who was uncomfortable. Yet somewhat looked a little hurt. Deeply.
“Long story, lookuh…Tear this is Haelo, Haelothis is Tear.” He took my hand and her hand and put them together. I quicklydrew back.
“Oh, sorry bro Iforgot….” The second I touched her I was flushed. She really freaked me out. Igot my blanket and my pillow and placed it on the couch. Looked at them boththen said as calmly as I could …”GOOD NIGHT!” Only it sounded a little morethan calm… I collapsed on the couch and went under the covers immediately whilethey were just standing there watching me. But what was I SUPPOSED to do?
“Ben…could I talk toyou?” I heard the girl say as what sounded as if she were forcing him into thenext room.
“I thought your grandpa was coming overor something! Not your….uh” In that instant I clapped my hand over my mouth. Ihad forgotten that I had only told Ben that I wanted to tell his cousin sorry.Now by my red face and out burst it was easy to tell that I had other…feelingsfor him.
“Tear, why are you freaking out? Isthere something you forgot to tell me about him?” He placed his hand on my armand looked at me earnestly. I drew back from him so he wouldn’t feel mequivering. I quickly shook my head side to side. “Alright well why don’t we go back to ourmovie…I think Haelo needs some, uh, alone time.” Hewalked over to the bed and he started up the movie once more. But the wholetime on the bed my eyes only faced the door way. He was IN the next room. Right now, this very instant. Something HAD to be done aboutthis, I swore to myself that I would speak to him. But maybe not now…sometime when Ben wasn’t watching… So Ijust took a deep breath and and finished my movie,even though my only thoughts were ‘Whatdo I say?’[/i]
Why was she HERE? Myheart was racing a million times a second and I was beating myself up for it…This girl…. Why did she mess me up so bad? What was her name? Terra? Tina? Oh who cares!?! I was feeling a million emotions at the sametime. I couldn’t sleep…at least never tonight. So I got up and walked over tothe door which held the room they were in. I reached out for the door,reluctant to open it. I was so afraid of what future I was opening up with thisdoor handle. Who knows? Maybe she WAS his girl friend! What if I were to run inon them making out or something? What if she was naked? OH GOD….0_0….who am I?
I turned on a heeland plopped on the couch once more. I was so restless. I felt like screamingout of anger, confusion, insanity, happ….happi….happiness…. I wanted to spy on her. Figure out whyshe was so interesting to me. Not now, later, when she was asleep and so wasBen. Or listen to them talk through the door… I WAS going to find out moreabout her, whatever it took… she just couldn’t know.
I closed my eyes andtook another deep breath. Trying to calm my nerves.Got to try to sleep if I’m going to spy on her later… Slowly the adrenalinwashed away, leaving me tired, limp and drifting off into a deep sleep.
Wellthat’s the next chapter! Hope you liked it! Now for the nextone…. COMMENT PLEASE! *its hard to write thisstory when im not motivated. Took me long enough towrite this chapter…
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BrAinFreeZe on January 1, 2006, 7:57:01 AM
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FATE_The_Pirate on October 28, 2005, 9:14:29 AM
pinktiger300 on July 21, 2005, 9:35:21 AM
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